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Chapter 1540 Veritaserum

"Kawagami-kun, what do you mean, if you inject sodium amytal into the prisoner, the prisoner will confess?" Chikitaharaji asked overjoyed.

"Not sure." Onijiro Kawakami shook his head, "After all, it is just a paper. According to the paper, injecting sodium amytal into wounded soldiers can make unconscious wounded soldiers speak."

He frowned and said, "As for using it for torture, there has never been a similar experiment. As for whether it will be effective, it is not clear yet."

Chikitaharaji frowned and said nothing.

Kawakami Onijiro looked at Chikitaharaji and was inspired by Chikitaharaji's 'request'. He had just thought of this paper. Now, from his personal point of view, he expected to do experiments on this prisoner.


However, Chikitaharaji also said that this prisoner is very important. The prisoner's current condition is very bad. It is not known whether Chikitaharaji is willing to take the risk.

"Are you sure that the prisoner cannot be revived with normal treatment?" Chikitaharaji asked again.

"It can only be said that the chance of waking up is very small." Kawakami Onijiro said, "The highest probability is that the prisoner will remain in a coma, lose his vitality within two or three days, and die."

"Let's give it a try." Chikitaharaji gritted his teeth.

Now that things have come to this, he can only act like a dead horse.

"Then, please send me back to the hospital, Qianbei-kun. I need to prepare medicine." Kawakami Onijiro said.

"Hirai-kun, please personally escort Kawagami-kun back to the hospital." Chikitaharaji said with a serious expression, "We must protect Kawagami-kun at all times."


Half an hour later, Onijiro Kawakami returned with a medicine box.

"I need to inject the prisoner with two injections." Kawakami Onijiro said, "The first injection is a cardiac shot, which can revive the prisoner. However, there is a certain probability that the prisoner's heart will not be able to bear it and he will die suddenly."

"The second injection is sodium amytal. As for whether it has any effect, we will know in a moment." Onijiro Kawakami said as he picked up the injection needle, "This is a cardiac shot."

Seeing the medicine in the syringe being slowly pushed into Shi Lei's body, Qianbei Yuanji's expression became nervous.

Fortunately, Shi Lei did not die suddenly. Soon, Shi Lei let out a low groan and slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, Kawakami Kijiro quickly changed the medicine and injected sodium amytal into Shi Lei's body.

Soon, Shi Lei's eyes began to blur, and his gaze seemed to fall into some kind of dizziness.

"Qianbei-kun, hurry up and ask questions." Kawakami Onijiro quickly urged, "Remember, when questioning, try to be gentle in your tone to avoid irritating the prisoner."

"Who are you?" Chikitaharaji asked with an unprecedented gentleness.

"Who am I?" Yang Changnian looked distracted, "I am Shi Lei, I am, I am Yang Changnian."

Yang Changnian?

Qianbei Yuanji was overjoyed. This should be Shi Lei's real name. It seemed that his judgment was accurate. There was indeed something wrong with this Shi Lei.

"Did you send the information about Liao Hua?" Qiankitaharaji continued to ask.

"Liao Hua? Yes, it's me."

"Excellent." Shinji Hirai cheered, and then received a fierce look from Chikitaharaji.

"How was the information sent out?" Chikitaharaji continued to ask.

"The information, the information is, it hurts, my head hurts so much." Yang Changnian shook his head in pain and groaned.

"Don't ask too complicated questions." Onijiro Kawakami reminded him quickly.

Is this issue complex?

Chikitaharaji didn't think so, but at this moment, all he could do was follow what Onijiro Kawakami said.

"Are you a member of the Red Party?" Chikitaharaji asked.

"I'm not, I'm not a red party member."

Not a red party?

Qianbei Yuansi was slightly shocked, Shi Lei, it is not accurate to say that this Yang Changnian actually said that he was not a red party member?

Did you make a mistake?

No, Yang Changnian had just admitted that he had sent out the information about Liao Hua.

However, since he is not a Red Party member, what is the situation with the Qingdao Red Party?

Could it be that the source of the intelligence leak in Shanghai is not Yang Changnian, which means there is a red party lurking in it?

Not a red party?

So this person is from Chongqing?

"Are you from Chongqing?" Qianbei Yuanji continued to ask without thinking too much and not daring to waste time.


"Are you still working for Zhongtong?" Chikitaharaji asked.

According to the information he knew, Yang Changnian was from Zhongtong. He did not expect that this man was pretending to surrender and was still secretly working for Zhongtong.

"I, I, I am a soldier of the party and state."

That's military rule.

Unexpectedly, Shi Lei turned out to be a military commander.

So, did Yang Changnian pretend to be the commander-in-chief of the Central Government and surrender? Or was this person the commander-in-chief of the Central Government, but a spy arranged by the military commander-in-chief to infiltrate the commander-in-chief?

"Tell me about your status within the military system?" Chikitaharaji asked softly.

"Juntong, Juntong Shanghai, Special, Special Situation, Intelligence Agent." Yang Changnian murmured.

Turns out to be someone from Xiao Mian’s Shanghai special love affair?


Isn’t it the Shanghai special situation group?

When did it become Shanghai’s special love center?

"Who is your immediate superior?" Chikitaharaji suppressed his doubts and continued to ask.

"Xiao, Xiao, Virgo."

Sure enough, it's Xiao Mian's person!

And this person turned out to be an intelligence agent under Xiao Mian's direct control.

Qianbei Yuanji was overjoyed. Compared to Chen Gongshu's Shanghai District, the mysterious Xiao Mian and his Shanghai special case team were regarded as a serious problem by the empire.

This person is Xiao Mian's direct intelligence agent. If we can learn about Xiao Mian's information from this person, or even learn about Xiao Mian's hiding place, this will be the biggest gain for the empire's secret service in Shanghai in several years.

"Where is Virtuo Xiao?" Qianbei Yuansi's heart moved, "He said, I have important information to report to Virtuo, but I can't contact him."

"Virgo, Virgo is here, in the French Concession, you go to the French Concession, the French Concession..."

"Where is the French Concession?" Chikitaharaji asked eagerly.

"No, no, I can't say, I can't say."

"The situation is urgent and I must see Virgo." Chikitaharaji said.

"No, no, Virgo's identity is secret in the French Concession, so I can't tell you."

"The enemy has discovered Virgo's whereabouts. I must see Virgo. I want to warn Virgo." Chikitaharaji said.

"Warning, warning." Yang Changnian murmured.

"Yes, I want to warn Virgo, please tell me quickly." Qianbei Yuanji almost leaned against Yang Changnian's ear and whispered, "What is Virgo's true identity?"

"Virgo, the identity of Virgo." Yang Changnian murmured, with a smile on his lips, "They, they never expected it."

"However, the enemy has discovered Virgo's whereabouts. Please tell me the identity of Virgo as soon as possible." Chikitaharaji said.

"No, it's impossible, they can't think of it."

Buggy duck down!

Qianbei Yuanji was extremely anxious, but Yang Changnian didn't say anything, so it was useless for him to be anxious.

"You are wrong. The enemy has already discovered Virgo's whereabouts. We are extremely anxious." Chibeiharaji suppressed his anger and said softly, "You are the person Virgo trusts most, and you don't want anything to happen to Virgo."

"Yes, Virgo, Virgo trusts me." Yang Changnian murmured, "I can't say, I can't say."

Unexpectedly, his words would strengthen Yang Changyuan's efforts to keep secrets, and Qianbei Yuanji was furious.

It was at this time that Onijiro Kawakami on the side noticed something was wrong with the prisoner's expression.

"Ask quickly, he may not be able to survive." Kawakami Onijiro was shocked and reminded.

"Quickly tell me, where is Virgo?" Chikitaharaji asked eagerly.

"Virgo trust me, you can't..."

"It's urgent, tell me quickly, tell me Virgo's identity." Qianbei Yuanji was anxious and slapped Yang Changnian hard, who seemed to be about to fall into coma.

At this moment, Yang Changnian's slowly closed eyes opened, and his eyes began to glow with a hint of clarity.

"No, the prisoner is about to wake up." Kawakami Onijiro said hurriedly.

"Where is Virgo? Tell me quickly, I have urgent information." Chikitaharaji said urgently.

Then, he read more clarity in Yang Changnian's eyes, and at the same time, there was also a hint of relief after fear.

"Qianbeiharaji." Yang Changnian looked at Qianbeiharaji who was very close at hand and said in a low voice.

"Ishi Sang, no, I should call you Yang Sang." Qianbei Yuanji smiled and said, "It's great that you're awake."

Yang Changyang remained silent, just looking at Qianbei Yuansi.

"Yang Sang, you are very good. I am very happy that you can cooperate with the Empire of Japan." Qianbei Yuanji said with a smile, "You just explained Xiao Mian's situation. I will arrange for someone to arrest him right now."

He patted Yang Changnian on the shoulder and said, "Successfully capturing Xiao Mian is a great achievement. The Empire of Japan will not treat you badly."

Yang Changnian had a sarcastic look on his face.

Chikitaharaji immediately knew that his emergency plan was ineffective.

"Yang Sang, please tell me Xiao Mian's hidden identity now." Qianbei Yuansi said with a sincere attitude, "I will treat you right now. Human life is so precious. There is an old saying in China that it is better to live than to die.


"Okay, I'll tell you." Yang Changnian closed his eyes, then opened them again and whispered.

Chikitaharaji was overjoyed and said, "Please tell me."

Yang Changnian looked sluggish, opened his mouth, and seemed to say something, but Qianbei Yuanji didn't hear it clearly.

He hurriedly leaned forward and put his ear to Yang Changnian's mouth.

"Ah!" Chikitaharaji felt pain.

But it was Yang Changnian who used his last strength to bite his ear.

Buggy duck down!

Qianbei Yuanji turned his head and freed his ears from Yang Changnian's mouth. He was about to angrily deal with Yang Changnian, but saw that the man's head was tilted to one side, and he looked like he had died of anger.

"Kawagami-kun!" Chikitaharaji shouted loudly.

Kawakami Onijiro came forward, inspected it carefully, shook his head, "It's dead."

"Bag duck down! Bag duck down!" Qianbei Yuanji was furious, covering his bitten ear with one hand, and with the other hand he pulled out the gun from his waist, turned off the safety, and hit Yang Changnian on the execution rack.

The corpse, bang bang bang bang bang, directly consumed all the bullets in the magazine.

"Chief Chihoku, are your ears okay?" Hirai Shinji was shocked and came over to ask with concern.

"It's nothing serious." Onijiro Kawakami came over to help Qiankitaharaji check the wound and said, "The prisoner had no strength at that time. The wound is not deep. It can be simply cleaned."

Qianbei Yuanji was furious. Thinking that in his desperation, he was actually fooled and hurt by Yang Changnian in the end, he was almost furious.

"Transport Yang Changnian's body to the Wolf Dog Team." Qianbei Yuanji gritted his teeth and pointed at Yang Changnian's body and said.


As soon as Hirai Shinji waved his hand, several Special High School agents stepped forward to untie Yang Changnian's body from the torture rack and drag it out.

Chikitaharaji looked at Kawakami Onijiro, he calmed down, forced out a smile, and said to Kawakami Onijiro, "Although the results were not satisfactory, the effect is still there."

He bowed slightly to Kawakami Onijiro, "Kawakami-kun, thank you very much."

"I'm very happy to be able to help Qianbei-kun." Kawakami Onijiro said, "It seems that this method is effective."

He said happily, "The prisoner answers all questions and can be sure to tell the truth. I think the medicine can be called a truth serum."

"Veritaserum?" Chikitaharaji nodded slightly, "It's very appropriate, a good name."

"It's a pity." Onijiro Kawakami sighed regretfully, "Because this is the first test, the dosage of the medicine is very unfamiliar. Otherwise, the effect may be better."

"Kawagami-kun, you mean the dose of medicine is too large?" Chikitaharaji asked.

"Maybe it's too big, maybe it's too small." Onijiro Kawakami shook his head, "If we want to accurately control the dosage and achieve the optimal effect, further experiments are needed."

"This is easy." Chikitaharaji subconsciously rubbed his injured ear with one hand and said, "I will order the arrangement of prisoners for Kawakami-kun's experiment."

As he spoke, his face finally showed joy, "Kawagami-kun's discovery is very valuable for us to interrogate prisoners and obtain important information."

Chikitaharaji said happily, "We will definitely support Kawagami-kun's experiment."

"Thank you." Kawakami Onijiro smiled and nodded. He was not concerned about obtaining information from the prisoners. He was more concerned about the experiment itself.

"Hirai-kun, you're so kind to entertain Kawakami-kun, I'm going to report the situation to the section chief." Chikitaharaji said.

"Hai." Shinji Hirai said immediately.

"Kawagami-kun, thank you for your hard work. I'll be the host another day to express my gratitude." Chikitaharaji said.

"If you want to thank Qianbei-kun, please prepare more prisoners for me to test." Kawakami Onijiro said.

"Haha, this is not a problem." Chikitaharaji smiled and said, "There is no shortage of prisoners in the special high school. If there are not enough prisoners, there are many Chinese people outside, and they can be captured at any time for experiments."

"円西." Onijiro Kawakami nodded with satisfaction, "That's it, please."

"Are you saying that you used a new method of extorting a confession to prompt the prisoner to speak?" Mimotojiro asked in surprise after listening to Chikitaharaji's report.

"Yes, it is an injection drug called sodium amytal. Using this drug, the prisoner's consciousness will fall into a certain state of unconsciousness. When asked at this time, even the most stubborn prisoner will answer the question.

"Qianbei Yuanji said happily.

"円西." Sanbonjiro was overjoyed and nodded happily, "Very good, very good. This is an amazing discovery and a very valuable discovery."

Chikitaharaji subconsciously rubbed his ears and said, "Onijiro Kawakami gave this medicine a name, 'Veritaserum'."

"'Veritaserum'?" Sanbonjiro nodded, "What a good name, very appropriate."

Sanbonjiro looked at Chikitaharaji, "Tell me, what did the prisoner confess?"

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