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Chapter 257 There are doubts (please double the moon)

"Where's the newspaper? Let me read it." Cheng Qianfan sat on the office chair, took out a pack of cigarettes, and threw it on the table. "If you want to smoke, take it yourself."

Qin Di didn't smoke and declined.

He took out the newspaper from his body and handed it to Cheng Qianfan.

"Crystal News".

Cheng Qianfan glanced at it and immediately got a headache. It was this newspaper again.

"Jing Bao" is not a daily issue, but an issue every three days. As the name suggests, "Jing Bao".

In addition, "Jingbao" has always been unwilling to position itself as a "tabloid", but instead tried its best to compete with major newspapers.

"Jing Bao" has always publicized that its purpose of running a newspaper is: anything that major newspapers dare not publish, are inconvenient to publish, or disdain to publish, Shanghai "Jing Bao" can publish.

The target of the attack is pointed directly at the major newspapers, which has the implication of opening up a new discourse context and fighting against others.

In Shanghai, "Jing Bao" is known as the "King of Tabloids".

It is worth mentioning that Shanghai Jingbao’s news comes from informal channels. It does not hire reporters or rely on news agencies. Most of its articles are written by literati and poets in Shanghai. Except for novels, most of them do not pay royalties.


In Cheng Qianfan's view, this is the most powerful thing. As long as you have news, good articles, and good stories, and you don't need royalties, whether you want to be famous, comment on current affairs, or expose someone, "Jing Bao" will do it.


It is like the newspaper provides a platform where anyone can speak out.

As for whether it is true or false, it is up to the judge to taste.

"Cheng Tou, it's on the third page." Qin Di pointed at the newspaper and reminded.

"Got it." Cheng Qianfan took out a cigarette, lit it, put the lighter on the table, and turned to the third page.

Looking at it, Cheng Qianfan's expression changed continuously.

There was a bang.

"It's nonsense, sensationalizing, stirring up trouble and creating conflicts." Cheng Qianfan slapped the newspaper on the table with a stern voice.

The author named Cao Yu vividly told a ‘story’.

There was a drunk Japanese who drove late at night and injured a Chinese.

The patrol arrested the perpetrator, the injured was sent to the hospital, and the injured's companion was also taken to the arresting hall.

However, the Japanese responsible for the incident were acquitted the next day.

The injured in the hospital were kicked out because they had no money for treatment.

The injured and their friends had nowhere to turn to for help, which was very pitiful.

Cao Yu said sarcastically in the article, "It's cold, the Japanese weapons have not yet arrived, and the traitors are already busy. The behavior of these people who have forgotten their ancestors has already made people feel the cold of winter. It is really chilling and chilling."

Let me ask you, if you kneel down and do things for the Japanese, your Japanese masters must be very happy.'

Finally, the author Cao Yu said at the end of the story that this case has nothing to do with a case handled by the Third Patrol Station of the Central Police Station, so please do not take it personally.

Cheng Qianfan was very angry. This guy named Cao Yu was very capable of ridicule and sarcasm.

It's really hateful.

"Cheng Tou, just tell me, did we let the Japanese perpetrator go?" Qin Di asked.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at Qin Di and he understood.

In the heart of this boy, he was not aggrieved because Cao Yu had 'slandered' the patrol house, but was entangled in the authenticity of what was said in the newspaper.

"Go out and let Officer Lu come."

"Cheng Tou." Qin Di said with wide eyes.

"Get out!" Cheng Qianfan pointed at the door and said coldly.

"What's going on when you're helping the Japanese and bullying our own people?" Qin Di stood still, craning his neck and looking at Cheng Qianfan.

"Here comes someone." Cheng Qianfan's face turned livid with anger, he rolled the cigarette in his mouth into the ashtray and put it out, shouting loudly.

"Tou Cheng, what's wrong? What's wrong?" Datou Lu brought two police officers in. He took out a cigarette from his pocket, handed it to Cheng Qianfan, and skillfully took out a tap fire and lit it.

While winking at the two patrolmen, "Didn't you hear what Chief Cheng said? Take this bastard out."

Qin Di wanted to speak, but two policemen came up and covered his mouth, while the other held him up and took Qin Di out.

"I have no commander!" Cheng Qianfan snorted coldly.

"Cheng Tou, calm down, calm down." Datou Lu said with a smile, "I'm just a little kid who doesn't know anything. Don't worry, let me train you."

As he spoke, he whispered, "Chengtou, what happened to Qin Di was because Vice President Jin approved the job."

"Idiot, you are so self-righteous." Cheng Qianfan pointed a finger in the direction of the door and cursed a few more times.

Finally, I listened to Da Toulu’s advice.

"Brother Lu, I leave this kid to you, take good care of him." Cheng Qianfan snorted coldly, "Such a gangster will get into trouble sooner or later."

"Don't worry, Chengtou, leave it to me." Datou Lu assured, patting his chest.

"You came just in time." Cheng Qianfan threw the "Jing Bao" to Datou Lu, "I remember you handled this case. Tell me, what happened?"

Da Toulu took the newspaper and read it, his expression changed, and he complained repeatedly, "Tou Cheng, you know, I, Da Toulu, have always been reliable in doing things. This is all nonsense."

"Don't worry, I know you." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "I believe you, I know this is a fabrication in the newspaper, and I know you are not that kind of person, so I am angry."

As he spoke, he cursed again, "That idiot asked me if I was helping the Japanese to bully the Chinese. Tell me, tell me..."

Cheng Qianfan was trembling with anger.

As he said this, he picked up the cup and drank it all in one gulp. "It's so stupid."

Da Toulu skillfully took the empty cup and filled Inspector Cheng's cup with water.

"Young people are easily deceived. They hear the wind like rain and have no ability to discern." Datou Lu said comfortingly.

"Brother Lu, you are an old man on the third patrol. That brat questioned you, but you spoke for him, which is very good." Cheng Qianfan patted Big Head Lu on the shoulder with satisfaction.

"You are definitely angry when you are angry." Datou Lu said with a bitter smile, "But after thinking about it, the one who is not worthy of it is a baby who has not grown up."

Cheng Qianfan nodded, with a serious look on his face, "Tell me about this case, what is going on?"

"The newspaper was right. We did release the Japanese who caused the accident the next day." Datulu said.

"What's the reason?" Cheng Qianfan nodded and asked with a calm expression.

"Inspector Ma has told us that we must always be cautious when it comes to Japanese people." Datou Lu said, "Of course, the most important thing is that the injured person and his friends have stated that they will not pursue the injured person.

A collision."

Cheng Qianfan nodded with satisfaction. He naturally knew that this was not Ma Yishou's order. He had told him in the patrol room that he should be cautious in cases involving Japanese people.

"The injured person volunteered not to pursue the case?" Cheng Qianfan smiled and nodded, "That's good. Brother Lu has done a good job in mediating."

He could already imagine how Datou Lu mediated. It was nothing more than a combination of soft and hard tactics, overt and covert pressure on the victim. The other party was afraid and naturally chose not to pursue the case.

"It's really not the case this time. They took the initiative to say that they would not pursue the case." Datou Lu said, "The injured one only had a skin injury. He said he bought a boat ticket and was in a hurry to leave."

"Very good." Cheng Qianfan smiled and nodded, then snorted coldly, "Now all the cats and dogs want to throw dirty water on our patrol room."

Then he picked up the police hat, patted it, and put it on.

"I'm going to see Mr. Qin." Cheng Qianfan said, "Take care of that idiot and tell him that he won't do it again."

"Understood, leave it to me."

Third floor.

Office of the Inspector General.

Cheng Qianfan presented the newspaper to Chief Inspector Qin Detai.

And reported what he learned from Datulu.

"In your opinion, how should we handle this matter?" Qin Detai put down his reading glasses and asked.

"My subordinates will follow Mr. Qin's lead." Cheng Qianfan said with a serious expression and a correct attitude, "Whatever you say, Mr. Qin, my subordinates will do it immediately."

"If I ask you to say it, just say it." Qin Detai smiled, "You don't have to be so reserved in front of me."

When Cheng Qianfan heard this, his straight body relaxed slightly.

However, he still had a respectful attitude and said with a smile, "Then let me just talk about my humble opinion."

"Tell me." Qin Detai nodded.

"The "Jing Bao" has always been known for creating gimmicks, making things out of nothing, and praising things to please the public." Cheng Qianfan said with a serious expression, "The newspaper has always slandered my patrol office and is extremely unfriendly."

After a pause, he continued, "Therefore, my subordinates believe that this kind of unscrupulous media can no longer be tolerated and needs to be dealt with harshly."

"Hmm." Qin Detai nodded slightly, "What makes him a heavy hand?"

"Seal down the newspaper office and arrest Cao Yu, who is spreading rumors and slandering our police station." Cheng Qianfan said with murderous intent.

"You, you." Tan Detai pointed at Cheng Qianfan, "Seal down the newspaper office and arrest people. I also want to do that, but it's difficult."

He got up and opened the curtains. The sun was shining brightly after the rain.

"Zhang from "Jing Bao" is also quite energetic. There are also some people who always say that the media is free, and the public relations bureau will not allow us to arrest people." Qin Detai shook his head, "Okay, I will do my best.

We responded and handled the matter properly."

"My subordinate was reckless and almost did something bad." Cheng Qianfan said with a ashamed expression.

"It doesn't matter." Qin Detai waved his hand, "Young man, it would be bad if you didn't have that momentum."

"Thank you, Mr. Qin, for your teaching." Cheng Qianfan said respectfully, "Shall I retire first?"

"Go." Qin Detai nodded.

Cheng Qianfan saluted, turned around, and was about to leave.

"What was the noise about you downstairs just now?" Qin Detai suddenly asked.

"It's nothing. The brothers were playing cards and I scolded them." Cheng Qianfan said without blinking, "Did you disturb Mr. Qin? I'll go downstairs and scold them again."

"Playing cards during work hours, what are you doing?" Qin Detai snorted, "I won't do it next time."

"Yes!" Cheng Qianfan saluted again, and after leaving, he gently closed the door.

Qin Detai watched this scene. After Cheng Qianfan left, he took out his small black leather notebook from the drawer.

Open it, turn to a certain page, and find Cheng Qianfan's name.

Behind Cheng Qianfan's name, there is a note: Not suspicious.

Qin Detai drew a line behind the words 'no suspicion'.

A new annotation was added at the end: promising and talented, politically reliable.

The "Jing Bao" published articles that were satirical, sarcastic, and critical of the patrol house. He was not aware of this in advance.

However, after reading the article, the style of writing, and the signature of Cao Yu, he immediately judged that this Cao Yu was the other Cao Yu.

This person was personally recommended by him and was the nail into the Red Party.

Cheng Qianfan said without hesitation that he would arrest people and close down the embassy. He was decisive and ruthless, no less decisive than the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

It had been learned before that this young subordinate had a bad attitude towards the Red Party, and could even be said to be filled with hatred.

Now, Cheng Qianfan shows his dissatisfaction and hatred for the disobedient media industry, and is willing to kill him at every turn.

This made Qin Detai appreciate it even more.

Yes, Wang Kangnian of the Party Affairs Investigation Department only knew that Cao Yu was handed over to him by his old boss in Nanjing, an extremely important tip that penetrated into the Red Party.

However, Wang Kangnian did not know that Cao Yu was personally selected by Qin Detai and recommended to Nanjing.

Qin Detai was very satisfied with Cheng Qianfan because of another little thing.

The quarrel that occurred downstairs had been secretly reported to Qin Detai before Cheng Qianfan arrived.

However, after Qin Detai asked, Cheng Qianfan falsely claimed that he was scolding his subordinates for playing cards.

This is lying.

However, Qin Detai was not angry. Instead, he admired the young deputy inspector even more.

On the other side, Cheng Qianfan returned to his office with a solemn expression.

He had an intuition that this Cao Yu might be the Comrade Cao Yu in the party. He heard Peng Yuou mention this person. He was a comrade with outstanding literary talents who was very good at criticizing current events in the newspapers and speaking out in anger.

He is thinking about this.

First, consider Cao Yu as a person and his behavior.

Secondly, Datou Lu said that the injured person in the case offered not to pursue the case, which also made Cheng Qianfan a little surprised and curious.

The injured was a skin injury. He said he had bought a ferry ticket and was in a hurry to leave, so he did not pursue any further investigation.

This seems to be a flawless confession.


He found the case file from the cabinet and carefully

Finally, his eyes rested on the injured man's confession.

"Fifteen days' boat ticket to leave Shanghai and return to my hometown in Xiao County, Xuzhou City."

Cheng Qianfan sneered. If he remembered correctly, there was a typhoon in Shanghai on the 13th, and all ships anchored and took shelter in the harbor.

There were no passenger ships leaving Shanghai on the 15th.

has a problem.

Cheng Qianfan placed his order in advance.

He drove to pick up Bai Ruolan and Xiaobao, and went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables together.

I met someone selling rabbits.

Xiaobao exclaimed and clamored to buy a rabbit.

How could Cheng Qianfan refuse Xiaobao's request?

So, when I returned home, in addition to the planned ingredients, I also had two more rabbits.

Arrived home.

The cat saw two more rabbits in the house and meowed dissatisfiedly.

"Cat, you are not allowed to bully Tutu." Xiaobao hugged the cat, stroked its fur, and said "warning".

After dinner, Cheng Qianfan walked with Bai Ruolan and Xiaobao.

This time, he deliberately took Xiaobao for a longer walk.

After returning home, Bai Ruolan washed Xiaobao who had dozed off, sent her to bed, and gave him a worried look.

"I'll be back soon." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile.

He knew that Bai Ruolan had seen through his little plan, so whenever he went out at night, he would take Xiao Baoduo with him when he went for a walk.

Children are very happy when they go for a walk, jumping up and down, but they are not strong enough and will fall asleep soon after returning home.

About three-quarters of an hour later, Cheng Qianfan met Song Fuguo at No. 31 Yapel Road.

"Who sent the meeting signal today?" Cheng Qianfan asked unceremoniously as soon as they met.

"What's wrong?" Song Fuguo asked in surprise.

"There was a heavy rain last night, and the telephone poles were cleaner than those licked by dogs." Cheng Qianfan said angrily, "Suddenly there are such clear and conspicuous marks. If someone is interested in seeing them, they will definitely be suspicious. This telephone pole will be in the future.


"The previous traffic officer was loyal to the country." Song Fuguo said in a low voice, "This time there is a new person. He does things without thinking. I will criticize him."

This traffic officer is not the other traffic officer. He just sends a "request to meet" signal at a fixed location in accordance with the requirements of the summit.

The traffic officer will not know to whom the signal is sent.

There is no telling when anyone will see the signal.

"What happened?" Cheng Qianfan asked immediately.

"I was targeted by the Japanese and had no way to escape. To avoid falling into the enemy's hands, I stabbed myself in the heart with a dagger." Song Fuguo's eyes turned red.

This chapter has been completed!
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