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Chapter 237 Monthly pass)

 "After leaving Hangcheng, my subordinates did not delay and came to Shushan."

"The branch line?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"Yes." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "My subordinates have been in Panheng in Lushan for many days, but they were unexpectedly driven away by a sentry patrol. In order to avoid being exposed, they had no choice but to leave first and come to Shanghai in advance."

"Where were you driven away by the patrol?" Sanbonjiro asked with interest.

After saying that, he stood up directly, came to a wall, and opened the curtain. On the wall hung a military map of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai.

Cheng Qianfan inquired carefully, took the baton handed over by Sanbonjiro, and nodded, "Here."

"This is a small village, five miles away from the Chinese army's defense area." Cheng Qianfan said.

"Although I was driven away, my subordinates still found something while searching around."

"There is a relatively remote path that can bypass the sentry post. There is a well along the way. There are two paths that fork. One leads to another village, and the other goes straight past it. It is a river with a water depth of half a meter and you can swim in it." Cheng Qianfan

After thinking for a moment, he continued.

He handed the baton back to Sanbonjiro, "Regarding the investigation report on the Yu branch line, I asked Kage Sa-kun to report it to Mr. Taniguchi before."

"Thank you." Sanbonjiro nodded happily. It can be seen that Kentaro Miyazaki is very serious and cautious about his work.

"As a subject of the empire, it is your duty to serve the empire." Cheng Qianfan said respectfully.

He continued to tell, saying that he took the place of his teacher Hiroyuki Taniguchi to attend the "Japan-China Friendship Seminar", but Eiichi Kage discovered that he looked very similar to the French Concession patrol officer.

Kage Zuoying had an idea and formulated a strategy of using Kentaro Miyazaki to pretend to be Cheng Qianfan to replace Tao Zang.

"My subordinate did not agree at first." Cheng Qianfan smiled bitterly, "I know myself, I am not a professional agent, and I am afraid that it will spoil the big thing. However, Ying Zuojun invites you kindly, and I cannot retreat."

Sanbonjiro glanced at Cheng Qianfan. If he hadn't read Kagezu Eiichi's report, he would have believed it.

Eighty yen per month, maybe this is the fundamental reason why you can't refuse your kindness.

Cheng Qianfan continued to tell that he followed Cheng Qianfan for many days according to Yingzuo Eiichi's instructions, and then, under the personal command of Yingzuo Eiichi, killed Cheng Qianfan and pretended to be her.

Listening to Cheng Qianfan's story, Sanbonjiro secretly compared it with the file information he had seen. It was basically consistent, even the details were correct, and there was nothing suspicious.

He nodded, "Ying Zuojun is indeed a well-known talent in the military, and this plan is exquisite."

The reason why he suddenly asked Cheng Qianfan was because of a sudden thought in his mind just now.

Kentaro Miyazaki and Cheng Qianfan look the same, Kentaro Miyazaki can pretend to be Cheng Qianfan, and vice versa, Cheng Qianfan can also pretend to be Kentaro Miyazaki.

Of course, Sanbonjiro didn't suspect anything in his heart. He just thought of this possibility and followed the agent's habit of doubting everything and asked.

After listening to Cheng Qianfan's story, his doubts disappeared.

Kage Zuo Eiichi's report is a confidential document, and it is impossible for Chinese Cheng Qianfan to know about it.

The situation described by Miyazaki Kentaro is consistent with Kage Sa Eiichi's report.

In addition, Kentaro Miyazaki’s account of his ‘travel’ and investigation in Miyazaki cannot be faked.

At that time, Kentaro Miyazaki had not yet come to Shanghai, and it was impossible for Cheng Qianfan to know that there was such a Japanese who looked exactly like him, let alone design a disguise.

Sanbonjiro had no suspicion at first, but he was even more relieved this time.

"It's a pity that Mr. Yingzuo was killed by the Chinese." Cheng Qianfan showed a slightly sad expression.

"The camera and film are ready." Mimotojiro said, "Miyazaki-kun, you can't stay here any longer. You can go back."

Cheng Qianfan opened his mouth.

"There are six hundred yen in that document bag." Sanbonjiro was stunned for a moment, then understood immediately, pointed at a document bag in Cheng Qianfan's hand, and shook his hand angrily, "Go ahead."

"My subordinates excuse themselves." Cheng Qianfan bowed respectfully, and at the same time touched the document bag containing the money without leaving any trace. He smiled brightly, and heard Sanbonjiro snort coldly, and left quickly.

"Money touches people's hearts." After Cheng Qianfan left, Sanbonjiro shook his head. He now understood why he risked being arrested by the Chinese military police to report and rescue Kawada Atsushi when he was in Hangzhou.

This guy must have learned the identity of Master Atsushi and knew the benefits of rescuing such a big shot, so he was so 'brave'.

However, putting aside his greed for money, Miyazaki Kentaro is very smart. He was able to travel deeply into the mainland of China before, which shows that he can endure hardships and is a promising young man who can be cultivated.

At this time, the young man who had been observing Cheng Qianfan in the next room came in.


"Kikube." Sanbonjiro asked coldly, "Is there anything suspicious?"

"No." Kikube shook his head, "Miyazaki-kun doesn't seem to have any interest in the documents. He didn't deliberately look at them. He just glanced at them inadvertently during practice."

Sanbonjiro nodded. He didn't doubt Kentaro Miyazaki, he just arranged for someone to keep an eye on him out of the suspicion habit of an agent.

In other words, it is a test.

After just a few glances at the densely packed documents, except for top agents who have undergone special training, people who are not familiar with document writing habits will not be able to tell much except for being dizzy.

Of course, even if Kentaro Miyazaki reads the documents carefully, it will not be a big problem. These are outdated documents and may be valuable to the Chinese, but they are of little value to the Japanese agents themselves.

However, if Kentaro Miyazaki really reads the documents carefully, although he will not be suspected of being a spy, Mimotojiro will definitely lower his evaluation of this person, will not reuse him, and will be wary of him.

In a word: dishonest.

Although Kentaro Miyazaki's professionalism was a headache, he adhered to his duties and passed this test to his satisfaction.

The driver glanced in the rearview mirror and saw Cheng Qianfan lying on the back seat, covering his face with a hat and snoring slightly, as if he was asleep.

"Sir, we're here."

"Wake up, we're here."

Cheng Qianfan sat up, picked up the fallen hat, and looked outside. It was pitch black.

He didn't have any verbal communication with the driver, opened the door directly, took the document bag and left.

Walking in the alley of Yandli, I heard the sound of cars driving away behind me.

He ignored it and continued walking. He came to the door of his house, opened the door, entered the house, turned around and bolted the door.

Went upstairs.

Turn on the desk lamp.

Sitting on the chair, the whole body is completely relaxed.

This meeting with Sanbonjiro seemed calm, but murderous intent lurked.

Sanbonjiro is an extremely cunning and experienced veteran Japanese special leader. Facing this person, he must be extremely alert to deal with it.

Whenever he handles something inappropriately, it will arouse suspicion.

Kagezuo Eiichi's report was written by Kagezuo Eiichi after consultation with Cheng Qianfan.

The reason is very simple. Eiichi Kagesa is a person who cares about face very much. Miyazaki Kentaro killed Cheng Qianfan by mistake and almost ruined his plan. In addition to being angry, Eiichi Kagesa has always felt resentful in his heart.

This is a person who pursues perfection extremely.

Cheng Qianfan just pretended to mention it unintentionally, hoping that Yingzuo Eiichi would put some nice words in his report to cover up his mistakes.

Ying Zuoying jumped in immediately.

Cheng Qianfan took out his cigarette case, popped out a cigarette, lit it, and took a long puff.

The cat jumped off the bed, jumped onto his lap, rubbed it, found a suitable position, and purred comfortably.

Cheng Qianfan held a cigarette in his mouth, took out a piece of white paper and pencil from the drawer, and started writing quickly.

In about half an hour, he typed out several documents he saw.

Because of the rush of time, he couldn't write it word for word, so he could only write down most of it silently. He found important keywords in a very short time and memorized them.

What are keywords:

Names of people, places, and times.

Cheng Qianfan put down his pencil, gently stroked the cat with one hand, stared at the written information, and fell into deep thought.

This chapter has been completed!
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