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Chapter 330 Sanbonjiro’s major discovery

 Cheng Qianfan's surprised expression, in Sanbonjiro's eyes, was naturally understood to mean that the other party was shocked by his sophisticated strategy.

"Section Chief, your method is a wonderful one. My subordinates racked their brains and couldn't come up with such a sophisticated strategy." Cheng Qianfan looked in admiration.

However, he paused and frowned.

"What's wrong?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"Will Liu Bo agree to this arrangement?" Cheng Qianfan asked, "Will he realize that we suspect him?"

"He will agree to this arrangement. If he doesn't agree, it means he has something up his sleeve." Sanbonjiro snorted coldly, "Our initial goal is to obtain evidence that Liu Bo betrayed the empire."

Cheng Qianfan was thinking.

Sanbonjiro's plan was very direct and crude, but it was also the most suitable. Regardless of whether Liu Bo realized that he was under suspicion or not, he refused the arrangement of the special high school course. This is one of the evidences of crime:

The refusal of an agent to order is of a very serious nature and is almost tantamount to treason.

If Liu Bo obeys the arrangement, Sanbonjiro can take a long-term approach to catch big fish.


Cheng Qianfan suddenly thought that perhaps Sanbonjiro's words could have a deeper interpretation.

No matter whether Seto Uchigawa really "betrayed the empire", as long as Seto Uchigawa obeys the arrangement and infiltrates the National Government Party Affairs Investigation Office as a "fish intestine", then——

If necessary, Sanbonjiro can label Seto Uchigawa and accuse him of "betraying the empire" at any time.

In a word, if Sanbonjiro admits that Seto Uchigawa's "new lurking" operation is his order, then Seto Uchigawa is a loyal hidden agent of the empire. If Sanbonjiro turns his back and refuses to admit this, then Seto Uchigawa will

He is a traitor.

Whether Liu Bo is a human or a ghost, everything is under the control of Sanbonjiro.

Cheng Qianfan looked at Sanbonjiro and nodded respectfully, "I understand, section chief. Everything is under your control."

Sanbonjiro walked back behind the desk and took out a document from the bookcase.

"Of course, Liu Bo will not show that he is actually the real 'Yuchang' and has betrayed the empire. Naturally, there will be no information about the Red Party to provide to the Chinese government. Therefore, we have to give

Yuchang' provides information in this regard." Sanbonjiro handed the document to Cheng Qianfan.

"Is this the information we have about the Red Party?" Cheng Qianfan took the document and asked first without opening it.

"This is Cao Yu's confession." Sanbonjiro said.

Cheng Qianfan understood and nodded, but then he put the document back on Sanbonjiro's desk.

"Why don't you look?" Sanbonjiro asked in surprise.

"Section Chief, the national government is extremely vigilant about anyone and anything involving the Red Party. My subordinates have tried their best to avoid contact with Liu Bo, the Red Party. Therefore, I have considered it again and again. I am not going to visit Liu Bo in prison. It is appropriate to implement this plan."

Candidate." Cheng Qianfan said frankly.

Hearing this, Sanbonjiro looked at Kentaro Miyazaki with an appreciative expression and nodded, "Miyazaki-kun, that's good. Caution is the best protective color for an agent!"

Cheng Qianfan looked happy when he heard the compliment.

"It's all taught well by the head teacher," he said.

Sanbonjiro laughed loudly. This Miyazaki is really a lovable young man. Every time he talks about work with Kentaro Miyazaki, he feels happy both physically and mentally.

After leaving the extra-high school course, Cheng Qianfan walked through two alleys before hailing a rickshaw.

He threw his body on the rickshaw.


He is very tired.

To fight against a veteran Japanese special leader like Sanbonjiro, he must be alert every second.

Every word spoken, every action, and every expression must be given the most appropriate response at the first possible moment.

Every time he stepped into the threshold of the extra-high-level class, he kept telling himself deep in his heart that he was Kentaro Miyazaki, pretending to be Cheng Qianfan's Kentaro Miyazaki!

Now, after leaving the Special High School, he tore off Kentaro Miyazaki's coat and became the Red Party's ace agent "Flame". This is his true and only identity.

Just now, I learned from Sanbonjiro that the document was information about the Red Party.

Cheng Qianfan was extremely shocked and worried.

However, his facial expressions and words must show less enthusiasm.

At that time, Cheng Qianfan had already sounded the alarm bell deep in his heart and was on high alert.

If this information is really important, he must get it, that is, accept the arrangements for this operation ordered by Sanbonjiro.

However, this is not in line with Kentaro Miyazaki's recent behavior of avoiding suspicion and staying away from Liu Bo.

At the same time, Cheng Qianfan's bag contained military information about the Japanese army's cotton mill. If he opened the bag and put this document in, what if Sanbonjiro suddenly asked out of curiosity, 'What document is inside?'

Perhaps, all he can do is to answer a multiple-choice question:

He first killed Sanbonjiro and then committed suicide to sacrifice his country.

Or just kill yourself first.

He has too many secrets and top-secret information, and he must not let himself fall into the hands of the enemy alive.

It's not whether he has confidence in whether he can survive the torture.

It was because he had confidence in himself and believed that he would not betray the revolution and fall into the hands of the enemy. Sooner or later he would die. Instead of being tortured and sacrificed, it was better to give himself a happy life.

Fortunately, Sanbonjiro then revealed that it was Cao Yu's confession, which made Cheng Qianfan relieved.

Cao Yu's confession is no longer crucial to the Red Party. As long as the Red Party evacuates all comrades Cao Yu may know and have contact with, it is the safest measure.

Therefore, he immediately and decisively explained the situation to Sanbonjiro, stating that he was not the right person to visit Liu Bo in prison, and showed an attitude of avoiding the red party information.

He didn't know if this was another habitual temptation from Sanbonjiro.

His response may make Sanbonjiro trust him even more.

Extraordinary courses.

After Cheng Qianfan left, Sanbonjiro stood thinking in front of a wall. On the wall hung a military map of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

However, what he was thinking about was not military issues, but still related to the Setouchi River.

The murder of Kazuo Aoda made Yingzuo Zhenzhao very angry.

Kage Sasaki called Sanbonjiro over and said some unpleasant words.

Kazuo Aoda was a chess piece laid out by Sadaaki Kage. He questioned Sanbonjiro. Why and Kazuo Aoda were safe in his hands, but something went wrong in the hands of Sanbonjiro.

Kage Sasaki's attack made Sanbonjiro extremely dissatisfied.

At this time, he thought of the Setouchi River.

In other words, he is suspicious of Seto Uchigawa:

If Seto Uchigawa is the one who betrayed the empire and leaked information, then all doubts can be explained.

The most important thing is, if Seto Uchigawa is the Red Party Special Branch’s ace agent ‘Yishang’, then——

The murder of Kazuo Aoda was due to the treason and betrayal of Setouchi River;

The Setouchi River is ‘fish intestine’;

'Yuchang' is the Red Party's ace agent - intelligence shows that the codename 'Yuchang' appeared at least five years ago;

This also means that Seto Uchigawa has been treason for at least five years.

Who was in charge of the Setouchi River five years ago?

It’s Kage Sasaki:

Starting from the third year of the Showa era, Kage Sasaki began to work at the Consulate General in Shanghai. At that time, Seto Uchigawa began to be led by Kage Sasaki.

Later, Setouchi River was assigned to the hands of Kage Sa Eichi by Kage Sasayaki, and was directly under the leadership of Kage Sa Eiichi.

So, who is most fundamentally responsible for the murder of Kazuo Aoda?

Sanbonjiro showed a smile.

In his heart, he even began to long for everything to be as he expected. Seto Uchigawa was a "fish intestine" and a traitor who betrayed the empire.

Suddenly, Sanbonjiro's expression became solemn, and he thought of one thing——

The direct reason why he was able to be transferred to Shanghai and serve as the senior leader of the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course was the murder of Ying Zuo Yingyi, the 'successor' trained by Ying Zuo Zhenzhao.

At this time, Sanbonjiro suddenly thought of a possibility:

Is there anything behind the murder of Eiichi Kageza and Seto Uchigawa?

Although Ying Zuoying was most likely killed by the National Secret Service, this does not seem to have anything to do with the Red Party.

However, if this guess is wrong, what if the real culprit behind the murder of Eiichi Kage is the Red Party?

Perhaps it was Eiichi Kage who discovered that Seto Uchigawa had betrayed the empire and was the "fish intestine" of the Red Party, so the Red Party took action decisively and got rid of Eiichi Kage.

Or maybe Yingzuo Yingyi discovered an important target of the Red Party, and after learning about it, Yuchang planned to get rid of Yingzuo Yingyi in order to protect this important figure of the Red Party?

This chapter has been completed!
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