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Chapter 241 Who is behind the scenes? (3rd Monthly Ticket)

"I'm going out to smoke a cigarette." Cheng Qianfan pointed outside and went out directly after saying that.

Peter nodded, knowing that his friend was trying to avoid suspicion.

Peter admires this characteristic of Cheng Qianfan very much:

He is very smart, knows when to do something, is very considerate of his friends, and will never make things difficult for his friends.

Peter opened the safe, put the documents in the briefcase back, and then locked the safe.

"Qianfan, come here, try this." Peter took out a box of cigars from his desk drawer and said hello.

The two men cut open their cigars, lit them, and puffed out smoke.

We got excited about chatting and opened a bottle of red wine.

Cheng Qianfan recounted what happened after Pete left:

After he dealt with Linda who broke in to catch someone raping him, he let the Belarusian dancer leave.

Peter understood the subtext of Cheng Qianfan's words: He didn't touch that White Russian woman.

Peter shook his head, if there was anything, he wouldn't mind.

Cheng Qianfan blew out a smoke ring and said, "I mind."

"How did you know Linda was going to catch me?" Pete asked as if he had accidentally asked.

"I saw Linda angrily sitting in a rickshaw passing by the door, looking towards the direction of Father Jin Road." Cheng Qianfan laughed loudly, "You are lucky, if I hadn't been smart, I would have guessed that Linda

Da is going to catch an adulterer, so I will inform you immediately. Now you..."

Peter was startled. Thinking of the consequences of being caught and raped by Linda in bed, he was extremely frightened. He clinked glasses with Cheng Qianfan and said, "God bless me. Fortunately, I have a smart friend."

Cheng Qianfan drank half a glass of wine and put the glass down, "No, I have to go to the arresting hall. It's not okay to spend the whole day hanging out with you."

With that said, he picked up a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, and left in a hurry.

After Cheng Qianfan left, Peter poured himself another glass of wine, slowly tasting the wine and thinking slowly.

Room 301 of the Asia Hotel was his date base. Cheng Qianfan knew this. Therefore, Cheng Qianfan said that he guessed that Linda was there to catch an adulterer and hurriedly went to report it.

Theoretically it is established.


Ten minutes later.

Cheng Qianfan looked down from the corridor on the second floor and saw Peter asking the sentry.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Peter returned to the office on the third floor. He just asked the sentry:

At that time, Deputy Inspector Cheng went downstairs, put a bag into the car, and then smoked a cigarette to go back to the office. He seemed to have seen someone passing by the door, and drove out in a panic.

What the sentry said is correct as well as what Cheng Qianfan said before.

However, there was one thing he didn't understand. What was the reason why Cheng Qianfan suddenly left the office and went downstairs?

At this time, he glanced and saw a black leather bag on the chair.

He immediately remembered that Cheng Qianfan had forgotten to take it and left it behind.

Peter closed the door, gently opened the zipper of his leather bag, and saw a bunch of money inside, as well as several exquisitely crafted gadgets. Although he didn't quite understand, he could tell that they were antique jade artifacts.

Peter understood that this was the "filial piety money" received by Cheng Qianfan. He couldn't keep it in the patrol room, so he secretly put it back in the car.

It was for this reason that I met an angry Linda passing by the door.

After figuring out the whole process, Pete breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, I felt a little guilty for having doubted my best friend.

The young French lieutenant shook his head, yes, Cheng Qianfan would gain nothing by betraying him.

Yes, Peter's previous suspicion was that Cheng Qianfan betrayed him and deliberately released the news to Linda that he was fooling around outside, and then rushed to the hotel to rescue him, in order to make himself grateful to him and deepen the relationship between the two.

However, after thinking about it, he felt that it was unreasonable. The relationship between the two was good friends, but it was not just a simple friendship. The most important thing was that the two were a community of interests:

The two are business partners. One provides the supply of goods, and the other controls the contacts and sales channels. The cooperation is very pleasant.

There was absolutely no need for Cheng Qianfan to do this.

There is no stronger friendship than a community of interests.

So, the question is, who informed Linda and wanted to destroy Linda and his happy marriage?

Armand? He has a close relationship with this businessman’s wife. It is possible that this guy is deliberately taking revenge!

Constantine? It shouldn’t be the case, he and his daughter have long been out of contact.

Gaspar? This guy has always been jealous of the fact that he fell in love with his fiancée last year.

Flo Pete swore to God that he didn't have any evil thoughts about Flo's little daughter. Instead, the little girl kept pestering him.

After thinking for a long time, Pete felt that everyone was like a 'black hand' behind the scenes.

Cheng Qianfan didn't know that Peter didn't think about the documents in the briefcase at all.

He thought about it carefully and realized that his arrangement was one step after another, which should be enough to eliminate Peter's doubts about himself.

When it was almost time to get off work, Cheng Qianfan hurried to Peter's office and looked for his wallet.

Taking the leather bag handed over by Peter, Cheng Qianfan opened it without hesitation and checked it. While looking down, he asked, "Peter, you didn't take my money, did you?"

"Get out!" Pete raised his middle finger to him.

Cheng Qianfan laughed loudly, zipped up his bag, patted it with satisfaction, waved to Peter, "Let's go."

He stepped forward and turned his head, "My car keys."

"This is my car." Pete threw the car keys over and snorted.

"Give it to me and it's mine." Cheng Qianfan shook the car key in his hand, laughed and left.

When other patrol officers in the corridor saw Inspector Xiao Cheng, they all smiled and said hello.

Without him, Inspector Xiao Cheng is now in full bloom with the sun rising.

Go back in time several hours.

Nanjing, Xufu Lane.

Secret Service Headquarters.

A messy scene.

Dai Chunfeng was wearing a Chinese tunic suit, carrying a suitcase and wearing sunglasses, and was about to leave.

"Virgo." Qi Wu walked hurriedly, glanced around, and the others immediately exited the room.

"'Blue Bird Urgent Message'." Qi Wu then handed the message to Dai Chunfeng.

Dai Chunfeng put down his suitcase, took the message, and carefully

"The Japanese have been deliberately preparing. Are they going to take action in Pingjin?" Dai Chunfeng frowned and asked Qi Wu.

At the same time, I was quite surprised in my heart. 'Blue Bird' actually got a telegram from Morishima, the Japanese counselor in Peiping, to Kage Sasaki, the military attache of the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai. Although it was an old telegram from half a year ago,

This is also quite remarkable.

"It's hard to say." Qi Wu shook his head, "The Japanese are greedy and have long been eyeing North China. Judging from the telegrams, the Japanese have always been paying attention to Song Mingxuan's troops. This is understandable. As for whether they will take action...


He paused and whispered, "The appointment is now... Therefore, it is difficult to judge what the Japanese think."

Dai Chunfeng nodded. He was trapped in Xi'an and the government was in chaos. It was hard to say what the Japanese were thinking about and whether they would take this opportunity to suddenly open the site.

"Should you call Song Mingxuan and remind him to pay attention?" Qi Wu asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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