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Chapter 1544 Fishing operation!

"A batch of goods from Jiujiu Trading was seized by the gendarmerie. Cheng Qianfan met with the gendarmerie probably because of this matter," Ying Huaizhen said.

She hadn't seen Cheng Qianfan for several days. Cheng Qianfan called her today to comfort her. This information was that Ying Huaizhen deliberately acted coquettishly and complained about Cheng Qianfan not going to see him. Cheng Qianfan gave her explanation.

"Cheng Qianfan's goods were seized by the military police?" Cheng Qianfan showed surprise, "This man has always had a good relationship with the Japanese. Why is this?"

Ying Huaizhen shook her head, saying that she didn't know either.

"You should focus on following up on this matter." Cheng Qianfan said, "It seems that there is a problem between Cheng Qianfan and the Japanese. If we can figure out the reason, we don't mind helping them add fuel to the fire."

"I understand," Ying Huaizhen said.

"Okay." Cheng Qianfan flicked the ashes from his cigarette and said calmly, "Our focus is still on Ping Chongyang Yi."

"Chief Qiao," he said to Qiao Chuntao, "Ping Chongyang is a close confidant of Gangcun. This person must be able to see Gangcun. I will keep an eye on his whereabouts and try to grasp Gangcun's movements.



"Gangcun arrived in Shanghai secretly. We don't know his purpose, so we can't rule out any possibility." Cheng Qianfan looked at Li Tongyun again, "I'll give you a task."

"Find a way to enter the archives of Qimin Hospital." Cheng Qianfan said, "Your task is to check the medical records of the fourteenth year of the Republic of China to see if there are any records of patients with scarlet fever infectious diseases."

"I understand," Li Tongyun said.

She was wondering why Virgo arranged such a task, but she didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Cheng Qianfan looked at Wu Shunjia again, "Shunzi, your task is to prepare bombs in advance. This time we are going to set off fireworks for the Japanese."

"Yes." Wu Shunjia's eyes were full of excitement. Ever since he played a big bomb in Qingdao and killed the Japanese prince, Wu Shunjia was so proud in his heart. If he could kill the Japanese prince again this time,

General, even if he were to die for his country immediately, he would still be willing to do so.

"Zhai Qizhi." Cheng Qianfan looked at Zhai Qizhi, "During this period, you will be with Chief Wu. You will do whatever he orders you to do."

"Yes, Virgo." Zhai Qizhi stood up and gave a military salute.

Cheng Qianfan explained again, and he looked around at everyone, "Chief Qiao and Chief Zhong stay, everyone else should disperse."


Everyone stood up, saluted, and filed away.

"Virgin, you arranged for Li Tongyun to investigate cases in the archives of Qimin Hospital. Why?" Qiao Chuntao asked the question in his mind.

"Chief Song and I analyzed the relevant information about Gangcun and believed that Gangcun might visit Qimin Hospital." Cheng Qianfan said slowly.

In the 14th year of the Republic of China, Gangcun was ordered to conspire and carry out espionage work in Shanghai.

This man came to Shanghai to live with his wife and two sons.

For his youngest son Takemasa Gangmura, Gangmura loves him very much.

But after visiting the Bund of the Huangpu River, his youngest son Takemasa Okamura suddenly contracted scarlet fever. He had a fever of 40 degrees. It was a plague and was extremely contagious. At first, many hospitals, including Japanese clinics, were afraid of the spread of the plague and refused.

Soon after, Gangcun's eldest son, Gangcun Tamasa, was also infected.

Gangcun's eldest son is a little older and is in strong health and recovered quickly.

At this time, a hospital extended a helping hand and admitted Okamura Takemasa at risk. However, Okamura Takemasa had been frail and sick since he was a child, and finally could not survive it, and died of illness within a few days.

After Takemasa Okamura's death, Okamura was heartbroken and left Shanghai with his eldest son and wife to return to Japan.

However, the second year after returning to Japan, Okamura's wife also died of pulmonary heart disease.

Gangcun lost his wife and young son within a year, but he attributed the death of his wife and children to China. He believed that his trip to China had harmed his family. If he had not gone to China, his wife and children would not have died.

"What's the point of this?" Hao Tsai said angrily, "This is obviously the retribution of this old devil for coming to China to engage in conspiracy activities."

"This is the bad nature of the Japanese." Cheng Qianfan snorted and said, "They will never reflect on themselves and will only vent their anger on others."

"You suspect that it was Qimin Hospital that extended a helping hand to Gangcun?" Qiao Chuntao asked.

"It's just a suspicion, it still needs to be confirmed." Cheng Qianfan nodded and said.

"Even if it is confirmed that it was Qimin Hospital that admitted Gangcun Wu Zheng, it is not certain that Gangcun will go to Qimin Hospital." Cheng Qianfan said, "However, in the absence of intelligence, it is necessary to lock Gangcun's whereabouts.

We have to be prepared in many ways."

"I understand." Qiao Chuntao nodded.

"There is one thing I can tell you now." Cheng Qianfan said with a serious expression, "It is extremely difficult to assassinate Gangcun, and Boss Dai is well aware of this. Therefore, Boss Dai has not issued any instructions regarding Operation Hurricane.

A necessary order."

"The purpose of sending brothers from Zhejiang to Shanghai to jointly carry out operations with us is to create a huge stir." Cheng Qianfan said slowly, "And, as I expected, the Japanese should have received the news

The wind is blowing."

"So, the assassination of Gangcun happened in the Ming Dynasty, but Operation Hurricane actually had another reason?" Qiao Chuntao reacted very quickly and asked immediately.

"Smart." Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly, "There is a Japanese spy lurking within the military system of Jiangsu, Shanghai and Zhejiang. This person is codenamed 'Jie Chi', and this person is most likely to be in a high position."

"If our operation this time is indeed successful, everyone will be happy. If not, we can also use this operation to peel off the cocoon and dig out the cancer hidden deep within our party." Cheng Qianfan said in a deep voice.

He glanced at Qiao Chuntao and said, "This is like putting on a show. As the saying goes, it's all about putting on a show. We want the enemy to believe that this time we have indeed planned a large-scale operation with extremely high confidentiality."

"My subordinates understand." Qiao Chuntao nodded, "The bigger the noise we make, the more fearful the Japanese will become, and the traitor will be unable to hold back and take action."

"Yes, Gangcun is a suitable target. With such a large-scale mobilization, the Japanese would rather believe it or not." Cheng Qianfan said.

"Yang Changnian died for his country." Cheng Qianfan lit a cigarette and said sadly.

Qiao Chuntao was shocked, "How could it be? Isn't Yang Changnian lurking in the Special High School? He was exposed? How was he exposed?"

"The specific details are not known yet." Cheng Qianfan slowly shook his head, "According to the information we have, Yang Changnian was killed by Qianbei Yuansi. This person also ordered his subordinates to secretly investigate the relationship between Yang Changnian and me."

"Qianbei Yuanji has been biting Virgo. Did he find any clues?" Qiao Chuntao said with a frown.

"These are not clear, but my point of view is that Qianbeihara Division should not have found any definite evidence. The most likely reason is that there was something wrong with Yang Changnian, which aroused Qianbeihara Division's suspicion."

Cheng Qianfan said.

"All along, in order to avoid irritating the enemy and arousing their suspicion, my previous view was to adopt a conservative strategy for Qianbeiharaji." Cheng Qianfan said solemnly, "Now it seems that this person is like a poisonous snake.

It must be removed as soon as possible.”

He looked gloomy, "So, I decided to take action against Qianbei Yuanji."

"Virgin, you just learned the news that Yang Changnian was killed, and we are taking action against Qianbei Yuansi. Will this arouse the enemy's suspicion of you?" Qiao Chuntao thought and asked.

"Although it may cause some trouble, in general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages." Cheng Qianfan said, "We don't know what Qianbeihara Division found. In this case, cutting the knot with a quick knife is the best solution.


He had naturally thought carefully about Qiao Chuntao's concerns. As Taozi said, Araki Harima had just told him that Qianbeiharaji was plotting against him and about the death of 'Shi Lei', and then something happened to Qianbeiharaji. This would indeed cause trouble.

Araki Harima's doubts.

However, compared to the threat posed by Senkitaharaji's existence, the danger posed by Araki Harima's suspicion is much lower.

The most important thing is that Cheng Qianfan really felt the huge threat that Qianbei Yuanji might pose.

In secret agent work, there is never absolute safety. You must make choices and act decisively.

In addition, Yang Changnian's sacrifice and Qianbei Genji's cruelty completely angered him.

He felt that if he didn't take action or vent, he would go crazy.

"This time our target is not just Qianbeiharasi." Cheng Qianfan said in a deep voice.

"There is also Sanbonjiro." The corner of his mouth raised a cruel arc, "Qiankitaharaji is deeply trusted by Sanbonjiro. If Qiankitaharaji dies, Sanbonjiro will never give up."

"Furthermore, Chikitaharaji has been plotting against me secretly. Considering that Hiroyuki Kikube, Tsubasa Naito and others all died in my hands," Cheng Qianfan said, "Sanbonjiro knew about this, so,

Chikitaharaji is dead, Sanbonjiro will not cast suspicion on me just because Kentaro Miyazaki is Japanese."

"So, it's best for them to go on the road together." Qiao Chuntao nodded and said.

"That's right." Cheng Qianfan said, "There is also Araki Harima. This person has been doing things secretly and wants to provoke a fight between me and Qianbei Yuanji. He even..."

"Sanbonjiro has unconditional trust in Chikitaharaji, and I still can't understand this." He said thoughtfully, "I suspect that Araki Harima may know some inside information, so he provoked me to fight with Chikitaharaji, and he didn't even

It is ruled out that this guy intends to stimulate the conflict between me and Sanbonjiro, so that he can profit from it secretly."

"Araki Harima wants to get rid of Sanbonjiro. Does he want to be in power?" Haozi, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said.

Then he saw Virgo and Qiao Chuntao looking at him in surprise.

"I, I made a mistake..." Hao Zai was startled and said.

"No, what you said makes sense." Cheng Qianfan smiled and nodded.

"I have always had a feeling, especially in the recent period, that Araki Harima has been making little moves and is dishonest." Cheng Qianfan chuckled and said, "Previously, my judgment was that Araki Harima and Chikitaharaji were competing for favor, but now

It seems that this person’s ambition is very deep.”

"If Sanbonjiro dies, is Araki Harima qualified to be the director of the special higher education course?" Qiao Chuntao asked.

"Not enough." Cheng Qianfan frowned and said, "This is why I have never doubted in this direction, but now Hao Zai's words have inspired me."

He sneered and said, "Now it seems that Mr. Araki is hiding very deep, and he probably has his support."

"It is a wonderful move to attack Sanbonjiro." Qiao Chuntao said thoughtfully, "Virgo, you are deeply trusted by Sanbonjiro, at least in the eyes of outsiders, Sanbonjiro is Kentaro Miyazaki.

No one in the special high school would have thought that you would do anything to Sanbonjiro."

He paused and continued, "Sanbonjiro is dead, which can greatly reduce Virgo's doubts about the death of Chikitaharaji."

"To a certain extent, the Japanese will subconsciously judge that this is our full-scale assassination operation against Shanghai Super High School. Sanbonjiro is our main target, and Chikitaharaji is just unlucky to encounter him." Qiao Chuntao said.

Cheng Qianfan nodded happily. He was satisfied with Taozi's quick response. He decided to take action against Sanbonjiro because of this consideration.

"There's also Araki Harima." Cheng Qianfan said, "We'll do it together then."

He sneered, "Remember, Sanbonjiro and Chikitaharaji must die."

"Virgo, do you mean that attacking Araki Harima is an act?" Hao Zai asked.

"No." Qiao Chuntao answered the question for Virgo, "The assassination of Araki Harima was also real, but our focus is on Sanbonjiro and Chikitaharaji. As for whether Araki Harima can survive, that's all.

Let’s see if their Amanuma God will bless him.”

"Taozi is right." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "This hurricane operation is also a cover for the assassination of the Super High School."

He looked at Qiao Chuntao and said, "Send a telegram to Captain Lu and ask him to take people back to Shanghai. The lives of Sanbonjiro and Chikitaharaji are entrusted to him."


"This operation against the Super High School is codenamed 'Fishing'." Cheng Qianfan said solemnly, with a stern look on his face, "Try to use this opportunity to cause huge losses to the Super High School, let our enemies know, and let

The citizens in the occupied areas know."

"The gunshots are ringing, and the enemy will die!"


The torture room of the Special High School Section.

Qi Huanyuan was tied to the torture rack and his body was covered with whip marks.

Dongzuo Yuci looked at Qi Huanyuan with sinister eyes, as if he was thinking about the next step to torture a certain part of his body.

Qi Huanyuan looked at Dongzuo Yuci's fierce eyes, fear spread in his heart, and he closed his eyes subconsciously.

"I heard that Qi Sang is a passionate and philandering person." Dongzuo Yuci smiled cruelly. He took the red-hot iron from his subordinate's hand, "I wonder if a woman who has been branded with a branding iron can still become a hero.

Woolen cloth?"

As he spoke, he held up the soldering iron and approached Qi Huanyuan's crotch step by step.

"Qisang, my patience has run out." Dongzuo Yuci said coldly, "I'll ask you one last time."

"Do you want to recruit him or not?" Dongzuo Yuci smiled grimly, "I admire heroes, and I am happy to help Qi Sang become a hero castrated with a hot iron."

Feeling the heat in his crotch that was almost close at hand, Qi Huanyuan opened his eyes, his eyes full of fear.

"Very good, it seems that Qi Sang is determined to become a great hero." Dongzuo Yuci nodded, smiled evilly, and was about to press down the soldering iron hard.

"I said, I said, I said anything." Qi Huanyuan screamed in horror, shouting hysterically, "I said anything."

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