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Chapter 167 Cheng Wufang from the Staff Department, give me money!

 Cheng Qianfan said one sentence and Zhou Ru recorded one sentence.

After Cheng Qianfan finished speaking, Zhou Ru took the draft of the telegram he had just written and handed it to Cheng Qianfan for review.

"Team leader, do you still need to modify it?" Zhou Ru asked cautiously, "Just send it out like this?"

"Yes." Cheng Qianfan took it, looked at it, nodded, and handed it back to Zhou Ru, "Send the report."

Zhou Ru glanced at the team leader and wanted to remind Cheng Qianfan: Team leader, the first time you sent a report to Shangfeng, it was all about asking for money. Is this really good?

Yes, in Zhou Ru's view, the team leader's message, although it was a more serious report, meant to ask for instructions from the superior.

However, after delving into it, she felt that it could be summed up in one sentence:

Cheng Qianfan from the staff department, give me the money!

However, this was Zhou Ru's first meeting with Cheng Qianfan. She did not know the temperament of this young and handsome team leader. Seeing Cheng Qianfan's persistence, she did not dare to say anything and honestly took the telegram to send.


Cheng Qianfan waited for Zhou Ru to finish sending the report and asked in surprise, "You don't need to read the code book?"

"In order to keep it secret, my subordinates have memorized the code book by heart." Zhou Ru, who had always been a little nervous, showed a confident smile, "Team leader, please rest assured, every word is correct."

Hangzhou, Xiongzhen Tower.

The lights of the instruments in the telegraph room were flashing, and beeps were beeping one after another. The telegraph operator was wearing headphones and had a serious expression. Someone received the telegram. Immediately, a translator took the telegram and went to the translation room for emergency translation.

Inside the telegraph room, there are two posts and two sentries, bullets are loaded, and the security is tight.

Half a month ago, the Second and Sixth Army of the Red Party broke through the Jinsha River defense line.

A few days ago, the Japanese troops stationed in North China mobilized large-scale troops and arrived at the gates of Tianjin.

The Red Party issued a telegram entitled "Armistice and Unanimous Resistance Against Japan", which aroused heated discussion in the public opinion.

Intelligence from Xi'an showed that Zhang and Yang were bewitched by the electricity, and the suppression of the bandits was delayed.

Intelligence from Inner Mongolia showed that King De was ready to make a move and seemed to intend to surrender to the Japanese.

In Guangdong and Guangxi, Li and Bai have close contacts with "Chen Guangzhou", and there seems to be a conspiracy.

In the recent period, the political and military situation has been turbulent, and there is a tendency for a storm to come. The Xiongzhen Building Telecommunications Section has assumed part of the telegraph work of the Secret Service, and it is tense and busy.

"Section Chief, here is a telegram that was just received."

"Is it translated?"

"No." The telegraph operator shook his head, "This message is Level 3 top secret."

The section chief received the telegram in surprise, "Have you never received a call from this station before?"


"I understand." The head of the telecommunications department quickly left with the telegraph newspaper.

A few minutes later.


Even though it was already late at night, the small white building was brightly lit.

Yu Pingan is still working at his desk.

"Deputy Director Yu, level 3 secret telegram." Wu Yuanfang gently placed the telegram newspaper on Yu Ping'an's desk, "This is from Section Chief Sun."

"Yuanfang, please go out." Yu Ping'an waved his hand.

"Yes." Wu Yuanfang didn't look at the telegraph newspaper on the table, but turned around and walked out.

Yu Ping'an took out a blue-covered book from the safe. This was a code book he had written himself and was responsible for contacting Cheng Qianfan's latent team.

Soon, the message was translated:

"Director Yu Junjian of Hangcheng was transferred to Director Dai of Nanjing."

"There is a batch of legal rupee pistols..."

"...Sulfonamide is expensive, and we don't waste any money. Please go up to the peak to make a decision..."

"Cheng Wufang of the Staff Department."

"In the twenty-fifth year of the Republic of China, at eleven and a quarter on the night of May 7th."

Yu Pingan put down the pen in his hand, picked up the translator, and glanced at it.

He was a little angry and also found it funny.

This Cheng Qianfan called me in the middle of the night and wrote two words throughout the article: Lack of money!

It is normal for all the down-line units of the Secret Service to do everything possible to ask for funds from their superiors, but when did Cheng Qianfan, a bastard like him, catch this bad habit?

I have just been given a funding of 500 French currency, but this is not enough!

Or is this kid embezzling public funds for his own use?

Yu Ping'an shook his head. Based on his observation and understanding of Cheng Qianfan, this young man was very energetic and ideal, so he shouldn't be like this.

Yu Pingan picked up the telegram and read it carefully this time.

In the end, his eyes settled on the sentence 'The new Western drug sulfonamide... has a very miraculous effect on gunshot wounds... a life-saving drug'.

New drugs.


Is there a miraculous cure for gunshot wounds?

Yu Ping'an's first reaction was that Cheng Qianfan had encountered a charlatan.

However, when I thought about it, I realized that this kid was extremely smart and would not make such a stupid mistake.

Yu Ping'an pressed the bell and said, "Please ask Dr. Dong from the medical office to come."

Soon, Wu Yuanfang arrived with a middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses, and he decided to leave.

Dr. Dong was carrying the medicine box and was sweating profusely. He walked in and asked, "Deputy Director Yu, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"I'm fine." Yu Ping'an asked Dr. Dong to sit down and rest, and poured the doctor a glass of water himself. "Brother Yaoming, have you heard of a new type of Western medicine called sulfonamide."

"Sulfa? New Western medicine?" Dr. Dong was stunned at first, then shook his head after thinking for a moment, "Deputy Director Yu, my subordinates have never heard of this kind of medicine."

"It is said that this kind of medicine is very effective in treating gunshot wounds." Yu Ping'an was already inclined to suspect that Cheng Qianfan had met a liar, but for the sake of caution, he continued.

"Cure gunshot wounds? Miraculous effect? ​​How is that possible?" Dr. Dong subconsciously wanted to shake his head, but suddenly stood up and walked slowly thinking.

Yu Pingan did not disturb his thinking.

After a while, Dr. Dong's eyes lit up and he stroked his hands, "I remembered that I once heard someone mention that Westerners are developing a new drug that is effective in treating gunshot wound infections."

"So, does this medicine exist?" Yu Ping'an couldn't hide his surprise and asked.

If there is indeed a new drug with such miraculous effects, this will be good news to countless Secret Service agents and soldiers of the national army.

"I have only heard that Westerners are doing this kind of research. As for whether there are any results, or whether it is the new drug sulfa, I don't know," Dr. Dong said.

Yu Pingan was reassured. Although Dr. Dong did not confirm the existence of sulfonamide, at least his explanation made Yu Pingan know that Cheng Qianfan was not unfounded, and he had a little more trust in this new drug, sulfonamide.

"Thank you for your hard work, Brother Yaoming." Yu Ping'an said goodbye to the guest with empty hands.

"Director, you are so polite. I am relieved that you are fine." Dr. Dong said quickly. After taking two steps, he couldn't help but ask, "Have you really developed that magical drug? Is it called sulfonamide?"

"Brother Yaoming, we need more confirmation." Yu Ping'an said slowly, "I hope Brother Yaoming will not make any noise."

"I know, I know." Dr. Dong assured repeatedly, then shook his head and sighed, "If there is such a miracle medicine, it can save countless anti-Japanese soldiers."

After Dr. Dong left, Yu Pingan whispered to Wu Yuanfang who came in, "Check out Dr. Dong."

What Dr. Dong said was 'saving countless anti-Japanese soldiers', not 'national army soldiers'. At present, there is no large-scale conflict between the national army and the Japanese invaders, and the biggest war is in northern Shaanxi.

"Follow your orders." Wu Yuanfang accepted the order and left.

This chapter has been completed!
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