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Chapter 931 Qingdao

"The Japanese side has publicly expressed its support for the Wang Puppet regime that is about to be established." Cheng Qianfan said.

According to the information he learned from Hyōtaro Imamura, at the beginning of the month, the Koya Council meeting in Japan, which specializes in handling China affairs, had passed the so-called "Outline for Dealing with Matters Related to the Establishment of Central Powers."

This so-called ‘central power’ refers to the Wang Puppet regime that is about to be established.

This outline stipulates that the establishment of the central government must comply with the matters stipulated in the "Agreement on the Adjustment of New Relations between Japan and China", as well as the "Relevant Regulations on the Establishment of the Central Government" decided by the Kogain in December of the 14th year of the Showa era and at the end of last year.

"I can't believe that Wang Chuhai, who was so generous and decisive back then, would turn out to be such a traitor." Lu Dazhang shook his head and said, "And he is the most shameless traitor."

Both he and Lao Huang had learned about the general situation of the traitorous peace treaty reached between the Wang puppet regime and the Japanese through Comrade Huo Miao.

The Wang Puppet regime has done far more damage to China's national sovereignty and independence than the infamous "Twenty-One Measures" of 1915.

It is said that according to this traitorous treaty, China was not only placed as a vassal state of Japan, but also paved the way for the split of China through measures such as the independence of Manchuria, semi-independence of Mongolia and Xinjiang, autonomy of North China, control of Central China, and penetration of South China.

Under the banner of "peaceful salvation of the nation," in exchange for the so-called "central power," Wang Tuhai actually accepted these outrageous treasonous terms. His traitorous character is clearly exposed, and his treasonous crime is beyond doubt.

"Wang Keming and Liang Hongzhi have publicly stated their support for Wang Chuhai's puppet regime before." Cheng Qianfan said, "According to the Japanese government's public stance, Wang's puppet regime is basically determined to be established in Nanjing in the first half of the year. So this time the so-called' The three-party talks should be the final negotiation on some detailed issues."

The public statement of the 'Japanese government' he refers to was the public statement made by the Japanese government in the first ten days of this month, affirming Wang Jingwei's preparation to form a new government, and expressing that it would devote all its efforts to support and assist its establishment and development.

This has also been interpreted by all parties as the Japanese government's unequivocal support for the establishment of the Wang Puppet regime and accelerating the pace of Wang Kehai's so-called central government establishment.

Cheng Qianfan visited Chu Mingyu before and mentioned the Japanese government's public statement of support for the new regime. Chu Mingyu was very excited and said that all comrades were excited by the statement of Japan's friendly country.

"To put it bluntly, it's a fight for power and profit, and dividing the pork." Lao Huang chewed peanuts and said disdainfully, "The Japanese puppet government throws a few bones at random, and these sons of bitches will grab it and rejoice."

Cheng Qianfan and Lu Dazhang both laughed, but that's not what they meant. Lao Huang's metaphor seemed vulgar but it was appropriate.

"Can you now confirm where this meeting was held?" Lu Dazhang asked.

"It's impossible to say for sure." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, "Both the Japanese and the Wang Puppet side attach great importance to the confidentiality of this meeting."

He said to the two of them, "Especially considering that Wang Qianhai was almost assassinated in Nanjing last time, Wang is now like a frightened bird, and is extremely careful and cautious about his own safety."

"The last tripartite talks were held in Nanjing, which is Liang Hongzhi's territory." Lao Huang said, "Will Wang Keming's face be taken care of this time and the so-called tripartite talks will be held in the north?"

Cheng Qianfan and Lu Dazhang were both enlightened. They both felt that what Huang said was quite reasonable. This possibility not only existed, but was also very likely.

Lao Huang is worthy of being the first "Flying Fish" comrade of the Special Intelligence Section.

"It's very possible." Cheng Qianfan nodded and said.

"I also think it's more likely." Lu Dazhang said.

"Wang Kemin's traitor regime mainly governs the occupied areas of the four provinces of Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, and Henan, as well as the three cities of Beiping, Tianjin, and Qingdao." Cheng Qianfan said thoughtfully.

"Beiping, Tianjin, and Qingdao are the three big cities." Lu Dazhang said, "The possibility of choosing from these three cities is the greatest."

"Beiping seems to be the most likely, but in my opinion it is the least likely," Huang said.

"From a Japanese perspective, which city do you think the Japanese will choose?" Huang asked Cheng Qianfan.

Cheng Qianfan thought for a while and was about to tell his answer when he heard Lao Huang say with a smile, "In this way, let's tell our answer together."

"Qingdao, Peiping, and Tianjin." Dai Chunfeng knocked on the table lightly and said with a serious expression, "These three places may be chosen by the Japanese as the venue for the tripartite talks between Wang Keming, Liang Hongzhi, and Wang Chuhai."

As he said that, he looked at Yu Ping'an, Qi Wu, Sheng Shuyu and others who were present at the meeting, "Everyone can express his or her own opinions."

Yu Ping'an, Qi Wu, Sheng Shuyu and others knew clearly. They knew that Dai Chunfeng tended to think that the Japanese were most likely to choose Qingdao.

Now, what they have to do is to use Qingdao as the assumed target location and find out more reasons why the Japanese chose Qingdao, so as to improve and verify the possibility of this guess.

"I also think Qingdao has the greatest possibility." Yu Ping'an nodded and said.

With that said, Yu Ping'an talked about what he thought was an important reason why the Japanese chose 'Qingdao'.

That's the Zheng Zhi factor.

In September last year, the first so-called "Big Three" talks were held in Nanjing, controlled by the Japanese army in central China.

Of course, in some publicity, this can be regarded as Liang Hongzhi's territory.

Now, in order to appease the Japanese troops in North China and Wang Keming's traitor clique, it is a more acceptable plan for all parties to arrange the talks on the formation of the central government led by Wang Keming's clique to be held in Wang Keming's Qingdao.

"From a publicity perspective, the Japanese are more likely to choose Qingdao," Qi Wu said.

He was considering the publicity factor.

Qingdao was invaded by Japan for the second time, and the Japanese immigrated to Qingdao in large numbers and tried their best to expand their economic power.

In addition, Qingdao’s urban style has always been praised by the world, and the damage caused by the war was limited.

Therefore, holding the meeting in the relatively prosperous Qingdao can show off Japan's governance capabilities to the world, especially foreign journalists, and whitewash its aggressive behavior.

"The Japanese are despicable and shameless, and they regard all international conventions as nothing. However, while they have a low self-esteem, they are eager to be recognized by the international civilized society, especially the friendly powers." Qi Wu said, "Qingdao is very special. The right choice.”

"In terms of transportation geography, Qingdao is also very suitable." Sheng Shuyu said thoughtfully.

He believes that it should be considered from geographical factors.

The transportation from Qingdao to Nanjing and Peiping is very convenient, and the location is moderate, making it easy for people attending the conference to travel.

Therefore, it is very likely that the Japanese will choose Qingdao as the meeting place for their three puppet traitors.

"Then assume that this location is Qingdao." Dai Chunfeng nodded. The 'arguments' listed by several people were exactly what he considered.

"If the enemy really chooses Qingdao as the venue for the talks, they will definitely take action in advance. In this case, as long as they investigate carefully, they can find some clues." Dai Chunfeng said.

He looked at Qi Wu and said, "Send a report to Ke Zhijiang and ask him to investigate the matter secretly and find out whether the Japanese have done anything unusual in Qingdao."

"Yes!" Qi Wu said.

Ke Zhijiang is the chief of the Qingdao Station of the North China District of the Military Command and Dai Chunfeng's favorite general.

"In addition, we must not slack off in the direction of Peiping and Tianjin." Dai Chunfeng said in a deep voice, "It is not ruled out that the Japanese will do the opposite and deliberately not choose Qingdao."

"If according to this logic, the most unlikely choice is Beiping, then it turns out to be Beiping?" Sheng Shuyu fell into deep thought.

"So, what we have to do is to investigate and analyze in more detail." Qi Wu said, "Then by comparing the clues and details, we can find the truth."


French Concession.

Rafael Road.

Cheng Mansion.


The ashtray on the desk already contained several extinguished cigarette butts.

Previously, the three people had discussed where the enemy would choose to hold the so-called 'Big Three' meeting.

All three people tend to believe that the Japanese will choose Qingdao as the venue for the "tripartite talks".

Lao Huang's reason is that the Japanese control of Qingdao is the most important among the important cities in the north.

The so-called "Big Three" talks between Wang Chuanhai, Liang Hongzhi, and Wang Keming were actually a secret meeting of the three puppets. Although the Japanese side agreed to it and even planned and organized the talks behind the scenes, the Japanese These three puppets and traitors trust each other so much that it is impossible.

Therefore, Lao Huang tends to believe that the Japanese will choose the city where they have the strongest control as the location for the so-called "Big Three" secret talks.

Lu Dazhang’s reason is very straightforward. He pointed out two points:

First, the Japanese have a good reputation, and Qingdao is currently the city in the north where the Japanese can make the most difference.

Second, waterway safety.

Cheng Qianfan recognized Lao Huang and Lu Dazhang's reasons. He had also considered these two points. Then he added more reasons for his judgment, the most important of which was:

Sakamoto Yoshino gave him some seafood, which Hyotarō Imamura ordered Sakamoto Yoshino to send.

Regarding this batch of seafood, Sakamoto Yoshino only knew that it was a gift brought by an old friend of Hyōtaro Imamura when he came to visit.

Although there is no evidence to prove that this old friend of Hyōtaro Imamura is from Qingdao, Cheng Qianfan boldly speculates that this old friend of Hyōtaro Imamura is from Qingdao.

The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs wants to participate in this tripartite meeting between Wang Chuhai, Liang Hongzhi, and Wang Keming. At the very least, it must show participation. Therefore, Cheng Qianfan suspects that Imamura Hyoutarou may also participate, or perhaps Observe this meeting of the 'Big Three' from an 'objective' attitude.

Then, these little changes in Hyoutarou Imamura's life are qualified to constitute certain intelligence indicators under certain circumstances.

Of course, after discussion, the three people also believed that the possibility of Tianjin cannot be ruled out, because Tianjin has a concession and it is right next to Peking, so the possibility of the three parties choosing the Tianjin concession also exists.

Cheng Qianfan frowned and thought.

The reasons given by Comrade "Piano" and Comrade "Feiyu" are mostly based on speculation. Of course, this speculation is based on the grasp and analysis of intelligence and current situation.

However, it is not actual evidence after all.

Therefore, Cheng Qianfan knew that what he had to do now was to find some substantive evidence to corroborate his case.

Suddenly, Cheng Qianfan's heart moved and he had an idea.

No. 64, Shencheng, West Edham Road.

Cardinal Zhao reported to Comrade Yi Jun the latest information on Wang Reclamation's shipment of weapons, ammunition, and medical supplies to Nanjing Liming Compilation Headquarters through Cheng Qianfan.

"So, the current intelligence point is that this batch of weapons and supplies was not transported through Cheng Qianfan's Jiujiu Trading, but was transported to Nanjing via railway and was escorted by Japanese troops?" Comrade Yi Jun asked.

"The information currently available is as follows." Cardiff Zhao nodded, "Taking this matter as an example, the relationship between Cheng Qianfan and the Japanese seems to be far closer than we imagined."

He said to Comrade Yi Jun, "We can even understand that this batch of weapons and supplies was actually transported through the Japanese military train between Shanghai and Nanjing."

"We obtained a large number of Japanese military standard weapons, and then transported them through Japanese military columns." Cardiff Zhao said, "This is enough to prove that Cheng Qianfan has long been a hardcore traitor."

"Moreover, according to some information obtained by the patrol office," Cardinal Zhao said, "the Japanese have already begun to use armored trains to patrol the railways."

Hearing what Comrade Cicada said, Comrade Yi Jun's expression became serious.

He naturally knew the huge threat of the so-called armored train.

It can be said that with the existence of armored trains, any attempt to attack the Japanese military transport is almost the same as committing suicide.

"It seems that this mouthful of fat meat is difficult to eat." Comrade Yi Jun said.

"There is another piece of information." Cardinal Zhao said, "Cheng Qianfan's Jiujiu Trading also has a batch of goods to be shipped out of Shanghai."

He said to Comrade Yi Jun, "Is it possible that Cheng Qianfan was secretly building a plank road in Chencang?"

Build the plank road openly, but use it secretly?

Comrade Yi Jun immediately understood the meaning of Shuli Zhao's words.

This was ostensibly to transport medical supplies, weapons and ammunition through the Japanese army.

In fact, secretly, Cheng Qianfan completed the transportation of this batch of weapons, ammunition, and medical supplies through his own Jiujiu Trading.

"It's unlikely." Comrade Yi Jun shook his head. "If I were Cheng Qianfan, and I could contact or even directly use the Japanese army's transportation capabilities, then there would be no need to build plank roads in secret and secretly attack Chen Cang."

Cardinal Zhao glanced at Comrade Yi Jun.

But he didn't expect Comrade Yi Jun to be so cautious and directly gave an irrefutable reason.

This made Cardinal Zhao a little embarrassed:

Because Comrade Huo Miao was already secretly collecting supplies and preparing to wait for the team to take action on his goods, but he was forced to incur losses.

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