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Chapter 279 Cao Yu visits prison (please order the full version)

 Wu Shanyue was both happy and a little worried. He was worried that he was happy in vain.

Wang Kangnian couldn't hide his excitement and said, "Commander, my subordinates think that Yu Chang is a 'fish intestine', so there should be nothing wrong with him."

"Tell me the reasons for your judgment." Wu Shanyue nodded slightly and said.

Wang Kangnian then talked about his thoughts and analysis.

Wu Shanyue nodded frequently.

"As for the name, when Yu Chang chose his code name, he should have chosen 'fish intestine', which is a homophone to his own name." Wang Kangnian said, "This may seem unreasonable, but it is not surprising."

"Because we have never got the name 'Yu Chang' before." Wang Kangnian said, "It is very likely that this person has almost never used his real name. His real name is not known to outsiders at all, so he does not need to worry about 'Yuchang'."

This code name will be associated with him." (PS1)

Wu Shanyue nodded.

Many agents use pseudonyms, but almost no one knows their real names.

For example, Wang Kangnian's name is also a pseudonym. Wang Kangnian's real name is only known to the Shanghai District of the Party Affairs Investigation Office by the webmaster and him, the head of the Action Unit.

"In addition, only a very few people know the code name 'Yuchang', whether within the Red Party or here." Wang Kangnian said, "In this way, unless the insider knows, no one will associate Yu Chang and 'Yuchang' at all."

'connect together."

"Your analysis makes sense." Wu Shanyue nodded happily, "I am too worried about gains and losses."

As he spoke, he stood up with an excited expression, "I will report to the top immediately and strive to extradite Liu Bo as soon as possible."

"Commander Mingjian." Wang Kangnian said.

After Wang Kangnian left, Wu Shanyue raised a smile and hummed softly.

My subordinate is a smart person, but he has been hiding his intelligence from him.

However, Xu Shi was about to achieve great success and got a little carried away. Today he tried a little bit to test him, and this person couldn't help but show off.

A wise man pretending to be a fool must have a motive.

Cheng Qianfan took Bai Ruolan and Xiaobao to visit Xiu Gongshen's home.

After dinner, the family of three went for a walk in the nearby French Grand Park.

But it was Professor Peng and Ou who came here for a walk to eat by chance.

Bai Ruolan took Xiaobao and went to talk to the maid Shao Ma.

Cheng Qianfan took a walk and chatted with Professor Peng.

"Huo Xiaohe's confession shows the fact that Cao Yu bribed others to lie against the organization's investigation." Cheng Qianfan said.

"Yes, this is enough to prove that Cao Yu has a problem." Peng Yuou nodded, "Now, the next step to find out is where Cao Yu comes from. Was he bribed by the enemy after joining our party, or was he an enemy?

Arranged to infiltrate our party."

"The bait has been put out, and the results will come soon." Cheng Qianfan nodded and said.

The biggest target of suspicion is the Party Affairs Investigation Office.

If the Party Affairs Investigation Office applies again to extradite Liu Bo, this will directly lock in Cao Yu's identity.

A few days later, Cheng Qianfan learned from the information in the dead mailbox that Cao Yu reported to the organization about Liu Bo's situation in the prison.

However, Cheng Qianfan learned from the prison that no one had ever visited Liu Bo.

This shows that Cao Yu has an intelligence source.

This indirectly proves that there is a spy organization behind Cao Yu.

On July 1, Cheng Qianfan received a commendation telegram from the Nanjing headquarters of the Secret Service.

The case of an officer in the Jiangyin Security Command passing through Japan was proved to be a den case of extremely egregious nature after a joint inspection by the Secret Service and the Military Justice Department.

Jian Zhixiang, Wu Guanzong and more than ten military officers were involved in the case.

Among them, Jian Zhixiang and Wu Guanzong were most involved in the case. The former even directly defected to the Japanese, and his codename was Heart Nine.

The Nanjing headquarters called and gave the 'Blue Bird' team a first-class credit and a cash reward of 800 French currency.

In addition, the cable revealed that the commissioner personally visited the headquarters of the Secret Service in Xufuxiang and spoke highly of the recent work performance of the Secret Service.

July 3rd.

Cheng Qianfan was secretly received by Qi Wu at the Longhua Security Headquarters.

"Director Qi, how dare I trouble you to come here in person?" Cheng Qianfan said respectfully.

"Come on, come on." Qi Wu was very happy and patted Cheng Qianfan on the shoulder, "Qianfan, you did a good job."

"The 'Blue Bird' team captured Japan this time, unearthed the major case of Jiangyin Headquarters Tongri in one fell swoop, and preserved the military secrets of the national defense line. The committee is very happy, and the director also received high praise from the committee." Qi Wuwen.


"Well done, worthy of my outstanding disciple."

"This is all due to Virgo's cultivation, and Director Qi's teachings are good." Cheng Qianfan said modestly.

"Not arrogant or impetuous, that's good." Qi Wu nodded with satisfaction, "The committee members also praise you very much in private."

"Loyalty to the leader and loyalty to the party and the country are all responsibilities." Cheng Qianfan immediately stood at attention and saluted.

"Virgin asked me to ask you, he refused you a medal this time. Are you angry?" Qi Wu asked with a smile.

The Chairman of the Standing Committee admired Cheng Qianfan very much and intended to award the medal again as a tribute.

However, on the grounds that young people still need to temper themselves to avoid arrogance, Dai asked the Standing Committee to withdraw his decision.

"My subordinates naturally know Virgo's hard work and hard work." Cheng Qianfan said with a serious expression, "This subordinate is too young and needs more training."

"Besides." Cheng Qianfan raised his voice, "Director Qi knows the merits of his subordinates, and everyone understands them. This is the greatest compliment."

"Well said!" Qi Wu nodded happily.

That night, Cheng Qianfan hosted a banquet in honor of the entire group.

After the banquet, Qi Wu left Shanghai and returned to Nanjing.

It was as if he came to Shanghai specifically to praise and comfort him in person.

Cheng Qianfan knew this very well, and Qi Wu came to Shanghai twice to meet him alone and in secret.

No matter what his inner thoughts are, in the eyes of outsiders, he, Cheng Qianfan, has been labeled as Qi Wu.

July 7th.

Xue Huali Road, Target Range Prison.

Liu Bo looked warily at the stranger who came to visit him.

This man claimed to be his cousin and came to visit him.

"Comrade Liu Bo, you have suffered." Cao Yu lowered his voice and said with a sincere expression.

"I don't know you." Liu Bo shook his head.

"Comrade Fang Muheng asked me to come to visit you." Cao Yu said, "He asked me to ask you, do you still remember that alley late at night last summer?"

This was the secret code given to Cao Yu by the organization to contact Liu Bo.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Liu Bo's facial expression changed.

"How is Mu Heng?" Liu Bo asked.

"Comrade Fang Muheng is very good."

Cao Yu was overjoyed and told the organization that if Liu Bo asked about Fang Muheng's situation, he would reply that it was very good:

Liu Bo's words meant that his identity was well hidden, and his answer meant that all the comrades were well.

If Liu Bo did not ask about Fang Muheng's situation, it meant that Liu Bo was worried that his identity might be exposed and asked the organization to rescue him as soon as possible.

The secret codes matched, and Cao Yu was ecstatic.

"Hurry up, the time is up." The prison guard who was observing not far away came over impatiently and urged.

He received a notice from Shangfeng that Liu Bo was a key criminal of the Red Party and he could not be allowed to have too much contact with prison visitors.

"Comrade Yu Chang, the organization is trying to find ways to rescue you from prison." Cao Yu glanced at the prison guard and said in a very low voice.

Immediately, he raised his voice and said, "Cousin, I brought you some food and clothing. Don't worry, I'll come see you next time."

With that said, Cao Yu stood up, put a few banknotes into the hands of the prison guard, and asked the prison guard to take more care of his relatives.

Back in the prison, Liu Bo frowned, he was a little confused.

Is this considered accepted and approved by the Red Party?

How can it be?

Especially the other party's last sentence, 'Comrade Yu Chang', he was even more confused about.

Two hours later.

Cao Yu was buying cigarettes at a cigarette shop and handed over a note mixed with banknotes.

Half an hour later, the note appeared in Wang Kangnian's hand.


Wang Kangnian was very happy. The note only had four words, but it was of great significance:

Cao Yu used the secret code given by the Red Party to confront Liu Bo. In this way, it was confirmed that Liu Bo was Yu Chang.

July 8th.

Cheng Qianfan, dressed in a police uniform, walked from Yandeli to the central patrol room on Xue Huali Road.

His pace was leisurely and he was thinking about Cao Yu's visit to prison Liu Bo yesterday.

At this moment, the newsboy's shout came to my ears.

"Sell newspapers, sell newspapers. The Japanese army in North China attacked Wanping County this morning. They fired more than a hundred rounds of artillery and destroyed the Marco Polo Bridge. Our army rose up to resist!"

This chapter has been completed!
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