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Chapter 207 Ying Zuo’s monthly ticket)

 Cheng Qianfan carefully studied Eguchi Hideya.

This is an egoist who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

He thought that he had a relatively full understanding of Eguchi Hideya's character and psychology.

However, Cheng Qianfan felt unsure about Eguchi Hideya's feelings for Keiko.

The relationship between men and women is the most mysterious and difficult to describe with common sense.

What is Eguchi Hideya’s current attitude and emotional expression towards Keiko:

Dislike? Hate? Want to kill him with your own hands?

Or do you hate it but still have unresolved feelings?

Or even forgive her?

Cheng Qianfan was not sure.

During the interview with Hao Zai, Eguchi Hideya said nothing about Keiko, which made Cheng Qianfan even more alarmed.

Keiko is an unstable factor and must be controlled.

Song Fuguo supported keeping Huizi under control, but he did not agree with Cheng Qianfan's suggestion to arrest Huizi.

"It's easy to alert the snake." Song Fuguo frowned and said, "We only know about the public relationship between this Japanese woman and Yingzuo Eiichi. Do they have any special contact channels in private, such as telephone contact, or through

Some traffic officer came to deliver information, and we knew nothing about it."

Cheng Qianfan nodded, and he immediately realized that arresting people was the next step.

It is necessary to be able to control Keiko without alerting the enemy.

"Yes." Cheng Qianfan's eyes flashed with joy.

The next day, No. 22, Xue Huali Road, Central Patrol Room 3 Patrol Hall.

Cheng Qianfan stepped on Dot and Dot.

Then I saw Da Toulu leading someone to go out.

"What happened?" Cheng Qianfan asked Datou Lu.

"Report to Deputy Inspector Cheng." Datou Lu saluted, "The case of La Fei Fang."

As he spoke, he gently pulled Cheng Qianfan aside and whispered, "Qian Zhongnan's cousin came to the police station to report the crime, saying that his cousin was killed and the murderer was his cousin's concubine."

"Qian Zhongnan? Which one?" Cheng Qianfan asked in surprise.

"No. 15, Lafeifang, Ms. Ruth's husband." Datou Lu said, "This Qian Zhongnan has disappeared for several months. His cousin suspects that he has been killed and the murderer is Ms. Ruth."

As he said that, Da Toulu glanced around and raised three fingers covertly, "The other side said that after everything is done, there will be a big thank you."

Cheng Qianfan cursed in his heart, Datou Lu, the turtle's master, has really bad hands.

He negotiated with Song Fuguo and arranged for someone to find Datou Lu privately, and bribed Datou Lu to handle the case at the price of five small yellow croakers, arrest Ms. Ruth, and promised to thank him greatly after the incident was completed.

The whole incident gave people the impression of a 'homicide' within the family, but in fact it was mixed with a hidden story of fighting for property. This is a very common incident and will not arouse suspicion.

Da Toulu took a chance here and lost two small yellow croakers.

"You go ahead." Cheng Qianfan said with a serious expression, "The Qian family's medicine business is not small. The grain and medicine business is a business that accumulates good deeds. We must focus on taking care of their family's affairs."

Datou Lu nodded understandingly, "focus on taking care of her", he understood.

Soon, Ms. Ruth, the famous fake foreign woman at No. 15 Lafayette Road, was arrested by the police station. A victim of her husband's family reported the case, accusing Ms. Ruth of killing the male owner Qian Zhongnan. The incident spread throughout the central area of ​​the French Concession.


And it spread at an extremely rapid speed.

The newspapers also quickly followed up. Some tabloids even made up a vivid story about the concubine having an affair with a store clerk and poisoning the Qian family's father. This actually attracted passers-by to donate their money to buy it, and they watched it with gusto.

Cheng Qianfan received a call before leaving get off work.

This was a call from Ying Zuoying, expressing his request for a meeting through code words.

Cheng Qianfan was quite surprised that Yingzuo Yingyi called directly.

It seems that the friendship between Kage Zuoying and this girl Keiko is not just in bed.

"What's the case at No. 15 Lafayette Road?" Ying Zuoying asked.

"Ying Zuojun is also interested in such a romantic case?" Cheng Qianfan said jokingly.

His relationship with Eiichi Kage is somewhat special. Logically speaking, Eiichi Kage is his boss and has an extremely strict superior-subordinate relationship.

However, Cheng Qianfan is a special case among the many agents of the Special High School. He does not need to participate in the operation, and he cannot even be considered a real agent. His mission is to lurk in the patrol room of the French Concession, collect relevant intelligence, and pay attention to the French's movements towards the empire.


Moreover, Kentaro Miyazaki's teacher Hiroyuki Taniguchi has great influence in Mantetsu. He agreed to transfer Kentaro Miyazaki to the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course with certain conditions, and he was also very concerned about the future of this disciple.

The most important thing is that Kentaro Miyazaki is not an agent, and he does not have the habit of giving orders and prohibitions in his words and deeds. Instead, he is more casual.

In the opinion of Kagezuo Eiichi, this is actually a good thing. There is almost no trace of an agent on an agent, which is good.

Therefore, the superior-subordinate rules between Yingzuo Eiichi and Cheng Qianfan are not so strict.

"Cheng Jun, I don't have time to chat with you." Ying Zuoying said with a gloomy face, "To be honest, Ms. Ruth is an imperial agent."

Cheng Qianfan showed a shocked expression at the right time, "That woman is an imperial agent?"

"Yes, her real name is Keiko Fukada, and she has been lurking in Shanghai for many years." Yingzuo Yingyi said in a deep voice, "Keiko must be saved, and the empire cannot lose this outstanding agent."

"Did she really kill Qian Zhongnan?" Cheng Qianfan asked directly.

"Qian Zhongnan once served the empire, but he was too greedy." Yingzuo Yingyi said angrily, "The batch of medicines this man provided for the empire were counterfeit medicines, which directly caused many imperial warriors to suffer.


After listening to Yingzuo Eiichi's story, Cheng Qianfan finally understood what was going on.

Qian Zhongnan has always been a traitor serving the Japanese. However, this guy was so courageous that he actually tampered with a batch of medicines ordered by the Japanese military. To be precise, he passed off substandard medicines. The Japanese military doctors followed the normal rules of medicines.

The order was made based on the dosage, which resulted in a delay in the disease and caused certain losses to the Japanese army.

When this matter was found out, the Shanghai Special High School was reprimanded by the military. Yingzuo Zhenzhao personally ordered Keiko to execute Qian Zhongnan.

"Greedy and stupid Chinese people." Cheng Qianfan said with a cold snort.

Immediately, he frowned and said, "This case at Raffaello is a bit difficult to handle."

"Why?" Ying Zuoying asked.

"The mistress of the Qian family paid the bribe to the patrol house." Cheng Qianfan said, "Everyone in the patrol house, including me, was involved, and the mistress said that after the matter is completed, he will be greatly thanked."

As he spoke, Cheng Qianfan smiled bitterly, "So, this matter is no longer just about the Qian family's mistress accusing Ruth of killing her husband. Everyone in the patrol room has green eyes and is waiting for soup and meat."

He glanced at Yingzuo Eiichi and said, "The Chinese people are greedy. You know, even if I am their boss, if I prevent them from getting rich, they will not hesitate to oppose me."

"You can't do anything, why did the empire arrange for you to enter the patrol room?" Kage Zuo Eiichi said very unhappy.

"It is indeed impossible to operate it in the short term." Cheng Qianfan thought, "However, I can guarantee Keiko's safety."

"Delay, wait for this matter to be delayed for a while, and after the impact of public opinion fades, there are ways to solve it." Cheng Qianfan said, with a sinister expression on his face, "I will find a way to deal with the Qian family's sufferer, Mr. Yingzuo.

You must not take action, even if you do, you have to wait for the storm to pass."

"One month." Ying Zuoying said coldly, "Cheng Jun, I will give you one month. I want to see Keiko come out safely in one month."

"It won't take a month." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, "About twenty days is enough."

Eguchi Hide also noticed the "Case of Fake Foreign Woman Murdering Her Husband in Lafayette Road" that was being hyped in the newspapers. He saw Ms. Ruth's photo and recognized that it was his fiancée Keiko.

Hao Zai immediately informed Eguchi Hideya:

This is to protect Eguchi Hideya and prevent Keiko from recognizing him before taking action.

In addition, Hao Zai promised Eguchi Hideya that Keiko's future can be decided by Eguchi Hideya:

Mr. Eguchi wants her dead, and evidence of this man's murder of his husband will be found at No. 15 Lafayette Road.

If Mr. Eguchi wants her to live, she can be acquitted.

Even if Mr. Eguchi wants to take Keiko and fly away together after the matter is completed, it is not a problem.

"What was his reaction?" Cheng Qianfan asked Hao Zai.

"Eguchi Hideya's expression was very angry. Even though he concealed it very well, his first reaction still exposed his emotions." Hao Zai said, "Team leader, it seems that as you expected, Eguchi attaches great importance to this Japanese woman."

"It's not attention." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, "It's obsession."

Hao Zai was thoughtful.

Cheng Qianfan breathed a sigh of relief and took control of Keiko. The biggest unstable factor of Operation Qingshang was locked away.

"Inform Eguchi Hideya that it's time to take action," Cheng Qianfan said.


Shanghai's major newspapers and tabloids have been hyping up the "case of a fake foreign woman who murdered her husband on Lafayette Road" in endless articles.

Shanghai's printing industry is very developed, and the number of tabloids is the largest in the country.

There are many types of tabloids, divided by content, which generally include: literary and artistic tabloids, comprehensive tabloids, social news tabloids, theater newspapers, movie tabloids, game arcade tabloids, etc. There are also a small number of glossy tabloids that specialize in teaching about eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling.

Although the number of tabloids is considerable, not many have a long lifespan. Many tabloids only survive for a year or two, and some even last a few months.

Tabloids with a long life span are generally run by those who have unique characteristics and expertise. The content of the newspaper can control the balance between "flowering" (matters about men and women) and "cursing" (exposure and mutual criticism), know how to control it, and be flexible.

"Shanghai Yibao" is a tabloid with extremely strong vitality and is deeply loved by some Shanghai residents.

Within two days, the newspaper reported that the "case of a fake foreign woman who murdered her husband on Lafayette Road" had developed to the point of "Ms. Ruth's third adulterer has surfaced", and described the various behaviors of the three adulterers in more detail.

Long and short, Ms. Ruth’s selection criteria were analyzed.

The newspapers were abuzz with the news and the heat remained high.

Yingzuo Eiichi finally stopped urging Cheng Qianfan, and he had something to be busy with.

Previously, Kage Saeichi had been quite interested in the deeds of Inoue Mansion's heroic agent Eguchi Hideya, who was publicly praised by the military.

Loyal, brave, and unafraid of death, Kage Sao Eiichi also likes such subordinates very much.

He came up with the idea of ​​poaching this person into a special higher education program in Shanghai.

Moreover, as soon as Kage Saei heard the news, the Army Headquarters also admired Eguchi Hide very much and planned to keep him in Japan as a role model to inspire the fighting spirit of the people of the empire and call on more people to join in.

in this great war.

This news came from the mouth of Eguchi Hideya. It is said that someone from the military department contacted him, so it is extremely credible.

Kage Zuoying was worried that Eguchi Hideya might stay in the country and never come back after returning to China to visit relatives.

Therefore, he decided to get this done before Eguchi Hideya returned to China to visit his relatives.

On this day, Eiichi Kage, accompanied by Koji, came to the base of Inoue Mansion and saw a rather handsome man talking with a worried look on his face.

"I'm worried that something has happened to Misugi-kun." Eguchi Hide also frowned, "It's been three days."

"Is there anything unusual about Misugi Ichijo before he disappeared?" Yamazaki Shuichi asked.

"Misugi-kun." Eguchi Hideya frowned and thought for a while, "He borrowed twenty yen from me. However, there is nothing suspicious about this matter. Misugi-kun knew that I was going back to China, and he planned to buy some gifts. Please

I will bring it to my family back home.”

"That's it..." Yamazaki Shuichi pondered.

"Misugi Ichiichi has made a fortune." A voice said.

Yamazaki Shuichi turned to look and quickly stood up, "Kagezuo-kun, you are here."

Ying Zuoying nodded, "Misugi Ichijo is just an ordinary agent, and his clothes are also very ordinary. If he suddenly spends so much money on purchases, he may be targeted by some people and treat him as a fat sheep."

"Kage Sa-kun, do you mean that Misugi Ichijo was robbed, and may even have been killed?" Yamazaki Shuichi asked.

"The possibility is extremely high." Yingzuo Eiichi said, "Shanghai, which seems to be prosperous, hides many dark corners. This is why we want to occupy China and shine the light of the empire on the land of China."

"Kage Sa-kun said that very well." Yamazaki Shuichi said in praise.

"Is this Eguchi-kun who was commended by the military?" Kage Zuoying looked at Eguchi Hideya with a smile and nodded slightly, "He is indeed a warrior."

Eguchi Hide also looked slightly excited and bowed, "Eguchi Hide has also met Mr. Kagezuo."

"Yamazaki-kun, I have something to ask Eguchi-kun." Kage Sasaki Eiichi said.

Yamazaki Shuichi understood immediately, and led the people out of the room wisely. Before leaving, he winked at Eguchi Hideya, which meant that your opportunity has come, take advantage of it.

Everyone has heard about the fact that Kage Saeichi fell in love with Eguchi Hideya and planned to transfer him to the Shanghai Special High School, so no one was too surprised when Kage Saeide came to look for Eguchi Hideya.

When leaving the stronghold of Inoue Mansion, Ying Zuoying was smiling.

Although Eguchi Hide did not reply immediately, he could see that Eguchi Hide was also interested in joining the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course.

Eguchi Hide also said that he would give a reply before leaving Shanghai and returning to Japan.

Two days later, Kage Saeichi received feedback from Eguchi Hideya.

Eguchi Hide also invited Kage Saeichi to his home for a drink.

Ying Zuoying was very happy, he knew that this was Eguchi Ying's official statement that he was also willing to join the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course.

Instead of simply saying "I do", he took the initiative to invite Kage Zuo Eiichi, his future new boss, to have a drink.

Not going to a restaurant to have a drink, but at home.

This is a very formal and cordial gesture of submission.

Kage Sa Eiichi was even more satisfied with Eguchi Hideya's attitude. He was an informed and knowledgeable subordinate.

In the evening, Yingzuo Eiichi and Koji happily went to the appointment.

This chapter has been completed!
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