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Chapter 1350 Henpecked

"Junior Qianfan." Li Cuiqun greeted the guests at the entrance of the auditorium of No. 76 Headquarters. When he saw Cheng Qianfan striding towards him, he took the initiative to step forward and shake hands.

"Senior." Cheng Qianfan happily shook hands with Li Cuiqun. He came closer, looked at Li Cuiqun's face, and said with concern, "Senior's face is a little haggard."

"Junior, I don't know something." Li Cuiqun lowered his voice and said, "Brother, I haven't been thinking about food and drink lately."

"But why?" Cheng Qianfan asked in surprise.

"You haven't come to see me for tea or drinks lately. I was still wondering if we were related somewhere." Li Cuiqun said with a smile.

Cheng Qianfan complained that he was wronged, and the two of them ate cigarettes and chatted for a while at the entrance of the auditorium.

At this moment, the sound of quarreling came from the direction of the front yard of No. 76.

"What's going on?" Li Cuiqun frowned.

"I'll go take a look." Hu Sihai said quickly.

After a while, Hu Sihai came back.

"Deputy Director Li," Hu Sishui reported, "It was Director Wang's bodyguard Meng Ketu who wanted to come in, but the brothers refused to let them in, and there was some quarrel."

Seeing Li Cuiqun's sullen face, he quickly explained and added, "I went over to reprimand a few Meng Ketu and arranged for them to be taken to the front reception room to drink tea and rest."

"My subordinates are rude and they are making me laugh." Li Cuiqun said to Cheng Qianfan.

"No, no, no, this is a good thing." Cheng Qianfan said seriously, "Isolate the inside and outside, safety first, this is a good thing."

Li Cuiqun then smiled. He knew that his junior student had many enemies and that safety must be the top priority in everything.

Cheng Qianfan and Li Cuiqun exchanged some pleasantries and walked into the auditorium casually.

An agent No. 76 came up to him and led Cheng Qianfan to his seat.

"Brother Cheng."

"Brother Xu?!"

Cheng Qianfan was surprised and shook hands with the man sitting next to him.

"When did Brother Xu come to Shanghai?" Cheng Qianfan said complainingly, "I never heard from him. If we hadn't met today, I wouldn't have known that Brother Xu had come to Shanghai."

Xu Bailin did not expect to meet Cheng Qianfan at the Christmas dinner for Chen Nanhai, and this person was sitting next to him.

"I just arrived the day before yesterday." Xu Bailin explained quickly, and then lowered his voice, "I had an appointment with a beautiful lady tonight, but I was suddenly notified to attend the meeting."

"You, you love beauty and don't want power." Cheng Qianfan joked, "If others want to squeeze in to this grand event, they have no way to ask for help."

He looked at the friend in front of him. The two met during the previous Sixth National Congress of the Wang Puppet National Party. At that time, Cheng Qianfan, Xu Bailin, Li Shiyun and many others were "cordially received" by Wang Chuhai as representatives of young party members.

After both parties deliberately made good friends, he and Xu Bailin later had a good conversation and became friends.

"I don't want to come, so as not to sit on both ends." Xu Bailin muttered, then seemed to realize that he had said the wrong thing, and smiled.

Cheng Qianfan smiled slightly and pretended not to hear.

Yu Zhiqiang got up and walked around.

This attracted the attention of Agent No. 76 who was in charge of security work nearby, and someone looked over.

"I asked you to sit down honestly." Meng Ketu glared at Yu Zhiqiang and said angrily, "If you pee, go pee. If you don't pee, sit down and have tea."

As he spoke, he pointed to Agent No. 76 not far away, "It makes our brothers nervous and they don't regard us as one of our own."

The young agent leader Yan Zekai showed an awkward smile and said, "Brother Meng is joking."

He cupped his fists at Meng Ketu and said, "Today is a special situation. I have offended many people. Brother Meng, don't blame me."

He clasped his fists at Yu Zhiqiang and Ding Lingjin again, "Tomorrow, tomorrow, my brothers will be the host, and I'll invite a few brothers to have a drink to make amends."

Meng Ketu and the other three were Wang Tiemu's personal bodyguards, so naturally he did not dare to offend them too much.

"It's agreed." Meng Ketu laughed loudly, "I will bring two bottles of good wine when the time comes, so we can have a good time."

"It's settled." Yan Zekai was overjoyed and said.

After saying that, he took his two men and retreated farther away, so as not to affect the conversation between Meng Ketu and others, as a gesture of goodwill.

"Calm down." Meng Ketu lowered his voice and said to Zhiqiang.

He discovered that although this brother was indeed a good man and not afraid of death, he was prone to nervousness and impatience when doing things.

"We only have one chance. Today is not the right time to take action, so don't think too much." Meng Ketu took a sip of tea and whispered, "We are Wang Tiemu's bodyguards now, so everything can be business as usual."

"Team Leader Xiao said to be patient and to be patient, and just obey orders." Ding Lingjin, who had been silent all this time, said this and then shut up.

Meng Ketu glanced at Ding Lingjin. It seemed that Brother Ding admired Team Leader Xiao from the bottom of his heart. He had not yet officially joined the Shanghai Special Situation Team. He had never met Xiao Mian, but he never left Xiao Mian.


“Why should we pursue the road of peace and salvation of the country?”

"Because the only way out is to save the country through peace!"

Chen Nanhai gave a speech on the stage. His voice was loud and he waved his right arm when he spoke, which was quite impressive.

"Brother Qi Ling, don't be so sad."

"I'll give you a trick. You can find Mr. Chen to find a partner, and we can keep him and have a son."

Cheng Qianfan glanced sideways and didn't recognize him.

When the two saw someone noticing them, they immediately shut up.

"These two people really have bad mouths." Xu Bailin came over and said.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at Xu Bailin, and the two smiled at each other. Everyone understood.

Chen Nanhai was born into a family of officials in the late Qing Dynasty. His father, Chen Zhimei, was originally a military attache. He was promoted to the admiral of Guangxi due to his meritorious service in suppressing the Taiping Rebellion. When he was sixty years old, he had a son named Chen Nanhai.

Therefore, the man's words had the intention of teasing Chen Nanhai.

Cheng Qianfan sneered in his heart. In this auditorium, monsters and monsters were really running rampant, with chickens crowing and dogs running around.

Let me just say that Chen Nanhai, as an "important minister" of Wang Chuanhai's faction, was ridiculed and ridiculed by the participants. He obviously does not have much prestige and respect. It is simply ridiculous.

“It has been more than two and a half years since the War of Resistance, and not one of the lost strongholds has been recovered.

The remnants of the people will be reduced to ruins every day.

The Kuomintang government and colleagues in the Kuomintang felt deeply guilty and suffered many hardships. Although their bodies were broken into pieces, it was not enough for the country and the people.

If the country is in dire straits but still can be saved, then it should stand up to the consequences, make peace with Japan, and accept tolerable conditions, so as to preserve the country's strength that has not yet been exhausted, pick up the pieces and plan for revival.

This peace movement is not just about eliminating the current war, but it must delve into the causes of the war, resolve the crux of the past, and re-establish the right direction for the future, so that China and Japan can move forward hand in hand on the road of coexistence and common prosperity.

, China and Japan are the pillars of East Asia. If the two countries are in harmony, peace in East Asia will be guaranteed, and world peace will also lay the foundation for it.

Therefore, in terms of the immediate aspect, it will save the country and the nation from destruction, and we must not bear the humiliation and bear the burden to engage in the peace movement; in terms of the long-term aspect, it will lead to the revival of China and East Asia, and we must actively work hard to engage in the peace movement.

." Chen Nanhai's voice became louder and louder, and his mood gradually became higher.

Xu Bailin let out a light sigh.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Qianfan couldn't help but ask.

"Part of what Mr. Chen said is Mr. Wang's article," Xu Bailin said.

"It is not surprising that Mr. Chen follows Mr. Wang's line of peaceful national salvation and he quoted Mr. Wang's articles," Cheng Qianfan said.

"This article has not been published yet." Xu Bailin lowered his voice and said.

Cheng Qianfan was surprised. He took a serious look at Xu Bailin and was filled with doubts in his heart. Wang Chuhai's article has not been published yet, but how did this person know about it?

"I asked President Lin to read Mr. Wang's article. I happened to be in the office and had the opportunity to take a few glances," Xu Bailin said.

"That's it." Cheng Qianfan nodded with admiration, "Brother Xu, this is what you need to know about military aircraft."

Xu Bailin smiled, with a proud look on his face.

Cheng Qianfan was filled with surprise and uncertainty. He couldn't believe it:

The information revealed in Xu Bailin's words may seem ordinary, but in fact it is related to major secrets. The information behind this information is very important.

How could Xu Bailin reveal such important information in such a careless manner as if he were just chatting?

At this moment, Cheng Qianfan was also a little uncertain.

Seeing Cheng Qianfan's face deep in thought, with a look of shock in his thoughts, Xu Bailin seemed to enjoy this feeling.

"Brother Cheng, do you know why Mr. Du Duchu and Mr. Chen are competing, but Mr. Zhou has never competed?" Xu Bailin leaned his head again and whispered.

"What are you fighting for?" Cheng Qianfan said, pretending not to understand.

"President of the Executive Yuan." Xu Bailin said.

Cheng Qianfan looked like "everyone knows about this".

"This matter is no longer a secret." Xu Bailin said with a smile. He looked around and lowered his voice and said, "We also opened a handicap, and I bet on Mr. Chen."

Cheng Qianfan was inexplicably horrified. He didn't know what to say for a moment, so he could only nod his head and said, "Brother Xu, how much did you deposit?"

"One hundred French coins." Xu Bailin raised a finger.

‘This guy doesn’t have much money?’ Cheng Qianfan thought in his heart, put such a temporary label on Xu Bailin, and secretly remembered it in his heart.

"Mr. Zhou is also Mr. Wang's right-hand man, so there may be hope." Cheng Qianfan glanced at the stage and said.

There was a Central Committee member named Gu Jixiang on the stage. Although this person attended the party to honor Chen Nanhai, according to what Cheng Qianfan learned from Chu Mingyu about the relationship within the Wang family, this person should be related to Zhou

Ryo walked closer.

"Mr. Zhou didn't get a chance." Xu Bailin shook his head, "Mr. Zhou once opposed Mr. Wang."

"Is this happening?" Cheng Qianfan was surprised and asked in a low voice with a curious look on his face.

In fact, Xu Bailin said that Zhou Liang had opposed Wang Qianhai, and he knew this.

It was after April 12, and Zhou Liang was also detained because he was a member of the Red Party.

Later, he was released. In order to express his position, this person vigorously attacked the Wuhan Wang Canhai government and cursed that Wang Canhai was nothing.

In fact, the conflict between Zhou Liang and Wang Chuhai has been going on for a long time.

As early as the 14th year of the Republic of China, after Zhou Liang announced his separation from the Red Party, he contacted the rightists at Sun Yat-sen University and took the lead in drafting the "Anti-Wang and Anti-Red Statement". In this "Statement", he attacked Wang Kehai


At that time, Wang Chuanhai, under the banner of the left wing of the Kuomintang, claimed that he was Mr. Sun's most loyal follower and accused Zhou Liang of rebelling against the Red Party.

Wang Chuanhai publicly despised Zhou Liang, saying to others in public, "Zhou Liang is really not a thing, his personal quality is not good. He used to join the Red Party, but now he has announced his resignation from the Party. In fact, it doesn't matter if he quits the Party, but he cursed the Red Party again

.How can you make friends with such a person?"

After saying these words, Wang Chuanhai seemed not to understand his hatred, and said to the people around him: "You must never work with such a person in the future. He has no personality at all."

These words quickly reached Zhou Liang's ears, and he was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

Then, Zhou Liang retaliated with tooth for tooth and Wang Qianhai.

Zhou Liang wrote an article and sent it to a newspaper in Nanjing for publication. The article said: "Wang Qianhai is an out-and-out rip-off. We should fight resolutely against him and expel him from the Chinese Communist Party."

After Wang Chuanhai saw this article, he sneered: "Zhou Liang is very courageous. He thought he had Chang Kaishen's backing, so he acted so recklessly. Let's see how I deal with him in the future."

The two became enemies.

Later, during the "Ning-Han Convergence", Zhou Liang became Wang Chuhai's subordinate and worked under Wang.

Zhou Liang was unhappy and took leave from work.

It was Chang Kaishen who came forward to persuade Zhou Liang to temporarily reconcile with Wang Qianhai 'for the sake of Mr. Chang'...

I'm afraid no one thought at that time that one day Zhou Liang would follow Wang Chuanhai and "treason against the party and the country" and become a traitor.

"No way, Mr. Wang is a refined gentleman. He has already forgiven Mr. Zhou. The two gentlemen are now respected leaders and comrades." Cheng Qianfan frowned and said, "Brother Xu, please don't believe the rumors easily."

"Brother Cheng, don't believe it?" Xu Bailin said, and then seeing Cheng Qianfan's expression, Xu Bailin also said hurriedly, "Yes, what Brother Cheng said is absolutely true, and it was just a joke. You are joking."

However, there were other participants standing next to the two of them, listening eagerly to what they were saying.

"You two, keep going." The man in the seat behind Cheng Qianfan did not retreat in embarrassment, but came up to urge him.

"Who is your Excellency?" Cheng Qianfan glanced at this person and still didn't recognize him. He frowned slightly and said.

"I'm Ling Xuanyi from the Civil Affairs Department of the Municipal Government on this avenue. It's a pleasure to meet you. It's a pleasure to meet you." As he said this, the man took out his business card holder and handed two business cards to the two of them respectively.

"It turned out to be Mr. Ling, who was patrolling Fang Cheng Qianfan in the Lower French Concession (Xu Bailin, China Daily)."

What Cheng Qianfan and Xu Bailin didn't expect was that this Ling Xuanyi turned out to be a familiar person. He actually pulled his seat forward and came closer to the two of them, "I generally agree with what Brother Xu said, but there are some

But I beg to differ at all.”

"What?" Xu Bailin asked, feeling a little unhappy.

"I think Mr. Chu has a better chance than Mr. Chen." Ling Xuanyi said in a low voice.

"Why do you say that?" Xu Bailin asked unconvinced.

"Mrs. Wang will support Mr. Chu." Ling Xuanyi said.

He looked around and whispered, "Mr. Wang is henpecked. He listens to Mrs. Wang."

Cheng Qianfan and Xu Bailin looked at each other, and both fell silent.

Because the reasons stated by Ling Xuanyi were so irrefutable.

Then, Cheng Qianfan's face became a little more joyful.

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