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Chapter 149 Tacit understanding

 Comrade ‘Xinghuo’’s intelligence mentioned three things.

"I learned that a batch of standard weapons changed by the French army have flowed into the black market. They are mainly M1892 revolvers and Rupee pistols. The prices are relatively cheap. If you want to buy them, you need to prepare early and start as soon as possible."

Peng and Ou are not military personnel and have no idea about the M1892 revolver.

However, he has not only heard of the Rupee pistol, he has also seen comrades using this gun. Some comrades couldn't put it down, while others said that this gun has poor reliability and insufficient shooting accuracy, and they expressed disgust in their words.

Complaining comrades talk about all kinds of disdain, but they usually take care of them like babies.

Otherwise, the red armed forces can rely on capturing enemy weapons on the battlefield to replenish them. However, the underground armed forces cannot obtain weapons by capturing them and can only buy them with money.

However, he had no money and could not afford good weapons. Even the Rupee pistols imitated by the Hanyang Arsenal, weapons that were despised by the warlords, were considered expensive 'good stuff' in the eyes of the underground Red Party organizations.

Peng Yuou didn't know much about firearms or the black market. He decided to arrange for a knowledgeable comrade to go to the black market to find out information. If it was really relatively cheap, he could grit his teeth and squeeze out a little money to buy a batch.

In fact, the underground party's demand for firearms is not that big. Peng and Ou wanted to buy guns out of the consideration of "taking advantage of the bargain and buying some pistols for backup."

This is similar to the psychology of Shanghai citizens who, upon hearing that there are discounted products in department stores, will rush to buy them even if they are not needed temporarily.

"The owner of this batch of firearms has a batch of medical supplies and medicines for sale, mainly medical alcohol, bandages, and morphine."

Seeing this piece of information, Peng and Ou almost jumped up with excitement.

The Shanghai Red Party organization has been tasked with raising supplies to support the Red guerrillas in the mountainous areas of southern Zhejiang.

Compared with medical supplies such as firearms, medical alcohol, and bandages, especially morphine, which can be used as an anesthetic in surgical operations, it is the most urgently needed material for the guerrillas.

After many red soldiers were injured, they didn't even have a clean bandage, and small wounds often caused fatal infections.

As for anesthetics, they were not available for a long time. Peng and Ou heard Comrade Wang Jun mention that a red soldier was shot in the leg and became infected, so he had to amputate his leg.

There was no anesthesia, so the soldier bit the towel in his mouth and used a carpenter's saw to cut his legs. The young soldier was in pain to death.

Even if most of the funds are used for these medical substances, even if comrades start eating steamed buns and drinking cold water every day next month, they will not hesitate.

The third piece of information is that Comrade "Xinghuo" asked whether the patrolling of Liu Bo in the French Concession was a Japanese special incident. The organization could respond by publishing a missing person notice in the "Declaration":

If Liu Bo is a Japanese special agent, he will look for Xu Zhitian, his cousin from Tongshan, Xuzhou, who comes to Shanghai. If he is not an enemy agent, he will look for Xu Dichi, his cousin from Tongshan, Xuzhou, who comes to Shanghai.

Of course, Peng, Ou, and Comrade Xinghuo had already communicated this matter "face to face" through the door, so there was no need to communicate in the newspaper to find the person.

At this time, Peng and Ou already understood why Comrade "Xinghuo" had to send a message late at night. The most important thing was the batch of medical supplies.

Medical supplies are more scarce than firearms and ammunition, and they will be gone if you get them too late.

Peng and Ou are both happy and have a headache. Without him, money!

Those businessmen on the black market only care about money.

The Red Party has always been poor, and the organizational funds cannot even cover normal work operations and the daily basic life of comrades. Many comrades have to work hard to make money, part of their salary to support themselves, and part of their salary to contribute to the organization's funds.

Two months ago, a comrade in Nanshi fainted from hunger at work. He dedicated almost all of his salary to the organization as funds. He ate a multi-grain steamed bun and drank some cold water every day.

Peng and Ouchou, where can they get money?

He had never thought about making money through Comrade Xinghuo. Comrades on the inside were dangerous enough. They were walking on thin ice. Any unusual behavior would arouse suspicion and lead to death.

The comrades on the inside have their own special living and working environment. Peng and Ou opened their mouth. The comrades on the inside will definitely find ways to use the money in their hands for the organization.

However, without this money, their quality of life will be affected and their living habits will change, which leaves hidden dangers for possible exposure!

In fact, even if the quality of the tea we usually drink drops by one level, it will arouse suspicion, where did the money go?

If you don’t enjoy life, are you a red party?

Peng and Ou now have a better impression of ‘Xinghuo’.

This comrade strictly abides by organizational disciplines, but at the same time he is not rigid and flexible in doing things.

This time, Comrade Xinghuo came to see him late at night, which was strictly against organizational discipline. However, this comrade took a trick. The two of them did not meet each other through the door, and they only communicated briefly through words.

Of course, this approach is suspected of "covering one's ears and stealing the bell". However, the underground work situation is complex and dangerous, so we cannot be too dogmatic. This is the only way.

In addition, there is an extremely important point. Peng and Ou have always speculated that Comrade "Xinghuo" is Lao Liao's top line. This is the inside ace agent arranged by Comrade Zhu Lin before his death.

Comrade Zhu Lin and Peng Yu'ou are old classmates and former partners. The organization once considered arranging for Peng Yu'ou to serve as Comrade Zhu Lin's deputy in Special Branch.

However, Comrade Zhulin died, and the Shanghai Red Party organization lost contact with the Central Committee after being massively destroyed by the enemy. To this day, the Shanghai Red Party and the Jiangsu Provincial Committee still lose contact with the Central Committee.

Most of Shanghai Teco died in a large-scale manhunt half a year ago, and most of the remaining ones have lost contact.

Unless there is an order from the central government ordering him to take over Teko, otherwise, Peng Yuou will not be able to contact these missing Teko comrades for the time being, nor can he contact him, because he does not know which comrades are still loyal to the Reds and which are


However, the situation for Comrade "Xinghuo" left behind by Comrade Zhulin is rather special.

Previously, the Shanghai Red Party had maintained contact with Comrade Xinghuo through Lao Liao, a traffic officer.

Lao Liao died, and now the situation is urgent. Comrade "Xinghuo" came to contact him urgently. Strictly speaking, this is a matter of urgency.

Therefore, it is appropriate for the two of them to hide behind the scenes without seeing each other through the door.

Of course, Comrade "Xinghuo" never revealed his true code name in a single word, let alone revealed that he was Lao Liao, the top agent, and was the ace agent arranged by Comrade Zhulin within the enemy. However, Peng and Ou could guess it.

This is an unspoken understanding.

I did not say anything.

My guess.

This is very wonderful. It is precisely because Peng Yu'ou and Comrade Zhu Lin are old comrades-in-arms and old partners that Peng Yu'ou and the "Spark" comrades trained by Comrade Zhu Lin can have such a tacit understanding and understanding.

The two of them had used cryptic language in their previous verbal exchanges, just to be careful.

Although it is impossible for anyone to overhear their conversation, what if?

Cheng Qianfan tossed and turned on the bed. Thinking about it now, he still felt very excited.

On the one hand, he talked to his comrades, which made the young man fighting alone extremely excited.

In addition, the communication with Peng and Ou was very pleasant.

He and Peng Yuou had never met, but he felt that there was a great understanding between the two.

Cheng Qianfan's use of argot is a habit that has been ingrained into his bones as he is extremely cautious.

If Peng and Ou don't like to communicate like this, it's okay to change it to plain language, for example, reply directly to him, "Liu Bo is a Japanese spy, don't kill him for the time being."

But, it's too dangerous.

Cheng Qianfan would feel uncomfortable inside, extremely uncomfortable.

This sounds like the underground party is talking to each other. Everyone can understand it. How is this allowed?

Too dangerous.

He would subconsciously feel that it was too dangerous to speak like this, as if the flowers and plants beside the steps were spies, eavesdropping on his speech.

Having worked inside the enemy for a long time, Cheng Qianfan had to go through everything he said several times in his mind. Cheng Qianfan was extremely sensitive and cautious.

Fortunately, Peng and Ou connected in argot almost without hesitation.

The two people have a very tacit understanding and understand each other's meaning.

If he gets in touch with the Central Special Branch and the central government decides to arrange for Peng and Ou to be his top line, Cheng Qianfan thinks this idea is worth looking forward to.

For agents lurking inside the enemy, it is very important to have a tacit understanding and a leader who trusts each other so much to go online.

This chapter has been completed!
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