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Chapter 274 Important Comrade Yu Chang (1st Monthly Ticket)

 Before leaving, Cheng Qianfan took out two hundred French coins and handed them to Peng Yuou.

"Professor Peng, please accept this money on behalf of Comrade Ge Cuimin, and buy some milk powder for the children. Both adults and children can get more nutrition." Cheng Qianfan said in a sincere tone.

"Originally I shouldn't have accepted your money." Peng Yuou took the banknote and said, "However, this is your concern for your comrades. On behalf of Comrade Ge Cuimin, I would like to say thank you."

The conditions of Ge Cuimin and the baby Xie Siming are not very good, mainly due to malnutrition.

Several other released comrades are also in poor physical condition.

Peng Yuou and the organization have tried their best to provide money and materials to help. However, Professor Peng Yuou actually has little money, and other comrades are even more cash-strapped.

Cheng Qianfan knew about these circumstances, so it was rare for him to take the initiative to offer a sum of money to Peng Yuou.

The main reason is that two hundred legal coins is nothing to Inspector Xiao Cheng, and the money is treated as a favor.

"However, I will lend you this money." Peng Yuou continued.

"It's up to you." Cheng Qianfan nodded and said.

For him, two hundred French currency is really nothing.

However, there is nothing wrong with Peng and Ou's insistence on organizational principles.

Unless there are special circumstances, you are not allowed to ask for or accept money or property from latent agents. This is organizational discipline.

On the one hand, this is because the life and working environment of latent agents are different from those of other comrades in the Red Party. They want to 'enjoy' and live a 'luxurious' life, and their belongings are their 'talismans'.

Usually no one cares about how you make money, but when a huge amount of property disappears, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

In addition, this behavior itself is extremely dangerous and can easily bring the most direct safety risks to potential agents.

In the 23rd year of the Republic of China, a section chief of the Red Party who was lurking in the Shanghai Public Security Bureau was captured and killed by the enemy because the lurking agent took a blanket from his home and gave it to a comrade to keep out the cold.

Later, the comrade was exposed, and the enemy found the blanket from his hiding place. This kind of blanket was relatively expensive and obviously did not match the living standard of this Red Party member who used his identity as a printer as a cover.

Using the blanket as a clue, the Party Affairs Investigation Division quickly traced this latent agent within the Public Security Bureau.

The Shanghai Red Party's high-level latent agents within the Shanghai Public Security Bureau were exposed, arrested, and sacrificed because of such a blanket.

In this matter, the cost of blood was used to tell everyone about the hardships and dangers of latent work, and nothing should be done carelessly.

The organization then came up with regulations, requiring latent agents to restrain their revolutionary enthusiasm and concern for their comrades. Unless under special circumstances, they should try not to provide funds to the organization, especially items with obvious directions.

The organization will also try to avoid asking potential agents for financial or material support.

At noon the next day, Peng and Ou came to the bookstore at the intersection of Yapel Road and Xiafei Road.

"Boss Zhou, have you finished talking about the seventy-two chapters of Mr. Men'an that I made an appointment with?" Peng and Ou greeted the bookstore owner Zhou Hongsu who was taking inventory behind the counter.

"Professor Peng, what a coincidence that you came here. I was just telling you that I would send the book to you tomorrow." Zhou Hongsu said quickly.

"If I don't come today and come tomorrow, I'm afraid you will say the same thing tomorrow." Peng Yuou joked.

Zhou Hongsu laughed and said, "Professor Peng, don't talk nonsense," and led Peng and Ou to the living room behind to talk.

"Lao Peng, why are you here?" Zhou Hongsu asked immediately after closing the door.

The two had just met last night, but Peng and Ou suddenly came here at noon today. There must be something urgent, which made Zhou Hongsu nervous.

"Old Zhou, the situation has changed." Peng Yu'ou said in a deep voice with a serious expression, "Immediately cut off all ties between Cao Yu and the organization, and all comrades familiar to Cao Yu will be transferred immediately."

"Lao Peng, how come? Didn't you tell me yesterday that Comrade Cao Yu passed the organizational inspection?" Zhou Hongsu asked urgently.

"Comrade Zhou Hongsu, I'm here to convey the organization's decision. I don't have time to explain anything to you now. What you have to do now is to resolutely obey the organization's decision!" Peng Yuou said sternly.

"Yes, resolutely obey the organization's decision." Zhou Hongsu sighed, rubbed his hands and said.

"Not only do others want to cut off contact with Cao Yu, but you also want to." Peng Yuou said seriously, "You are Cao Yu's introducer to the party and his old superior. He knows you best, and you are the most dangerous.


"I understand." Zhou Hongsu said in a deep voice. Although he did not want to believe that there was something wrong with Cao Yu, but seeing Peng Yuou so serious, he knew that the organization must have some evidence, and there must be something wrong with Cao Yu.

At the very least, it is highly questionable.

"In order to give other comrades time to move and to paralyze Cao Yu, we must first stabilize him." Peng Yuou said, "You have a final meeting with him tonight and tell him directly that the organization has arranged for him to

This is an extremely important task. This task is dangerous to a certain extent. For safety reasons, we will temporarily cut off contact with him until the task is completed."

"What mission?"

"Rescue an important comrade who was imprisoned in the French Concession Prison." Peng Yuou said.

"Do we have important notices and are being held in the shooting range prison?" Zhou Hongsu asked in surprise.

"It didn't exist before, but now it exists." Peng Yuou said, "This is Comrade Yu Chang, who now goes by the pseudonym Liu Bo."

Zhou Hongsu's eyes widened when he heard this.

"I didn't expect that something happened to Xiafei Lu, and Lu Dazhang was unlucky. You will benefit from this." Sanbonjiro said with a smile.

Mimotojiro was very happy when he heard from Cheng Qianfan that he had been promoted to the position of Inspector of the Third Patrol of the Central Patrol Room.

The higher Kentaro Miyazaki's status in the French Concession patrol room is, the more useful he becomes to the empire.

"Section Chief, my subordinates heard something about the murder case at the Baicao Shop on Xiafei Road in the patrol room." Cheng Qianfan asked, "Now, the French Concession has determined that the Baicao Shop is an imperial agent stronghold. Could it be that Boss Huang is ours?"


"They are not our people." Sanbonjiro said.

"That's good." Cheng Qianfan breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, the Herb Shop is indeed an imperial agent stronghold, and Huang Aihua is indeed an imperial agent." Sanbonjiro took a sip of wine and shook his head slightly, "They are from the Intelligence Department of the Military Attaché."

"Do you want me to help inquire about the progress of the case?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Don't worry about it." Sanbonjiro waved his hand nonchalantly, "The Military Attaché's Intelligence Office will handle it on its own."

The Intelligence Division of the Military Attaché and the Special Higher Education Division are two secret service agencies, and they are in a competitive relationship.

Sanbonjiro was not so kind. Naturally, he would not agree to one of his latent agents risking exposure to help the Military Attaché Intelligence Office to learn information.

"I understand." Cheng Qianfan nodded.

That night, Zhou Hongsu met with Cao Yu secretly and conveyed the new organizational task arrangements to "Comrade" Cao Yu.

"Comrade Cao Yu." Zhou Hongsu held Cao Yu's hands, "Comrade Yu Chang is a very important comrade of our party. Although he was arrested, his true identity has never been exposed. The enemy only knows Liu Bo, not

Yu Chang, you are a native of Shanghai and have a clean family background, so I have arranged for you to perform this task."

"Thank you for the organization's trust. I will definitely try my best to complete this task." Cao Yu said emotionally.

"Be cautious and don't be hasty. You can contact the side first and ask for information to avoid the enemy sniffing out the abnormality." Zhou Hongsu warned.

"Understood." Cao Yu nodded. He was overjoyed and wished he could meet Wang Kangnian now and tell him the good news.

Wang Kangnian once promised that as long as he made great achievements, he would be allowed to end his latent work and return to the army with honor.

He was not willing to do this hard work of lurking for one more minute.

It was almost the same time, in the torture room of the Central Patrol Room.

Huo Xiaohe was awakened by a basin of cold water.

He opened his eyes and looked around blankly.

He was knocked unconscious with a stick on his way home.

I haven't come back to my senses yet.

"Help Mr. Huo sober up." Datou Lu snorted coldly.

A patrolman picked up his whip and whipped him hard, making Huo Xiaohe cry like a ghost and howl like a wolf.

After whipping the whip, Datou Lu came over, grabbed Huo Xiaohe's hair, slammed it against the wooden frame, and asked in a cold voice, "You are just spreading rumors to hurt me."

This chapter has been completed!
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