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Chapter 226 Reunion Dinner Monthly Ticket)

 "Lao Peng, you can't go!"


It was Shao's mother who said, "Lao Peng, you can't go."

It was Cheng Min who said 'no'.

Peng and Ou wanted to go see Cheng Qianfan immediately, but Cheng Min and Shao's mother immediately stopped them.

Shao Ma's meaning is very clear, "Mr. Qian" is safe and sound, which is a good thing.

However, after all, 'Mr. Qian' was arrested by the enemy. Although he is fine now, no one knows what happened during the arrest, and it is unclear why 'Mr. Qian' was released.

Peng Yuou is one of the important leaders of the Shanghai Red Party. His identity is too important and he must not put himself in danger.

Cheng Min's thoughts were the same as Shao's mother.

As a sister, she firmly believed that her brother would be absolutely fine.

However, as Comrade Cheng Min, she must strictly enforce organizational discipline:

There are gay people who have been arrested and released. Before you find out the truth, you must be cautious and don’t contact them easily until you are sure they are safe.

"I know Mr. Qian, and there will be no problems with him." Peng Yuou said in a deep voice, "I am the most suitable person to see him."

Among the three people present, Shao’s mother only knew Cheng Qianfan as ‘Mr. Qian’, but she did not know Cheng Qianfan’s real code name ‘Huo Miao’.


Only Peng, Ou and Cheng Min know the full situation of the ‘Huo Miao’.

It can even be said that under the current circumstances, in the entire Shanghai, only Peng Yuou and Cheng Min have the authority to directly contact the "Flame".

In addition, if we want to strictly abide by organizational disciplines, Peng and Ou had previously arranged for Shao Ma to patrol outside the house to investigate and find out information. This was also risky and not allowed.

Because this is equivalent to letting Shao's mother know Cheng Qianfan's identity as a red party member.

Of course, because Shao's mother worked beside Peng Yuou, Cheng Qianfan had secretly met with Peng Yuou many times before. Although she had not met Cheng Qianfan in person, she knew many details.

Therefore, under the current circumstances, it is not suitable for Peng, Ou and Cheng Min to go out and show their faces. Only Shao Ma is the most suitable to go out and inquire for information. It can only be said to be a stopgap measure in an emergency.

"Lao Peng, let me go, I'll go see Mr. Qian." Shao's mother said.

"You're not suitable." Peng Yuou shook his head, "That's it, I'll go."

"I'll go!" Cheng Min said firmly.

"Absolutely not!" Peng Yuou shook his head. He could not let the lesbians take risks, and he bore the main responsibility for the arrest of "Huo Miao". This trip was risky, so he did his best.

"I'm going to see 'Mr. Qian'." Peng Yuou said decisively. He looked at his watch, "Five hours, including the meeting and the round trip time, five hours at the latest. If I don't come back within five hours, you guys will immediately


Although he believes in Huo Liao's loyalty to the party and believes that there is no problem with "Huo Liao", preparations must still be made. This is organizational discipline.

"I'll go." Cheng Min insisted. She glanced at Shao Ma and said, "Shao Ma, please stay away."

Shao's mother looked at Cheng Min, then at Peng and Ou.

"Shao Ma, go and watch the door." Peng Yuou pondered for a moment and nodded.

Shao's mother didn't say anything and went out directly.

"Secretary Peng, let me go." Cheng Min bit his lip, "Cheng Qianfan, he is my brother."

After a pause, she smiled and said, "Brother."

Peng Yuou was shocked. This was something he didn't know. Cheng Min turned out to be Cheng Qianfan's biological sister!

After being shocked, Peng and Ou felt guilty in their hearts.

Because of his work mistakes, Huo Miao was captured by the enemy. He could fully imagine what this news meant to Cheng Min.

When the two discussed this matter before, Cheng Min had been very calm and didn't even complain.

"Women are inferior to men." Peng Yuou sighed, "Comrade Cheng Min, I want to apologize to you."

Cheng Min smiled and said nothing. She silently accepted Peng Yuou's apology as her sister.

"Secretary Peng, let me go." Cheng Min picked up the Xiaokun bag, "There is no one more suitable than me."

Peng Yuou nodded solemnly. Cheng Min was the sister of Comrade Huo Miao. He could not refute this reason.

"Five hours, I haven't come back within five hours, everyone needs to move immediately." Cheng Min stretched out his hand to pull back his bangs and said softly.

The elder sister has confidence in her younger brother.

However, this is strict organizational discipline.

As Comrade Cheng Min, she had to remain vigilant and suspicious of Comrade Huo Miao.

As a sister, she goes to see her brother, which is the greatest trust.

"Comrade Cheng Min, do you know where to look for Comrade Huo Miao?" Peng Yuou asked, "I don't agree to go directly to his residence. It's too dangerous there. We can't ensure that the enemy is not monitoring his residence."

"Secretary Peng, where are you going to find the Flame?" Cheng Min asked.

Peng Yuou stopped talking. He planned to risk going to Cheng Qianfan's residence. He could take the risk himself, but he could not allow other comrades to take such a big risk.

"I know where he is." Cheng Min raised his beautiful chin and said.

My sister knows that her brother will be waiting for her there!

Go back in time three hours.

After getting off work, Cheng Qianfan drove away directly.

At a hidden alley, Cheng Qianfan got off the car, and Li Hao, who was dressed similarly to Cheng Qianfan, drove away.

Cheng Qianfan walked across the alley, came out on another street, and hailed a rickshaw.

"Baliqiao Road, Shen Dacheng Pastry Shop."

"Okay, sit down."

When they arrived at the pastry shop, Cheng Qianfan paid the driver and asked the driver to leave.

Jingle Bell.

The wind chime rang and Cheng Qianfan pushed the door open and entered.

"Hello, here are two pounds of mung bean cake." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile.

"Okay." The fat clerk was in a daze. When she saw the business coming, she stood up and was busy, but she saw the customer's face, showing an expression of joy. She recognized this man with such an outstanding appearance, who had only been here once.

The trip was also unforgettable.

Skillfully wrapped two kilograms of mung bean cakes, and when he handed them over, the fat clerk asked doubtfully, "Sir, didn't you say you didn't like mung bean cakes last time?"

"I like it now." Cheng Qianfan smiled warmly, nodded, and left with the wrapped pastries.

The wind chimes rang and the silhouette gradually disappeared.

After leaving the pastry shop, Cheng Qianfan hailed a rickshaw again.

“Xinhetou Food Market.”

Xinhetou Food Market is on Yatian South Road.

It's getting late, and some vendors have already closed their stalls.

Cheng Qianfan walked straight towards the southwest corner of the market.

The setting of each of his safe houses not only focuses on safety.

He also tried his best to become familiar with the living environment around the safe house.

He knew exactly which restaurants in the Xinhetou market had fresh and fresh dishes, and which ones closed their stalls late.

Of course, there are several doors in the market, and he knows exactly which door is the most convenient for evacuation.

Sure enough, these stalls in the southwest corner are still there.

"How much does a pound of saury cost?" Cheng Qianfan asked a fish stall owner.

"It's cheap, three cents per catty. Look at my fish, it's so alive." The vendor grabbed a fish, and the fish struggled and jumped in his hands. This made the vendor very happy, and he showed off and said, "Look,

How many will you like?"

As he said that, he picked up the scale skillfully, as if the sale had been completed.

"Two cents and a half, here are two."

"Two cents and eighty cents."

"Two cents and seven." Cheng Qianfan said.

The vendor made a fierce look and said, "Okay! I don't want to make money, I just want to make a clean profit."

Cheng Qianfan smiled. The saury fish at the market in Yandeli was about 25 cents per catty, which was 20 cents more expensive.

After paying the money, I left with two fishes. Behind me, I heard the voices of the vendors and children, showing off that I would buy two more wotou for the children tonight, and the children cheered.

Cheng Qianfan continued to wander around and buy groceries.

We walked from Xinhetou Food Market to No. 36 Taisdelang Road.

Looking at the clean house, Cheng Qianfan smiled.

My sister stayed here for one night a few days ago and helped clean up before leaving.

He bought saury, white shrimp, tofu, mung bean sprouts, celery, dried fragrant beans, edamame and pickles.

After washing his hands, Cheng Qianfan began to work on the stove.

He cooked five dishes:

Braised saury.

White shrimp tofu.

Stir-fried mung bean sprouts.

Dried celery.

There is also a dish of bad edamame.

Bad edamame is my father Cheng Wenzao’s favorite snack.

White shrimp tofu is what my mother Su Zhifu likes to eat.

Braised saury is my sister’s favorite.

It was also the last dish he cooked.

The pot was bubbling on the stove, and a delicious aroma filled the air.

After putting the last stewed saury on a plate, Cheng Qianfan walked out of the kitchen holding the plate.


The sound of the door opening.

Cheng Qianfan, who was wearing an apron, looked up and saw his sister carrying a Xiaokun bag with beads of sweat on her forehead.

Her sister looked at her, her eyes shining.

My sister was heartbroken by what happened today. She thought she was going to lose her brother.

"It's time to eat, sister." Cheng Qianfan put the stewed saury on the dining table and said with a smile while taking off his apron.

Cheng Min glanced at the dishes on the table and then at his brother.

He glanced at his brother and then at the dishes on the table.

There is also the mung bean cake wrapped in oil paper on the table.

The tears could no longer be held back and fell down her delicate and beautiful cheeks.

"Hey, sister, help me." Cheng Qianfan said.

"Clumsy." Cheng Min wiped the corners of her eyes. She gently put down her bag, walked behind her brother, and helped him untie his apron.

There are four sets of bowls and chopsticks placed on the table.

This is a reunion dinner.

The younger brother scooped tofu into his mother's bowl with a spoon.

My sister put bad edamame in Dad's bowl and poured wine into the wine cup.

Under the incandescent lamp, the shadows of the two siblings sitting at the dining table eating were lengthened, long, like a warm silk thread.

This chapter has been completed!
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