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Chapter 284 The Blue Bird’s Plot (please vote for me)

 The next day.

Shanghai train station.

Cheng Qianfan saw off Bai Ruolan, Xiaobao and others.

"Take this business card." Cheng Qianfan handed a business card to Li Hao, "If anything happens along the way, please report this person's name."

This is the business card of Chief Zheng Tingfang of the Military Justice Department of the Songhu Garrison Command.

Cheng Qianfan called back to the Nanjing headquarters and generously said that he would "complete the mission to the death with no fear of sacrifice."

He also told the truth that he arranged for his wife's family to return to their hometown in Jiangshan to visit the grave.

When Dai Chunfeng heard the news, he was very excited.

He understood that Qingniao was trying to settle down his family, and he had the determination to die if he doesn't succeed or become a benevolent person.

At the same time, this call back also means asking Shangfeng to take care of the family.

This afternoon, a visitor came to visit Cheng Qianfan. He didn't say much and left this business card.

Cheng Qianfan understood what he meant: Go ahead with peace of mind.

Li Hao put away his business card and nodded, "Brother Fan, don't worry, I will escort my sister-in-law and Xiaobao back home safely."

Cheng Qianfan nodded. Li Hao was born as a beggar. He had suffered a lot since he was a child. He was aware of the dangers in the world. He had contacts with all three religions and nine streams, and he was a smart man.

With his escort, Cheng Qianfan felt relieved.

Of course, the most important thing is that Li Hao is extremely loyal to him.

The journey from Shanghai to Jiangshan was relatively safe, but Bai Ruolan's beautiful appearance might attract Xiaoxiao, so he had to be on guard.

The train is about to leave.

Cheng Qianfan and Bai Ruolan hugged each other and said goodbye.

Looking into his wife's worried eyes, Cheng Qianfan smiled and waved goodbye.

"Get in the car and tell me in front of my grandfather's grave that my grandson has found a good grandson-in-law."

Bai Ruolan nodded with tears in her eyes.

Cheng Qianfan watched the train slowly drive away, and saw Bai Ruolan sticking her head out of the window, still waving, staring blankly.

He smiled and waved until he could no longer see it, then threw the cigarette butt on the ground and crushed it with his toes.

"Let's go, it's time to do something." Cheng Qianfan said to Hao Zai.

Having said that, he strode forward.

The love between children is always hidden in our hearts, and our ambitions are so great that we should cherish our lives!

Cheng Qianfan took personal leave today.

The two drove to the safe house on Trasteve Road.

"Have you found out clearly?" Cheng Qianfan asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Hao Zai nodded, "The people in the list listed by the team leader have been monitored by my subordinates, and this person is the focus of attention."

Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly and paced back and forth, thinking about whether there were any flaws in this plan.

The matter is urgent and this plan is very hasty and cannot be perfect.

However, fortunately, he has always prepared for rainy days, and some of the previous arrangements can be used at this time.

The watch list he handed over to Hao Zai were all traitors who had met Kentaro Miyazaki at last year's "Japan-China Friendship Seminar", or they were Japanese.

Among them, Sakamoto Yoshino, the youngest son of Sakamoto Nagayuki, is the focus of attention.

Objectively speaking, Cheng Qianfan had a good impression of Sakamoto Yoshino, a well-educated descendant of a Japanese nobleman.

Most importantly, he noticed that this person had a good temperament and was not familiar with the world.

In short, it is an exploitable object.

After the "Japan-China Friendship Seminar" last summer, Sakamoto Yoshino left Shanghai. However, in the early spring of this year, Sakamoto Yoshino returned to Shanghai again.

He also joined the Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai and became Hyoutaro Imamura's assistant.

The Nanjing headquarters ordered him to find a way to obtain the latest confidential information on the Japanese military's strategy against China. Cheng Qianfan thought carefully and finally targeted Hyoutarou Imamura.

The nephew of Hyōtaro Imamura's deputy chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, Jun Imamura, was himself a close confidant of Eiichi Iwai and was the person qualified to have access to this confidential document.

In other words, he is the only Japanese person that Cheng Qianfan can come into contact with who is qualified to obtain information.

Of course, Sanbonjiro may also have this confidential information, but Cheng Qianfan thought twice and rejected the plan to target Sanbonjiro.

Sanbonjiro is a veteran Japanese agent who is suspicious by nature. It is extremely difficult to obtain information from Sanbonjiro.

This is not the case with Hyōtaro Imamura. This person is not an agent, and in comparison, his vigilance is not that high.

In addition, Imamura Hyoutarou admired him quite a lot and didn't have to be too vigilant about him.

The most important thing is that I have a 'friend' like Sakamoto Yoshino that I can use.

Although they met last year, the two never saw each other again.

However, Kentaro Miyazaki's teacher Hiroyuki Taniguchi mentioned in a letter to him that Sakamoto Yoshino once went to the residence of Hiroyuki Taniguchi in Beiping to look for him.

Sakamoto Yoshino was quite disappointed to learn that Miyazaki-kun was not in Peiping.

Of course, although this plan seems to be effective, everything is only based on his reasoning.

Perhaps Sakamoto Yoshino is not as harmless as his appearance suggests, but is actually a deep-minded person.

Maybe Imamura Hyoutarou is also a suspicious person.

In short, all accidents are possible.

Therefore, Cheng Qianfan had a clear understanding of this action, which was extremely dangerous. If he was unlucky, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he would have a narrow escape.

"Tell me about it." Cheng Qianfan said in a deep voice.

"Sakamoto Yoshino leads a very regular life. Apart from working at the Consulate General, he spends most of his time at home and rarely socializes."

Cheng Qianfan nodded, which was in line with his impression of Sakamoto Yoshino.

"My subordinates learned from the Chinese handyman working at the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai that Hyōtaro Imamura admires and values ​​Sakamoto Ryōno quite a lot. It is said that Hyōtaro Imamura once invited Ryōno Sakamoto to his home."

Cheng Qianfan nodded, this point is very important.

Three days later, it will be Hyōtaro Imamura's thirty-second birthday.

His plan was to use Sakamoto Yoshino to get the opportunity to attend Hyōtaro Imamura's birthday party.

Although, as a student of Hiroyuki Taniguchi, he had the chance to visit Hyōtaro Imamura on his birthday, there was a certain chance of being allowed in, but it was too abrupt.

After all, his current identity is Cheng Qianfan disguised as Kentaro Miyazaki. Unless there are special circumstances, he should not appear in public as Kentaro Miyazaki.

This in itself can easily arouse suspicion.

Therefore, a reason is needed.

If he had 'accidentally met' Sakamoto Yoshino at the right time, and it happened to be the right time, based on his understanding of Sakamoto Yoshino, this person would invite him to attend Hyōtaro Imamura's birthday party.

Faced with Sakamoto Yoshino's warm invitation, he couldn't refuse.

On the surface, there is an explainable reason.

At last year's Japan-China Friendship Seminar, Cheng Qianfan noticed a habit of Hyoutaro Imamura.

This person carries a briefcase with him.

Throughout the seminar, this briefcase never left Hyoutarou Imamura's sight.

At that time, a consulate staff member brought a document. After reading it, Imamura Hyōtaro put it into his briefcase.

He was listening to everyone's conversation next to Imamura Hyōtaro when he saw many documents in the briefcase.

One of the documents was not neatly arranged and was dated a week ago.

This shows that Imamura Hyoutarou has the habit of carrying documents with him.

He figured out Hyoutarou Imamura's character and found that this person should be an extremely careful and prudent person who is more willing to trust himself on important matters.

Japan's latest strategic intelligence, given Hyoutaro Imamura's temperament, must be carefully preserved:

Nothing reassures him more than his never-ending briefcase.

Of course, all this is just his speculation.

If he successfully enters Hyoutarou Imamura's home, but the briefcase does not contain what he needs, then it can only be said to be a fate.

Cheng Qianfan was playing with a cigarette in his hand and was lost in thought. His expression was so serious that he even broke the cigarette without realizing it.

He smiled wryly and shook his head. It seemed like a good plan, but when he thought about it carefully, it turned out to be dancing on a tightrope.

Three days later.

Huangpu Road.

Cheng Qianfan paid a visit to the Inspector of Huangpu Road in the Public Settlement.

After the incident at the Licha Hotel last year, Cheng Qianfan also visited Lili in an attempt to ease the relationship.

In this way, as they go back and forth, the relationship between the two becomes quite close.

This time, the two of them were also talking happily.

Guessing that the time was almost up, Cheng Qianfan declined the trouble to entertain the guests and said goodbye.

Turn left when you go out and walk about a hundred steps to reach the Licha Hotel.

According to the information obtained from Hao Zai, Sakamoto Yoshino had reserved a room at the Richa Hotel for a long time. At noon, he would leave the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai and take a lunch break here.

"Asshole, are you blind?" Cheng Qianfan cursed.

A pedestrian walking in a hurry accidentally bumped into him.

This person apologized profusely.

Cheng Qianfan waved his hand impatiently, "Get out!"

At this moment, Sakamoto Yoshino had just walked out of the hotel after his lunch break and happened to see this scene.

This chapter has been completed!
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