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Chapter 003 Sacrifice


"We're going to kill someone!"

"Mother! Mother! Mother!"

"Nanny! Nanny! Nanny!"

The scene was in chaos.

Looking at the number of enemies surrounding him, Lao Liao knew that it would be difficult for him to break through.


The tram is approaching.

Lao Liao raised his head and took a look. The tram would arrive at the station in half a minute at most.

Cheng Qianfan will get out of the car and join us.

"Although Comrade Huo Miao is young, he is an old comrade with rich experience in struggle. He should be able to restrain himself and not be reckless and impulsive!"

‘Huo Miao’ is Cheng Qianfan’s code name.

However, Lao Liao knew that in this case, even if Comrade Huo Miao glanced this way one more time or had a strange expression, it would attract the enemy's attention.

The most important thing is that he is Comrade Huo Miao's single line of contact. He was arrested. According to organizational discipline, Comrade Huo Miao must be transferred immediately.

This has nothing to do with Comrade Huo Miao's trust that he can withstand the enemy's torture. This is organizational discipline.

"Old Liao, Comrade Huo Miao is very important. We must protect him."

This was what the superior comrade Zhulin said when he arranged for him to be the liaison of Huo Miao. He held his hand with both hands and gave special instructions.

At the end of last year, the Shanghai Special Branch organization was destroyed by the enemy and suffered heavy losses. Unfortunately, Comrade "Zhulin" was also arrested and died a hero.

This was the last task assigned to him by Comrade "Zhulin".

Lao Liao understood what Comrade "Zhu Lin" meant, not only to protect "Huo Miao"'s life safety, but also to protect "Huo Miao's" legitimate identity.

In the current cruel struggle situation, it is very valuable for the organization to have such a comrade with an innocent fortune who has penetrated into the rented patrol house and can withstand the enemy's scrutiny.

Lao Liao touched the bottle of wine in his hand.

Determination bloomed in his eyes.

From the first day he joined the revolution, he put his own life and death aside.

Today's situation has appeared in his mind countless times.

He was already mentally prepared.

If he cannot escape, he will not hesitate to sacrifice his life at the last moment to end the danger to himself.

The security of the party organization must not be threatened.

As of now, the safety of Comrade Huo Miao must not be threatened.

Lao Liao suddenly took it into his arms.

"Be careful, the old man has a gun!"



One of the team members opened fire first, and one shot hit Lao Liao in the chest.

"Asshole, who told you to shoot!"

"Catch them alive."

Wang Kangnian and his men rushed downstairs angrily.

He is now 100% sure that this old man is here to contact the Red Party today.

"Save people! Stop the bleeding!"

This old man cannot die.

As soon as Cheng Qianfan got out of the car, he heard a gunshot.

His heart skipped a beat, his expression changed, and he looked in the direction of the gunfire.

There were two more snaps.

He saw Lao Liao falling from the gunshot.

Passengers who got off the bus were in chaos, and the crowd scrambled to escape.

Cheng Qianfan hid in the crowd and took advantage of the crowd's cover to look over.

In the gap between the people, his eyes met Lao Liao lying on the ground.

A secret agent was holding Lao Liao's chest firmly, trying to stop the flowing blood.

Cheng Qianfan's eyes turned red.

Lao Liao's body twitched, and he used his last strength to turn his head away from looking there. When he turned his head, there was a smile in the corners of his old eyes.

Wang Kangnian's heart moved and he raised his eyes to look over.

But all I saw were ordinary people in chaos.

No suspicious persons were found.

Cheng Qianfan quickly turned around and hid himself among the fleeing citizens.

He walked quickly and bent slightly to protect the bottle of wine in his hand, as if the bottle of wine was Lao Liao lying on the ground bleeding all over the ground.

Not far behind him, Lao Liao was lying there quietly.

His old body lay beside the black and white platform steps, just like the white mountains and black waters of his hometown.

The blood is flowing and the rice wine flowing from the broken wine bottle is converging...

There was a smile on Lao Liao's face, as if he was saying: Old ladies and children, I have completed my mission and I am here to find you.

"What a shame!" Ding Naifei quickly touched all over Lao Liao's body and spat at the body, "This old man deceived us, he doesn't have a gun!"

When Wang Kangnian heard this, his face became more and more gloomy.

The old man's move was to trick the action team members into shooting.

He is seeking death!

This man is willing to risk his own life to protect the people he interacts with.

This only shows that the person he protects is very, very important.

Such a big fish was missed like this. Wang Kangnian was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

He turned around and slapped Ding Naifei.



The patrolmen in the French Concession were blowing their whistles and arrived belatedly.

"Team leader, the patrol is here." An action team member said anxiously.

The Party Affairs Investigation Office has no right to enforce the law in the French Concession, especially when guns were used this time, and the matter became serious.

If caught by a patrolman, the Frenchman would be happy to show them off.

Wang Kangnian was filled with grief and anger. His country's territory was occupied by ghosts, euphemistically called it a lease. It was really a shame for the soldiers of the party and the country.

Wang Kangnian first glanced at a team member in the corner, who had a camera hanging around his neck, and nodded to him.

Wang Kangnian breathed a sigh of relief, gritted his teeth and spat out one word, "Withdraw!"

A car braked suddenly and stopped.

Wang Kangnian led the team member into the car quickly, and the driver immediately stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

The rest of the team members, led by Ding Naifei, fled in all directions and disappeared into complex alleys of all sizes.

Lu Dazhang, the patrol chief of Xiafei Road, ran over with several patrol officers, took a look at the body on the ground, muttered a curse, and arranged for someone to carry the body.

The crowd that had just fled gathered again. People were either watching numbly, some showed unbearable expressions, and some were pointing and talking...

Cheng Qianfan was holding the wine with a calm face.

He went to Wan Zhenxing braised vegetable restaurant and bought Wan's pig's trotters, fat and oily pig head meat.

After wandering around, I bought another roast chicken, half a pound of stinky tofu, roasted edamame beans, and two pounds of pan-fried chicken.

I bought some salt-fried peanuts and pickles.

"An Fuli." Cheng Qianfan waved and got into a rickshaw.

The rickshaw shuttles through the most prosperous downtown area of ​​the French Concession, with modern girls wearing cheongsam and swaying handbags on their wrists.

Old Koehler, wearing a top hat, set up an easel, and beside him stood a little girl with adoring eyes.

The colorful Shanghai, with its singing and dancing birds, was now black and white in Cheng Qianfan's eyes.

The rickshaw driver ran hard, sweat dripping from the cold weather.

Cheng Qianfan also had tears on his cheeks.

Pulling down his hat to cover his sad eyes - Cheng Qianfan wiped his face, smiled, and hummed a tune, the tune was cheerful.

He couldn't let anyone notice his sadness...

This chapter has been completed!
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