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Chapter 1360 He is still a child

Chen Mingchu, He Xingjian and others were assassinated at the Mega Club, which happened a few days ago.

However, because the secret service headquarters blocked the news, the Shanghai District only learned the exact news of Chen Mingchu's death in the assassination today.

This is nothing less than a huge blow to Chen Gongshu, who has been waiting and dreaming of successfully assassinating Wang Kehai through Chen Mingchu and achieving unparalleled achievements.

"Do you know who did it?" Chen Gongshu finally calmed down and asked Bi Xiandeng.

"I don't know." Bi Xiandeng shook his head, "There is currently no organization or individual claiming responsibility for this assassination."

"How do you say 'tracker'?" Chen Gongshu asked.

"'Tracker' said that there is suspicion within No. 76 that Wang Ironmu rebelled." Bi Xiandeng said, "Now Wang Ironmu has been placed under house arrest."

"Is it really Meng Ketu, Ding Lingjin, and Yu Zhiqiang who did such a big thing?" Chen Gongshu didn't believe it.

"That's what the information sent by the Tracker said." Bi Xiandeng said, "But..."

"But what?"

"However, my subordinates feel that this matter is a bit strange." Bi Xiandeng said, "Meng Ketu and others are Wang Ironmu's direct confidants. There is no reason to betray Wang Ironmu. And even if someone betrays him, it is impossible for all three of them to betray him.


"So, you don't think this is Wang Tiemu's doing?" Chen Gongshu heard the meaning of Bi Xiandeng's words and asked.

"Not to mention anything else, Chen Mingchu is in contact with us, and has made it clear that he is willing to change things anyway, and he also personally forwarded Boss Dai's letter to Wang Tiemu." Bi Xiandeng shook his head, "No matter how you look at it,

Even if Wang Tiemu really changes his ways, he will most likely be with Chen Mingchu, but now it is Chen Mingchu who is killed."

"That's the truth." Chen Gongshu nodded.

This is why he doesn't think this matter is related to Wang Tiemu.

If Wang Tiemu, who had received the letter written by Boss Dai, was really determined to do anything, the target of Wang Tiemu's action would never be Chen Mingchu. Likewise, He Xingjian was not worthy of Wang Tiemu's risky behavior——

Only Wang Reclamation is the ultimate goal.

"Who could have done this?" Chen Gong wrote in a deep voice, "A great situation and ardent hopes were ruined in one day!"

"Damn it!" he said angrily.

Bi Xiandeng was about to speak but stopped.

Chen Gongshu looked at his intelligence team leader, and suddenly his heart moved, "You suspect-"

Bi Xiandeng nodded.

Neither of them named the suspect, but they both remembered the name at the same time.

"Xiao Mian!" Chen Gongshu's voice was stern, "Xiao Mian! Shanghai's special love!"

He punched the table angrily, "Stupid Xiao Mian! You're ruining my big job! You're ruining the great cause of the party and the country!"

"I want to sue Chongqing!"

"I want to sue Chongqing!" Chen Gong's face flushed with anger, "I'm so angry!"

"Director Qi."

"Director Qi."

Qi Wu held an enamel jar in his hand and smiled, nodding with a smile to everyone who greeted him.

"Brother, why don't you rest for a few more days?" Yu Ping'an saw Qi Wu in the corridor and walked over, asking with concern.

It had only been a few days since Qi Wufang returned to Chongqing, and considering that Qi Wu almost had an accident while in Shanghai, this trip to Shanghai was full of dangers. Dai Chunfeng specially gave Qi Wu a week's holiday to give him a good rest.

"I can't stop." Qi Wu sighed and said, "The air raid sirens kept ringing all day long. I heard that another place was bombed and there were heavy casualties. How can I sit still under such circumstances?"

Japanese planes became more and more arrogant and brutal, bombing residential areas in Chongqing on a large scale and indiscriminately, causing heavy casualties among the people.

The military commander suspected that there were Japanese spies lurking in Chongqing who were guiding Japanese military planes, but for the time being they were unable to find any definite traces.

It was at this time that Qi Wu saw Mao Shun approaching in a hurry.

"Brother Bingyan, let me excuse you for a moment."

"You go about your business first." Yu Ping'an nodded, "I'll be the host tomorrow and take care of you."

Back in the office, Qi Wu took the secret message from Mao Shun. He waved his hand to signal Mao Shun to go out, and then translated the message. When he saw it, his expression changed drastically.

Qi Wu originally thought that Dai Chunfeng would be furious.

However, what he didn't expect was that although Dai Chunfeng was shocked after reading the secret message from Chen Gongshu of Shanghai District, he quickly controlled his emotions and his face showed no sadness or joy.

"Chen Gongshu sued Xiao Mian for acting privately, killing Chen Mingchu, and even putting Wang Tiemu in jail. With this direct order passed by Chen Mingchu, Wang Tiemu's plan to assassinate 'Mr. Female' completely failed." Dai Chunfeng said in a deep voice, "You just came from Shanghai.

Come back, know the situation best, and tell me your opinion."

I know a Muggle!

Who knew that those two guys were both disobedient!

Qi Wu's whole mind was buzzing.

It was true that he had just returned from Shanghai, but what did he tell Chen Gongshu and Cheng Qianfan at that time?

He asked them to cooperate sincerely. Xiao Mian's Shanghai Special Intelligence Office was responsible for intelligence work, and Chen Gongshu's Shanghai District was responsible for operations. With these two swords working together, great things can be accomplished.

But what about the actual situation?

Let’s talk about the military-controlled Shanghai area first.

Qi Wu only learned from Dai Chunfeng after returning to Chongqing that Chen Gongshu actually tried to persuade Chen Mingchu to give up anyway!

Moreover, this is not just an idea, Chen Gongshu has already put it into action, and Dai Chunfeng also supports this. He not only arranged for someone to escort Chen Mingchu's sister Chen Juanyi to Shanghai to persuade, but also personally wrote a handwritten letter asking Chen Mingchu to forward it.

Wang Tiemu, hereby advises.

What he didn't expect was that Chen Gongshu actually succeeded!

According to Chen Gongshu's previous call report, Chen Mingchu clearly agreed to do it anyway, and even Wang Tiemu seemed to be loosening his mind after reading Dai Chunfeng's handwritten letter.

Chen Gongshu was even more excited and said that the next step is to use these two people to assassinate the 'female gentleman'.

From the perspective of the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War, if we succeeded in persuading Chen Mingchu and Wang Tiemu anyway, and successfully sanctioned Wang Quanhai through these two people, this would be an unparalleled achievement!

However, for Qi Wu, this will make his credit for taking the risk to Shanghai almost useless——

He painstakingly organized and deployed the Shanghai Special Situation Office and the Shanghai District to join forces in the anti-rape plan, but the Shanghai District paid lip service to the plan, but actually started a new one!

But looking back now, or in other words, looking back at the Shanghai Special Situation Office——

According to Chen Gongshu's complaint, Xiao Mian's Shanghai Special Situation Office acted secretly. Although it also got rid of He Xingjian and others, it also killed Chen Mingchu, and even implicated Wang Tiemu and was imprisoned!

If what Chen Gongshu complained about is true, it means that the Shanghai Special Intelligence Office did not follow his instructions to "only be responsible for intelligence work and leave it to the Shanghai District", and directly left the Shanghai District aside and chose to work alone!

I am so silly!

Qi Wu was very angry. It was in vain that when he saw these two people patting their chests and promising to do so in Shanghai, he actually believed that they would cooperate sincerely.

"Chen Gongshu said that Xiao Mian accidentally killed Chen Mingchu. Is there any misunderstanding in this?" Qi Wu thought, "According to Chen Gongshu, this incident happened a few days ago, but the headquarters did not receive a telegram from the Shanghai Special Intelligence Office."

"Based on my understanding of Xiao Mian, he has always done things safely." Qi Wu said seriously, "Even if there is an unexpected situation, there must be an explanation."

He looked at Dai Chunfeng and said, "If it is indeed the work of Shanghai Special Agents, I expect a telegram from Xiao Mian will arrive soon."

Dai Chunfeng glanced at Qi Wu, and he noticed that Qi Wu did not use the word "kill" as Chen Gongshu used in the telegram, but used the word "manslaughter".

In addition, both inside and outside these words, it can be said that they are all helping Cheng Qianfan turn around and maintain.

Even under such circumstances, I, the great butler, still insist on speaking for that boy Cheng Qianfan.

Objectively speaking, if Chen Gongshu's accusation is true, then Cheng Qianfan's actions were also disobedient and did not follow Qi Wu's arrangements. Under such circumstances, Qi Wu still chose to help Chen Gongshu and Cheng Qianfan.

As Cheng Qianfan spoke, it seemed that Qi Wu really liked that junior fellow student.

Dai Chunfeng didn't show it on his face, but he was actually satisfied with Qi Wu's attitude of helping his relatives but not taking care of him.

Such a Qiwu, who does not know how to deal with things and would rather offend local princes like Chen Gongshu, will not be able to go further.

He felt at ease with Qi Wu who valued the township party and feelings.

The military unification of Jiangshan people is the real cornerstone of military unification!

Qi Wu is very familiar with Dai Chunfeng.

Although Dai Chunfeng didn't show it on his face, Qi Wu knew that his choice satisfied Dai Chunfeng.

As for why Dai Chunfeng was satisfied, Dai Chunfeng's thoughts were naturally within Qi Wu's mind.

However, there is another very important point that made Qi Wu choose to protect Cheng Qianfan:

Compared to Cheng Qianfan, the younger brother, Chen Gongshu's actions made Qi Wu even more angry.

Cheng Qianfan's move, to be precise, is more like grabbing credit and eating alone. However, in any case, the Shanghai Special Intelligence Team is sanctioning Chen Mingchu, Wang Tiemu, He Xingjian and other traitors. This is the purpose of Qi Wu's trip to Shanghai.


Even based on the principle of "everything is good when the result is good", as long as the traitors such as Chen Mingchu, Wang Tiemu, He Xingjian and others are successfully punished, then Qi Wu's risky trip to Shanghai will be worth it, and it will be a highlight in his personal resume.

A particularly dazzling stroke:

The operation was completed under his personal deployment on the front lines.

On Chen Gongshu's side, as soon as he left Shanghai, Chen Gongshu overturned the entire plan and started anew. This was tantamount to directly obliterating all the results of Qi Wu's work in Shanghai. Not only that, if Chen Gongshu's plan was successful, he would still be

To a greater extent, it further highlights his incompetence and short-sightedness.

With Chen Gongshu's bad behavior, and given that grabbing credit is not a common occurrence within the Kuomintang, everyone is familiar with the business, so Cheng Qianfan's behavior is nothing at all in Qi Wu's eyes.

At least this little fellow is very obedient under the general principle of action goals, which is much better than Chen Gongshu.

"Actually, in your heart, you tend to agree that this matter was done by the Shanghai Special Investigation Team." Dai Chunfeng glanced at Qi Wu, "Isn't it?"

"Yes." Qi Wu nodded and admitted openly. He said to Dai Chunfeng, "This time we have successfully sanctioned Chen Mingchu, He Xingjian and others, especially in the brutal struggle situation surrounded by enemies, we have successfully eliminated them.

No matter how we build it, it is not easy to build this great place.”

"In Shanghai, the one who can successfully implement this operation is that the Red Party does not have the manpower and weapons, and the Central Command does not have the ability. Only our military commander, or specifically, the Shanghai District and the Shanghai Special Situation Office, it is either one or the other." Qi Wu pondered.

Said, "Stationmaster Chen said it was not him who did it. He accused the Shanghai Special Affairs Department of doing it. That's the reason."

"Then tell me, why has Shanghai's Special Situation Office never called to report this matter?" Dai Chunfeng snorted coldly and said.

"Perhaps the incident happened suddenly and the opportunity came too urgently to be missed, so the action was hasty. Therefore, although the action was successful, the aftermath was not easy," Qi Wu analyzed.

"Then, for security reasons, Xiao Mian never had the opportunity to contact Chongqing." Qi Wu thought for a while and said.

"After going to Shanghai, it seems that you benefited a lot from that kid." Dai Chunfeng snorted heavily, "To defend him like this is a considerate debater."

Qi Wu was glared at by Dai Chunfeng, but he smiled sarcastically, as if he didn't know how to reply.

"Little fellow, young people always have to protect..." Qi Wu said sarcastically, "He is still a child."

After saying that, Qi Wu seemed to feel a little agitated.

"A child who has already begged his mother-in-law to give birth to a baby!" Dai Chunfeng said mockingly.

At this time, Mao Shun knocked on the door of the deputy director's office of the Military Command Bureau again.

"Sir, there is an urgent call from the Shanghai Special Situation Office." Mao Shun reported after coming in.

Qi Wu looked at Dai Chunfeng.

"What do you want me to do?" Dai Chunfeng snorted coldly, "Your child has called with a telegram."

Qi Wu smiled awkwardly, then his face suddenly turned serious, and he turned to look at his nephew, "What did you hear?"

"No, it's nothing." Mao Shun was frightened by his uncle's stern gaze.

"I don't care if you heard anything, remember, you didn't hear anything. If even a few words get out, I will kill you myself!" Qi Wu said with a stern voice.

"Okay, don't scare him." Dai Chunfeng glanced at the two of them and said.

After all, it was his own slip of the tongue that exposed the hidden danger. Fortunately, Qi Wu responded promptly.

When Mao Shun heard what Dai Chunfeng said, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he heard Boss Dai say, "Although our Military Command cannot hide from each other, it will not let my uncle shoot his nephew. We can avoid it."

Mao Shun:……

"Get out." Qi Wu glared at Mao Shun, who then left tremblingly.

"Mao Shun is afraid of death, so he must not dare to reveal even a single word." Qi Wu said.

Hearing Qi Wu bluntly saying that his nephew was afraid of death, Dai Chunfeng couldn't help laughing, "You can see clearly."

"Translate the message," he said to his team.

Then, Dai Chunfeng saw Qi Wu translating the message according to the code book, but Qi Wu's expression became increasingly weird.

Seeing Qi Wu put down the pen in his hand, he seemed a little hesitant, Dai Chunfeng stretched out his hand directly, "Give me the telegram."

Then he took a look.

Dai Chunfeng's expression also became strange, and he looked at Qi Wu from time to time.

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