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Chapter 177 Dagger (2nd

"The first person I killed was Hideko's father. He was a stubborn old man whose words were quite disrespectful to the empire. I killed him with a dagger and cut out his tongue."

"Xiuzi's mother is a very polite and gentle Chinese woman. She really regards me as Xiuzi's husband and treats me very well. Her sorrow is that she has a husband who opposes the empire. I gave her a decent

The method of death was to strangle her with a belt. Her resentful eyes were no longer as gentle as before, which made me very uncomfortable."

Cheng Qianfan's eyes were cold and terrifying.

He actually saw the process of Miyazaki killing Zhuo Peiyun's family in Kentaro Miyazaki's notes.

Zhuo Peiyun is the "Hideko" in Miyazaki Kentaro's notes. Miyazaki Kentaro, the executioner, gave Zhuo Peiyun the Japanese name "Hideko".

Kentaro Miyazaki described in detail the process of killing Mr. Zhuo and Mrs. Zhuo.

Finally, there is the process of killing Zhuo Peiyun. Miyazaki Kentaro used five sentences:

Finally, I killed Xiuzi, and when she scolded me, I stabbed her with a dagger. I was very sad.


He continued to read.

I was surprised to find that in later diaries, Miyazaki Kentaro mentioned "Hideko" many times.

He confided in his diary how painful it was when he killed Hideko, and the dagger he stabbed at Hideko felt like it was stuck in his heart.

'I hate that stubborn old man so much. It must be him. His anti-Japanese thoughts influenced Hideko. It was he who ruined the life that Hideko and I could have lived together. Hideko must also hate her father very much.'

Cheng Qianfan continued to watch.

He frowned in thought.

Kentaro Miyazaki's words reveal his love for Hideko.

His mental state became worse and worse, and he began to drink alcohol, which became increasingly serious.

"I met Hideko again. She was still so beautiful and gentle. I decided to take her back to Fukushima and accompany her to visit Mr. Uwu, whom she was very interested in."


Cheng Qianfan glanced at Kentaro Miyazaki who was tied to a chair.

From this passage, he got a piece of information:

Mr. Uwu actually died five years ago, and Kentaro Miyazaki has never returned to Japan in the past five years. To be precise, he has never returned to Fukushima.

In addition, he judged that Miyazaki Kentaro used alcohol to anesthetize himself. Miyazaki Kentaro, who missed "Hideko", had hallucinations under the anesthesia of alcohol and "saw" Hideko.

This discovery surprised Kentaro Miyazaki and created a strong dependence.

The words recorded in the diary show that Kentaro Miyazaki's love for Hideko is so deep, and the words between the lines are so sincere.

However, this did not move Cheng Qianfan. On the contrary, the chill in his eyes grew stronger and stronger.

Kentaro Miyazaki, the executioner, deeply loved the so-called "Hideko", the "Hideko" he imagined in his mind who recognized the Japanese invasion of China and was completely obedient to him.

Her name is Zhuo Peiyun, she is not Xiuzi.

I will never accept this name.

This is a brave, kind and admirable patriotic young woman.

A female martyr whose family was in trouble.

Cheng Qianfan put down his notebook.

These three thick diaries record everything that happened during the five years that Kentaro Miyazaki came to China from the main island of Japan.

Kentaro Miyazaki does not write a diary every day.

Sometimes I write one article every two days.

Sometimes I write one article a week.

What he wrote in his diary were mostly things he was interested in, as well as summaries of important investigative reports.

There is also a part of the correspondence between Miyazaki Kentaro and his friends, elders, and teachers, as well as some interesting things in the process of getting along.

It can be seen that Kentaro Miyazaki is indeed unsociable. He only mentioned five names in his diary.

They were his two assistants. One of them died of illness in Chengdu, and the other was bitten by a poisonous snake, had his thigh amputated, and returned to the main island of Japan.

There are three more people.

One is Kentaro Miyazaki's mother. However, Kentaro Miyazaki's mother passed away four years ago. Because Kentaro Miyazaki was "traveling" in China, he was unable to go back to see his mother for the last time. He often expressed guilt and regret in his diary.


The other two people, one of whom was Tai Imai, came to China one after another. The two childhood friends broke off contact and only regained contact in the first half of this year.

The other one is teacher Hiroyuki Taniguchi mentioned in Kentaro Miyazaki's writings.

This person is a professor at Kobe University and the mentor of Kentaro Miyazaki.

The research information obtained by Kentaro Miyazaki's "travel" in China will be compiled and handed over to Hiroyuki Taniguchi every three months to six months.

In Miyazaki Kentaro's writing, the relationship between him and Hiroyuki Taniguchi is not good.

In his diary, he nicknamed Hiroyuki Taniguchi "The Axeman".

The reason is that every time the day comes to submit an investigation report, Kentaro Miyazaki is worried about being scolded by the stern Hiroyuki Taniguchi:

'Every time I see this stubborn old man, I feel like I'm facing a knife. Oh, every time I carry the information into his office and sneak away when he's not paying attention. I don't like the air there.


Later, "I fell in love with the method of mailing information. It saved me from meeting the knifeman. I guess he was reluctant to see me. We should be very satisfied with this method of contact."

Hiroyuki Taniguchi should be in Peking at the moment. He has been active in China for a long time as the deputy dean of the School of Chinese Literature at Kobe University.

Cheng Qianfan suspected that Hiroyuki Taniguchi was a real agent and that the professor was his cover identity.

In addition, Cheng Qianfan also captured a piece of information from the diary:

Although Kentaro Miyazaki engaged in behavior that could be considered a spy, he was not an agent.

He was indeed doing research and had never had any contact with any Japanese secret service.

His investigation reports will be delivered to Hiroyuki Taniguchi in person or by mail at regular intervals.

On the surface this is normal academic behavior.

This is exactly where this type of espionage lies.

In other words, even though the national government knew that this was espionage, there was nothing they could do.

For getting these three diaries.

Cheng Qianfan was pleasantly surprised.

Cheng Qianfan's idea is very simple and straightforward. Kentaro Miyazaki's special identity can be used in certain critical moments to produce miraculous effects.

He did not consider using this identity to join the Japanese spy organization.

This is too dangerous.

Yes, he is proficient in Japanese, and even Kawada Nagakichi may mistake him for being from Fukushima.

However, lurking in Japanese special agencies does not require proficiency in Japanese.

The cultural environment is different.

Living habits are different.

Even a small mistake in detail could expose him.

The most important thing is that it is difficult for him to fully grasp Kentaro Miyazaki's situation.

The simplest and most direct situation: Kentaro Miyazaki knows a certain Japanese person, but he has no information about this person, and the two meet one day...

Therefore, given that Cheng Qianfan only intends to use Kentaro Miyazaki's identity at certain critical moments, or that is what he is thinking at this stage.

With these three thick notebooks, he is basically enough to cope with any situation he may face.

Now, only one last question remains:

What is the purpose of Kentaro Miyazaki coming to Shanghai?

Does anyone know that he came to Shanghai?

After he came to Shanghai, who else had he met besides Lu Bingjiu?

What words were said?

Cheng Qianfan looked at the photo in his hand, which was a photo sandwiched in his third notebook.

A photo of handsome Kentaro Miyazaki and a beautiful, smiling young woman.

The woman's smile is very sweet.

There is a line of text behind the photo:

Mr. Gong Jun and Ms. Zhuo Peiyun took a group photo.

Gong Jun should be the Chinese pseudonym used by Kentaro Miyazaki.

Cheng Qianfan's expression was extremely cold, and he took off his coat.

Bending down, he took out a suit from Kentaro Miyazaki's wooden box.

This is the suit Kentaro Miyazaki is wearing in the photo.

Change into your suit.

Cheng Qianfan looked at the photo, found a comb, wetted his hair with water, and combed his hairstyle into the slicked-back style in the photo.

Kentaro Miyazaki appeared immediately in the photo.

There is a dagger wrapped in a handkerchief in the wooden box.

This was the murder weapon that killed Zhuo Peiyun and Mr. Zhuo.

He bent down and picked up the dagger.

Look carefully at the dark brown color on the dagger. This is dried blood stains that cannot be washed away.

Cheng Qianfan stood up.

Turn around and stab!


The dagger accurately inserted into the anterior deltoid muscle on Kentaro Miyazaki's shoulder.

This chapter has been completed!
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