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Chapter 927 The Wisdom of Thousand Norths

Sanbonjiro looked at Nohara Kenji, he was waiting for Nohara Kenji to continue his report.

Then he saw Nohara Ken'er shut up and just look at him with his head raised.

The two of them just stared at each other.

Sanbonjiro quickly understood the meaning of Nohara Kenji's posture and eyes:

Please praise me.

Sanbonjiro was furious.

He has always been generous in praising and rewarding his subordinates, but there is a prerequisite for this, which is to gain his recognition and appreciation.

The problem now is that the content reported and described by Nohara Kenji can be said to be very professional, and it requires a reserve of professional skills and knowledge to understand and digest it immediately.

Yes, it’s the first time to understand and digest it.

Sanbonjiro is not a stupid person. Although he is not the kind of young man who tirelessly pursues new technologies and new sciences, with his intelligence, he can understand the importance of it after thinking carefully, but it takes time. .

But now, Nohara Kenji's attitude, or this way of communication, really makes Sanbonjiro unhappy. Isn't this making things difficult for him, a 'middle-aged and elderly person'?

"Two different fingering methods were used." Sanbonjiro looked at Nohara Kenji and asked, "What does this mean?"

Although he was very unhappy inside, Sanbonjiro still suppressed his anger.

However, the tone of this question was really cold.

Nohara Kenji didn't realize the emotion behind the section chief's tone at this moment. He just felt helpless. He felt a little tired when he met this commander who didn't understand and was insensitive to new technologies.

"Chief, think about it, under what circumstances would a person know or need to use two different fingering methods to send a message?" Nohara Kenji said, and he tried to enlighten Sanbonjiro in a persuasive way.

Sanbonjiro just looked at Nohara Kenji. If eyes could talk, Nohara Kenji should be able to understand the meaning expressed in the section chief's eyes: I don't need to think, I just need to know the answer!

Nohara Kenji looked at Sanbonjiro's silent eyes, he couldn't help but frown, and then, the next second:


"Bag duck down!"

Sanbonjiro slapped Nohara Quan'er into confusion!

Nohara Feng'er covered his face and looked at the section chief blankly.

He didn't understand why the section chief suddenly went crazy and beat people.

"Asshole!" Sanbonjiro finally became angry. He pointed at Nohara Kenji's name and cursed angrily, "Nohara, you have to remember that I am the commander, the commander in charge of everything. I don't need to know much. For technical questions, you only need to tell me the results, the meaning and direction of a certain technical question, do you understand?"

Nohara Kenji was silent, or in other words still in a daze.

"I don't need to know everything about this kind of technical and professional thing. I just need to be able to make correct and timely overall arrangements and utilize them based on the results you reported. That's it. " Sanbonjiro looked at Nohara Kenji and said coldly.

Seeing that Kenji Nohara was still in a dazed state, he said angrily, "Asshole, stupid guy, don't use your narrow technical mind to think about what the commander did."

"But, Section Chief." Kenji Nohara spoke up and said, "Wouldn't it be better if you could understand and master more professional knowledge?"

Sanbonjiro was so angry that he glared at Nohara Kenji fiercely.

"I don't have the time and energy to learn such complex and professional knowledge." Mimotojiro said.

Hearing what Sanbonjiro said, the dissatisfaction in Nohara Kenji's heart and the anger of being slapped just now disappeared instantly:

The class principal is too stupid, he can't learn, so that's it, that's it.

At this moment, he felt that he could understand the class teacher. From childhood, Kenji Nohara was among the best in homework. He could understand the powerless feeling of those stupid classmates when faced with complicated homework.

"Hai." Kenji Nohara bowed deeply to Sanbonjiro, "It's my fault. I didn't consider the problem comprehensively."

Sanbonjiro nodded. He was surprised that Nohara Kenji, a technical subordinate with a lumpy head, actually enlightened and realized his mistake. This made Sanbonjiro feel very relieved.

"Just tell me the answer directly." Sanbonjiro said.

"Generally speaking, the fingering to send a message is like a person talking." He said to Sanbonjiro, "The other party can use the fingering to confirm whether the person sending the message is the person on the other side. This is just like the section chief, you call me. , when I receive a call and hear the voice on the other end of the phone, I can tell whether it is the section chief himself on the other end of the phone."

Nohara Kenji reminded himself to try to report to Sanbonjiro in a more popular and easy-to-understand way.

"I understand what you mean." Sanbonjiro nodded, "Fingering is relatively unique in sending messages. This person used two fingerings, just like making two different phone calls."

He looked at Nohara Kenji and said, "So, you suspect that this person sent telegrams to two places."

Seeing that Sanbonjiro understood, Nohara Kenji was very happy. He looked happy and said, "Yes, Section Chief."

He realized that it was indeed his fault. It was because his previous report was not easy to understand and it was because he failed to detect the clumsiness of the section chief in time.

Then seeing that his new 'teaching' method was effective, Nohara Ken'er was extremely happy.

After solving the technical and professional confusion, Sanbonjiro's cunning and sophisticated agent thinking immediately came into play. He immediately understood that Nohara Kenji's discovery was of great significance.

"So, this person sent reports to two places in a very short period of time." Sanbonjiro said. He once again confirmed the most critical question, "Can you be sure that he sent reports to different places?"

"From a technical point of view, it's certain." Nohara Kenji said.

Sanbonjiro nodded, already having a bold and very possible guess in his mind:

"If I judge based on this, this person serves two forces, from a technical point of view, can this judgment be supported?" He asked Nohara Kenji.

"I can only confirm that this person sent reports to two places. As for other analysis and judgments, I am not a professional in this field and cannot provide any further opinions." Nohara Kenji said.

Hearing Nohara Kenji's words, Sanbonjiro was not angry, but nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, he actually admired Nohara Kenji's stubborn attitude as a technician.

"Very good, Nohara, your discovery this time is of great significance." He patted Nohara Quan'er on the shoulder, "Please continue to work hard and continue to pay attention to the suspicious radio station."

"I look forward to the Telecommunications Special Research Laboratory achieving greater and more direct results in the future." Mimotojiro said with a smile.

"Go back and your Majesty will work harder."

This was a rare occasion for Nohara Kenji to receive such praise from the class teacher, and he was very happy.

"Hai!" Nohara Kenji looked at the section chief's mung bean eyes and felt that he was so friendly. He was excited and said, "section chief, you are actually very smart."

After saying that, Nohara Kenji bowed to Sanbonjiro and turned to leave.

Sanbonjiro was a little stunned. He was a little confused by Nohara Kenji's sudden praise.

Then, the smart Sanbonjiro thought about it for a while, and after thinking about it again and again, he understood a little bit.

"Bag duck down!" Sanbonjiro cursed with a livid face.

The appreciation and goodwill I had for this technical subordinate immediately disappeared, "Stupid guy!"

Although he was very dissatisfied with Nohara Kenji in his heart, Mimotojiro still very much recognized the discoveries made by Nohara Kenji through the changes in the fingering of the person who sent the telegram.

Serve two forces?

Sanbonjiro pondered.

No, maybe the wording needs to be changed. Instead of ‘serving two forces’, could it be:

This person is a double agent.

In other words, this person is from one party, and then he was ordered to break into another party?

Based on this idea, Sanbonjiro continued to think.

In Chongqing, the Red Party.

These are the two largest anti-Japanese forces in Shanghai currently.

This person is from the Red Party, and then he infiltrated the Kuomintang?

Or is this person from Chongqing and then infiltrated into the Red Party?

Sanbonjiro thinks it's possible.

Sanbonjiro picked up the phone on his desk and said, "I'm Sanbonjiro. I'm sending someone to fetch Qiankitaharaji."

About half an hour later, Chikitaharaji arrived in a hurry.

"Uncle." Chikitaharaji asked hurriedly, "But what happened?"

Sanbonjiro informed Chikitaharaji about Nohara Kenji's discovery and the possibilities he had just analyzed and considered.

"I basically agree with uncle's analysis." Chikitaharaji thought for a moment, nodded and said, "This should indeed be a double agent."

He thought and said, "This person first sent a telegram to one place, and then also sent a telegram to another party."

"Basically agree?" Sanbonjiro glanced at Chikitaharaji. He knew his nephew. Chikitaharaji said this, which showed that Chikitaharaji had other different views.

"Tell me what other ideas you have." He said to Chikitaharaji.

"My consideration is that this person is a double agent. This should be conclusive, but it may not be limited to the Red Party and Chongqing." He said to Sanbonjiro.

"There are many possibilities for this person's identity." Chikitaharaji said, and then he continued to dig deeper and continue to think.

"Or, there is another possibility that this person is a member of the Kuomintang, and that he is a spy planted by the Central Government in the Military Government, or a spy planted by the Military Government in the Central Government?" Qian Kitaharaji said.

Sanbonjiro thought for a moment and nodded.

Chikitaharaji's analysis may seem absurd, but in fact it is quite possible:

Chongqing is full of internal contradictions. As far as the contradictions between the Central Government and the Military Government are concerned, it is very reasonable for them to plant spies into each other.

Seeing that his analysis was recognized by Sanbonjiro, Chikitaharaji became more excited. Based on this divergent thinking, his thoughts became more diffuse:

"Not only that, this person may also be serving the forces of various countries in Shanghai."

"For example, this person works for Citigroup?"

"For example, this person serves the English?"

"For example, this person is employed by a German?"

"For example, this person might be a spy for the Soviet Union?"

"Even more, we can't rule out that this person is a rat within the empire, a cancer person cultivated by the Red International in the empire?"

"In fact, this person may not only be a double agent, but also a multi-faceted agent." Chikitaharaji said, "In Shanghai, there are indeed many spies serving multiple countries and forces at the same time. .”

He thought for a moment and then added, "Or, you can also call these people intelligence dealers."

Sanbonjiro frowned. Originally, he felt that he had seen through the fog, but now after Chikitaharaji's analysis, it seemed that the fog was even greater.

However, Sanbonjiro had to admit that he was indeed an excellent Chikitaharaji, and his analysis was more in-depth and comprehensive.

"Your analysis makes sense." Sanbonjiro nodded, "However, after your analysis, things seem to be more complicated, and it is even more difficult to determine the specific identity of this person."

"No." Chikitaharaji shook his head and said to Sanbonjiro, "Uncle, although I have indeed analyzed the existence of many possibilities, when it comes to specific details, I still have a preference."

"Then tell me about your tendency." Sanbonjiro nodded slightly and said.

"I am more inclined to believe that this person is an underground party installed by the Red Party in Chongqing." Chikitaharaji said.

"Why can't it be a spy planted within the Red Party by Chongqing?" Sanbonjiro heard this, thought for a moment, and asked.

"The possibility is not as good as the former." Chikitaharaji shook his head and said.

"Tell me the reason." Sanbonjiro said.

"Comparatively speaking, when the Red Party infiltrated the Kuomintang, they were more successful than when the Kuomintang arranged for people to infiltrate the Red Party." Chikitaharaji said thoughtfully.

He looked at Sanbonjiro and said, "Uncle, I have recently been studying the struggle between the Chinese Kuomintang and the Red Party. To be precise, it is a fight on the intelligence battlefield."

"The reasons that support my judgment that this person is more likely to be the Red Party's infiltration into the Kuomintang, or the inducement." Chikitaharaji said to Mimotojiro, "I have previously conducted an in-depth study of the Red Party's 'Dawn Incident' .”

Of course, Sanbonjiro knew what Chikitaharaji was referring to by the ‘dawn incident’:

The Red Party's Liming rebelled, and this person mastered a large number of secrets of the Red Party Central Committee. It can even be said that the list and addresses of all the Red Party's so-called central leaders in Shanghai were in Liming's mind.

The Kuomintang had an excellent opportunity to annihilate the Central Committee of the Red Party in one fell swoop.

Then, this God-given opportunity was disrupted by the underground party installed by the Red Party within the Kuomintang——

The absolute cronies around Xue Yingzhen turned out to be members of the Red Party.

"I'm thinking that for the Red Party, under the complicated and passive situation at the beginning, they were able to install high-level underground parties within the Kuomintang." Chikitaharaji said, "Now their so-called cooperation with the National Red Party, If the Red Party wants to put people inside the Kuomintang, wouldn’t it be cheaper?”

Sanbonjiro fell into deep thought.

Chikitaharaji's analysis seems a little too subjective. Because the National Red Party cooperates, it is also cheaper for the Kuomintang Party to deploy manpower to the Red Party.

However, Mimotojiro still tends to agree with Chikitaharaji's analysis and judgment.

"Maybe the person we are paying attention to is not the product of Guohong's second cooperation. In terms of time, he is a little reluctant." He showed a serious expression and said, "The nail may have been inserted very early. Already."

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