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Chapter 1524 The source of intelligence leakage

Guan Qide smelled a hint of blood.

His nose is very sharp.

Especially he is very sensitive to the smell of blood.

Something is wrong.

Something must have happened.

There was almost no hesitation. Guan Qide didn't even think about going in to check on his traffic officer. He immediately turned around and left.

It was at this time——


Gunfire rang out.

The enemy hiding in the darkness outside opened fire. Guan Qide was shot in the leg and fell forward to the ground.

The attacker rushed towards Guan Qide with a Type 38 rifle.

The door also opened at this time.

A group of Japanese soldiers rushed out holding Type 38 rifles. The leading Japanese sergeant held a command knife in both hands and watched with interest as Guan Qide, who was hit in the calf, struggled to get up and continue running.

The Japanese sergeant waved his hand, and an Oriental wolfdog rushed out, ahead of the rushing Japanese soldiers, and threw Guan Qide to the ground, biting his calf where he had been shot.

Guan Qide let out a miserable cry.

Two Japanese soldiers dragged out a man from the yard, it was Tie Qiao, and they dragged him out and threw him on the ground.

Tie Qiao struggled to raise his head and opened his mouth when he saw Guan Qide being bitten by a wolf dog.

The bayonet stabbed hard into Tie Qiao's neck, his head drooped, and the bright red blood dyed the snow on the ground red.

A young man was brought to the sergeant by Japanese soldiers.

"This is the man, he often comes to Iron Bridge." The young man said to the Japanese sergeant with a flattering smile.

Guan Qide had been bitten by the Oriental wolf dog until he was out of breath. The dog only let go of its mouth at this moment, but it still opened its mouth wide and was ready to bite again at any time.

He lay down in the snow and stared at the young man with hateful eyes. He recognized this man. He was the young master of the president's family, a scoundrel who engaged in eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling, and committed all kinds of evil.

Guan Qide knew he couldn't escape, so he quietly reached into his right pocket, found the note, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

This action attracted the attention of the Japanese military officer, who waved his hand.

Two Japanese soldiers immediately rushed towards Guan Qide.

Guan Qide didn't stop moving. He took out the dumpling from his left hand pocket and stuffed it into his mouth. Then he swallowed it directly into his stomach without having time to chew it.

The Japanese soldiers picked him up roughly and immediately began to search him.

He took out a torn newspaper from his pocket, with cold dumplings wrapped in the newspaper.

"Are the dumplings poisonous?" the Japanese military officer frowned.

He first suspected that the dumplings were poisonous and that the red party member wanted to commit suicide by taking poison.

This made the sergeant very upset, and he was upset that he did not order a search of this person immediately.

"Get ready to be sent to the hospital for rescue." The Japanese military sergeant said. A living Red Party member is more valuable than a dead Red Party member. At least he cannot die before prying open this man's mouth.

At this moment, the Japanese military officer's heart moved. He stepped forward and touched Guan Qide's right pocket.

The pocket was clean and refreshing, with no signs of food such as dumplings being placed.

"Bag is down!" The Japanese sergeant's face changed drastically, and there was some hesitation in his eyes. He finally made up his mind, directly pulled out his southern gun, and shot Guan Qide to death with one shot.

Then without the slightest hesitation, he ordered the soldiers to put the body in a stable position.

The Japanese military sergeant pulled out his command knife and slashed Guan Qide's belly with a grim smile. Then he squatted down and groped in Guan Qide's chest. Soon, he took out the pitiful food that had not yet been digested and rummaged through it carefully.

A piece of paper mixed with food slime appeared in the hands of the Japanese sergeant.

Dai Ji had been waiting in a corner outside Longhua Temple, but he did not see Song Fuguo come out.

This made Dai Ji a little impatient.

He grabbed a citizen and asked, "Excuse me, how many gates does Longhua Temple have?"

The citizen was startled, but still answered the question, "Three doors are open now."

"Thank you." Dai Ji let go of his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

No gunshots were fired in the temple, and no chaos was caused, which shows that Chief Song should have safely evacuated through other exits.

Dai Ji knew he couldn't stay any longer. He pressed the brim of his felt hat and soon disappeared into the crowd.

"My brain is crazy." The citizen who was questioned dared to curse in a low voice.

Then, the citizen was grabbed by someone.

"What did he ask you?"

"What does it have to do with you?" the citizen said angrily.

The man who asked the question lifted up his windbreaker, revealing the short gun on his waist, "Answer the question."

"Ask, that person asked me how many doors Longhua Temple has." The citizen was frightened and stammered.

"Nothing else to ask?"

"No, that's what I'm asking."

"Get out!"

Feng Xiaosheng immediately made a gesture, and two of his men immediately rushed into the crowd and followed Dai Ji who just walked away.

"Team Leader Feng, do you have a question?" a subordinate asked the man.

"It's hard to say." Feng Xiaosheng shook his head, "Maybe it's the thieves who are planning to attack Longhua Temple and they're here to step in."

He had long noticed the man hiding in the dark and staring at the gate of Longhua Temple.

This person does indeed look like a thief who stepped in before committing the crime.

However, there was a trace of doubt in his mind. If he was a Jiangyang thief, he had confirmed how many gates there were in Longhua Temple. The next thing he should do was to enter through several gates and visit them on the spot.

However, this person didn't, but turned around and left directly. This was a bit wrong.

It was at this time that he saw Cheng Qianfan and his family coming out of the gate of Longhua Temple, escorted by many bodyguards, getting into a car, and leaving with the bodyguards' vehicles guarding them from the front and back.

Feng Xiaosheng frowned.

‘Mr. Xiao Cheng’ survived the catastrophe and the whole family came to Longhua Temple to fulfill their vows. Naturally, he had already grasped this situation.

Rumors have already spread that Zhang Xiaolin sent someone to assassinate Cheng Qianfan with a bomb.

Moreover, they also heard that Cheng Qianfan had launched revenge and sealed several salt shops and gambling stalls owned by Boss Zhang.

Is this Boss Zhang going to take counter-retaliation?

This thief is staring at Longhua Temple. Is he coming for Cheng Qianfan?

He remembered that the suspicious guy just now came out of the temple in a hurry after Cheng Qianfan arrived at Longhua Temple, but then did not leave. Instead, he hid outside and stared at the temple furtively.

Looking in the direction of the gate.

This is indeed somewhat in line with his guess just now.

Qingdao Japanese Army Hospital.

Kozaburo Furutani, director of the Intelligence Office of the Qingdao Military Police Headquarters, led people to the morgue.

He bent down and stared at the corpse on the carrying bed.

The disemboweled corpse lay there quietly, eyes wide open, refusing to rest in silence.

"Chief." Japanese soldier Cao Shibasaki Mikio handed the note to Kozaburo Furutani with both hands.

"Fortunately, Shibazaki acted quickly and the note has not been eroded by gastric juice." A Japanese military doctor in a white coat said, "It has been treated with chemicals, and the handwriting on it is basically legible."

Kozaburo Furuya nodded. He looked at the content on the note with a strange expression, and then his expression became serious.

"Has the identity of this person been found out?" Kozaburo Furuya asked.

"It has been found out." Mikio Shibasaki said, "This man is a worker at Yizhong Cigarette Factory. His name is Guan Qide. We have sent people to the Yizhong Cigarette Factory to search and investigate."

"There was a workers' strike in Yizhong Cigarette Factory last year. It is obvious that the Red Party's infiltration into the cigarette factory was very serious." Kozaburo Furuya said, "Take this incident as an opportunity to dig deep for clues, and we must uncover the hidden truths in Yizhong Cigarette Factory."

All the Red Party elements in the cigarette factory were wiped out."


Kozaburo Furutani asked a few more questions, and then left in a hurry.

Qingdao Military Police Headquarters, Commander's Office.

"Tell me what you think." Koichiro Yoneda looked at Kozaburo Furutani who hurried over to request a report and said.

"This information should have been passed to him by Guan Qide's superior. He just met with his superior and got the information from this person." Kozaburo Furuya said.

"Do you have any clues about Guan Qide's online presence?" Koichiro Yoneda asked.

At his level, he no longer needed to personally intervene in the arrest of the underground Red Party members. However, the situation reported by Kozaburo Furuya attracted his special attention.

Liao Hua of the Red Party is suspected to be related to the Manchuria Special Branch of the Red Party and is involved in a serious leak case in Kanto Prefecture a few years ago. This person has been secretly taken to Shanghai, but now information about Liao Hua has been discovered in Qingdao.

To be precise, it was Shanghai that leaked the secret.

This couldn't help but attract the attention of Yoneda Koichiro.

"Nothing has been discovered yet." Kozaburo Furutani said, "Your Excellency Commander, in fact, we have found nothing about Guan Qide's identity and status in the Red Party. This arrest operation was originally just for a good citizen close to the empire.

The Empire reported his neighbor as suspicious."

Koichiro Yoneda nodded and asked, "Liao Hua was taken to Shanghai. This was done in secret, but now the Red Party knows about it. What do you think of this?"

"Intelligence leaks, we must first investigate the source of the leak." Kozaburo Furuya said thoughtfully, "Specifically, it was either leaked in Qingdao or in Shanghai."

"But -" he paused before continuing, "Guan Qide's note was obviously obtained from his superior. In other words, the most likely source of the intelligence leak should be Qingdao."

Koichiro Yoneda didn't speak. He looked at the security room chief Shibagoji who was standing aside and said, "Shibayama, tell me your opinion."

"Liao Hua, a member of the Red Party, was secretly taken away by Shanghai." Chai Yangji said, "In fact, when people came from Shanghai at that time, Liao Hua was handed over to them, and the interrogation work was also done by Qianbei Yuan in Shanghai.

Tsukasa and Umezu Sagami are in charge."

He said to Koichiro Yoneda, "In other words, before Liao Hua was taken to Shanghai, this person's situation was already absolutely confidential."

"Not to mention someone who wanted to get information from the military police, even our torture room personnel were unable to grasp the relevant situation of Liao Hua at that time." Shiba Goyoji said, "At that time, except for me and Onodera-kun, there was no one else.

Many people within the gendarmerie also have no access to Liao Hua."

"As for Liao Hua being taken to Shanghai, it is even more secretive." He told Koichiro Yoneda.

"So, do you think the information about Liao Hua in Shanghai could not have been leaked by us?" Koichiro Yoneda asked.

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander." Shiba Yangji said, "If you ask me for my personal opinion, I tend to lean towards the source of the intelligence leak, which is most likely in Shanghai."

"If it is true as Shibayama-kun analyzed." Kozaburo Furutani thought, "The current situation is that Guan Qide obtained this information from his superior, which means-"

He thought deeply and continued, "The intelligence was fed back from Shanghai to Qingdao, and then the higher-level Red Party organizations in Qingdao passed the intelligence down?"

“If the intelligence was leaked by Shanghai, then this reasoning is reasonable,” said Shiba Goatji.

"I still don't quite agree with Shibayama-kun's reasoning." Kozaburo Furuya shook his head and said, "If you want to transmit information from Shanghai to Qingdao, the most likely way is through the radio. And according to the situation we have, the Red Party

There is an extreme lack of radio stations. Whether the Qingdao underground party of the Red Party owns a radio station has not yet been confirmed, and even if there is a radio station in Qingdao, it is most likely a low-power radio station."

Kozaburo Furuya paused and continued, "Furthermore, even if their radio station is high-power, it can contact Shanghai thousands of miles away. According to our understanding of the Red Party's organizational structure, Qingdao and Shanghai

It is impossible to contact them directly."

"Why can't this be the case?" Chaiyangsi said, "The Red Party in Shanghai discovered that Liao Hua was secretly escorted to Shanghai, and then the Red Party in Shanghai reported this matter to their superiors, and then

, the superior organization of the Red Party in the south passes the information to the superior organization of the Red Party in the north, and then the Red Party in the north sends the information down level by level.”

He thought as he spoke, his eyes becoming brighter, "In the end, Shanghai reported from bottom to top, and here it was conveyed from top to bottom. In the end, this information became the piece of information we seized.


Koichiro Yoneda fell into deep thought as he listened to Shibagoji's analysis.

Furuya Kozaburo also frowned and thought. He shook his head and said, "You spend so much time just for Liao Hua, who has been arrested by us for a long time?"

Suddenly, he fell silent and his expression became more serious.

"It seems that Mr. Furuya has also thought of it." Shiba Goatji said with a faint smile.

He treated the new head of the Intelligence Office, Kozaburo Furutani, with a certain degree of contempt. Compared to his predecessor, Shogo Onodera, Kozaburo Furuya's abilities were somewhat inferior.

Shibagoji looked at Koichiro Yoneda and said in a deep voice, "Commander, damn, if our analysis is correct, then the fact that the Red Party went to such great lengths to send this information can only explain one problem -"

He looked excited, "This Liao Hua, the Red Party attaches great importance to him, which also shows that his identity must have a strong background."

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