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Chapter 943 Everyone has their own thoughts

Qingdao Japanese Military Police Headquarters, Intelligence Room, Office of the Chief.

"I'm very pleased that you were able to hold back your anger this time and didn't chop the red guy with a knife." Onodera Shogo looked at Kurata Nobuhiro with satisfaction and said.

On one previous occasion, the Military Police Headquarters captured an operative from the Qingdao Station of the Military Command. The man deliberately insulted him during the torture process, which angered Nobuhiro Kurata. In anger, Nobuhiro Kurata chopped off the man's head with a knife. This incident caused controversy. Onodera Shogo was furious and whipped Kurata Nobuhiro.

"My subordinate was reckless before and caused big problems. After that, he always reminded himself to bear in mind the instructions of the chief." Kurata Nobuhiro said respectfully, "The chief is right. If a person cannot control his temper, it is the most incompetent. "

Onodera Shogo nodded slightly, "Did you find anything over there at Chongde Middle School?"

"There is no abnormal movement at the moment." Kurata Nobuhiro said, "However, this Liao Hua is a teacher at Chongde Middle School. The students of Chongde Middle School are known to spread anti-Japanese thoughts. There cannot be only Liao Hua in Chongde Middle School. molecular."

"The Red Party is very good at deceiving people. In just two or three years, they have grown from scratch and have become a force that we cannot ignore." Onodera Shogo said solemnly.

After the empire occupied Qingdao, Pei Changxi, the director of the Qingdao Party Affairs Investigation Office, was arrested and immediately surrendered, and personally led the military police to trap his subordinates. Of the thirty-three people in the Qingdao Party Affairs Investigation Office, except for two who were executed for their stubbornness, the other thirty One person immediately surrendered to the empire as a whole.

Through Pei Changxi and others, Onodera Shogo also learned about the situation of the Qingdao Red Party. After rounds of arrests and killings by the Party Affairs Investigation Department, the Qingdao Red Party could be said to have been uprooted. Pei Changxi even patted his chest and said that there were almost no Qingdao Red Party members. A red party is still alive.

Onodera Shogo agreed with this. When it comes to hunting down red party members, the Party Affairs Investigation Office is professional.

However, I never thought that in just over two years, the Qingdao Red Party would resurgence. According to the intelligence gathered by the Military Police Headquarters, Qingdao Super High School, the Police Department and other units, the Qingdao Red Party has been quite active recently and seems to have become quite popular.

Last year, the Red Party established the so-called "Seventh Brigade of the Third Shandong People's Anti-Japanese Army". This unit frequently attacked rural garrisons and instigated rebellion, causing the Locust Army quite a headache.

In the end, it was Pei Changxi who came up with the idea. The empire contacted Huang Kairen, the anti-Japanese guerrilla unit of the Qingdao National Army, and set up an ambush on the team's transfer, inflicting heavy losses on the unit.

However, it is said that the armed personnel of the "Seventh Brigade of the Third Shandong People's Anti-Japanese Army" who escaped from the ambush have been reorganized in Huang County and incorporated into the 65th Regiment of the Fifth Detachment of the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army.

The Sixty-fifth Regiment of the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army, echoing the Red Party in Qingdao both inside and outside, frequently attacked the empire's railway transportation lines. This also made the military headquarters quite angry, and ordered the Military Police Headquarters to cooperate with the Special High School Section, the Police Department and other units within a time limit. Destroy the underground Red Party in Qingdao and cut off the intelligence line of the 65th Regiment of the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army.

"Don't keep your eyes on Chongtoku Middle School and the factory. We must also take strict precautions." Onodera Shogo said, "In addition to the teachers and students, the workers in the factory are also very restless."


"In addition, Wang Kehai, Liang Hongzhi, and Wang Keming from China are going to hold a meeting in Qingdao, and the military has issued an order to make every effort to ensure the safety of the meeting." Shogo Onodera said with a serious expression, "The Red Party is best at instigating ignorant and ignorant Chinese people to cause trouble.

, we must closely monitor civil activities to prevent thugs from causing chaos."

"Hai." Kurata Nobuhiro said respectfully, "I will order Omura Hanjiro to take charge of this matter, and order Pei Changxi to cooperate with him and closely monitor the movements of all parties."

"Very good, I can order Pei Changxi's department to fully cooperate with Omura. They are good at dealing with the Red Party." Onodera Shogo nodded and said.

The dormitory of Yizhong Cigarette Factory, which is a low-rise and dilapidated shanty town.

The Qingdao Underground Party of the Jiaodong Working Committee is holding a secret meeting.

The person in the middle coughed violently.

"Lao Zhu, drink some hot water." Guan Qide handed a bowl of water to Zhu Minxi and said worriedly.

Comrade Zhu Minxi came to Qingdao from Shanghai the year before last. It was under Comrade Zhu Minxi's work that the Qingdao underground party completed the reconstruction work after it was destroyed by the enemy.

However, Comrade Zhu Minxi had serious stomach problems, and coupled with working day and night, difficult living conditions, and inadequate nutrition, his health became worse and worse.

"I'm fine." Zhu Minxi drank some water to moisten her sore throat and said, "Is there any news about Comrade Liao Hua?"

"The police detective team's insider sent information that the Military Police Headquarters secretly arrested a person a few days ago. Now we highly suspect that that person is Comrade Liao Hua."

Zhu Minxi fell silent.

Liao Hua was the first lost comrade he contacted after arriving in Qingdao. This comrade still adhered to his faith and continued the battle during the period of losing contact. He was a strong Bolshevik fighter.

Now that Comrade Liao Hua fell into the hands of the Japanese, he could fully imagine how cruel the inhumane Japanese would torture Comrade Liao Hua.

"Have all our comrades evacuated from Chongde Middle School?" Zhu Minxi asked.

"Comrade Mei Mingji has evacuated. His mother happened to be sick and asked for leave to take care of the elderly at home." Guan Qide said, "Comrade Yu Xiaopan asked to continue to stay. What she meant was that she was a lesbian and had been living in Qingdao, and was with

Comrade Liao Hua doesn’t have many contacts in normal times, so there should be no risk of exposure.”

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Hearing Yu Xiaopan's persistence, Zhu Minxi subconsciously objected.

Yu Xiaopan is the cousin of Comrade Yu Zheliu. Comrade Yu Zheliu was a young Bolshevik fighter that Zhu Minxi admired very much when he was in Shanghai. Later, when he learned that Comrade Yu Zheliu had died, Zhu Minxi was extremely sad.

It was Cheng Qianfan who personally killed Comrade Yu Zheliu, and Zhu Minxi hated him even more.

When he was in Shanghai, Comrade Luo Yannian always insisted on imposing sanctions on Cheng Qianfan, and Zhu Minxi was a firm supporter.

Comrade Yu Zheliu died, and Comrade Yu Zheliu's fiancée, Comrade Guan Ling, also died in Tianjin. Comrade Yu Xiaopan is Comrade Yu Zheliu's only relative in this world. Zhu Minxi does not want this young Bolshevik soldier to die again.

Something happened.

"Comrade Yu Xiaopan said that it is better to be still than to move. It would be safer for her to stay," Guan Qide said.

Zhu Minxi nodded. What Comrade Yu Xiaopan said was somewhat reasonable. Mei Mingji had legitimate reasons for asking for leave. If Comrade Yu Xiaopan asked for leave again, it would attract the enemy's attention.

"Tell Comrade Yu Xiaopan to be careful at all times." Zhu Minxi said seriously, "Our enemies are cruel and cunning. Any slight negligence may lead to disaster."

"Comrade Yu Xiaopan's revolutionary enthusiasm deserves praise, but please convey my opinion. No, it is not an opinion, it is a work requirement. She must resolutely avoid revealing her Zhengzhi thoughts to outsiders, especially when facing children."

Zhu Minxi said.

His expression was serious. He remembered that when he was hospitalized at Bethel Hospital in Shanghai, his son was tricked into reading newspapers by agents from the Kuomintang Party Affairs Investigation Department. The enemy used this detail to lock his identity. If there was no hidden front,

Comrade warned him in time, and he was very likely to fall into the enemy's hands.

"Yes, I will convey it." Guan Qide said. He understood Comrade Zhu Minxi's worries. When Comrade Zhu Minxi was in Shanghai, he was almost arrested because his son was tricked by the enemy into reading newspapers. Zhu Minxi once mentioned to him.

, for warning purposes.

"One more thing." Guan Qide said, "In the past two days, the Japanese, the puppet police, and even the puppet army have stepped up patrols on the streets. If there is suspicion, they will directly search people or even arrest people. This situation

, we must be extra vigilant.”

"The situation you mentioned has been noticed by the organization." Zhu Minxi nodded, "I don't know what motivated the enemy, or what conspiracy the enemy has. In short, let me tell you comrades that the current struggle situation is very serious.

You must be careful, and be more careful.”

Kurata Nobuhiro had just left the chief's office when he saw the chief of the security office, Zheng Zhi, Major Shiba Goyoji, coming hurriedly.

"Major Shibayama." Kurata Nobuhiro saluted to Shibayama Temple.

"Kurata-kun, is your room chief here?" Shibagoji asked.

"The head of the room is here." Kurata Nobuhiro nodded, then bowed slightly to Shibagoji Temple, and left knowingly.

Onodera Shogo saw Shibagoji coming in and greeted him warmly, "Shibagoji, come and try my new wine."

As he spoke, he took a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet in the office and said with a smile, "This was given to me by Your Excellency Mr. San Ben from the Shanghai Extra High School. It is said to be the top red wine from a private French winery."

"Excellent." Shiba Yangji said happily, "I have long heard that Mr. Sanbon in Shanghai is good at fine wines, and all the wines he collects are treasures. Today, I am blessed by Mr. Onodera. I am very lucky."

The two of them drank wine and talked.

After chatting for a while, the two began to get down to business.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, just told me that Mr. Takeuchi will arrive in Qingdao tomorrow morning," said Shiba Goatji.

"Oh?" Onodera Shogo took a sip of red wine, nodded and said, "Mr. Wang is coming, where are Mr. Liang and Mr. Wang from Peiping?"

Takeuchi is the code name given by the Qingdao side for Wang Quanhai's visit to Qingdao. The military department has issued an order, requiring the Qingdao side to make every effort to ensure the safety of the meeting and to hold it smoothly, especially to ensure Wang Quanhai's safety. Therefore, Wang Quanhai, Among Liang Hongzhi and Wang Keming, only Wang Chuanhai was specially given the code name "Takeuchi" to keep it secret.

"Liang Hongzhi and his entourage should also arrive tomorrow, and Wang Keming and his entourage will take a military plane from the North China Garrison and arrive tomorrow afternoon," Chaiyangsi said.

"Has the accommodation location for all parties been arranged?" Onodera Shogo asked.

"According to the previously formulated security plan, people from Wang Reclamation Group will be arranged to stay at the Guest House."

"The Imperial Shanghai Front Army personnel attending the meeting and the Locust Army reporters, the North China Garrison Liaison Department and Wang Keming and his party, the Imperial Central China Garrison Liaison Department and Liang Hongzhi and his party will stay at the Taiping Road Hotel."

"Where is General Itagaki? We must entertain him well." Onodera Shogo said.

"Chief of Staff Seishiro Itagaki, as well as personnel from the Imperial North China Front attending the meeting, as well as personnel from the Tokyo Military Headquarters will all stay at the Imperial Oriental Hotel on Shaoguan Road," said Shiba Goyoji.

Onodera Shogo stood up and came to the wall. He opened the scarlet curtain and stared at the map of Qingdao hanging on the wall.

He found the Guest House, the Taiping Road Hotel, and the Dongyang Hotel on Shaoguan Road, and drew a circle on these three locations with a pencil. He couldn't help but nod, "These three places are not close or far away, and the surrounding defenses are adequate. It’s really a good fit.”

In the evening of the same day, the Japanese army in Qingdao held a joint meeting to make final arrangements and arrangements for the security of the so-called "Big Three" meeting of Wang Chuhai, Liang Hongzhi, and Wang Keming.

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Shiba Yangji and Onodera Shogo, as representatives of the Qingdao Military Police Headquarters, were ordered to attend.

After the meeting, the Japanese knew that Wang Chuanhai, Liang Hongzhi, Wang Keming and others were very face-saving, so they telegraphed the security plan to show their importance.

"Mr. Wang is in a good mood." Cheng Qianfan held the goblet in his hand and approached Liu Xia and said.

"The Japanese side attaches great importance to the security of the 'Big Three' meeting, and specially telegraphed the security arrangements to show its importance to Mr. Wang, Liang and Wang." Liu Xia said in a low voice, "Mr. Wang read it I am very happy with the Japanese security arrangements, saying that the Japanese have finally done something humane."

When Cheng Qianfan heard this, he was surprised at first, and then smiled, "It seems that Mr. Wang is also quite resentful towards Japan."

Liu Xia smiled slightly and did not answer this sentence. She drank a few sips of red wine and said that the wine was drying her mouth. She asked the waiter for a glass of lemon juice. She drank it in one go and asked for another glass.

"What are you looking at? It's the coldest month of winter, the weather is dry, and your skin is dry. What do you know about women's affairs?" Liu Xia rolled her eyes at Cheng Qianfan.

Cheng Qianfan smiled.

At this time, Chu Mingyu accompanied Wang Qianhai to finish speaking and walked over with a briefcase in his hand.

Cheng Qianfan quickly took a glass of wine from the waiter's tray and greeted him.

"Uncle Chu, thank you for your hard work." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile.

Chu Mingyu took the wine glass, nodded slightly, and then casually handed the briefcase to Liu Xia, who also came over to greet him.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at the briefcase and left quickly.

"Secretary-general, I want to go to the bathroom." Liu Xia said.

Chu Mingyu nodded. He knew that Liu Xia was looking for an excuse to leave and sent the briefcase to the safe in the cabin.

About ten minutes later, Liu Xia came back in a hurry. She found Chu Mingyu who was talking to Chen Chunpu and said, "Secretary-General, the key."

Chu Mingyu slapped his head. Just when Cheng Qianfan was talking to him, he forgot that he had the key to the safe with him.

In the distance, Cheng Qianfan saw Liu Xia leaving and returning. His eyes stayed on the briefcase in Liu Xia's hand, and he followed him calmly.

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