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Chapter 405 Night of Gunfire

"Team leader, a patrol team has arrived." Ahu, who was in charge of security, ran over and reported to Lu Xingge.

"Go and have a look." Lu Xingge left with a few agents.

Two minutes later, Lu Xingge returned and reported the situation to Zheng Lijun.

"Patrol, how many people are there?"

"About 20, he looks like a red-headed Asan." Lu Xinge said, "It should have been attracted by the sound of saws and chains."

At this moment, there was a burst of cheers, and both iron locks were cut open by hacksaws.

"Xing Ge, you lead people to block the red-headed Asan, and you must buy enough time for the brothers to carry the supplies."

"Yes." Lu Xingge saluted and led his men to greet him.

"Platoon Leader Cao, once the gunshots are fired, the patrol room will definitely send people to reinforce. Let's act according to the predetermined plan." Zheng Lijun found the National Games Platoon Leader who was accompanying the team and said.

"Captain Zheng, don't worry, unless all our troops are killed, the enemy will not break through our defense line." Platoon leader Cao said with a firm expression. Before he led the team to set off, he received the order to go up the peak.

Action Suicide Squad.

Ahmedabad led his men and marched here and there.

These people were all drunk.

When he heard his subordinates reported that there was a strange noise in the warehouse of the Japanese Sanyou Trading Company, he originally did not intend to come over. However, he thought of the benefits that the Japanese had given him in private. The most important thing was that Ahmedabad thought of the benefits that the Japanese had given him.

My Korean woman hesitated again and again, but still led the team to take a look.

As I approached the warehouse, I heard a noise coming from inside.

There was a drumbeat in Ahmedabad's heart. It seemed that there were quite a few thieves coming to steal the warehouse.

However, after looking at the more than 20 men with guns and live ammunition, he became more courageous.

In the public concession, there are no thugs who dare to attack police officers, but there have never been any thugs who dared to attack a group of heavily armed police officers.

"Guys, here's your chance to make money." Ahmedabad shouted to his men, "Catch these thieves, and the Japanese will reward you heavily."

These words caused a group of men to cheer.

At this moment, gunfire broke out.

Ahmedabad was so frightened that he lay on the ground. He turned around and saw that seven or eight of his men had been knocked down. The surviving men were panicking. The smart ones were lying on the ground, and there were still flies with no heads.

Usually running around and screaming in fear.

"Enemy attack!"


"Run quickly."

"Get down, get down," Ahmedabad shouted in panic.

Before he finished speaking, another burst of gunfire rang out, and several more of his men who were running in panic were shot dead.

"Fight back! Fight back!"

The surviving red-headed Asan fought back in panic. The gunshots were sparse and had no aim at all.

At the same time, some patrolmen blew their whistles in a hurry, and some shrill whistles sounded.

With continuous gunfire, whistles sounded and lights near the pier came on.

Cheng Qianfan set up the binoculars with both hands and looked at a patrol post three miles away from the pier. He saw that the lights of the post were bright and patrol officers were gathering.

He shook his head.

Shanghai Station's response was wrong.

The red-headed Ah Sans were the strong ones, and they were all terrified of death. There was no need to shoot just now. He only had to let the red-headed Ahsans into the encirclement, then directly surround them with guns, and then shout. He was 80% sure that these red-headed Ahsans would behave well.


In view of the Japanese bombing of Xianshi Department Store during the day and the chaos in the market, patrols and alerts were also stepped up in the public concession.

A fierce gun battle broke out at the East District Pier, which immediately triggered a violent response from the entire East District patrol room.

Soon, the sound of trucks was heard, and a large number of patrol officers rushed over, and a fierce exchange of fire broke out with the Shanghai Station blockers and national army soldiers.

Cheng Qianfan observed for a while. After all, patrols were only local security forces. Both their marksmanship and fighting will were incomparable to agents and national soldiers. They were suppressed in the line of fire and could not move at all.

However, Cheng Qianfan did not relax. On the contrary, he frowned.

He heard the sound of a military truck approaching, looked through his binoculars, and saw an armored convoy behind the military truck.

Different from the so-called "armored convoy" that uses military cards in the patrol room, this is a real armored convoy.

Two light tanks roared.

The armed personnel in the tanks and military cards are not patrols, but the paramilitary armed merchant corps of all nations in the concession. This merchant corps of nations was born during the era of the Taiping Rebellion in the former Qing Dynasty and was the real military force of the concession.


The moving tank stopped and fired directly at it.


The shell flew over the defenders' position and fell into the open space behind them. The flying shrapnel caused casualties to the defenders and dock workers, causing a period of chaos.

At this moment, several windows of the houses on both sides of the road were opened, and some people rushed down with explosive bags.



After several consecutive explosions, the tank of the All Nations Merchant Group was blown up.

Cheng Qianfan gritted his teeth, knowing that this was the death squad from Shanghai Station.

Affected by the explosion, the infantry camp of the Wanguo Merchant Group also suffered casualties, and the offensive momentum of the concession military was curbed.

"Hurry up!"

Sheng Shuyu and Zheng Lijun loudly urged the workers to move the materials quickly.

"There are too many supplies and we can't move them all," a leading worker shouted.

"You can move as much as you can. If you can't move it all, it will blow up."

"The focus is on medicines, medical supplies, gasoline, food, and cloth." Sheng Shuyu shouted loudly.

In the panic, some workers knocked over the containers, scattering guns and ammunition on the floor.

Sheng Shuyu and Zheng Lijun looked at each other and quickly ran over to check.

Sheng Shuyu picked up a long gun, and Zheng Lijun picked up a light machine gun.

The two cursed and threw the guns on the ground.

The long and short guns are the Japanese Type 38 rifle and Nanbu pistol, and the light machine gun is the Japanese Taisho 10 light machine gun.

All are Japanese weapons and equipment.

"Ignore these weapons, just move supplies." Sheng Shuyu shouted.

It’s not that I don’t like Japanese weapons and equipment, it’s that I can’t use them at all.

The national army has its own weapons and equipment. The most important thing is that the ammunition does not match. These Japanese weapons and equipment are useless and cumbersome and take up space. They do not need to be transported. They will be blown up before leaving.

The two people left the warehouse and went to check the blocking position. The most important thing now was to block the attack of the merchant group from all over the world and buy time to move the supplies.

Not long after the two left, a group of people led by Hao Zai also sneaked in. Their target was not other supplies, but these Japanese weapons and equipment.

"Captain Zheng has ordered that these weapons be given to us." Hao Zai shouted.

However, he soon discovered that there was no need to shout. There were too many people and no one noticed them at all.

"Quick, move quickly." Hao Zai was overjoyed and shouted.

These Japanese weapons and equipment were the goal of their trip. Cheng Qianfan learned from Sakamoto Yoshino that a batch of Japanese weapons and equipment had been smuggled into the warehouse of Sanyou Trading Company. He had already been planning on purchasing this batch of Japanese weapons and equipment.

He predicted that the Shanghai Station and the National Army would have little interest in this batch of Japanese weapons and equipment, but he was interested.

The fall of Shanghai was almost inevitable, and this batch of Japanese weapons and equipment would be needed in the war behind enemy lines. In fact, in Cheng Qianfan's view, in the future war of resistance behind enemy lines, Japanese weapons and equipment were an inevitable trend in the absence of logistical support.


Under the cover of the explosion of grenades, Cheng Qianfan shot down a sharpshooter from the Wanguo Merchant Group.

Then, he quickly withdrew the muzzle of the gun from the window.

This was already the third sharpshooter from the Merchant Group of All Nations that he shot and killed.

Cheng Qianfan was very cunning. He always fired under the cover of grenades thrown by the national soldiers.

The sharpshooters were frequently shot and killed, which suppressed the attack of the merchant group from all over the world to a certain extent. The most important thing was that they could not find out where the shots were fired and became suspicious.

There were even soldiers from the merchant corps of all nations who began to subconsciously guard against Hua Qiu who was not far away.

They suspected that a patrolman secretly fired a black gun.

At the same time, at the Mailan District Pier, the barge transport team led by Jiang Mulezi also arrived at the terminal and began to transport Baffin Matheson's supplies.

The action team led by Qiao Chuntao also used a hacksaw to cut open the side door of Baffin & Co.'s warehouse from the inside, and rushed to Mitsubishi Corporation's warehouse with lightning speed.


There was a gunshot.

This is a seriously injured Japanese guard who successfully fired a warning shot before dying.

Qiao Chuntao's face was ashen and he ordered his men to use daggers to hit the corpses one by one.

At the same time, the middle-aged man, wearing his apprentice, took the time to use a hacksaw to cut the iron lock of the Mitsubishi warehouse.

With the sound of gunshots, Mailan District also began to become turbulent.

Inspector Su Zhikang of Maggie Road, who had just returned home, was sitting in the living room drinking tea and resting when the phone in the living room rang.

"Inspector, something happened, shots were fired at the pier."

"Send a few brothers to take a look." Su Zhikang said in a deep voice.

"It has been dispatched." The caller said. At this moment, the patrol officer on the other end of the phone shouted, "This is terrible, Inspector, something may have happened to the brothers sent out. There are constant gunshots."

In fact, Su Zhikang had already heard gunshots ringing out from all directions without reporting from his subordinates.

"Order the brothers at home to gather quickly, and I will rush over immediately." Su Zhikang said in a deep voice, "Don't act rashly without my order, or you may be ambushed."


Su Zhikang quickly put on his police uniform, checked his gun, and was about to go out.

"Zhikang!" His wife, children and servants looked at him worriedly.

"It'll be okay." Su Zhikang touched his little daughter's head, "Close the door tightly and don't go out."

As he said that, he quickly took out a revolver from the closet and handed it to his wife, "Don't be afraid, if someone breaks in, shoot."

The wife clenched the pistol with both hands and nodded tremblingly.

"Dad, don't worry, leave it to me." Not only was the eldest son not afraid, he frequently looked at the revolver in his mother's hand.

"You are the eldest of the family, protect your mother and younger brothers and sisters." Su Zhikang laughed loudly, took the pistol directly from his wife's hand, and handed it to his son.

The eldest son took the revolver with both hands and nodded vigorously.

"Remember, you are not allowed to go out. Your mission is to protect your loved ones at home." Su Zhikang warned again and again.


Su Zhikang got into the car that had started early and ordered the driver to drive.

At this time, Li Hao, who had been secretly monitoring Su Zhikang, took out a fireworks tube from his body and lit it.


Fireworks explode in the sky.

Su Zhikang glanced at the fireworks blooming in the sky behind him, and his expression changed.

"Drive faster."


We had just exited the alley and were slowing down to turn when a few people suddenly appeared from both sides of the road. Without saying a word, they fired volleys at the approaching cars.

The driver was frightened and turned the steering wheel so hard that the car hit a tree on the side of the road.

The gunman fired a volley and quickly disappeared into the night.

Su Zhikang struggled to climb out of the car.

He patted his head hard. His head hit the back of the front seat and bled.

"Lao Hu." Su Zhikang shouted.

"Inspector, I'm here."

Su Zhikang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the driver was still alive.

He opened the driver's door and pulled the driver out.

I turned on the flashlight and took a look.

The car tires were punctured.

Su Zhikang was silent. He immediately concluded that his home had been monitored by the other party for a long time, and the fireworks just now were the signal for the other party to notify his accomplices to take action.

However, these people left some room and did not shoot directly at anyone, but only shot the tires.

Moreover, the other party chose to shoot at the turning point of the intersection. In addition to slowing down when turning at the intersection, which makes it easier to aim the gun, there is another reason.

That is, if the speed is not high, a car accident will not be fatal.

The other party had no murderous intention towards him, but just wanted to prevent him from going to the patrol room as soon as possible. Su Zhikang immediately came to the conclusion.

This also made him feel relieved. Since the other party had no intention of killing him, he would naturally not kill his family either.

He had a vague guess about the other party's identity.

Secret Service Shanghai Station!

Su Zhikang had heard about Dai Chunfeng's secret order to rush to transport supplies to Shanghai Station. Thinking that the gun was fired first at the dock, Su Zhikang immediately made a judgment.

Su Zhikang covered his head and groaned.

"Inspector, you're injured!" The driver saw that Su Zhikang's face was covered with blood and wanted to help him, but he groaned, saying that his leg was injured.

"Mother Xi, I feel so dizzy." Su Zhikang sat on the ground and slapped his cheeks, making his hands covered with blood.

The driver also panicked, "Inspector, I'm going to call someone."

"Don't move, you don't want your legs anymore?" Su Zhikang scolded.

The driver was moved and panicked, running around in a hurry.



"Shoot, the gun on my body." Su Zhikang cursed, "Shoot and call someone."


The driver came over, tremblingly took out the gun from Su Zhikang's body, and fired several shots into the sky.

In fact, there was no need for them to fire warning shots. The round of volleys just now had already attracted the attention of the patrol officers patrolling the nearby streets. A group of patrol officers who had been notified and quickly returned to the patrol room to assemble, immediately rushed over.

Nearby is the residence of Inspector Su Zhikang. Hearing gunshots here, the patrolman did not dare to neglect.

A team of patrolmen came and saw a car crashing into a tree in the distance.

"It's the inspector's car." A voice exclaimed.


"Touer Su."

"The inspector is here." The driver yelled at the top of his lungs.

The patrolman ran over and was shocked to see Su Zhikang sitting on the ground with his face covered in blood.

"Inspector, how are you?"

"As soon as the car came out, it was ambushed. The patrol leader was injured. Send him to the hospital quickly," the driver shouted.

"Help me up." Su Zhikang struggled and said.

Two patrolmen quickly came up to hold Su Zhikang up.

"Send Lao Hu to the hospital. His leg is injured." Su Zhikang ordered.

"Inspector, what about you?"

"Go to the patrol room." Su Zhikang gritted his teeth and said.

"Inspector, why don't I take you to the hospital first?" the patrol leader said hurriedly.

"Go to the patrol room." Su Zhikang's forehead was dripping with sweat, as if he was enduring huge pain. The sweat and blood were mixed together, and his face was ferocious.


"Obey the order!" Su Zhikang roared, "The brothers were ambushed at the dock. I must go and take a look."

All the patrol officers were in awe. Two patrol officers sent the driver, Lao Hu, to the hospital. Two patrol officers carried Su Zhikang on their shoulders. Everyone moved towards the patrol room on Maggie Road. However, because there were injured people, the progress was very slow.

Halfway through the journey, the two patrolmen carrying Su Zhikang suddenly realized that the patrolman had no voice.


The policemen hurriedly came to check, but found that Su Zhikang had passed out.

"Brother Hong." The policemen hurriedly looked at the leading police officer, Lao Hong.

Lao Hong looked at the fainted patrolman and listened again. There were fierce gunfire from the direction of the dock.

He immediately said with a serious expression, "Quick, let's take the inspector to the hospital."

All the patrol officers breathed a sigh of relief and were in high spirits. They carried the unconscious Su Zhikang and headed towards the hospital.

This chapter has been completed!
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