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Chapter 020 Night Sneak

 Everyone glanced at the drunk Xiao Cheng, laughed loudly, and continued to talk nonsense.

Deputy Inspector Ma Yishou said that there was a shooting on Xiafei Road yesterday, and Inspector Lu Dazhang was scolded bloody by Lieutenant Makelele of the Political Department.

Ma Yishou's tone of voice was obviously gloating about his misfortune.

Previously, Ma Yishou and Lu Dazhang were defeated in their competition to become the inspector of Xiafei Road. The two men resorted to all kinds of dirty tricks at that time, and a feud was formed.

Cheng Qianfan, who lay down and pretended to be drunk, was shocked. The shooting on Xiafei Road should refer to the shooting and death of Lao Liao.

"I know this." Jin Kemu nodded, "Lu Dazhang is really unlucky. Has the case been solved?"

"What the hell!" Ma Yishou chuckled, "A patrolman saw someone who looked very much like a scoundrel from the Party Affairs Office they once arrested. However, they didn't catch him because he was very angry.

Even if he scolds, he can only scold a few words. If he doesn’t catch the current situation, it’s not like he can’t do anything with the people in the Party Affairs Office.”

The relationship between the patrol bureau and the National Party Affairs Investigation Office is very delicate. There is a hostile relationship but also cooperation many times. Therefore, there is an unwritten tacit understanding between the two parties. Unless the current situation is caught, there is nothing the patrol bureau can do against the people from the party affairs office.

Party Affairs Investigation Department!

It turned out to be them!

Although Cheng Qianfan had previously concluded that it was state agents who killed Lao Liao, the state had many secret service agencies, including the Party Affairs Investigation Division, the Secret Service Division, and the Songhu Security Command also had its own xiante agency.

In addition, Cheng Qianfan also once suspected that the Japanese special forces were responsible. Lao Liao was a member of the Anti-League and might also be targeted by the Japanese special forces.

Now, it was confirmed from Ma Yishou that it was an agent from the Party Affairs Investigation Department. Cheng Qianfan's heart filled with anger and hatred.

The whole person was covered with sadness.

Lao Liao is his closest comrade-in-arms and his respected elder!

This hatred is irreconcilable and will be avenged sooner or later!

"Xiao Cheng, are you okay?"

After the banquet was over, Jin Kemu patted Cheng Qianfan on the shoulder. Hearing a slight snoring, he chuckled and said, "I'll sleep soundly for you little red guy."

"Qianfan, let's go, let's continue drinking." He Guan staggered over and shook Cheng Qianfan vigorously.

Cheng Qianfan raised his head with drunken eyes and said, "Drink, keep drinking."

As he spoke, he stood up unsteadily, but his feet were unsteady and he couldn't help but move east and west.

I squinted my eyes in the clouds and fog, and stared wide-eyed not knowing where I was.

Suddenly, He Guan was knocked open, holding on to the chair, he gasped and vomited.

Everyone quickly covered their noses to avoid it. Some people couldn't bear the smell and vomited all over the floor after Wula.

Here, Cheng Qianfan finished vomiting and was holding on to the wall, about to fall asleep again.

"Lao Fang! Lao Fang!" Jin Kemu shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Here he comes, he comes, Jintou, don't worry, everything has been arranged."

Boss Fang of the Yingbin Building is a meticulous person. He has made arrangements in advance to recruit several rickshaws and arranged for young men to follow him all the way. He patted his chest and promised to send all the police officers home safely.


After jogging all the way, the panting boy took the key from Cheng Qianfan's pocket, opened the door, and together with the driver, helped the drunk into the room, threw it on the bed, randomly took the quilt and covered it, and muttered something unhappy.

, then closed the door and left.

As soon as the two left, Cheng Qianfan opened his eyes.

After about seven or eight minutes, he quietly got up and went to the window, opened the gap in the curtains and looked out.

The alley was quiet and dark.

He took a footbath, pressed his throat hard, and vomited out half of the footbath.

He took out sobering pills from the drawer and took two pills.

I took a basin of cold water and washed my face, and I suddenly felt more awake.

He gently picked up the quilt and covered the window, then lit an oil lamp.

Remove the bookcase, take off the two bricks in the corner behind the bookcase, take out the Mauser pistol, approach the oil lamp, quickly disassemble it all, and then carefully assemble it back together, making sure that everything from the bullet to the firing pin is in normal condition.

He quickly changed into the most ordinary black helper clothes, with a dagger tucked into each of his left and right trousers.

I carefully glued a beard on my chin, applied the prepared potion on my face to make it sallow, stuffed a walnut in my mouth, and said a few words softly, my voice became extremely hoarse.

, then nodded with satisfaction.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, he locked the door.

Blow out the oil lamp, gently open the window, turn the cat waist out, close the curtains, close the window, pull a black string, the window bolt snaps shut, and a small wooden stick is tied to one end of the string.

It got stuck in every corner of the exterior wall.

The whole person was as nimble as a cat, lowering his body, swishing and swooping over the roof a few times, disappearing into the night.

At this time, Wang Kangnian took Ding Naifei into the darkroom on the second floor that was specially used to develop photos. Under the dim red light, the faces illuminated were inexplicably strange.

"Team leader, it's all gone." Xiao Si wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

During the arrest of Lao Liao yesterday, Xiaosi hid in a corner with his camera and took many photos.

What we need to do now is to identify suspicious persons among the people who have appeared at the scene.

"Is there anything suspicious?" Wang Kangnian asked in a deep voice.

As the saying goes, there are specialties in a profession.

Xiaosi is proficient in photography and has an amazing ability to capture the details of portraits under the lens. At this point, Wang Kangnian, who has always been conceited, also feels overwhelmed.

"Team leader, a total of forty-five photos were taken, and I selected five." As he spoke, Xiaosi first pointed out the remaining forty hanging photos to Wang Kangnian, "These are tentative photos.

There is nothing suspicious, I picked it out here, team leader, please check it and see if there is anything missing."

On the other side, Song Fuguo also received the news.

St. John's Middle School secretly inquired and confirmed repeatedly that there was no male mathematics teacher named Fu.

To be precise, there is only one male mathematics teacher at St. John's Middle School. This man received a telegram that his father died of illness and returned to his hometown in Peking a month ago to attend the funeral.

The team member who inquired about the news from the patrol room also reported that the person responsible for the investigation of the Shuanglongfang Apartment on Father Jin Road today was the Central Patrol Room Inspector Jin Kemu's department, and it was said that a Red Party member was arrested.

Central patrol room, Jin Kemu's headquarters.

Song Fuguo's eyes flickered, and he thought of the young patrolman named Cheng Qianfan.

Kang Anli.

The second floor of a residential house.

Cheng Qianfan skillfully fiddled with a piece of bent iron wire twice, and the window bolt was gently moved and pulled open carefully.

He did not enter immediately, but immediately stepped aside, holding a felt hat on a branch and sticking it against the window glass.

After waiting for about half a minute and not hearing anything, I gently opened the window and put my felt hat on a branch.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, there was still no movement. Then he put on his felt hat, took out the dagger from his right trouser leg, bit it in his mouth, and slipped in lightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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