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Chapter 1509: Giving too much (asking for monthly votes)

"Is there an emergency telegram?" Comrade 'Farmer' saw Lu Wenhua come in with a bowl of porridge, he immediately understood and asked with a smile.

Since its establishment, the Eighth Office of Guilin has been closely monitored by Kuomintang agents.

Vendors, shops, even beggars and women sitting in front of their homes chatting in the surrounding streets may all be agents of the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

The Eighth Office of Guilin has long been mentally prepared for this and has formulated a strict response plan.

Lu Wenhua first went to the small kitchen and asked for porridge to be delivered. This was noticed by the "careful person". It was late at night and the "farmer" comrade was hungry, so Lu Wenhua sent food.

Otherwise, if Lu Wenhua had a serious expression and knocked on the door in a hurry, this would be tantamount to telling the enemy that he had just received an emergency telegram and would immediately send it to the commander for review.

Although the enemy can only judge that the Eighth Office of Guilin received the emergency telegram and cannot obtain any other information, the fact that the enemy has grasped the time when the telegram was sent is a leak in itself. In extreme cases, it is possible

It may bring danger to the comrades who sent the telegram.

There is nothing trivial in the work of an agent, and any seemingly insignificant matter may become a hidden danger causing huge losses in the future.

"A special call came from the party branch." Lu Wenhua said.

Comrade 'Farmer''s expression immediately became serious. He immediately knew that the call came from the special party branch of the French Concession. Comrade 'Farmer' controlled many extremely high-level agents within the Red Party. Among them, as a 'special party branch', he could directly communicate with

The only person he contacted was Cheng Qianfan's special party branch in the French Concession.

He took the telegram from Lu Wenhua, took out the key, opened the safe, took out the code book, translated the telegram himself, and read it carefully.

Watching the late-night emergency call from the special party branch in the French Concession, Comrade "Farmer" fell into deep thought. He lit a cigarette and fell into thought.

"Take a look, too." Comrade 'Farmer' handed the telegram to Lu Wenhua, "Tell me what you think."

Lu Wenhua took the message and read it carefully. He did not speak immediately, but thought for a while before speaking.

"The Japanese Eleventh Army has been in emergency preparations for a long time. It is like a bowstring that is fully drawn and can be fired at any time." Lu Wenhua said, "For a long time, the Japanese Army has been trying to occupy Yichang and threaten Chongqing. If the Japanese Eleventh Army really has

The most likely target of the military action plan is Yichang."

"So, you also agree with Comrade Huo Miao's judgment that Okamura's return to Tokyo to report on his duties is actually to make final preparations for the next military operation of the Japanese Eleventh Army." Comrade "Farmer" said thoughtfully.

"The possibility is extremely high." Lu Wenhua nodded.

"Northern Hubei suffered a natural disaster, and this year's harvest is bound to be bad." Comrade 'Farmer' flicked his cigarette ashes and said, "Hundreds of thousands of horses and horses in the Fifth War Zone are in northern Hubei. People eat horses and chew them, and they will be overwhelmed. If the disaster in northern Hubei is serious,

, is bound to have a negative impact, and this may indeed be a factor for the Japanese army to take advantage of the situation."

As he said that, Comrade 'Farmer' fell into deep thought again.

Northern Hubei includes three administrative inspection districts, namely the third, fifth and eighth administrative districts of Hubei Province, totaling 21 counties and covering an area of ​​nearly 70,000 square kilometers.

Previously, after the Hubei Provincial Government moved to Enshi in western Hubei, in order to effectively manage northern Hubei, it set up an office in Laohekou to carry out "coordination and liaison work."

The area under the jurisdiction of the Fifth Theater in Hubei is distributed in more than 30 counties in eastern and northern Hubei, and the headquarters of the theater commander is also located in Laohekou in northern Hubei.

Therefore, the importance of Northern Hubei is undoubted, and it can be said to be the core area of ​​the entire fifth theater.

This also directly led to the particularly prominent conflict between the Fifth War Zone and the Hubei Provincial Government.

There were many rounds of battles between Li Zongren's Fifth War Zone and the Hubei Provincial Government under Chen Cheng's leadership over grain collection and local administration. The situation reached a stalemate several times, so much so that Chang Kaishen, the mediator, was helpless.

It is not an exaggeration to describe Northern Hubei as overwhelmed by internal and external troubles.

It can be said that the disaster in northern Hubei will become another big stone that weighs on the Fifth War Zone and makes it unable to breathe.

"The Japanese will not miss this good opportunity to take action." Comrade 'Farmer' said with a serious expression, "And, based on the current situation, the Japanese are very likely to take action when there is no chance."

"In the name of the Southern Bureau, an order was issued to Zhong Xiang, the party organizations in Sui County and other areas, asking them to find ways to find out the movements of the Japanese army. What needs to be paid special attention to is whether the Japanese army is hoarding and robbing supplies." Comrade 'Farmer' said, "The Japanese army

If we don't move, it will be a big war. As I expected, the Japanese army is already making various preparations before the war."

In addition to being the director of the "Eight Offices" externally, Comrade "Farmer" also has a secret identity internally - the Secretary-General of the Southern Bureau of the Red Party, who also has the important task of rectifying and restoring the party organization in the southern region of the Red Party.

"Yes!" Lu Wenhua said, "Would you like to report the information to Chongqing about the possible large-scale attack by the Japanese army?"

"Have you forgotten the identity of Comrade Huo Miao?" Comrade "Farmer" said with a smile, "I believe that at this moment, Dai Chunfeng has received the telegram."

Lu Wenhua patted his head and smiled.

"However, you are right, we still need to inform the chairman of the committee." Comrade 'Farmer' said thoughtfully, "It's just that the time will be a little later."

He looked at ‘Lu Wenhua’ and said, “Like this, in two days.”

"Two days from now." Lu Wenhua said with a smile, "Dai Chunfeng is going to be proud. He lost face last time, and he is going to be arrogant this time."

Comrade 'Farmer' laughed heartily.

"As for what Comrade Huo Miao reported, Comrade Liao Hua was escorted back to Shanghai from Qingdao for interrogation by the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course." Lu Wenhua said, "Does the chief know that he is one of ours?"

Comrade "Farmer" shook his head slightly and did not answer Lu Wenhua's question.

Qingdao is affiliated to the Shandong Branch of the Red Party and is under the direct leadership of the Northern Bureau. He has no control over the situation in Shandong except for the agent comrades who are directly under his leadership.

"Call Comrade Chengwu of the Northern Bureau and ask him to convey the relevant information to the comrades in Qingdao." Comrade "Nongfu" said, "Also, please keep Comrade Chengwu confidential and say that the information is in the possession of the Shandong Branch."

"Understood." Lu Wenhua nodded, "Then over in Shanghai..."

"Call back to the special party branch and ask Comrade Huo Miao to find a way to get further information." Comrade "Farmer" said thoughtfully, "However, I would like to remind the comrades of the special party branch that protecting yourself is the first priority and not to take risks easily."

"Also, please ask comrades from the Northern Bureau to report this matter to Comrade Yi Jun from the Jiangnan Bureau." Comrade 'Farmer' said.

"Comrade Huo Miao said that they have decided to report the matter to Comrade Yi Jun through Comrade Cicada," said Lu Wenhua.

"It's too risky and not advisable." Comrade 'Farmer' shook his head, "Tell Comrade Huo Miao that the plan will be canceled immediately. The situation of 'Liao Hua' can only be conveyed to the Jiangnan Bureau through the Northern Bureau."

The Shanghai Special High School attaches great importance to "Liao Hua" and even escorted him all the way from Qingdao to Shanghai. The interrogation has always been secret. Once the enemy learns that "Liao Hua" is leaked, he will be strictly investigated.

In this case, the safest option is that the way for Shanghai to learn about this situation is from the outside world, from the Northern Bureau where Qingdao is located.


After Lu Wenhua left, Comrade "Farmer" silently recited "Liao Hua", "Liao Hua" and fell into deep thought.

He was not familiar with this name, but he felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy. It was an intuition.

"Sister Ruolan, when my brother comes back, I will definitely help you scold him." Xiaobao hugged Xiaozhizhi and gently shook him skillfully, and said.

"Now that I've said this, why didn't you come out just now?" Bai Ruolan rolled her eyes at her sister-in-law, "I'm hurting you for nothing."

"You two were quarreling, and I was in trouble when I came out at that time." Xiaobao blinked, looking helpless.

"Threshold spirit." Bai Ruolan lightly hit Xiaobao.

Xiaobao chuckled and said, "Sister Ruolan, you should go to bed early. Xiaozhizhi will sleep with me today."

"Go ahead." Bai Ruolan pinched Xiaobao's cheek, "It's strange, Xiaozhizhi just wants to kiss you, and no one else can coax him, but he won't cry when he's in your hands."

"I am his aunt." Xiaobao said proudly, as if it was a matter of course.

Bai Ruolan chuckled and waved her hand, "Go, go."

Xiaobao carried Xiaozhizhi back to his bedroom. At this time, Xiaozhizhi flattened his mouth and was about to cry.

Xiaobao skillfully stepped forward and touched it, and knew that Xiao Zhizhi had peed. She skillfully changed the diaper for her eldest nephew.

At this time, Xiaobao saw a red patch on Xiaozhizhi's butt, as if it had been pinched.

Xiaobao's face changed, and he was about to go to his sister-in-law to complain with Xiaozhizhi in his arms. She wanted to see if it was Lizi or the maid who dared to abuse Xiaozhizhi.

However, when Xiaobao walked to the door with Xiaozhizhi in his arms, Xiaobao stopped.

She put down Xiaozhizhi again and stared at Xiaozhizhi's butt suspiciously.

No, it doesn't look like it was pinched during the day. Looking at the marks, it looks more like it was just 'injured'.

Xiaobao turned his head and looked in the direction of the master bedroom, remembering the quarrel between his brother and his sister-in-law just now, Xiao Zhizhi crying, and his brother leaving the house angrily...

Xiaobao's brows furrowed tightly, then relaxed. She kissed Xiaozhizhi gently and sighed, "Poor little Zhizhi, I've suffered so much for you."

She pinched Xiaozhizhi's smooth cheeks and said, "Listen to my aunt. If they quarrel in the future, you should cry quickly."

"Did you hear that? Be smart and avoid suffering."

"Comrade 'Farmer' called back." Zhang Ping came out with the telegram. "The chief asked us to find a way to further confirm the Japanese army's intentions. He also specifically told us to pay attention to safety and not to take risks easily. Everything is important to protect ourselves."

Cheng Qianfan took the telegram and read it. The telegram also stated that regarding the matter of 'Liao Hua', Comrade 'Farmer' had already conveyed it to the Northern Bureau, telling him to act with caution, not to go too far, and to pay special attention to this matter.

In the telegram, Comrade "Farmer" made a rare criticism of him and demanded that the plan to report the relevant situation of "Liao Hua" to Comrade Yi Jun of the Jiangnan Bureau through Comrade "Cicada" should be terminated immediately.

Although the criticism was harshly worded, Cheng Qianfan felt the concern and concern of Comrade "Farmer" for him.

"Comrade 'Farmer' is right in criticizing me because I didn't think carefully." Cheng Qianfan said with a serious expression.

"I didn't think it through well either." Zhang Ping took the initiative to self-examine, "I didn't realize anything was wrong and didn't raise any objections."

"As expected of Comrade 'Farmer'." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile, "After all, he is a proven veteran agent."

Shanghai Japanese Military Police Station.

Sergeant Takahashi Kiyono picked up the food box and sake in his hands and walked towards the T-shaped warehouse.

He took a deep breath.

Takahashi Kiyono couldn't help but feel uneasy when he thought about what he was going to do soon.

As an imperial soldier, secretly setting fire to a gendarmerie warehouse is an absolute act of treason. Once discovered, he will be court-martialed and shot.


Takahashi Kiyono touched the thick banknotes in his pocket, and the hesitation on his face suddenly disappeared.

There is no way, that 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' gave me too much.

"Stop anyone coming." The military police guarding the warehouse saw someone approaching and shouted sharply.

"Nagasaka-kun, it's me." Takahashi Kiyono said.

"Takahashi-kun?" Nagasaka Kazuo put down the 38 rifle in his hand and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Sugimoto-kun is not feeling well, please ask me to help him change his shift." Takahashi Kiyono said.

"Naruto." Nagasaka Kazuo nodded, "Why did Takahashi-kun come here alone, where is Kita-kun?"

According to the duty discipline, there are two warehouse guards, so naturally there will be two guards changing the guard.

"Kita-kun hasn't come yet?" Takahashi Kiyono said with a frown. As he spoke, he took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, "I was here a quarter of an hour early."

"Takahashi-kun really knows how to enjoy himself. He came on guard duty and even brought food and drinks." Another guard, Bando Kazuya, sniffed his nose greedily and said.

"This?" Takahashi Kiyono picked up the food box and sake in his hand and said with a smile, "I was drinking with Kita-kun just now. He was not feeling well, so I thought that the food and drinks should not be wasted, so I brought them to you."

"As expected, it has to be Takahashi-kun, no one else would think of us." Bando Kazuya said happily.

On a cold day, not to mention being hungry, it is definitely a great enjoyment to drink sake and warm your stomach at this time.

With that said, Bando Kazuya hurriedly took the food box and sake. He put the food box down, unscrewed the cork of the sake, took a sip, and let out a satisfied sigh.

Then Bando Kazuya handed the sake to Nagasaka Kazuo, and Nagasaka Kazuo couldn't wait to take a few sips.

"Eh, eh." Takahashi Kiyono couldn't stop him in time. Seeing that Bando Kazuya had already drank, he hurriedly said, "This is for you to eat and drink on duty. If Major Kamikata discovers that you are drinking while on duty, not only

You will be punished, and even I will be implicated."

The two of them, who were cold and hungry, took another two sips of wine each. After hearing what Takahashi Kiyono said, they were also stunned.

Jichiro Kamigai was a hot-tempered and cruel guy who would beat and scold his subordinates. If Jichiro Kamigai found them drinking while on duty, they would inevitably be whipped.

"Put away the sake quickly," Takahashi Kiyono said.

The two of them looked left and right. There was no cover at the door of the warehouse, and there was no place to hide a bottle of wine.

Bando Ichiya was so anxious that he took out the key and opened the warehouse.

"No, you smell of alcohol, there's no use hiding it." Takahashi Kiyono stopped Bando Kazuya's reckless behavior in time and said to him in an impatient tone.

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