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Chapter 389 Intelligence Feedback

"Once Su Zhikang makes any unusual movements, send a signal immediately." Cheng Qianfan said.


Cheng Qianfan looked at Zhuo Yun and said, "When you see Haozi's signal, you immediately take action. No one on the list will be left behind."

"Understood." Zhuo Yun nodded.

Cheng Qianfan looked at Li Hao again, "Is Hua Zhiquan ready?"

"The truck has been inspected, is in good condition, and has a full tank of gasoline," Li Hao said.

"Very good." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "Two Czech light machine guns, prepare more grenades. In addition, arrange two brothers, one is responsible for throwing grenades, and the other is dedicated to reloading them."

Hua Zhiquan has excellent driving skills, and Suo Zhijie is from the Northeast Army and is good at shooting light machine guns.

This is a preparatory plan for emergency evacuation.

Li Hao drove Cheng Qianfan home.

"Brother Fan, isn't the 903 warehouse our own warehouse?" Li Hao asked.

Li Hao was naturally aware of the relationship between Baffin and Brother Fan's trading firm.

"Haozi, if you don't know about this, what should we do if someone robs our goods?" Cheng Qianfan did not answer him, but asked slowly.

"Kill them." Li Hao gritted his teeth and said.

"Isn't that right?" Cheng Qianfan said with a smile, stroking his hands.

Grab your own warehouse.

Cheng Qianfan will not suffer any loss, and Baffin Matheson dare not not compensate him.

At the same time, they used the side door of Baffin's warehouse to raid the Japanese warehouse.

This is a plan that kills two birds with one stone.

On the surface, this is indeed the case.

In reality?

Cheng Qianfan's current sphere of influence is mainly in the central area of ​​the French Concession. He has always wanted to further expand his underground influence, and his top priority is to get involved in the Mailan District.


Mailan District and the Eastern District border the old county seat and are across the river from the rest of the Chinese border. They are important checkpoints for communication with the Chinese border.

Once Shanghai falls and the Chinese border becomes an occupied area occupied by the Japanese, the important role of Mailan District and East District will become even more prominent.

Among them, Mailan District borders the old county town of Shanghai, faces the Chinese border across the river, is connected to Xiafei District and East District, and is also connected to the British and American Public Settlement.

In addition, Pier 2 area is in Mailan District.

Once Shanghai fell, the most important communication channel between the concession and the outside world was water transportation.

This is particularly important.

Therefore, in Cheng Qianfan's eyes, Mailan District is too important in the increasingly severe struggle situation in the future.

His goods were robbed at the wharf in Mailan District.

Neither Cheng Qianfan nor Peter will give up.

This incident will become an excuse for Inspector Xiao Cheng's forces to infiltrate into Mailan District.

This is the third strategy of killing three birds with one stone.

In addition, there is a fourth plan of four birds at once...

"Drive carefully on the road." Cheng Qianfan got out of the car and warned Li Hao.

"Brother Fan, do you want me to take you to your door?" Li Hao asked.

"No need, it's a matter of two steps." Cheng Qianfan said.

He stood on the roadside, lit a cigarette, watched Li Hao drive away, took a deep breath of cigarette, but was choked and coughed repeatedly.

Cheng Qianfan's home is in Yandeli, and his current location is Laisangu Lane.

Walk a few dozen steps ahead from Sangu Lane and turn into Yandeli.

The time now is 9:15, every house has basically turned off the lights, and everything is quiet.

Cheng Qianfan was walking leisurely in Laisangu Lane.

He glanced seemingly casually at Lai Sangu No. 11, who was a dozen or so steps ahead.

This is a house next to a garbage dump. It exudes an unpleasant stench in the summer, and citizens passing by want to completely block their mouths and noses.

There was a war in Shanghai, and the landlord Feng Asan took his mother-in-law to Nanjing, so the house was temporarily vacant.

Passing by the door of this house, Cheng Qianfan looked around cautiously, picked up the brass lock of the door and touched it, he frowned.

With a twist, the copper lock opened. Cheng Qianfan shook his head, and a wire appeared in his palm. After fidgeting twice, he locked the copper lock.

Then, he continued walking for more than 20 steps as if nothing had happened, turned into Yandeli, and knocked on his door.

At this moment, the lights came on at the neighbor's house next door.

"Why are you drinking so much again?" Bai Ruolan complained softly.

"It's just socializing." Cheng Qianfan yawned and said.

The door was quickly closed.

Cheng Qianfan winked at his wife, meaning to praise her reaction.

"Is Xiaobao feeling better?" Cheng Qianfan asked softly.

Baby has a cold.

"The fever is gone." Bai Ruolan poured her husband a glass of cold water. "During dinner, my daughter kept saying that you haven't been home for several days."

"Try your best tomorrow, try your best." Cheng Qianfan drank half a glass of water, said with a smile, kissed his wife's forehead, and pointed to his study room on the second floor, "I want to go out for a while."

"Be careful." Bai Ruolan said softly, trying not to let Cheng Qianfan see the worry in her eyes.

"I understand." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile.

Watching her husband go up the stairs, her steps were gentle so as not to wake Xiaobao up. Soon, she heard the sound of the study door opening and closing gently.

Bai Ruolan's delicate and beautiful face showed a hint of worry.

She put away the teacup on the table, thought for a moment and took out a small wine pot from the cupboard, filled the wine bucket with rice wine, prepared a stack of salt-fried peanuts, and went up to the study room on the second floor.

Cheng Qianfan is no longer in the study.

The cat lay on Cheng Qianfan's bed, lazily looked up at the hostess, seemed to yawn, and continued to sleep.

Bai Ruolan pursed her lips and smiled, placing the wine bottle and peanuts on the desk.

Close the door and leave.

There was no smell of alcohol on her husband's body. She just said out of desperation that Cheng Qianfan was drinking. This loophole needed to be filled.

Cheng Qianfan climbed out of the second-floor window.

With a few dexterous movements, he climbed over and fell gently, disappearing into the night.

A few minutes later.

Arriving at the back door of No. 11 Lai Sangu Lane, Cheng Qianfan took a running start and climbed up to the second floor lightly.

He did not move immediately, but waited for half a minute before ducking to the second floor and gently knocking on the window.

The curtains are opened.

Peng, Ou and Cheng Qianfan looked at each other through the window.

The window is open.

Cheng Qianfan climbed through the window and entered the house.

Peng and Ou put away the Webres Corto revolver they were carrying.

The two people didn't turn on the lights, so they talked in the dark.

"The target is determined to be the 903 warehouse of Mitsubishi Corporation at Mailan Pier." Cheng Qianfan said.

He briefly introduced the action plan.

"Enter through Baffin & Co.'s warehouse, and then seize Mitsubishi's warehouse by surprise."

"Isn't Baffin and Co. the same company as Peter's father-in-law?" Peng Yuou asked in surprise.

Peng and Ou were shocked to hear that Cheng Qianfan had arranged to rob their warehouse.

"That's right." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "That's exactly what I want to say."

"In the cargo hold of Baffin Company, there are medicines, a large amount of medical sanitary napkins, gauze, bandages, straps, and medical alcohol. In addition, there are military uniforms, military boots, blankets, compressed biscuits, cans, and military kettles from two Annan infantry battalions.

Wait for the equipment."

Every time Cheng Qianfan said something, Peng and Ou's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"The other part is red wine and cigarettes." Cheng Qianfan continued.

"Following my instructions, my men will move and hide the supplies as much as possible. Of course, some of the medicines and medical supplies will be transported to the nearest shore to support the national army." Cheng Qianfan said.

"Medicines and other supplies can be transported away part of the way. The military equipment of the Annan Infantry Battalion is not used by the national army." Cheng Qianfan said, "This can be transported away during the chaos."

Among the coolies and transport fishermen found by Jiang Mulezi, Peng and Ou will arrange for their own people to infiltrate them and take advantage of the chaos to transport some supplies:

Because the purpose of this operation is not actually to seize a lot of supplies for our own use. Because the matter is urgent, a considerable part of the supplies will inevitably be burned and destroyed because there is no time to transport them.

Therefore, no one can find out which materials were transported and which were burned. This is a good opportunity for our personnel to fish in troubled waters.

"That's great." Peng Yuou happily held Cheng Qianfan's hands, "Comrade Huo Miao, on behalf of the comrades in the team, thank you."

He has had a lot of contact with 'Mr. Miao' these past two days.

"Mr. Miao" told how the comrades in the guerrilla zone in southern Zhejiang fought resolutely and bravely against the enemy under difficult conditions.

Peng and Ou were also deeply shocked and moved by the hardships of the comrades in the guerrilla zone in southern Zhejiang.

The enemy formed a "clearance and suppression" team with battalions and companies as units. They set out into the mountains every morning to "copy and suppress" and returned to their base in the evening.

The enemy will use methods such as "listening to noises, watching fireworks, and following footprints" to search for the guerrillas, and will send plainclothes detectives to disguise themselves as red troops, or go to the mountains and forests to ambush the guerrillas, or go to villages to harass the people, destroying the red guerrillas and the people.

flesh-and-blood connection.

In addition, and most importantly, the enemy implemented an economic blockade to cut off the red guerrillas' sources of supplies.

Restrict people from purchasing grain, oil, salt and other daily necessities.

Some items, such as cloth, rubber shoes, batteries, etc., were strictly controlled and people were not allowed to transport them into the mountains. Once discovered, the whole family would be executed for "collaborating with bandits" or "helping bandits."

In order to cooperate with the military "suppression", the Nationalist Government specially promulgated the "Regulations on the Compilation and Inspection of Baojia Household Registration in Counties in the Bandit Suppression Areas".

It is stipulated that every county and village in the "bandit suppression front" shall be organized into Baojia in the form of ten households as one A, ten A's as one guarantee, and five guarantees as one joint guarantee, and the joint guarantee method shall be implemented.

That is, if one household is found to be "complicit in bandits", ten families will be implicated, and all the families will be executed.

Men between the ages of 18 and 45 in Baojia were organized into the "Red Redemption Volunteer Team" to closely monitor and control the actions of the masses.

Due to the long-term military "clean-up" and strict economic blockade by the Kuomintang army, the life of the red guerrillas was extremely difficult, especially after the 24th year of the Republic of China, they entered the most difficult stage.

The guerrillas built bamboo shacks, cedar bark shacks and thatch shacks to live in the deep mountains.

More than a dozen people were crowded into a large bunk bed, with an average of five or six people having only one ragged blanket, and everyone took turns using it.

After the Nationalist Government implemented the resettlement and merging of villages, the guerrillas had no food and had to eat wild fruits, vegetables, and bamboo shoots to satisfy their hunger.

The guerrillas lived in the open, sleeping day and night, almost living like savages.

Under such extremely bad circumstances, the people still took risks and secretly supported the red team.

The masses buried their own rations, salt and other daily supplies, marked them, and left them with their relatives and guerrillas.

The masses put rice, salt, and qingsou in bamboo poles, and while they were going up the mountain to chop firewood, they left it with the red guerrillas, and they put on freshly cut bamboo poles to carry firewood down the mountain.

However, the national army later discovered the secret and once issued an order. If they saw people going deep into suspicious areas to chop firewood, 'but if they have any suspicion, they can be shot without asking for permission to act as bandits.'

In order to avoid being discovered by the enemy, the red guerrillas did not dare to make fires to cook in severe cold weather. They ate raw wheat bran, tree bark, and drank sewage. Their military uniforms were in tatters and could not keep out the cold. Ordinary colds and colds could lead to the sacrifice of soldiers.

Red commanders and fighters, the soldiers had no shoes to wear and walked barefoot. The enemy deliberately threw nails soaked in fecal water in the area where the red guerrillas were. The soles of the soldiers' feet were pierced by these nails. In order to avoid being exposed, they could only endure the pain and screamed.

Without saying a word, they gritted their teeth and moved forward step by step. Some soldiers fell down as they walked and died silently.

In the eyes of Peng and Ou, the military equipment of these three Annan infantry battalions is the precious lives of countless soldiers!

"These materials and equipment, especially military uniforms, must be handled properly to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of the pictures..." Cheng Qianfan said.

Peng Yuou interrupted Cheng Qianfan, "Don't worry, the guerrilla comrades have experience in handling these."

"As for the 'China Treasure Island Guizong Society' you reported last time, the organization has conducted an investigation." Peng Yuou said.

"Have you found any clues?" Cheng Qianfan asked immediately.

A few days ago, Cheng Qianfan reported to Peng Yuou through the dead mailbox about the situation of the "China Treasure Island Guizong Society" and requested the organization to conduct relevant investigations to try to contact these patriots.

"We have found no information about the Lin Zhen you reported." Peng Yuou said, "However, we have some clues about the comrade of Zheng Qingshui who died in Keelung as you mentioned."

Peng Yuou recounted some of the information he had.

During the first cooperation between Guohong, students from Guangdong Sun Yat-sen University and other Baodao formed the "Guangdong Baodao Revolutionary Youth League" and published a "Message to Chinese Compatriots".

Appeal: "Taiwan is China's Taiwan, the nation is China's nation, and the land is China's land."

After the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup, some members of the regiment returned to Baodao to participate in the anti-Japanese activities led by our party.

"In the 22nd year of the Republic of China, Comrade Feng Huiqi of our party was captured and sacrificed by the Japanese army in Baodao. Comrade Feng was sent by our Shanghai party organization to Baodao to organize the anti-Japanese struggle. Baodao anti-Japanese comrades including Zheng Qingshui

, many people have been influenced by Comrade Feng’s patriotic thoughts.”

"The comrade of Zheng Qingshui you mentioned is currently hiding in Shanghai. There is a preliminary guess in the organization." Peng Yuou said.

"Comrade Feng and his wife were arrested at the same time and killed by the Japanese invaders. At that time, news came out that Comrade Feng's brother-in-law escaped. Later, there was no news about this person." Peng Yuou said, "Combining the information you provided

, this person is probably the person you are talking about."

This chapter has been completed!
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