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Chapter 1348 Follow Xiao Mianqian!

Hearing what Cheng Qianfan said, Hao Zai suddenly laughed, hehehe.

"What?" Cheng Qianfan glared at Hao Zai.

"I thought Brother Fan that you would..." Hao Zai said with an embarrassed smile.

"The most difficult thing for us to do is to instigate Wang Tiemu's bodyguards. There is no reason to leave the picking to them." Cheng Qianfan said with a cold snort.

As he said that, he glanced at Hao Zai again, "You kid, you are obviously worried that I will transfer the information to Shanghai District, but you deliberately test me."

He picked up half of the chalk on the table and smashed it on Hao Zai's head, "You're still too young to play tricks on me."

The wealthy man then laughed.

Then he saw Li Hao enjoying himself and couldn't help but glare at Li Hao, "You idiot, we agreed that we would talk together, but you are just watching from the sidelines."

"It's nothing." Li Hao shook his head directly, "Don't talk nonsense."

Cheng Qianfan watched Li Hao and Hao Zai bickering, shook his head, cleared his throat, "Okay."

The two of them quickly shut up and stopped.

"Yu Zhiqiang is good. He does have a strong determination to resist Japan. Meng Ketu is his savior, which will also help Meng Ketu instigate rebellion against him." Cheng Qianfan said, "And Ding Lingjin, let's talk about him.


"Ding Lingjin is from Liuhe." Li Hao said in a deep voice, and he sighed, "He and a younger sister studying in Chongqing are the only two people in his family."

Cheng Qianfan was silent for a while, then nodded, "Let Zhou Xiliang tell Meng Ketu that I agree to this arrangement."

"Yes!" Li Hao said.

In the afternoon.

"When Liuhe fell, my eldest brother was at home with injured legs and feet. Japanese soldiers broke in. He immediately grabbed the Japanese bayonet and bought time for his family to escape."

"Brother... the Japanese soldiers soon chased me in." Ding Lingjin gritted his teeth, "These beasts stabbed my mother to death with bayonets. My eldest sister and sister-in-law went to protect me, but they were also stabbed to death by the Japanese with bayonets. Several of them were stabbed to death by the Japanese."

My nephew also went to protect his mother and aunt."

Tears began to fall down his cheeks, "They used to be so timid that they were even afraid of dogs barking. At that time, at that time, the little baby was stabbed down and got up again and again, crying and shouting 'Bad guy, bad guy'

." Ding Lingjin's voice was trembling.

His youngest nephew, who had not yet been weaned and was wearing crotchless pants, was held in the arms of his sister-in-law at the time. After his sister-in-law was stabbed to death, the nephew fell to the ground and was picked up by a Japanese soldier with a bayonet and thrown six or seven meters away.


He covered his face with his hands and sobbed.

These were all told to him personally by a neighbor survivor who later fled to Shanghai and happened to meet him.

Later, he also heard from someone who helped collect the bodies of the deceased villagers that a child was lying on his dead mother's body to suck milk. The milk, tears, and snot formed into small ice cubes, and finally he froze to death. The mother and child were frozen together and couldn't pull him out.


He suspected that the poor baby was his cousin, not far from his home.

"Why haven't I heard you talk about this before?" Meng Ketu lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and then stuffed the cigarette into Ding Lingjin's mouth.

Ding Lingjin just smoked dully. He bit his cigarette and looked up at Meng Ketu, "Can I say? What are we doing now? We are traitors! How dare I say that?!"

His teeth gritted loudly, especially when he said the word 'traitor'.

"Have you been planning to do something big for a long time?" Meng Ketu's heart moved and he looked at Ding Lingjin and asked.

"Yes." Ding Lingjin did not deny it, he nodded happily, "I just thought that when I find the opportunity, I will do something big to avenge my mother, my sister, my eldest brother, my sister-in-law, and the poor nephews."

"Including killing me." Meng Ketu said.

"I don't know." Ding Lingjin shook his head.

Meng Ketu was silent. He could see that Ding Lingjin really didn't know. He figured that if he interfered with Ding Lingjin, the revengeful Ding Lingjin would not mind sending him on his way.

"This time, I will take you to do something big." Meng Ketu said to Ding Lingjin.

"Is it really the Shanghai special case team?" Ding Lingjin asked after being silent for a long time.

"Yes." Meng Ketu nodded.

"What do they want us to do?" Ding Lingjin asked.

"The specific tasks have not been assigned yet." Meng Ketu shook his head, "However, I guess we should find an opportunity to punish Wang Tiemu, Chen Mingchu and the others."

"Not killing the Japanese?" Ding Lingjin said, a little disappointed.

"I heard from that brother that it was Boss Dai who personally ordered the rape." Meng Ketu said, he patted Ding Lingjin on the shoulder, "Don't worry, after doing this big thing, we will return to military control and continue to kill the Japanese.


"I'm not going back to Shanghai District." Ding Lingjin said, "I want to follow Team Leader Xiao."

"Okay." Meng Ketu nodded, "Brother Ding, to be honest, I also have this plan."

"Brother Meng." Ding Lingjin thought for a while and said, "You are Yu Zhiqiang's savior. You can bring him with you in this matter."

"Yes, I will find him, and he should listen to me." Meng Ketu nodded. In fact, he had just contacted Yu Zhiqiang and successfully persuaded Yu Zhiqiang. However, he did not do this.

In other words, because what he just said to Ding Lingjin was, 'I will come to you first, Brother Ding'.

White road.


Chang Qinan opened the door and entered the house, then closed the door and bolted it.

There was a noise in the bedroom, and his expression changed. He took out the revolver from his body, turned off the safety, held the revolver in one hand, and picked up the small bench on the ground with the other hand, and gently moved towards the bedroom.

Walked over lightly.


A cat ran out of the room, jumped onto the windowsill, and got out through a small hole in the window.

Chang Qinan breathed a sigh of relief.

He is now like a frightened bird, any disturbance will make him feel that disaster is coming at any time.

All this happened because he saw a code word in the newspaper that awakened him.

Chang Qinan was the secret that Zheng Weilong planted before he left Shanghai.

In the more than a year since Station Master Zheng left, he has been in hibernation. Because the only one who knew his latent identity was Zheng Weilong, Chang Qinan was relieved. In this more than a year, Chang Qinan also lived

The most peaceful period of my life.

He doesn't have to have nightmares about the Japanese and No. 76 blocking the door to arrest him.

He commutes to get off work on time every day and earns a meager salary. Although his life is a bit embarrassing, he feels at ease in his heart.

All this calmness changed when he saw the code word in the newspaper that woke him up.

Chang Qinan knew that as long as he contacted the other party according to the code requirements, he would completely say goodbye to his current quiet life and return to the fearful days of not knowing whether he would see the sun tomorrow.

He is afraid.

Because of this, it has been two days since Chang Qinan saw the awakening code word, but he has never taken any action.

Wait, wait.

Chang Qinan said to himself.

According to the agreement Zheng Weilong made to him before leaving Shanghai, if he did not receive a response for more than four days after sending the awakening code word, it meant that his secret code was no longer there.

In this way, can I continue to live a peaceful life?

Chang Qinan asked himself.

He doesn't know the answer.

He was so scared. He just wanted to live a peaceful life now, he just wanted to live, even if he was a slave to the country's subjugation, even if he just lived an ignoble existence.

Cheng Qianfan frowned.

He has sent out a secret signal for contact, but Zheng Weilong's people have never contacted him.

"Brother Fan, could something have happened to this person?" Li Hao asked.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Cheng Qianfan thought.

After the Secret Service Headquarters was formally established, it intensified its crackdown on the patriotic and anti-Japanese comrades, especially the investigation of the military commanders and the Red Party. It was difficult to say whether something had happened to the secret left by Zheng Weilong.

Jingle Bell.

At this moment, the phone on the desk rang.

Li Hao stepped forward and picked up the phone, "This is Deputy Inspector Cheng's office."

"Okay, please wait a moment." Li Hao's expression changed slightly, and then he covered the microphone and said to Cheng Qianfan, "Brother Fan, this is Secretary-General Chu."

Cheng Qianfan was surprised. Chu Mingyu rarely called his office directly. Previously, he usually called Cheng Mansion to contact him when he was at home.

"Uncle Chu." Cheng Qianfan took the phone and said.

"Okay, I understand." He nodded, "Uncle Chu, please don't worry, I'll leave the matter to me."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Qianfan was thoughtful.

"Brother Fan, what's wrong?" Li Hao asked.

"Chu Mingyu asked me to help him get a car to drive." Cheng Qianfan said.

"What car?"

"Spontic." Cheng Qianfan said, with a strange smile on his face.

Chu Mingyu asked him to get a Spontick and send it there, saying it would be used to receive guests.

Cheng Qianfan fell into deep thought.

Chu Mingyu's love for Spontik was something he had already experienced when he was in Nanjing. The butler Wang Chuhai really liked Spontik very much.

Even though he was assassinated the first time he rode the Spontick, it was a dangerous situation and a narrow escape. Under such circumstances, Chu Mingyu did not feel that the Spontick was 'unlucky' and still firmly liked this car.

This shows that Chu Mingyu really likes this car,

As for the guests who can be received by Chu Mingyu in a car worthy of his heart and soul, its identity can be imagined.

Is there an important guest coming to Shanghai?

Cheng Qianfan's heart moved.

"Haozi," he ordered, "go to the General Affairs Department and ask them..."

As he said that, he shook his head and picked up the phone receiver himself, "No. 21, Dumei Road. Who am I? I'm Cheng Qianfan."

Since Secretary-General Chu wanted to use the car, he naturally had to get the matter done as quickly as possible and send the car to Chu Mingyu as soon as possible.

Xiahou Shenqi's house at No. 21 Dumei Road has a Spontick, and it is a new car that just arrived in Shanghai last month.

"Mr. Xiahou, thank you very much." Cheng Qianfan cupped his fists and thanked Xiahou Shenqi.

"Mr. Cheng is so polite." Xiahou Shenqi reluctantly looked at the Spontick car waiting not far away, as if his wife had been snatched away.

Although Cheng Qianfan said that he was only borrowing it for a few days and would return it in full, in the eyes of Xiahou Shenqi, who loved his Spontic very much, this was no different than his woman being lent out for two days.

...Even if it is sent back by then, it will still be in ruins.

Seeing Cheng Qianfan driving away in the Spontick, Xiahou Shenqi gritted his teeth in anger, and finally spat viciously on the ground.

"Sooner or later, you're a bad guy." Xiahou Shenqi cursed angrily.

Then he thought that this car was his favorite car, and he quickly patted his mouth, feeling resentful.

"Why didn't God strike this bastard to death with lightning?" Xiahou Shenqi returned home, closed the door, and cursed angrily.

"Didn't I tell you not to be in a hurry?" Chu Mingyu circled around the Spontick car and looked at it, nodding frequently, "You, you are always so impatient when doing things."

"This is my friend's car that I've been coveting for a long time." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile, "However, this guy doesn't give me much face. No, it's not in the name of being filial to Uncle Chu that he happily agreed.

Lend the car out."

Chu Mingyu naturally knew that Cheng Qianfan's words were untrue. With Cheng Qianfan's power in Shanghai, especially in the French Concession, if he spoke, the owner of the Spontick would obviously not refuse.

However, my nephew spoke so nicely, and Chu Mingyu was extremely satisfied.

"Uncle Chu said on the phone that a guest is coming to Shanghai." Cheng Qianfan looked curious, "Who is this guest?"

He asked Chu Mingyu.

"Chen Nanhai." Chu Mingyu said.

"Isn't Mr. Chen in Hong Kong Island?" Cheng Qianfan asked in surprise, and then he showed a look of realization, "Mr. Chen has decided to come back to follow Mr. Wang?"

In fact, Cheng Qianfan was quite surprised by Chen Nanhai's temperament and actions, and then became despicable.

This person is one of the main leaders of the low-key club. He has long been advocating the negative idea that the war of resistance will be defeated. Chen Nanhai was also one of the main participants in Wang Chuanhai's escape from Nanjing.

In fact, if you look closely at many of Wang Chuanhai's actions, you can find traces of Chen Nanhai.

For such a Wang general, Chen Nanhai suddenly expressed anxiety and worry about Wang Chuanhai's rapid defection to the Japanese and his eagerness to 'peace talks' with the Japanese. He ended up staying on Hong Kong Island, even with the Puppet Kuomintang for six years.

Most did not participate.

This really makes Cheng Qianfan despicable:

Even if he is a traitor, this person is still indecisive and lacks some "courage".

Now, when Chen Nanhai returns to Shanghai, he must come back to seize the rights of Wang Chuhai's pseudo-peaceful government. Of course, this also means that Chen Nanhai completely follows Wang Chuhai's "peaceful national salvation" movement.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at Chu Mingyu. He saw Chu Mingyu opened the car door, sat in, and rolled down the window. He said happily, "This car is indeed a good one. I will never tire of it."

"When will Mr. Chen come back?" Cheng Qianfan asked Chu Mingyu, "Uncle Chu, you said last time that the vegetarian food in Daqifang was good. I will order a table of vegetarian food then..."

It is said that Chen Nanhai has recently begun to believe in Buddhism, so Cheng Qianfan said this.

It is said that he heard this from Chu Mingyu.

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