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Chapter 1471 Zhang Yang and Domineering (please vote for me)

"Brother Cheng, don't be anxious." Shangguan Wu laughed, "Major Suganuma is just making a routine inquiry."

He smiled and said, "As for me, I naturally believe that this matter must have nothing to do with Brother Cheng."

With that said, he stepped forward and patted Cheng Qianfan on the shoulder, "Don't worry, brother, I am naturally on your side."

Cheng Qianfan snorted coldly and gave Shinichiro Suganuma a cold look.

This person is the section chief of the Investigation Section of the Inspection Office of the Japanese Military Police Headquarters in Shanghai, and is now assigned to investigate the murder of Yamazaki Shuichi, the deputy director of the Inoue Residence.

Accompanied personally by Shangguan Wu, director of the External Liaison Office of the Political Office of the French Concession, Shinichiro Suganuma met with Cheng Qianfan and questioned him.

"Vice President Cheng, please answer my question. Did you go to No. 22, Nishijiraiho Street, around 8:30 last night?" Shinichiro Suganuma said coldly.

"Are you interrogating a prisoner?" Cheng Qianfan's face turned cold. He looked at Shinichiro Suganuma with cold eyes, "Mr. Suganuma, don't forget whose territory this is!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hao Zi, Hao Zi and Hou Pingliang behind him looked at Shinichiro Suganuma with unkind expressions, and Hou Pingliang's hand touched the gun at his waist.

Shinichiro Suganuma also had a fierce look on his face and looked at Cheng Qianfan without fear. He wanted to see if the 'little Mr. Cheng' from the French Concession really had the guts to use force against the locust army.

Shangguan Wu winked at Su Zhikang.

"Oh, what is this, what is this?" Su Zhikang said quickly, "A shocking murder occurred on Nishi Jiraiya Street. A Japanese friend was killed. Major Suganuma also deplored the murder of his compatriots and is eager to investigate the case."

Cheng Qianfan glanced at Su Zhikang.

Su Zhikang immediately said, "Of course, Major Suganuma's tone is indeed a bit inappropriate. Who is Mr. Cheng? How could he do such an illegal thing?"

Su Zhikang said repeatedly, "We are all friends. We can sit down and drink tea and communicate slowly about anything."

Shinichiro Suganuma looked gloomy and finally sat down.

Cheng Qianfan's expression softened a little. He glanced at Su Zhikang and said, "Brother Zhikang's words are still heartwarming."

Shangguan Wu smiled slightly, picked up the tea cup, and took a sip of tea. He knew that this time Cheng Qianfan even hated him, but he snorted in his heart, but he didn't care.

He had already secretly defected to the Japanese. Shanghai and most of China were now ruled by the Japanese. With the Japanese as his backers, he had nothing to fear from Cheng Qianfan.

However, he was puzzled in his heart. Didn't Cheng Qianfan always have good relations with the Japanese?

As far as he knew, Cheng Qianfan had a good relationship with Araki Harima from the Shanghai Special High School, and was also secretly close to the Military Police. How could he suddenly be involved in the murder of the deputy director of the Inoue Residence?

Is this a falling out with the Japanese?

Shangguan Wu secretly thought to himself that he was naturally happy to see this happen. There were many people in the French Concession patrol room who secretly communicated with the Japanese. Among them, Cheng Qianfan was the greatest threat to his status with the Japanese.

"I did visit Mr. Shuichi Yamazaki last night." Cheng Qianfan took a sip of tea, put down the teacup, and said calmly.

"What did Vice President Cheng do there?" Shinichiro Suganuma asked immediately.

"Some cases involve Mr. Yamazaki Shuichi. My trip is for official business." Cheng Qianfan said with a serious expression.

"Business matters?" Shinichiro Suganuma looked disbelieving and sneered, "Since it's a matter of official matters, why didn't Vice President Cheng want to say it?"

"I don't like your attitude!" Cheng Qianfan stretched out his hand, Haozi handed over the trimmed cigar, and Hou Pingliang flipped the lighter to help Brother Fan smoke the cigarette.

Cheng Qianfan took a puff of his cigar and raised a despicable smile, "Mr. Suganuma, please remember, I am willing to answer your questions because I am in a good mood and don't want to pay attention to you. You can't do anything to me either."


"Bag duck down!" Shinichiro Suganuma slapped the table and was about to stand up.

"What's going on? Let's talk to each other." Su Zhikang quickly persuaded Shinichiro Suganuma to sit down, "Isn't it good to talk to him peacefully?"

Shinichiro Suganuma sat down angrily.

Su Zhikang asked Cheng Qianfan, "Brother Cheng, you said you went to Xiji Laihuoxing Street for official business? I wonder what case Mr. Yamazaki is involved in?"

"Oh, that's a lot." Cheng Qianfan said, snapping his fingers.

Hao Zai opened the folder in his hand and read expressionlessly, "In 1936, a man named Xu Wei was shot and killed in the Sanjiaodi vegetable market. Xu Wei was a resident of the legal community. Later, it was verified by the judicial arrest room that the man who shot Xu Wei was

The murderer was a Japanese ronin named Hirakawa Mataemon."

"In 1937, Ms. Lafayette Ruth's husband, Qian Zhongnan, disappeared. Later, it was found out that Mr. Qian Zhongnan was unfortunately killed, and the murderer was also the Japanese ronin Hirakawa Mataemon."


"This is slander. The citizens of the Empire have always abided by the rules and laws." Shinichiro Suganuma said angrily, "The people of the Empire of Japan are the most peace-loving and law-respecting people in the world, and they will never commit crimes."

Cheng Qianfan's expression was grim. He looked at Shinichiro Suganuma and said, "This is the conclusion reached by my patrol room after careful investigation and a large amount of personal and material evidence. Facts speak louder than words."

Shinichiro Suganuma was about to speak. Shangguan Wu put down the tea cup in his hand and said to Shinichiro Suganuma with a smile, "Section Chief Suganuma, the patrol room's cases have their own rules. Let's focus on the murder of Mr. Yamazaki."

Shinichiro Suganuma frowned and nodded. He looked at Cheng Qianfan, "What you want to investigate is Hirakawa Mataemon. What does it have to do with Yamazaki Shuichi?"

Cheng Qianfan ignored Shinichiro Suganuma and nodded towards Hao Zai.

"On March 5, 1939, a murder occurred at No. 12 Nanjinli. The male owner, Ferry Coelho, was killed, and his wife also died unexpectedly. Based on the evidence missing from the scene, the patrol room identified the murderer and confirmed that the murderer was

It’s Hirakawa Mataemon.”

Shinichiro Suganuma gave Gozai a vicious look, but Gozai ignored it and continued reading.

"On August 15, 1939, fifteen piglets were poisoned to death at the Feynman Pig Farm at No. 31 Shudori. After investigation, it was found that the poisoner was none other than Hirakawa Mataemon!

"Hao Zai said, and then he closed the file, "Currently, it can be confirmed that these four old cases were committed by the Japanese ronin Hirakawa Mataemon!"

"Bag duck down!" Shinichiro Suganuma's face turned green with anger, this is all such a mess.

Of course, he knew what the Inoue Mansion did. The first three murders might have been committed by people from the Inoue Mansion, but the last case turned out to be the poisoning of fifteen piglets?

The people in the Inoue Mansion were so full that they went to poison the piglets in the pig farm?

Therefore, Shinichiro Suganuma determined that these cases were absolutely slander, no, not just slander, but also a humiliation to the Empire of Japan.

"Mr. Suganuma, please calm down." Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly, "I have always maintained a friendly attitude towards Japan, and I also believe that most people in your country are kind and law-abiding people. Therefore, when I learned that so many shocking cases were

When it was all Hirakawa Mataemon's fault, I was very shocked and angry."

As he said that, he pointed at Shinichiro Suganuma, "Well, my reaction at that time was the same as Mr. Suganuma's now, which was both angry and sad."

Shinichiro Suganuma was furious. He pointed his finger at Cheng Qianfan and was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Brother Cheng, you haven't said anything about the Hirakawa Mataemon case yet, why is it related to Mr. Yamazaki Shuichi again?" Shangguan Wu glanced at Shinichiro Suganuma, who was extremely angry, and asked quickly.

As expected, this question immediately attracted Shinichiro Suganuma's attention and eased his mood.

"Hirakawa Mataemon is the cousin of Mr. Yamazaki Shuichi." Cheng Qianfan said, "Mr. Yamazaki confirmed this. He is deeply ashamed of the sins his cousin committed."

His expression was serious and serious, "Here I would like to praise Mr. Yamazaki. He is a reviewer with extremely high moral cultivation. He killed his relatives and informed us of Hirakawa Mataemon's hiding place."

"What?" Shinichiro Suganuma was shocked. He didn't believe what Cheng Qianfan said at all. In his opinion, this guy was completely lying. However, now he heard Cheng Qianfan say that Yamazaki Shuichi confirmed the identity of Hirakawa Mataemon.

, and even accused Hirakawa Mataemon of righteousness. He was puzzled and shocked at the same time.

He subconsciously felt that Cheng Qianfan must still be talking nonsense, but judging from this guy's expression, it didn't look like he was lying.

"Yes, thanks to Mr. Yamazaki Shuichi's righteousness to annihilate relatives, the patrol room arrested Hirakawa Mataemon overnight," Cheng Qianfan said.

"Have you caught it?" Su Zhikang immediately asked at the right time.

"I caught him. However, Hirakawa Mataemon learned that Yamazaki Shuichi had betrayed him. He was so excited that he shot and resisted arrest, and was shot dead by the patrol." Cheng Qianfan sighed.

"Nonsense!" Shinichiro Suganuma said loudly, "Everything comes out of your mouth, Cheng Qianfan. Both Yamazaki-kun and Hirakawa Mataemon are dead, so naturally everything is up to you.


Cheng Qianfan glanced at the angry Shinichiro Suganuma, but he sneered in his heart.

Shinichiro Suganuma was fooled.

The implication of Shinichiro Suganuma's words is that he tacitly believed in the existence of Hirakawa Mataemon, which is very important.

"Where is the body of Hirakawa Mataemon?" Shangguan Wu took a deep breath and asked.

"In the morgue of the Terrace Road Police Hospital." Cheng Qianfan said calmly.

He glanced at Shangguan Wu and realized that this guy was determined to follow the Japanese.

Regarding Shangguan Wu, Cheng Qianfan did not dare to be careless in the slightest, and always remained vigilant and had the utmost vigilance.

This person is a veteran of the French Concession Patrol Room. He has connections at the top of the French Concession Patrol Room, and there are also intricate connections below. If such a person is determined to be a traitor, it will be extremely harmful.

"By the way, here is a compensation note handwritten by Mr. Yamazaki Shuichi." Cheng Qianfan nodded towards Li Hao.

Li Hao immediately went to find the note in the drawer and handed it to Brother Fan with both hands.

Cheng Qianfan handed the note to Shangguan Wu.

Shangguanwu took the note and looked at it carefully. He looked surprised at first, then frowned. Finally he nodded, handed the note to Shinichiro Suganuma, and said, "Section Chief Suganuma, the note is true."

Cheng Qianfan's heart moved.

Why did Shangguanwu say the note was genuine?

This shows that Shangguanwu recognized Yamazaki Shuichi's handwriting. It seems that the collusion between the director of the External Relations Office of the Political Division of the French Concession Patrol Room and the Japanese was deeper than he knew and imagined.

Shinichiro Suganuma took the note and read it. It said that Shuichi Yamazaki was deeply shocked and even more disturbed by the appalling evil deeds of his cousin Mataemon Hirakawa. As a family member of the criminal, he was willing to pay compensation of 10,000 silver dollars.

The money was given to comfort the victims and as a tribute to the hard-working patrol officers of the Central Patrol Room.

Shinichiro Suganuma's eyes widened, and his reason told him that such a note was definitely a fake, because he knew Yamazaki Shuichi, and it was absolutely impossible for Yamazaki to write such a compensation note, and it could even be said that it would not be possible for any imperial agent.

Writing such a note is insulting to the Empire.

However, Shangguanwu said that it was indeed written by Yamazaki Shuichi, and he couldn't help but not believe it, because he knew that Shangguanwu and Yamazaki Shuichi were very good friends in private, and it was Yamazaki Shuichi who drew Shangguanwu into the embrace of the empire.


"I remain skeptical about whether this note was written by Yamazaki-kun." Shinichiro Suganuma said coldly, "I want to take it back and ask someone to identify it."

"Whatever." Cheng Qianfan said calmly.

"Brother Fan, you can't let them take it away, or they will default on your debt." Hao Tsai said immediately.

"There are many people who want to kill me in Shanghai." Cheng Qianfan sneered and said, "But there are no people who dare to take advantage of me!"

When he spoke, his cold eyes stared at Shinichiro Suganuma.

Shinichiro Suganuma looked gloomy, "In short, we will fully investigate what Vice President Cheng said."

"That's your business." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "People who are familiar with me know Cheng's character well, so I won't say more."

As he spoke, he pressed the cigar hard into the ashtray, then picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and said lightly, "See you off."

As soon as Cheng Qianfan finished speaking, Haozi, Haozi, and Hou Pingliang waved their hands with cold expressions, "Please!"

Behind them, a large number of patrols suddenly came in. The patrols put their right hands on the guns on their waists and waved their left hands, "Brother Fan said, see the guests off!"

Shinichiro Suganuma's face was extremely gloomy. He stood there, looking at Cheng Qianfan with no concealed hatred in his eyes.

Shangguan Wu's face was also ashen. Cheng Qianfan's move meant that even him was included in the situation, and he was not saving any face at all.

"In that case, we won't disturb you." Su Zhikang smiled and said, winking at Shangguan Wu and Shinichiro Suganuma, "Director, Mr. Suganuma, let's go."

"Please!" Under the leadership of Hao Zai, a group of people suddenly shouted.

Shangguanwu snorted coldly and left angrily with Shinichiro Suganuma and Su Zhikang.

Cheng Qianfan crossed his legs, picked up the tea cup lid with his right hand, rubbed it gently with his fingertips, and the tea cup lid quickly rotated around the rim.

"Go slowly without seeing him off!" A group of subordinates stood beside him and shouted loudly.

Mr. Xiao Cheng just crossed his legs and hummed a tea-picking tune. He watched the lid of the cup spinning around on the edge of the cup, and the corner of his mouth raised a smile.

A flamboyant smile.

A contemptuous smile.

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