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Chapter 251 Jiang Mulezi Monthly Pass)

 I heard Cheng Qianfan mention Fang Muheng.

Peng and Ou were stunned for a moment, then couldn't help laughing.

He knew that Cheng Qianfan had always been "very critical" of Fang Muheng.

After the 'Ahai Incident', the organization had cut off contact with Fang Muheng. More than ten months had passed, but Cheng Qianfan did not expect that Cheng Qianfan would still remember Fang Muheng.

"What do you think of Fang Muheng?" Peng Yuou asked.

"A very kind-hearted, patriotic young man with high revolutionary enthusiasm," Cheng Qianfan said.

"Very good." Peng Yuou nodded, happy that Cheng Qianfan could objectively evaluate Fang Muheng.

Although the organizational connection with Fang Muheng was cut off, he still had a relatively good understanding of Fang Muheng's current situation.

Fang Muheng voluntarily participated in the work of the National Federation for National Salvation from all walks of life, promoted the idea of ​​​​national salvation in newspapers, and even brought a few young students to give a spontaneous speech in front of the factory to promote resistance to Japan and national salvation.

He agreed with Cheng Qianfan that Fang Muheng was a very patriotic and good young man with high revolutionary enthusiasm.

"Fang Muheng's patriotic behavior is commendable, but the revolutionary situation in Shanghai will become more and more severe in the future, and the national unified anti-Japanese front will soon be formed, which also means that the Japanese's actions will become more and more arrogant. Fang Muheng's revolutionary enthusiasm is good,

However, he does not know how to protect himself or his comrades."

"Such a comrade can achieve better development in the Soviet area, but he is not suitable to stay in Shanghai." Cheng Qianfan continued.

Cheng Qianfan's impression of Fang Muheng changed greatly after Fang Muheng rescued Yang Ximei.

However, it was this incident that made Cheng Qianfan firmly believe that Fang Muheng was not suitable to stay and work in Shanghai:

How ridiculous it is to take a Japanese special to rescue Yang Ximei.

It is true that the whole thing was designed by Cheng Qianfan, and Fang Muheng carried it out without knowing anything about it. At the same time, it also confirmed the 'fact' that Liu Bo was a member of the Red Party.

However, precisely because of this, Cheng Qianfan was even more worried that Fang Muheng had no experience in underground work and was too naive. He was able to set up Fang Muheng precisely because he judged that the Party Affairs Investigation Office had been using Fang Muheng as bait.

Any patriotic young man walking with Fang Muheng must have come under the surveillance radar of the Party Affairs Investigation Department at this moment, and at the same time, he has also been photographed by the Japanese.

"Your suggestion is right." Peng Yuou nodded, "I will send someone to contact Fang Muheng privately and ask him if he is willing to go to the northwest."

"Be careful, the enemy has been monitoring Fang Muheng and using him as bait." Cheng Qianfan reminded.

Peng Yuou nodded, he naturally knew this.

Peng and Ou already had a plan in mind on how to persuade Fang Muheng to go to the northwest, which was to tell Fang Muheng Liu Bo's true identity.

Fang Muheng ran for it and shouted for it. The "comrade" he trusted so much turned out to be Rite. I believed that Fang Muheng would be greatly moved when he learned the truth.

After leaving Masinan Road, Cheng Qianfan arrived at Terrastro Road in about half an hour.

No. 6, Terraston Road, a Shikumen residence.

This is a hidden stronghold he set up for the "Blue Bird" sleeper team.

Cheng Qianfan knocked on the door gently, two long and two short.

A young man opened the door and took a look.

Cheng Qianfan stepped in and the door immediately closed gently.

"Team leader." Bai Xiaoxia said.

"Good job." Cheng Qianfan patted Bai Xiaoxia on the shoulder.

Bai Xiaoxia was the waiter who worked at the Richa Hotel and advised Jason.

In recent months, the 'Blue Bird' latent team has recruited several new members, and Bai Xiaoxia is one of them.

Bai Xiaoxia is a native of Shanghai. His parents were killed in a Japanese plane bombing during the Songhu Anti-Japanese War in 128. He has a bloody hatred against the Japanese.

The members of Cheng Qianfan's development team are very cautious. In principle, they only develop local young people in Shanghai who are clean and have a blood feud with the Japanese.

"The little Taoist priest came this afternoon." Bai Xiaoxia reported.

"What did he say?" Cheng Qianfan threw a pack of cigarettes to Bai Xiaoxia. The latter caught it happily, opened the cigarette, handed one to the team leader, lit it with a match, and also took one in his mouth.

I lit a cigarette and took a nice puff.

"The little Taoist priest said that Jiang Mulezi and others were hiding in the woodshed of the Taoist temple and never went out."

"A few unlucky guys." Cheng Qianfan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

The little Taoist priest was not a Taoist priest, but an orphan adopted by a Taoist priest from Cangyunguan. On January 28, the Taoist priest led a group of Taoist priests to support the Nineteenth Army in the war, and died on the battlefield.

The little Taoist priest hated the Japanese deeply, practiced martial arts diligently, and was determined to take revenge.

Recommended by Hao Zai, I joined the "Blue Bird" group.

Cheng Qianfan personally inspected the young Taoist priest and found that he was very skilled in martial arts and that three or five big men could not get close to him.

The unlucky ones Cheng Qianfan mentioned were Jiang Mulezi and others.

They are not real water bandits, they are actually a few hard-working people who make a living by fishing on the river.

The Jiang family has been practicing martial arts for generations and is quite famous in the local area.

Unable to endure the oppression of the fishermen, a few people led several families of fishermen to resist. The result was tragic. Their families and children were killed, Jiang Laoer was also killed, and the remaining few people fled for their lives.

The real water bandits committed murder and expropriated goods, and shared the stolen goods with the official figures, and framed the crime of murder on these Kuhaha.

As for the murder of the young French couple, it was even more unfortunate because some gangsters were using Jiang Mulezi's 'name' to act.

In fact, everyone on patrol, including Cheng Qianfan, knew that these guys were unjustly accused, but so what?

Catching a few unlucky guys is much easier and safer than catching real water bandits and ruthless bandits.

In the end, some unsolved cases in the patrol room were placed on the "Water Bandit Jiang Mule" by the patrolmen. They were a bunch of unlucky people and scapegoats.

The patrol, the Green Gang, the police, and the black and white teams are all chasing Jiang Mulezi and others.

A few Kuhaha were almost driven crazy, thinking of doing something big before they died.

Jiang Laosi's old father was killed by the Japanese. The fishing boat was knocked over by a Japanese steamboat on the river. The Japanese army not only refused to rescue him, but also shot him.

Several people made a plan and actually tried to attack the Japanese sentries in Hongkou District, not only to avenge themselves, but also to clear their names.

Before the operation, they were discovered by a young Taoist priest who was monitoring the movements of the Japanese troops and took several of them to Cangyun Temple and hid them.

"The little Taoist said that he wants to develop Jiang Mulezi and several people into the organization." Bai Xiaoxia said.

Cheng Qianfan did not give an answer immediately, he was thinking.

These people are all poor people with great suffering and hatred. They dare to stand up against the fishing tyrants, which shows that they have a sense of resistance.

In desperation, he did not harm the common people, but thought of attacking the Japanese army and vindicating himself by dying. This makes people feel "ridiculous", sad, and respectable.

Several people are proficient in martial arts and have certain fighting abilities.

There is no problem with the background of these people, and their hatred of the Japanese is also in line with the principles of developing members of the "Blue Bird" group.

However, considering that several people have not experienced strict training and do things recklessly without a plan, this is not feasible.

We are still far from being a true anti-Japanese warrior.

"Inform the young Taoist priest that these people can be organized as peripheral members of the group, and the young Taoist priest will be responsible for training them." Cheng Qianfan pondered for a moment and said, "Without my order, you are not allowed to reveal anything about the organization to them."

He decided to form a capable action team with the young Taoist priest as the core.

"I understand." Bai Xiaoxia nodded.

Cangyun Temple.

The little Taoist priest took a few wowotou and secretly went to the woodshed.

"Thank you, Taoist Master." Jiang Mulezi was in his thirties and quite tall. However, his clothes were in tatters and he had been living on the river for a long time. He had a bitter look on his face, like an old man in his forties or fifties. He took over the wowotou

, thank you gratefully.

"Jiang Mulezi, you guys are very powerful." The little Taoist priest sat down on the haystack, "Today the whole of Shanghai is talking about the great things you have done."

Several men who were devouring their food looked up and looked confused.

"Taoist Master, we have been hiding here and haven't gone anywhere, you know." Jiang Laosan said.

"I know." The little Taoist priest suppressed a smile and said, "But people outside don't know."

"Taoist Master, what big thing did our brothers do again?" Jiang Mulezi looked bitter, "Did they kill foreigners again, or did they harm the people again?"

"No, no, no, what you did this time is really great." The little Taoist priest shook his head, "You guys sneaked into the Licha Hotel with grenades and explosives to kill many foreigners."

This chapter has been completed!
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