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Chapter 1479 Disgusting

"I agree with your judgment." Bao Rengui nodded and said.

"According to my judgment, our comrades are most likely to fall into the hands of No. 76." Cao Yu said with a serious expression, "I will find a way to continue to gather information."

"What's the plan?" Bao Rengui asked, "Do you need organizational help?"

"It's better for me to act alone. It's best to investigate this kind of thing independently and secretly." Cao Yu said, "I already have a preliminary plan."

He did not say what the plan was, and Bao Rengui did not continue to ask. Ace agents at the level of 'Second Cousin' have the maximum right to act independently.

Even, to a certain extent, even Bao Rengui, the upline, cannot force Cao Yu to do something when Cao Yu refuses due to various considerations.

Cao Yu's organizational relationship lies with Comrade "Nongfu". At the headquarters, he is directly controlled by Comrade "Xiangwu" and led by Comrade "Nongfu". He is only temporarily handed over to Bao Rengui.

After careful consideration, Kikuchi Masataka said that after careful consideration and analysis, he was more inclined to believe that the murder of Yu Guanming's family was probably just an accidental incident, and it was probably a criminal case caused by a home invasion robbery.

All in all, the possibility of an unexpected criminal case is greater than the possibility of Yu Guanming dying in Chongqing.

Nishimura Ozo did not comment on this, he just ordered Kikuchi Masataka to investigate the matter personally.

Watching Kikuchi Masataka leave, Nishimura Ozo's eyes narrowed, fierce and cold.

Kikuchi Masataka's answer made him suspicious.

As an agent, when something happens to an important chess piece in his hand, the first thing to suspect is the enemy's actions, and Kikuchi Masataka's various behaviors are unreasonable in Nishimura Ozo's opinion.

Nishimura Ozo's heart was inclined to his first judgment, and Yu Guanming was stimulated by something and chose to take the risk.

Moreover, in view of Kikuchi Masataka's performance, Nishimurao now has renewed doubts about Kikuchi Masataka's statement that he flatly rejected Yu Kanming's risky proposal.

He thought of a possibility.

Also, out of eagerness for quick success and quick gain, Nishimura Ozo agreed to at least acquiesce to Yu Guanming's risky decision. However, now that Yu Guanming's family was killed, Kikuchi Masataka was afraid of being held accountable, so he chose to lie and conceal it.

Nishimura Ozo's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he pressed the bell on his desk.

"Sir." Ishida Atomu came in and saluted respectfully.

"Keep an eye on Kikuchi Masataka." Nishimura Ozo said in a deep voice, "In addition, investigate Kikuchi Masataka's whereabouts in recent days."

"Hai!" Ishida Atomu's face changed slightly, and he nodded with a serious expression.

That night, the beach in Shanghai after the snow was filled with cool moonlight.

In front of a residential house in Hong'anli, Qiao Chuntao looked around cautiously, then stepped forward and knocked on the door.

After hearing the knock signal, Mao Xuanyi came to the door and asked.

"It's me," Qiao Chuntao said. "I'm freezing to death. You don't know. I fell into a ditch on the road."

This was the signal that everything was safe, and as he heard the voice of Qiao Chuntao, Mao Xuanyi hurriedly opened the door.

"How is the situation over at Shenxi?" Qiao Chuntao asked Mao Xuanyi after taking a few sips of hot water.

"It's not bad." Mao Xuanyi said, "Brigadier Diao welcomes Shen Xi and the others."

Qiao Chuntao nodded. Shen Xi is a telecommunications expert. Several other brothers at the Qingdao Station have also experienced life and death tests, and most of them have undergone special training. In terms of military literacy, the brothers of the military commander must serve as ordinary members of the Loyalty and National Salvation Army. above soldiers.

It can be said that the key personnel of the military command who have received special military training are basically capable of serving as low-level officers in the national army. Of course, because espionage work is different from military combat, they still need to be further familiar with military combat.

"A tragedy occurred in Xingpingli." Qiao Chuntao said, "The head of the household is named Yu Guanming. His wife and two sons were all killed yesterday."

"Is he one of ours?" Mao Xuanyi asked immediately.

"Yu Guanming is an old man from the Lixingshe period." Qiao Chuntao nodded, "Yu Guanming is one of my downlines, he has met me."

When Mao Xuanyi heard this, his expression immediately became very serious, "Did the enemy kill brother Yu? Are there any traces of interrogation now?"

Qiao Chuntao shook his head slightly, and then said in a calm tone, "I personally executed Yu Guanming, along with his wife and children."

Mao Xuanyi suddenly raised his head and was shocked.

"Team leader, so you suspect that Yu Guanming was secretly arrested by the enemy and rebelled?" Mao Xuanyi asked with a solemn expression after listening to Qiao Chuntao's story.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Qiao Chuntao nodded.

In fact, his heart is highly inclined to this kind of suspicion.

"Zhengzhe." Qiao Chuntao said to Mao Xuanyi, "Yu Guanming's family has been sanctioned. If Yu Guanming has indeed surrendered to the enemy, this will inevitably cause the enemy to take action. You lead a team of people to secretly keep an eye on Xingpingli."

There was a cold expression on his face, "I want to see where the evil spirit is at work."

"Understood." Mao Xuanyi nodded solemnly.

"You must pay attention to safety." Qiao Chuntao said solemnly, "Virgin has analyzed it and believes that this group of enemies is very hidden and very sophisticated. You must be extra careful."

Virgo has analyzed and speculated on this matter. After careful study, Virgo believed that the enemy's original plan was probably to take a long-term approach to catch the big fish. Since he did not intend to take action against Yu Guanming's online at the beginning, why did he suddenly choose this risky approach? Stronger urgent action is worth exploring.

Virgo believes that there must be a reason, perhaps what stimulated Yu Guanming and his enemies, and this sudden change is the key to uncovering this mystery.

"I will pay attention." Mao Xuanyi nodded with a serious expression, "I apply to arrange for Zhai Qizhi to participate in this operation."

He said to Qiao Chuntao, "In this matter, my intention is to use new faces as much as possible and not to use old people."

"Okay." Qiao Chuntao nodded. Among the freshmen transferred from the Xifeng Class in the Chongqing Bureau, Zhai Qizhi and Li Tongyun performed best. He also admired and was optimistic about Zhai Qizhi.

February 18, 1940, the eleventh day of the first lunar month.

On this morning, it was raining continuously on Shanghai Beach.

The entrance to Liusan Garden.

Several cars slowly stopped.

The cab of the second car was opened, and Li Hao held up an umbrella and opened the rear door.

Cheng Qianfan took the umbrella and walked straight to another car. He opened the rear door and said, "Secretary-General, here we are."

Chu Mingyu nodded slightly and got out of the car.

Cheng Qianfan waved his hand, and one of his subordinates quickly handed the umbrella to Liu Xia, who got out of the car.


"Is your leg feeling better?" Chu Mingyu asked as he walked.

"It's okay." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile, "My nephew has started jogging in the morning a few days ago."

"Now that I have recovered, don't delay any longer and report to Jiangwan tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." Chu Mingyu said.


As they talked, they passed several checkpoints, crossed the stone path in the yard, and arrived in front of the main house.

"Secretary-General, sir, you are already waiting for you." Chen Chunpu greeted him personally.

He glanced at Cheng Qianfan, who was holding an umbrella, and saw that half of his shoulders were wet from the rain, while Chu Mingyu didn't have a drop of rain on his body.

Chen Chunpu couldn't help but secretly nodded.

"How are you feeling, sir?" Chu Mingyu asked casually.

"The new government is about to be established, and Nanjing is still in sight. It can be said that Mr. has been working so hard recently that he has lost sleep and food, and he has lost weight." Chen Chunpu said, "However, he is in good spirits."

"People feel refreshed when happy events happen." Chu Mingyu said with a smile, "However, you must pay attention to your body. Your husband's body belongs to 40 million people. You can't be careless. Director Chen must find a way to increase your nutrition for your husband."

"It goes without saying." Chen Chunpu said. As he spoke, he smiled bitterly, "It's just that my husband is a workaholic and can't take care of anything when he is busy. There is nothing we can do."

As he spoke, he made a gesture of invitation, gesturing for Chu Mingyu to follow, and continued, "My wife once asked someone to stew blood swallows in chicken sauce. The husband liked it very much. However, top-quality blood swallows are rare. The blood swallow last time

It’s just not to your liking, sir.”

Cheng Qianfan's expression moved slightly. He opened his mouth, as if he had something to say, but he did not speak. However, he glanced at Chu Mingyu subconsciously.

Liu Xia watched all this from the sidelines.

"I've said it a long time ago. To be honest, this is how you behave and behave."

"Just like what I said in my speech to commemorate the Prime Minister's birthday."

"If Japan wants to destroy China, it will perish if it fights, or it will perish if it doesn't fight. It is better to perish in war than to perish without fighting. This is my honest truth!"

"If this is indeed the case, then what can China do? About 45 million people can die together for the country. Why is there any hesitation? What is the nostalgia?"

"I will not hesitate or miss. I have the determination to die to defend China. It is true. But the man in Chongqing is fake. He has no determination to die."

When Cheng Qianfan followed Chu Mingyu, Chen Chunpu and others to the living room on the second floor, he saw Wang Chuanhai speaking impassionedly. He was very excited, or very imposing, both in tone and gestures.


Cheng Qianfan couldn't help but sneered in his heart, Wang Quanhai was indeed a good-looking person.

"Mr. Wang is being interviewed by the China Times." Chen Chunpu said in a low voice, "The new government is still around the corner. The China Times plans to launch a two-month report from now on to unify the understanding of the country's military and civilians and lead 40,000

People from all over the world rejoice to welcome the arrival of peace."

"It is indeed necessary." Chu Mingyu nodded, "Chongqing, especially the Red Party, is the best at demagoguery. We must occupy the position of public opinion, expose the demagoguery in Chongqing and Yanzhou, and do the necessary work for the stability of the new regime.


Cheng Qianfan said nothing. His eyes were full of reverence as he looked at Wang Qianhai who was giving a passionate speech.

"So, those who say that I don't resist Japan have ulterior motives and are slandering! They slander me! They slander those of us who are fighting for the country and the nation!" Wang Chuanhai said with an excited expression.

"Resistance to Japan must be analyzed and treated in two parts."

"If Japan wants to destroy China, then we will naturally resist Japan."

"On the other hand, if Japan did not want to subjugate China, or Japan did not originally want to subjugate China, or Japan initially had the intention of subjugating China, but later because of our hard work, because of our running and shouting, because of our various efforts,

They no longer aim at subjugating China. Japan has changed its mind and is willing to make peace with China."

"No matter what the motivation is, if Japan has no intention of subjugating China, then China should seize the opportunity and strive for this hard-won peace."

"This is also true. Just because there is peace between China and Japan, we cannot say that we will not resist Japan. This is a proposition that has causes and effects, because Japan does not want to destroy China. Because of our work, peace between China and Japan can be achieved.

Now that the dawn of peace has arrived, there is naturally no need to resist Japan."

"You record it. This is the truth. I am willing to tell it, and I dare to tell the truth. Does Mr. Chang from Chongqing dare to tell it?"

"He dare not because he is dishonest. Of course he knows that there can be peace between Japan and us. However, he is afraid of losing power, so he calls for resistance to Japan. He is dishonest. He does not tell the truth and slanders everywhere.

Spread rumors and slander me."

Cheng Qianfan listened with great interest. His eyes were full of respect and reverence, and his hands were even subconsciously clapping silently.

In his heart, he was sneering again and again. Wang Qianhai kept emphasizing and accusing Chongqing of slandering him, just like a resentful woman.

Cheng Qianfan didn't know why Wang Chuanhai was in such a state today, but he guessed that it was probably the principal in Chongqing who said something that greatly irritated Wang Chuanhai.

"Yesterday's article in Chongqing's Central Daily News spread rumors and slandered Mr. Wang, saying that Mr. Wang is a hypocrite who has been pretending to be patriotic, but is actually a villain who is afraid of death, traitorous, and unfaithful." Liu Xia read.

Glancing at Chen Chunpu and Chu Mingyu in front of her, she whispered in Cheng Qianfan's ear.

"It's so vicious." Cheng Qianfan's lips were trembling in anger, and he whispered to Liu Xia, "Chongqing calls a deer a horse, which makes people and gods angry."

"Mr. Wang is a gentleman, respected by millions of party members and admired by hundreds of millions of people." Liu Xia nodded and said, "Chongqing's move can only mean that the Guizhou donkeys there are poor in skills. They are anxious and will only slander their incompetence."


"Quiet." Chu Mingyu turned his head and glanced at the two people behind him.

The two of them quickly obeyed and shut up.

Chen Chunpu also glanced at the two of them, but did not say anything. After all, the two of them also criticized Chongqing angrily in their words, complaining about Mr. Wang. This was a manifestation of loyalty.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at Liu Xia in the same way, with a lot of contempt in his heart. Liu Xia could actually say such disgusting, flattering and shameless remarks, and do so with such emotion and emotion, it was simply disgusting!

Liu Xia glanced at Cheng Qianfan and saw the respectful look this guy was looking at Wang Qianhai and his extremely flattering remarks just now, which made Liu Xia feel sick, despicable and sneer in her heart.

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