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Chapter 924 Chicken Juice and Blood Yàn

"Weapons and ammunition obtained from the Japanese?" Cao Yu asked Lei Zhiming in surprise. He did not expect to get this answer from Comrade "Red-crowned Crane".

"Do the Japanese know the purpose of this batch of weapons and ammunition?" he continued to ask, "or do the Japanese acquiesce to Wang Reclamation's bribery of Liang Hongzhi's army?"

"Don't stop, keep driving." When Lei Zhiming saw Cao Yu stopping the car intentionally to talk, he immediately said, "There was a fire in the toilet on the roadside just now. Someone should be smoking there."

Cao Yu nodded and drove past smoothly without slowing down.

Both Comrade "Second Cousin" and Comrade "Red-crowned Crane" are comrades who have survived the most cruel and bloody white terror struggle. They are all extra vigilant, knowing that even a seemingly small thing may bring about destruction. disaster.

"We have analyzed this matter." Lei Zhiming continued, "From the Japanese perspective, the Japanese would not be happy to see Wang Chuhai's so-called new regime have a stronger military force."

"The Japanese should look forward to a puppet regime with internal divisions and constraints at every turn."

"So, based on this judgment, although Cheng Qianfan obtained this batch of weapons from the Japanese, it should have been through private channels rather than coming from the Japanese policy purposes." Lei Zhiming said.

"I agree with this point of view, I'm going to buy a pack of cigarettes." Cao Yu nodded and said, he parked the car on the side of the road, then got out and bought a pack of cigarettes.

During this process, the curtains in the back of the car were pulled up, and Lei Zhiming was also careful not to be discovered.

When Cao Yu returned to the car, he lit a cigarette and smoked. He looked at Fenfa Apartment not far away and said, "No. 76 is eyeing Fenfa Apartment and suspects there are Chongqing elements there."

"I parked my car here now, which can be interpreted as a routine surveillance of your residence." He explained to Lei Zhiming, "Yan Nanxing from the General Affairs Office is a very subtle and cunning person. I noticed that he would secretly check the fuel tank, so I can’t keep driving for a walk.”

"You can get some gasoline and add it when needed," Lei Zhiming said.

"That's what I thought too." Cao Yu nodded, "Back to the topic just now, according to that analysis, these Japanese standard weapons were obtained by Cheng Qianfan through personal channels. So, this illustrates a problem."

"Cheng Qianfan has a very deep personal relationship with the Japanese." Lei Zhiming continued, "It is not easy to obtain so many Japanese weapons privately."

"And another thing to consider is that I don't think the person who provided Cheng Qianfan with weapons didn't know the purpose of these weapons." Cao Yu said, "And it's obvious that the other party didn't mind, or didn't care at all that Cheng Qianfan took it. What are these weapons for?"

Suddenly, Cao Yu's heart moved, "People like Cheng Qianfan are best at speculating and smuggling supplies. Do you think this batch of Japanese weapons and ammunition was smuggled by him in partnership with the Japanese?"

"You mean, the Japanese are reselling weapons and ammunition with Cheng Qianfan?" Lei Zhiming frowned and asked.

"Yes." Cao Yu nodded, "The weapons and ammunition of five reinforced platoons are an incredible amount in our opinion, but in the Japanese arms warehouse, as long as they operate them properly, they are not inconspicuous."

"If this is the case, it means that someone within the Japanese army cooperated with Cheng Qianfan to resell weapons and ammunition." Lei Zhiming was shocked, "This kind of thing is common in the Kuomintang army. Is this also done in the Japanese army?"

"I don't know." Cao Yu shook his head, "But this is what I think. Birds of a feather flock together and people flock together. Cheng Qianfan's friends with the Japanese must also be greedy for money. Can't we rule out this possibility? ?』

Lei Zhiming was silent, thinking about the possibility that Cao Yu mentioned.

Cao Yu rolled down the window, threw the cigarette butt out, and stared at the Fenfa Apartment not far away. Then he lit another cigarette. After taking a few puffs, he rolled up the window again, leaving only a gap.

"Based on this analysis, I now have a further analysis, which can also be said to be a guess." Cao


Yu said, "If Cheng Qianfan really has this kind of 'get rich together' relationship with the Japanese, then I don't think he would use his own 'Jiujiu Trading' transportation to transport this batch of weapons, ammunition, and medical supplies." Transportation channels."

"Because weapons and ammunition are different from other materials after all." Cao Yu said.

"You mean, this batch of weapons and ammunition will be transported by the Japanese?" Lei Zhiming understood what Cao Yu meant and said.

"Through the Japanese, preferably through the Japanese army, this batch of weapons, ammunition, and medical supplies will be transported. Not to mention the scale of these weapons, this method of transportation is enough to make Li Mingzhan look at Cheng Qianfan in a new light." Cao Yu said, "Based on my research and understanding of Cheng Qianfan, people like him are very good at maximizing the use of relationships between all parties. I don't think he will waste this good opportunity to 'fake the power of the tiger'."

"I generally understand your analytical thinking." Lei Zhiming nodded, "Objectively speaking, your analysis is based on your research and understanding of Cheng Qianfan, and it makes sense."

His expression was serious, "If it is as you guessed, the Japanese are responsible for transporting this batch of weapons and ammunition, or even transported by the Japanese army, then should we continue to pursue this batch of weapons and ammunition? , this deserves careful discussion.”

"That's what I mean too." Cao Yu nodded, "I will find a way to secretly gather information, but my suggestion is that the organization should be extremely cautious about this matter."

He said to Lei Zhiming, "I wonder if Cheng Qianfan and the Japanese will use this batch of weapons to set up a trap."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Lei Zhiming said seriously, "Your reminder is very timely. I will report it to the organization."

Cao Yu threw down his cigarette butt again and drove away.

The vehicle quickly disappeared into the night. A few minutes later, at a busy intersection, Cao Yu stopped the car. At this time, the back seat of the car happened to be stuck at the entrance of an alley.

He rolled down the window and shouted to a stall selling huoshao on the roadside, "Hey, here are two huoshao."

At this time, Lei Zhiming quietly opened the car door and quickly disappeared into the night alley.

Rafael Road.

Cheng Mansion.

"Miss Zhou, it's late." The little maid Li Zi opened the door and welcomed Zhou Ru in. She took the umbrella from Zhou Ru and put it away, "Yeah, it's raining."

"Drizzle." Zhou Ru said. She yawned a little tiredly. When she saw Xiao Lizi looking over, she smiled sheepishly, "Mr. Cheng said during the day that he wanted to eat blood swallow with chicken juice."

She first looked upstairs cautiously, and then whispered, "This dish is really exciting. I have to start cooking the chicken sauce the night before."

Xiao Lizi took the vegetable basket from Zhou Ru's hand, lifted up the towel covering the basket and looked at it. There was a chicken that had been slaughtered.

"This is a hen I carefully selected at the market." Zhou Ru said enthusiastically, "The hen that has just laid eggs should be slaughtered before it lays the next egg."

"Is there anything special about this?" Olizi asked curiously.

"Such a hen has an empty intestine and the chicken juice can better absorb the nutrients of the snow swallow." Zhou Ru said.

She was very interested when talking about her favorite cooking skill, "Ginseng, antler, swallow, and ear are the four major tonics. You know how to take them."

"However, ginseng and velvet antler are considered to be stagnant when ripe, while bird's nest is greasy and mild, plump and delicious, and has the effects of nourishing yin and moisturizing, and replenishing qi and nourishing the heart."

"Cao Xueqin recorded in "A Dream of Red Mansions" the story of Lin Daiyu eating bird's nests in order to maintain her health and replenish her qi. Doctors and gourmets alike talked about this."

"Bird's nests are nutritious. History has no doubt that bird's nests are valuable because they are rare. Legend has it that bird's nests come from the cliffs of islands. They are often too strong to reach with ropes and poles, so monkeys are tamed to pick them for others, so they are very valuable."

Xiao Lizi felt impatient as he listened to Zhou Ru's ramble, but he had to act interested, his talking eyes seemed to be saying:

I'm very interested, continue.


Zhou Ru was indeed happy to continue showing off. She came to the kitchen, took out the bird's nest, pointed at the bird's nest and said, "Bird's nest is one of the eight treasures, and it is the palace's favorite tonic. In the past, the bird's nest in the palace was sent as tribute from Fujian and Guangdong. It was pure white. Immaculate, it is called Guanyan."

"Among them, the red swallow (blood swallow) is the most rare, and the bird's feathers are mostly produced in Southeast Asia. Because the down in the bird's nest is not easy to remove, it is classified as a low-grade bird."

"There are many ways to eat bird's nests, either salty or sweet. At high-end banquets, there are famous delicacies such as three-threaded agarwood, rock sugar bird's nest, chicken porridge and bird's nest. In addition, bird's nest can also be made into dough or noodles."

"The ancients believed that when cooking bird's nest, there are only two types of flavors: sweet and salty. The sweet one uses rock sugar, and the salty one uses chicken soup. The chicken soup should be as clear as a mirror and not greasy."

Zhou Ru said, smiling sweetly at Xiaolizi, with pride in her best field, "This is why hens who have just laid eggs are chosen to make this bird's nest with chicken juice."

"Ms. Zhou, you are so awesome." Xiao Lizi said with an expression of admiration.

"Okay, I'm going to be busy, you can go and rest." Zhou Ru pinched Xiao Lizi's cheek and said with a smile.

"Then I'll go. If you need anything, Miss Zhou, you can call me." Xiao Lizi said.


Xiao Lizi left the kitchen and returned to the maid's room. Her face fell and she couldn't help snorting.

Zhou Ru came to visit late at night, which caught her attention. In fact, this cook was the one that Xiao Lizi usually paid more attention to.

This is not because Xiao Lizi doubts Zhou Ru, but because of the intuition of an agent, the cook can freely enter and leave the Cheng Mansion and communicate with the outside world freely, so she is the most suitable to serve as a messenger between other forces and the Cheng Mansion.

However, after these days of secret observation, Xiao Lizi did not find anything suspicious about Zhou Ru.

Therefore, today this is just a subconscious "concern" and exploration.

Xiao Lizi sneered in her heart, this cook is really a stupid elder sister. When talking about her cooking skills, she can be said to be very clear-cut, but she didn't even notice that she was secretly observing.

Glancing at the little maid Apple, who was sleeping like a little pig in the servant's room, Little Lizi smiled coldly: "You stupid pig, you only know how to eat, work and sleep."

This feeling of being smart while others are stupid makes Xiao Lizi feel proud.

Zhou Ru closed the kitchen door, and a smug smile appeared on her lips.

This little Lizi thought she was hiding well and had successfully deceived the entire Cheng family, but little did she know that she was the one who was deceived by everyone's acting.

For example, when Xiao Lizi was actually listening to her talk about Xue Yan, he was probably upset and didn't like hearing it, but he still pretended to like listening to it and admired her at the same time.

However, it was just a pretense after all, and there was no real emotion in his eyes.

In addition, Xiao Lizi secretly yawned, which was also noticed by Zhou Ru.

Zhou Ru also sneered in her heart about Xiao Lizi's behavior that he thought he had hidden it well and thus inadvertently revealed his complacent emotions:

Stupid agent.

After soaking the hens in water for a while, Zhou Ru carefully cleaned them and used a brush to brush the chicken skin. While doing the work, Zhou Ru was still humming a little tune, obviously enjoying it.

Little Lizi tiptoed out of the maid's room and went outside the kitchen. He heard the sound of Chef Zhou humming a tune from behind him. He sneered in his heart, tiptoed back to the maid's room, and went to sleep peacefully:

This is just a little cook who is content with the comfortable life of cooking for powerful people.

However, soon, Little Lizi was woken up after a short while of falling asleep.

The sound of chopping meat came from the kitchen.

Xiao Lizi muttered something dissatisfied and covered his head with the quilt.

At this time, Cheng Qianfan, who was 'finally' disturbed by the noise downstairs, came downstairs.

He looked for the sound


He walked to the kitchen, opened the door directly, yawned and said, "Xiao Lizi, you are so late at night..."

Then, Cheng Qianfan saw Zhou Ru, "Why is it you? It's too late."

Cheng Qianfan glanced at the chicken nuggets and patted his head, "I remembered, chicken juice and blood swallow."

He smiled and said, "Yes, I said during the day that I wanted to eat blood swallow in chicken juice. Are you trying to eat blood swallow in chicken juice?"

"Yes, sir." Zhou Ru said.

However, Cheng Qianfan was confused, "Can't we do it tomorrow? Why is it so late?"

"Sir, this chicken gravy needs to be boiled in chicken juice one night in advance." Zhou Ru quickly explained, "This chicken is a hen I carefully selected. I want it to be a hen that has just laid eggs, and then slaughter it quickly. I also need to make chicken juice while it’s still fresh…”

While talking, Zhou Ru took out a wax ball wrapped in chicken intestines from the butt of the chicken.

Zhou Ru didn't say anything, and neither did Cheng Qianfan. He quickly took the chicken intestine wax pills, wrapped them in a handkerchief and put them in his pajamas pocket.

"Okay, please speak softly, don't wake up the ladies." Cheng Qianfan said, he yawned, "You have worked hard too."

"It's not my fault, please speak softly," Zhou Ru said quickly.

Soon, the sound of Cheng Qianfan going upstairs gradually faded away, and the sound of Zhou Ru cooking in the kitchen became much quieter.

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