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Chapter 204 Love Plan Monthly Ticket)

 Looking at Rite, who was dripping with blood and had been tortured into a dehumanized state, both Cheng Qianfan and Song Fuguo had stern faces, without any mercy.

This is the punishment the invaders deserve.

"Name, position." Cheng Qianfan asked coldly.

"Misugi Ichichi, intelligence officer at Inoue Mansion."

Misugi Ichijo, who had suffered a psychological breakdown, no longer dared to hide anything. Once questioned, he would tell everything he knew.

Soon, Misugi Ichijo said everything.

"Section Chief, this person..."

"Give him a good time and deal with it cleanly." Song Fuguo said calmly.

Because there was an urgent need to torture and extract information, the attack was extremely heavy and it would be difficult to save this person.

After hearing this, Misugi Ichijo showed no reaction at all. He was now in unbearable pain all over his body, and death was actually a relief.

Song Fuguo led Cheng Qianfan to a quiet room.

The situation has been clarified. After Eguchi Hideya returned to his residence that day, he stayed in his room and got drunk and did not come out all day long. Therefore, the Intelligence Division found no trace of this person.

In addition, the reason why Eguchi Hide was not suspected by the Inoue Mansion after being rescued from Nanjing by Japanese special forces was also clarified.

"This man is quite smart." Song Fuguo said with a smile, "He is also cruel enough."

Cheng Qianfan was convinced that he could be so quick-witted to save himself in that situation, and that he really dared to be so cruel to himself. He admitted that he had underestimated Eguchi Hideya before.

And from Misugi Ichijo's mouth, we learned that Eguchi Hide was actually commended by the Japanese Military Ministry for this. Not only was he awarded a generous bonus, but he was also allowed to return home to visit relatives.

Even according to Misugi Ichiichi, the Shanghai Super High School School admired such a brave man and intended to transfer him from the Inoue Mansion to the Super High School School.

Both of them were surprised and happy, this was good news.

"Qianfan, what do you think of the people in Jiangkou?" Song Fuguo asked.

"He is a talented person." Cheng Qianfan thought and said, "Eguchi has no loyalty to the Japanese. He only lives for himself. He is an absolute egoist."

After a moment of pause, Cheng Qianfan continued, "Chief Song, I propose that we arrange for someone to contact Eguchi Hideya. This person has betrayed the Japanese before. We don't need to worry about him snitching. He is now extremely jealous of Kage Zuo Eiichi."

Hate it, we want to kill Ying Zuo, this can be regarded as a good breakthrough point."

"You mean to create a love murder case."

"That's right, Kagezu Eiichi doesn't know that Eguchi is also Keiko's fiancé, and he doesn't know that Eguchi hates him. Eguchi is a Japanese, and he is a hero praised by the Japanese military. Kagezu will not be prepared for him."

Cheng Qianfan said.

Song Fuguo did not answer immediately. He was pacing and thinking.

"Your judgment is right." Song Fuguo thought for a moment and nodded, "Sanshan said that the special high school is interested in Eguchi. Do you think Ying Zuoying is interested in this guy who has been praised by the Japanese military department?


"It's possible." Cheng Qianfan played with a cigarette in his hand, "Kingzuo Zhenzhao is currently busy with affairs, and Yingzuo Eiichi is responsible for the specific affairs of the Shanghai Special High School."

"Just smoke if you can't help it." Song Fuguo glanced at Cheng Qianfan and said with a smile. He knew that Cheng Qianfan endured the urge to smoke because he had poor lungs.

Song Fugui was pleased with this.

"It's okay, I'm just about to quit smoking." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile, "I'll ask Section Chief Song to make arrangements for contacting Jiangkou."

The two continued to discuss and improve the plan to use Eguchi Hideya to assassinate Kagesa Eiichi.

Finally, a more complete plan was formed.

And gave this plan a name "Qingshang".

The "Love" plan not only involves the assassination of Ying Zuo Eiichi, but also includes an action plan to punish the traitor Xiao Zhenzhong at the same time.

In the words of Song Fuguo, if you want to do something, do it big.

Not only get rid of the traitors, but also the masters behind the traitors.

Taking action against Yingzuo Yingyi and Xiao Zhenzhong at the same time was a blow to the arrogance of Japanese special forces and a deterrent to traitors.

"Very good." Song Fuguo looked excited, "In your name and mine, I'll call Director Dai of Nanjing."

"Okay, Section Chief Song will be the leader, and I will be the assistant. You and I will work together to plan big things!" Cheng Qianfan was also quite excited and nodded.

Nanjing, Xufu Lane, Secret Service Headquarters.

Dai Chunfeng looked at the telegram jointly sent by Song Fuguo and "Shui Drop" and fell into deep thought.

The code name of Blue Bird is a highly confidential secret within the Secret Service. Only Dai Chunfeng himself, Qi Wu, and Yu Ping'an from Hangzhou know it. Song Fuguo has no right to know.

Therefore, when the Blue Bird Team was cooperating with the Song Fuguo Branch of the Shanghai District Intelligence Section of the Secret Service, Cheng Qianfan's temporary codename was "Water Drop".

Therefore, here in the Shanghai District of the Secret Service, they only know about ‘Water Drops’ and know nothing about ‘Blue Bird’.

‘Love Plan’.

Dai Chunfeng finished reading and showed a smile.

It's quite interesting.

He did not expect that Eguchi Hideya, who was rescued by the Japanese, was actually in Shanghai, and was discovered by "Blue Bird" that his fiancée was actually "occupied" by Kage Saeichi.

Song Fuguo and "Blue Bird" immediately formulated an action plan to assassinate Yingzuo Yingyi and punish Xiao Zhenzhong's "Qingshang".

"This Cheng Qianfan is quite intelligent." Dai Chunfeng smiled and handed the telegram to Qi Wu.

Qi Wu read it carefully and said, "Virgo, you mean, this plan was planned by Qingniao?"

"Song Fuguo is a man of integrity, open and close, and not good at making plans." Dai Chunfeng lit a cigarette and said with a smile, "This plan is more like the handiwork of a blue bird."

"It's a very thoughtful plan." Qi Wu nodded, "If we can get rid of Yingzuo Eiichi, it will be regarded as avenging the comrades in Manchuria, and it will be regarded as a great achievement."

The information about Yingzuo Eiichi is on Dai Chunfeng's desk. Before he took up his post in Shanghai and took the special higher education course, this person worked in the Manchuria Railway Investigation Section and was an old rival of the Secret Service.

In the 24th year of the Republic of China, the Qiqihar Station of the Secret Service was uncovered by the Manchurian Railway Investigation Division. There were 16 people in the Qiqihar Station of the Secret Service. Five died during the Japanese roundup, eight were arrested, three were loyal and unyielding, and five committed treason.

Only three people managed to escape due to a temporary outing, and almost the entire army was destroyed.

The person responsible for the Manchurian Railway's investigation into Kochiqihar is none other than Yingzuo Eiichi.

"Call back to Song Fuguo, Shuidi." Dai Chunfeng said with a serious face, "Tell them that I approved the plan. If Yingzuo Yingyi can be eliminated, I will personally take credit for it."

Dai Chunfeng blew out the smoke fiercely. The person he wanted to get rid of most was Ying Zuozhenzhao. However, this person was a military attaché of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and his identity was sensitive.

If you can't kill Yingzuo Zhenzhao for the time being, let's use his nephew's blood to sacrifice the flag first!


Shanghai, Hongkou District.

A residential house.

The room was dark with no lights on.

Eguchi Hide also leaned on his chair crookedly, holding a wine bottle in his hand and staring at a pistol on the table with red eyes.

What he regrets most now is that he was not carrying a weapon on the street. Otherwise, he would have rushed up and killed the adulterers.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

This chapter has been completed!
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