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Chapter 303 Cao Yu Incident (please vote for me)

 Two days later.

Araki Harima reported to Sanbonjiro the progress of the secret arrest of Cao Yu.

"What? The person is missing?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"Yes." Araki Harima said, "Cao Yu has not gone to work for two days and is not at home."

Sanbonjiro thought for a while, then waved his hand helplessly, "Continue to monitor the place where you work and your home. Once they appear, wait for an opportunity to take action."

Although the Japanese have been operating in Shanghai for a long time and have considerable influence, Shanghai is not a Japanese-occupied area after all, and they are not yet able to use their arms and do whatever they want.


Mailan District.

This is a slightly dilapidated house.

Cao Yu looked depressed, and he was frightened when there was a slight disturbance outside.

The night before yesterday, two comrades from the organization came to his home.

"Comrade Cao Yu, please come with us and move quickly."

"What happened?" Cao Yu asked in surprise.

"There is a traitor in the Student Working Committee. You have been exposed now and must be transferred immediately."

When he heard this, Cao Yu, who had a ghost in his heart, was startled. He almost subconsciously thought that the other party was calling him a traitor.

Then I realized that it was the student-working committee who had discovered "other" traitors and was now notifying him of an urgent transfer.

Cao Yu didn't want to transfer.

He has helped the Party Affairs Investigation Department to target the big fish "fish intestines". "After finishing this vote," he can return to the team and enjoy the glory and wealth.

However, he had no choice.

The transfer is an organizational decision and individuals must comply.

Unless he resists.

However, this exposed him in advance as an agent of the Kuomintang.

The most important thing is that Cao Yu recognized that one of the comrades who led him to transfer was the traffic officer next to Zhou Hongsu. This man was a member of the Red Party armed forces in eastern Zhejiang and was very skilled.

He can't beat it.

In this way, Cao Yu followed the two of them and left home.

And he was suddenly knocked unconscious in the middle, and when he woke up, he was already here.

The moment he woke up, Cao Yu realized that he had been exposed.

To confirm this, he shouted, "Comrades, what's going on?"

"Agent Dog, if I yell one more time, I'll beat you to death." A stern scolding came from outside.

Then, Cao Yu obeyed and shut up.

He had been detained for almost two days. Except for two sesame seed cakes and a bowl of water given to him during meals, no one paid any attention to him at other times.

This made Cao Yu even more scared.

Thinking of the cruel ways the Red Party used to treat traitors, the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. His emotions almost collapsed. He did not dare to shout loudly for fear of arousing the anger of the guards. He lay on the ground, faced the door and shouted in a low voice:

"I'm not a traitor. I'm from the Party Affairs Investigation Department. I broke into your ranks. I'm not a traitor."

"I am a member of the national government, and now I am cooperating with Guohong. You can't kill me."

In fact, there is great controversy within the Red Party over how to deal with Cao Yu.

Cao Yu's superior, Comrade Zhou Hongsu, insisted on the organization's execution of Cao Yu and showed no mercy to traitors.

However, some comrades expressed opposition, believing that now is the period of the National Red Cooperation Negotiation Period, and people should not kill people easily, otherwise it may affect the National Red Negotiations.

This comrade's views aroused criticism from many comrades. Zhou Hongsu was very angry and even directly criticized his old comrade for being capitulationist and betraying the revolution.

Wang Jun put forward another point of view. He advocated a dialectical view of this matter:

If Cao Yu is a traitor within our party, then he must be punished;

If Cao Yu is an enemy who has infiltrated our party and is a Kuomintang agent himself, then this matter needs to be done with caution.

"Comrade Wang Jun is more thoughtful," Peng Yuou said.

"Two months ago, through negotiations, the Kuomintang released many of our comrades."

"In this case, if it is indeed proven that Cao Yu himself is a Kuomintang agent, we really cannot kill him."

"Killing Cao Yu may anger the enemy, and at the same time it will also bring security risks to the comrades who are still detained by the enemy. The enemy may use this as an excuse to kill our comrades in anger. We have to guard against this.


Peng Yuou shared his views.

After discussion, everyone finally chose to accept the plan proposed by Peng Yuou and Wang Jun.

Of course, another reason why I agreed to this plan was that Cao Yu did not cause too much harm to the organization.

Yes, although Cao Yu's original intention was to "do something big" and his target was directly at the top leadership of the Red Party in Shanghai, and his intentions were more vicious, but objectively speaking, it was precisely because of this reason that this person did not

pose any substantial threat to the Red Party.

For more than a year, Cao Yu may not have caused any losses to our party. This is indeed something that no one expected.

Therefore, it is necessary to find out whether Cao Yu first joined the Red Party and then betrayed the revolution, or whether he infiltrated our party as a Kuomintang agent.

Soon, the comrade guarding Cao Yu reported to the organization:

Cao Yu took the initiative to confess that he was an agent of the Kuomintang party who had penetrated into our party.

After hearing the news, Zhou Hongsu rushed to the guard point in person and interrogated Cao Yu.

When did this person join the Kuomintang?

In what way did he get close to our party and finally successfully penetrated into our party?

What information did Cao Yu provide to Kuomintang agents?

When the interrogation ended, Zhou Hongsu was angry, shocked, and grateful.

What makes him angry is that Cao Yu used his admiration to move closer to the organization and eventually infiltrated our party.

What is shocking is that after Cao Yu broke into our party, he actually did not pass any information to the Party Affairs Investigation Office.

The other party's superior is Wang Kangnian, leader of the third team of the Action Unit of the Party Affairs Investigation Division. This person has only one task for Cao Yu, and that is to capture information about the top leaders of the Red Party in Shanghai. For the sake of safety, there is no need to report anything else.

This also makes Zhou Hongsu very happy. If Cao Yu, who he joined the party, had caused harm to our party and caused sacrifices and harm to comrades, he would never be able to forgive himself and would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Things are clear.

Senior leaders of the Red Party in Shanghai met again to discuss how to deal with the Kuomintang spy Cao Yu incident.

Peng and Ou made a suggestion for everyone to discuss.

His advice is:

Although Cao Yu keeps saying that he has not provided Wang Kangnian with information about the comrades he knows, we cannot completely believe it.

At the moment, the national red negotiations are underway and are nearing completion.

The headquarters has ordered that our party in the areas governed by the Kuomintang can, based on the actual situation, proactively arrange for some comrades to publicly reveal their identities and openly participate in the fight against Japan and national salvation as members of the Red Party.

This is also the new work situation and requirements under the situation of national unity in the war of resistance.

Therefore, Peng Yuou's proposal is that these comrades, including Comrade Zhou Hongsu, who are known to Cao Yu, take the initiative to expose themselves and openly act as members of the Red Party.

"I agree!" Zhou Hongsu was the first to raise his hand in agreement.

He doesn't want to leave Shanghai.

If the original plan was followed, he would need to be transferred out of Shanghai for safety reasons.

"I don't agree." Some comrades objected, "How can we ensure that the Kuomintang will not attack comrades of our party who take the initiative to expose themselves?"

This chapter has been completed!
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