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Chapter 160 Shen Dacheng Pastry Shop

 How to lure Fang Muheng into the trap without anyone noticing? Cheng Qianfan already had a preliminary plan in his mind, but the details still needed further refinement.

Fang Muheng has been under the surveillance of agents from the Party Affairs Investigation Department. If you 'use' Fang Muheng to rescue Yang Ximei, you must be careful.

Before getting off work, Cheng Qianfan first went to the "Identification Section" and picked up the ID card he had applied for for Hao Zai.

In order to avoid suspicion, Cheng Qianfan "returned to his old business" and helped more than ten people coming to Shanghai from other places to apply for identity documents. In this way, the identity documents of the "haozi" were hidden and would not attract attention.

In the worst case scenario, even if a wealthy man is exposed in the future, Cheng Qianfan will not be suspected or implicated because of this identity document.

It's very reasonable to use people's money to do things with people.

The heavy rain is still falling, with no sign of stopping.

Cheng Qianfan changed into casual clothes, put on a raincoat, borrowed a bicycle from a Chinese policeman on duty tonight, and rushed into the heavy rain.

The meeting place with Song Fuguo was not at Fugui Restaurant.

Fugui Restaurant is the stronghold of the French Concession Intelligence Team of the Secret Service, and it is not suitable for Cheng Qianfan to appear here again.




It cannot stop the people who go out to work.

Work for a day, eat for a day.

If you stop working for a day, you will be hungry.

A rickshaw driver who was pulling a rickshaw in a heavy rain slipped and fell to the ground. The passengers also fell off the rickshaw.

The angry guest kicked the coachman violently with his pointed shoes. The coachman, who was bruised and swollen from the fall, held his head and knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

Patrolman Annan, wearing a raincoat, hid under the eaves to avoid the rain, pointing and laughing.

Cheng Qianfan approached on his bicycle, got off the car, made a sudden sneak attack, kicked the attacker to the ground, quickly got on the bicycle, and quickly disappeared in the heavy rain.

He recognized that the attacker was a clerk at Aoki Tailor on Honolulu Road. The shop owner was Japanese, and the clerk was Chinese. He took care of Japanese people and had a Japanese heart.

Baliqiao Road, Shen Dacheng Pastry Shop.

The clerk was chatting boredly behind the counter, glancing at the heavy rain outside from time to time, praying that the rain would clear up and there would be more customers.

Jingle Bell.

The door curtain moves and the wind chime rings.

The two female clerks looked up and saw a man wearing a raincoat coming in, dripping water all the way.

A fat clerk frowned and was about to say something.

"Hello, here are three kilograms of Tiaotou cake." The man raised his head and said with a smile.

Sword eyebrows and starry eyes, dignified appearance, jade trees facing the wind...

These words from the novel "Huanzhu Louzhu" appeared in the minds of two female shop assistants with average education.

A flower-like smile bloomed on the fat clerk's face, "Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

"Please wrap a few more layers of oil paper." Cheng Qianfan said.

I bought this for the daughter of the boss Xiaotao.

After receiving Song Fuguo's call, Cheng Qianfan kept this incident in mind. He thought of Xiaotao's daughter.

Before saying goodbye to Xiao Tao for the last time, Cheng Qianfan noticed the oil paper bag in Xiao Tao's hand, and he smelled it was the Tiao Tou Cake from Shen Dacheng Pastry Shop.

Xiao Tao strode away with the Tiao Tou Cake swaying in his hand, which was a father's pampering and love for his daughter.

The pastries at Shen Dacheng Pastry Shop were expensive, and Cheng Qianfan could guess that it was Xiao Tao who had been pestering Xiao Tao for a long time before Xiao Tao was willing to buy them for his daughter.

Boss Xiaotao's daughter never had the chance to pester her father to buy her a Tiaotou cake.

"Sir, it's wrapped for you." The fat clerk handed the pastries to Cheng Qianfan. Watching the handsome young man take out a wad of bills, the smile on the fat clerk's face grew wider, "Sir, would you like to buy some more mung bean cakes?


Cheng Qianfan was slightly surprised. He hadn't eaten Shen Dacheng's mung bean cake for several years.

Sister Shaoyao loves to eat mung bean cake.

Every time she buys it, she buys three copies, one for herself, one for Cheng Qianfan, and one for Xiaoye.

Later I bought four copies and gave an extra one to my brother-in-law.

Cheng Qianfan was very resistant to his brother-in-law at first, not because he felt his love had been stolen away from him, but because he felt that his sister who loved him was getting married and was reluctant to let him go.

Sister Shaoyao is five years older than him, and her brother-in-law is six years older than him.

In the 20th year of the Republic of China, Shanghai was in turmoil. The Shanghai Red Party organization suffered a near-destructive blow, and countless people disappeared almost overnight.

There has been no news from these people since.

You can't see people alive, you can't see corpses after death.

Sister Shaoyao and her brother-in-law were also among these people.

Cheng Qianfan has been unable to let go of his sister Shaoyao, who loved him very much, and his brother-in-law, whom Cheng Qianfan gradually admired and who made him feel loved by his brother even though he had only known her for a short time.

"No, I don't like mung bean cake." Cheng Qianfan smiled and shook his head.

After leaving the store, another thunder exploded in the sky.

Cheng Qianfan frowned slightly, Ruolan was most afraid of thunder, she must be very scared now.

No. 31 Abbott Road.

This was Song Fuguo's temporary residence, or rather the residence that Song Fuguo wanted Cheng Qianfan to know. The two of them secretly agreed to meet here.

Cheng Qianfan was riding his bicycle and knocked on the door. The knock on the door was not noticeable amidst the noise of the rainstorm. However, the door opened quickly. It was obvious that Song Fuguo had been waiting for him.

Cheng Qianfan set up his bicycle and crossed the threshold to enter. Song Fuguo looked around warily and quickly closed the door.

After not seeing him for more than a month, Song Fuguo looked a little tired and older.

"Qianfan, you take a look at these documents first, and then I will convey the order from the Nanjing headquarters." Song Fuguo directly threw a stack of manuscripts to Cheng Qianfan.

"Zhou Huaigu." Cheng Qianfan turned to the first page and was shocked, "It turned out to be him."

After reading the first page, Cheng Qianfan turned the page and continued reading. At the same time, he carefully asked Song Fuguo, "Section Chief, I heard that this person is having a fierce fight with the Japanese. Is this true?"

"That's right." Song Fuguo said in a deep voice, "Director Dai asked us to kill him."

As he spoke, Song Fuguo lowered his voice, "The committee also felt that this guy had crossed the line, and the old man issued a kill order."

"What did this old guy do again that makes people angry?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

Zhou Huaigu once served under Sun Chuanfang, the Zhili warlord, and later served as the commander of the Anguo Army. After September 18, this man exposed himself to the Japanese many times, saying that the Japanese were not here to invade and that everyone should not panic.

"Zhou Huaigu has been very dishonest recently, jumping up and down, criticizing the government and claiming that the government should recognize the Puppet Manchukuo." Song Fuguo said.

"You are a scum who has forgotten his ancestors!" Cheng Qianfan scolded angrily.

"What is this? This old guy is still advocating for the Nationalist Army to withdraw from Peiping and Tianjin and allow Japanese troops to station, saying that this move can ease the tense relations between China and Japan."

Cheng Qianfan was shocked. Even though he had heard many shameful behaviors of traitors, when he heard about this incident, he still found it unbelievable. How shameless a person must be to openly say such traitorous remarks.

"Zhou Huaigu is coming to Shanghai?" Cheng Qianfan turned to the third page. It was a telegram. He was surprised and asked, this person is not staying in the north where the Japanese invaders are powerful and arrogant, but he actually wants to come to Shanghai?

Baliqiao Road, Shen Dacheng Pastry Shop.

The wind chimes are ringing.

A woman entered holding a black umbrella.

"Hello, two kilograms of mung bean cake." the woman said, putting away her umbrella.

The fat clerk glanced at the woman in surprise, and secretly exclaimed, this woman is so beautiful, it's really strange. On this rainy day, first a very handsome young man came, and now a mature beauty came.


"Thank you." The woman paid, nodded slightly, came to the door of the store, opened her umbrella, and walked slowly towards the black car across the road.

This chapter has been completed!
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