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Chapter 1437 A loud noise

Chapter 1439 A loud noise

Chen Xi is looking through the perpetual calendar.

In the 29th year of the Republic of China, January 25th was the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month.

"The year of Ji Mao, the month of Ding Chou, and the day of Ding Mao." Shen Xi nodded, "What a good day."

The almanac says that today is a good day to get married, meet relatives and friends, travel, get married, get engaged, buy clothes, make an alliance, lay a bed, move a tomb, offer sacrifices, enshrine, bury, start a business, and slaughter animals.

It is suitable for everything and has no taboos. It is especially suitable for business and burial.

Sure enough, our Chinese ancestors also knew that today is a good day and a good time to slaughter animals.

"Tofu! Tofu! Tofu!"

"Sanziba tofu, steaming Sanziba tofu."

The cries of Tofu Lang came from the street.

"Brother Shen, do you want to go out and buy two pieces of tofu?" Situ Jianguang said, "The steaming hot tofu has spring onions in the pot house, which is perfect for mixing with it."

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat." Yan Yuanqing glared at Situ Jianguang. The section chief had not come back since he went out, and he was worried.

Chen Xi knew, however, that the sound of selling tofu, especially the phrase "three-character dam", was a signal for action.

He did not immediately deploy the action, but waited until the shouting sound faded away, then put away the perpetual calendar, stood up and patted his butt.

"Lao Hu hasn't come back, which is really worrying." He looked at the three of them and said, "I'm worried that something happened to him."

The expressions of the three brothers from the intelligence department immediately tightened. They looked at Shen Xi. Section Chief Hu was not here, and Deputy Team Leader Shen was their commander.

"Fu Peng." Shen Xi looked at a young junior who had been silent, playing with the dagger in his hand.


"We can't stay here any longer. You and Brother Yan should evacuate immediately." Shen Xi said.

"Team Leader Shen, what do you mean?" Yan Yuanqing immediately frowned and asked Shen Xi, "You mean something happened to Brother Hu? No, you suspect that Brother Hu will betray us?"

"Be prepared," Shen Xi said calmly.

"Fart, a hero like Brother Hu will never frown even if he is really caught by a kid."

"Shut up!" Fu Peng glared at Yan Yuanqing, "Don't be rude to your superior."

As he said that, he looked at Shen Xi, "Team Leader Shen, is it really this far?"

"Go to Liujiaweizi." Shen Xi said, "Don't you have a cousin there? Go hide there first and don't come back until you receive an order."

"Okay." Fu Peng took a deep look at Shen Xi, and then he grabbed Yan Yuanqing's neck who was about to yell, "Shut up and listen to the commander."

With that said, he let go of Yan Yuanqing and clasped his fists towards Shen Xi, "Team Leader Shen, let me and my brothers say goodbye."

Chen Xi nodded and watched Fu Peng lead Yan Yuanqing, who was still dissatisfied, out of the house.

"Situ, go see them off."


"Fu Peng, you coward, Brother Hu hasn't come back yet, and you just left like this." Yan Yuanqing growled, "That Chief Shen refused to save him..."

"Shut up." Fu Peng's eyes were red and he glared at Yan Yuanqing fiercely, "You know what a grandma's legs are!"

He hugged Yan Yunqing over and said, "I'm telling you, something must have happened to the section chief."

"What? Then you still?"

"Chief Shen let us go to give us a way out. It's more dangerous for him to stay here by himself! You know nothing!"

"That, that."

"Chief Shen and the section chief were whispering yesterday, and they must be planning something big." Fu Peng lowered his voice and said, "They want to die to serve the country."

"Then we can't leave." Yan Yunqing frowned, "Besides, why can that boy Situ stay, and we have to leave."

"Yes, why can Situ stay?" Fu Peng sighed.

"I won't leave." Yan Yunqing said dullly.

"We have to go!" Fu Peng's face was extremely gloomy, and Yan Yunqing was so frightened that he did not dare to say anything. He was a reckless man, but he was only afraid of Fu Peng. Fu Peng was his cousin and had beaten him since he was a child. Very powerful.

Fu Peng pulled Yan Yunqing to the door. He turned around and saw Situ Jiandong standing in the yard looking at them.

Situ Jiandong smiled and hugged his fists towards the two robes.

"Take care!" Fu Peng hugged Situ Jiandong, then opened the door and took his cousin out.

Situ Jiandong watched the two people leave. He whispered "take care" and then bolted the courtyard door.

"Commander Horie, two people came out." Nishiura Genichiro immediately reported to Fushimi Miya Toshisuke.

Fushimi Miya Junyou walked to the window in two steps and set up a telescope to take a look.

"It's not Shen Xi, these two people should be Hu Zejun's men." He asked Nishiura Genichiro, "Nishiura, what do you think they did here?"

"It's been a long time since Hu Zejun was arrested. It's impossible for them not to be worried." Genichiro Nishiura thought, "Maybe they went out to look for Hu Zejun and inquire about the situation."

As he spoke, he held the binoculars with both hands and stared at the two people who were going out.

"It's possible." Fushimi Gong Junyou nodded.

"Could it be that you realized something was wrong and ran away?" Cheng Qianfan said with a frown.

"Stupid." Fushimi Miya Shunsuke gave Miyazaki Kentaro a contemptuous look, "If we really sensed the danger, these two little guys wouldn't be the ones who came out."

"What Lieutenant Colonel Horie said is absolutely true." Cheng Qianfan showed a guilty expression, "I understand, the officers of the Chinese army are the most afraid of death. Shen Xi is the highest officer besides Hu Zejun. He didn't come out, which explains everything. normal."

"Nishiura, arrange for a few people to follow them." Fushimi Miya Junyou said in a deep voice, "Finish it in a remote place!"

"Hai!" Nishiura Genichiro nodded, waved his hand, and four of his subordinates immediately followed the order and left.

Cheng Qianfan saw all this in his eyes, and he knew that this should be Taozi's plan to divide his forces.

Now, besides Genichiro Nishiura, Atsuhito Kawada, and Yuichiro Takatsu, there are only five subordinates beside Fushimi Miya Shunsuke.

In addition, this strategy can not only distract Fushimi Miya Shunsuke's escorts, but also paralyze the enemy. Now that there are only Shen Xi and one or two others in the yard, the enemy will only despise him even more, thinking that the arrest is easy.

Cheng Qianfan was very satisfied, as all Taozi's arrangements had been appreciated and recognized by him.

"Team leader, two of Hu Zejun's men have come out." Mao Xuanyi said to Qiao Chuntao.

"Almost." Taozi nodded, "Is Wu Shunjia in place?"

"Brother Wu is already in place and has made all preparations." Mao Xuanyi said.

Taozi nodded slightly and fell into deep thought. He was thinking about whether there were any omissions in the arrangement of this operation.

Virgo entrusted him with the overall operation of this operation, which is a sign of trust in him and is also a test of ability.

'Fushimi Miya Junsuke has an extraordinary status. In the hearts of his attendants, Fushimi Miya Junsuke's safety is always the first priority. How can these guards allow Fushimi Miya Junsuke to show up to a certain extent to the maximum extent possible? Approaching the danger zone, that's the core issue.'

What Virgo told him kept coming to his mind.

The action plan he formulated, it can almost be said that before the gun was fired, everything revolved around this core issue:

Lower the enemy's alertness step by step!

At the same time, it reduces the alertness of Fushimi Miya Junyi, especially his attendants, and can also weaken the enemy's attention to Virgo to the greatest extent, making it easier for Virgo to escape from the danger zone at critical moments.

"When will we start?" Atsushi Kawada yawned boredly and looked at Fushimi Miya Shunsuke and asked.

"Since Atsuto is impatient to wait, let's take action." Fushimi Miya Junyou said with a smile.

He said to Nishiura Genichiro, "Nishiura, Atsuto and I will work with you."

Kawada Atsuto's expression changed drastically.

Just now, Fushimi Miya Shunsuke said that when Nishiura Genichiro released the enemy, Fushimi Miya Shunsuke invited him to come forward and shoot the enemy together. This had already made Kawada Atsushi extremely frightened. Unexpectedly, Fushimi Miya Shunsuke would go even further!


Yes, in his opinion, Fushimi Miya Junyou is simply crazy at this time!

Do you know who you are?

You are His Highness Fushimi Miya Shunsuke, a member of the royal family. If you don’t cherish your own life, don’t drag me along to take risks.

"Absolutely not!" Cheng Qianfan was the first to stop him.

Then he saw Fushimi Gong Junyou's dissatisfied and gloomy gaze.

"A gun has no eyes, Master Atsuhito..." Cheng Qianfan said urgently. Under Fushimi Gong Junyi's increasingly stern gaze, he was worried, "Miyazaki was ordered by His Excellency Kawada to never let Master Atsuhito..." In danger."

"Dangerous situation?" Fushimi Gong Junyou snorted coldly, "It's just a turtle in a jar. Where is the danger?"

As he said that, he looked at Genichiro Nishiura and said, "Nishiura, how many people are there in the yard now?"

"There should be two more people. One of them is Shen Xi, the deputy leader of the Qingdao station's radio team. I don't know if the other one is from the intelligence department or Shen Xi's subordinate." Nishiura Genichiro said.

"Let's take action." Fushimi Gong Junyou snorted coldly and walked towards the stairs first.

"Nishiura-kun, please stop Lieutenant Colonel Horie." Cheng Qianfan was sweating profusely and urged anxiously, "After all, there are two people inside, just in case..."

He stammered, "What if the two who went out just now come back and attack from both sides..."

Genichiro Nishiura glanced at Cheng Qianfan contemptuously, "There's nothing wrong with those two people. They were probably worried about Hu Zejun and went out to look for him."

He had just been staring at the two people who came out with a telescope. After all, His Highness's safety was the most important, and he was worried that something might happen. However, according to his observation, there was nothing unusual about the expressions of the two people. They indeed seemed to have gone out in a hurry to look for someone. Look.

"You just have to concentrate on protecting Master Atsuhito. Commander Horie's safety depends on us." Genichiro Nishiura said coldly. As he said that, he ignored Cheng Qianfan and called his men to quickly follow Fushimi Miya Shunsuke.

In any case, his only mission is to protect His Highness. There are only two people in the courtyard. He only needs to lead people to guard in front of His Highness to prevent His Highness from being exposed to possible enemy gunfire. To put it bluntly, they can do it Human shields can ensure the safety of Fushimi Palace.

Genichiro Nishiura also turned to look at Atsuhito Kawada. Seeing the obviously timid look on the young master of the Kawada family, he snorted coldly in his heart.

When he was in the hospital, he was really worried about His Highness's safety, and asked Atsuto Kawada to protect His Highness. He didn't know that this request would make Kawada Atsushi unhappy, but Genichiro Nishiura didn't care.

The situation he considered at the time was that His Highness and Kawada Atsuto would stay at the back. With his words, Kawada Atsuto would protect His Highness at all costs even if he was reluctant.

The situation was different now. His Highness was obviously very interested and actually wanted to go forward in person. Seeing the timid appearance of the young master of the Kawada family, Genichiro Nishiura felt extremely contemptuous.

He even suspected that if there was really a danger, this guy would not only be unable to protect His Highness, but would need His Highness to protect him.

Therefore, Genichiro Nishiura simply ignored His Highness's words to ask Kawada Atsuto to shoot the enemy with him, ignored Kawada Atsuto, and let this guy stay behind, so that he could focus more on protecting His Highness. As for being dragged down by this good-for-nothing young master.

"Master Atsushi." Cheng Qianfan's face flushed, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Kawada Atsushi.

"Let's go." Kawada Atsuhito shook his head helplessly, "His Royal Highness Junyou's temper has risen, and no one can persuade him."

"I still think it's too risky." Cheng Qianfan stamped his feet and said hurriedly, "There is an old saying in China, a son with a lot of money will not sit down in the hall, your highness, he, ugh!"

With that said, Cheng Qianfan looked around, lowered his voice and said to Kawada Atsushi, "Atsushi, you will be by my side in a moment. If there is any danger, I will take the bullet for you."

"There are not so many dangers." Kawada Atsushi said with a smile. However, he could really feel the sincerity of Kentaro Miyazaki's words, and he was moved in his heart.

"The son of a rich man should stay in the hall." Cheng Qianfan kept chattering.

"Miyazaki-kun is right, let's stay away." Yuichiro Takatsu also said quickly.

He and Nishiura Genichiro have the same status and responsibilities, and protecting their young master is their only mission.

"Okay, I listen to you." Kawada Atsuhito said with a smile.

While the three of them were talking, they were already some distance behind Fushimi Miya Shunsuke and others.

Cheng Qianfan looked up and saw four of Nishiura Genichiro's men approaching the courtyard gate in a surrounding posture.

Nishiura Genichiro and another guard walked behind the four people with Fushimi Miya Shunsuke. The two of them guarded Fushimi Miya Shunsuke to ensure that Fushimi Miya Shunsuke would not be hit by stray bullets.

"Atsuhito." Fushimi Miya Shunsuke stopped and turned around to look. He saw Kawada Atsuhito carefully walking behind under the protection of Kentaro Miyazaki and Yuichiro Takatsu. He couldn't help but shake his head and sarcastically said, "

The courage of the Kawada family."

Kawada Atsuto looked a little embarrassed and quickened his pace to follow.

When Cheng Qianfan saw this, he quickly caught up with Kawada Atsuhito.

Two Fushimi Palace guards were guarding the door, and the other two took a running start and nimbly climbed into the courtyard.

"Your Highness, we can't go any further, Kumoto and the others will force the enemy out." Genichiro Nishiura quickly dissuaded Fushimi Miya Shunsuke who wanted to get closer to the courtyard gate.

"Get out of the way." Fushimi Gong Junyou snorted coldly. He held his own gun with both hands, facing the middle door, ready to pull the trigger at any time, "The first prey is mine."

At this time, the two guards who climbed through the courtyard door opened the door latch, and then gently opened the courtyard door.


A loud bang!

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