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Chapter 428 Blue Bird’s Conspiracy (Monthly Ticket)

 Dai Chunfeng and Xue Yingzhen, who received a severe reprimand, were ordered by the Chairman to "solve the case within a time limit" and were "driven out" of the leader's official residence.

"Dai Chunfeng, it must be you who slandered me in front of the committee and deliberately tricked me!" Xue Yingzhen lowered his voice and glared at Dai Chunfeng.

"I also said it was you who got me into trouble." Dai Chunfeng patted his tunic and responded unceremoniously.

The two just stared at each other, then snorted in unison, turned around and tried to walk towards them.

After getting in the car, Dai Chunfeng saw Xue Yingzheng's car swishing away from his car, and a smile appeared on his lips.

The Lixingshe Secret Service specializes in dealing with the Japanese, and the Party Affairs Investigation Department targets the Red Party. Logically speaking, each of them performs his or her duties. Xue Yingzhen may have felt that he was unjust after receiving such a harsh criticism.

However, Dai Chunfeng did not think that he had cheated Xue Yingzhen.

The two agencies perform their respective duties, but investigating spies within the Supreme Military Council is an order given by the old man to both parties.

The most important thing is that the old man was almost in danger, and the safety of the leader comes first. In this case, do you, Xue Yingzhen, dare to say that it is none of your business?

"Drive back to Xufu Lane." Dai Chunfeng said in a deep voice.

Tired Virgo Dai rubbed his temples.

Although Xue Yingzhen helped him share the old man's anger, as a secret service agency dedicated to fighting against Japan, it was the Secret Service's unshirkable responsibility to investigate Japanese spies. If he did not uncover this spy hidden within the Supreme Military Council, his life would not be easy.


Xufu Lane.

"Is there any progress on the Blue Bird side?" Dai Chunfeng asked Qi Wu.

"'Blue Bird' previously reported that the war broke out in Shanghai and he was temporarily unable to contact Kamaga." Qi Wu said.

Dai Chunfeng frowned, feeling irritated.

However, he also knew that Cheng Qianfan could not be blamed. The traitor was in Nanjing, and Cheng Qianfan could only conduct a side investigation. Even if Cheng Qianfan had access to Kamaga, it would be extremely difficult to find any clues from there.

Moreover, Cheng Qianfan was able to report Xu Gesen's bombing by Japanese military planes as soon as possible, allowing him to report to the Chairman before Xue Yingzhen, which is a great achievement in itself.

Otherwise, it would have been him, Dai Chunfeng, who was tricked by Xue Yingzhen today.

This matter will ultimately focus on Nanjing.

"The old man is very angry." Dai Chunfeng said with a solemn expression, "What happened to Xu Gesen is really too dangerous, and it must not happen again."

He looked at Qi Wu and said, "I won't be able to sleep at night unless I get rid of this traitor."

Leader's official residence.

Chairman Chang Kaishen convened an emergency meeting with military and political officials.

"Will Xu Gesen's incident push the British and Japan to turn against each other? Will the League of Nations intervene?" the chairman asked, with a trace of expectation in his eyes.


Yu Zheliu was holding a briefcase in his arms, and his target was a barber shop turning left at the entrance of the alley.

This is a small barber shop, and the owner, Lao Qiao, is his boss. Today is a day of connection.

After exiting the alley, Yu Zheliu had just turned to the left when he saw Japanese soldiers carrying Type 38 rifles rummaging through boxes in the barber shop.

The door of the barber shop is riddled with bullet holes.

A Japanese soldier dragged out the bloody old Joe from the store.

Following a whistle from a Japanese sergeant, a military dog ​​pounced on Lao Qiao, biting him ferociously.

Old Qiao rolled on the ground and howled in pain.

There was another whistle, and the military dog ​​was leashed, with strips of human flesh hanging from its ferocious teeth.

The sergeant clanged out his command sword and pressed it against Lao Qiao's neck.

Old Qiao raised his head and grinned.

He saw Yu Zheliu in the distance and quickly looked away.

Lao Qiao shouted slogans: Down with Japanese imperialism, long live the Red Party! Long live the people!

A translator wearing glasses translated Lao Qiao's words to the Japanese military officer.

The sergeant was very angry and stared at Lao Qiao, as if he was considering how to deal with this Red Party anti-Japanese element.

Suddenly, Lao Qiao threw himself forward with all his strength, and the saber penetrated his neck directly, splashing a pool of blood on the ground.

Yu Zheliu acted like a frightened passerby, watching all this in horror, turned around, and left quickly.

Behind him, the Japanese military officer was venting his anger, stabbing Lao Qiao's body with his saber one after another...

If Cheng Qianfan still had some reservations about Liu Bo's red content, Peng and Ou had already determined in their hearts that this former Japanese agent and patrol officer had great faith in the color red.

He had previously received intelligence that an agent was secretly executed within the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

This man is the warden of the Target Range Prison.

It is said that because he had been listening to Liu Bo's red propaganda for a long time and was "influenced" by Liu Bo, he had a huge change in his thinking and became more red-minded.

This matter was discovered by the Party Affairs Investigation Department, and he was eventually interrogated and killed.

When Peng and Ou first heard about this, they were shocked.

Liu Bo actually influenced in prison and indirectly developed a patriotic young man who is close to the red. It is not an exaggeration to describe this matter as "shocking".

In addition, comrades in the Target Range Prison also reported that many "prisoners" were deeply affected by Liu Bo's red remarks.

In the words of that comrade, these people can become excellent red warriors with just a little guidance and training!

In these situations, Peng and Ou were not in the same situation. Cheng Qianfan said that the organization involved hidden agents in the Target Range Prison and the Party Affairs Investigation Department, so he had to be careful.

It’s not that he doesn’t trust ‘Huo Miao’, it’s that organizational discipline doesn’t allow it.

He is the senior leader of the Shanghai Red Party. His identity allows him to know more about the situation. ‘Huo Miao’’s identity does not allow him to do so, and knowing too much would be a security risk for ‘Huo Miao’.

Peng and Ou secretly came to a place on Hankou Road to meet Comrade Wang Jun.

Comrade Wang Jun reported sad news to him.

Comrade Mao Zhipeng, a secret member of our party and deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Security Corps, died heroically in a battle with the Japanese army on West Disway Road a few days ago.

Peng Yuou was silent. He took out his cigarette case, lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

He remembered Mao Zhipeng, a very forthright Xuzhou man and an old party member who was extremely loyal to the party.

"Comrade Zhipeng's home?" Peng and Ou asked.

"There is also an old mother in her sixties who lives in her hometown in Xuzhou. Her wife and two children were originally in Nanjing. After Comrade Zhipeng joined the Songhu battlefield, his wife took the children back to her hometown in Xuzhou to take care of her mother-in-law."

Cheng Qianfan returned to the patrol room and walked around before leaving get off work early.

Then he immediately rushed to the secret stronghold of Shanghai Special High School on Nishijiraihuoxing Street and reported the matter to Sanbonjiro.

He originally thought that Sanbonjiro knew the inside story and wanted to find out something.

However, Sanbonjiro didn't seem to know about this, and Sanbon had just learned about Xu Gesen.

"Are those guys from HNA crazy?" Sanbonjiro frowned.

"How did the British react to this matter?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"The British Consul General in Shanghai was very angry and hurriedly left the scene. Senior officials from the public concession accompanied him to the hospital," Cheng Qianfan said.

"You should pay close attention to this matter. If you have any news, please report it immediately." Sanbonjiro said in a deep voice.


At this moment, Araki Harima hurriedly knocked on the door and entered.

"Section Chief." Araki Harima handed a piece of paper to Sanbonjiro.

Sanbonjiro took it, took a look at it, his face changed drastically, and then nodded, "That's it."

Sanbonjiro shook his head, "What a pity."

As he said that, he glanced at Cheng Qianfan and waved his hand.

Cheng Qianfan looked calm, bowed and stepped back.

His intuition told him that the information reported by Araki Harima must be related to Xu Gesen's bombing by Japanese military planes. Unfortunately, it was a matter of confidentiality and Mimotojiro had no intention of revealing it to him.

However, Cheng Qianfan had other plans.

He left the Special High School Class, walked around for a while, and after confirming that no one was following him, he went to see Hyōtaro Imamura.

"You mean, you reported that incident to Sanbonjiro, and then Araki reported the situation to him?" Hyōtaro Imamura asked.

"Yes, Mr. Araki took a piece of paper and presented it to Section Chief Sanben. Section Chief Sanben said, 'I see,' and then, 'What a pity.'" Cheng Qianfan said.

"Yes, it's a pity." Hearing this, Hyoutaro Imamura also sighed.

He looked at the confused Cheng Qianfan, "This matter is an empire secret, but there is no need to hide it from you."

Cheng Qianfan's face changed slightly and he said cautiously, "Sir, this matter is confidential. It's best if I don't know."

Imamura Hyōtaro saw how cautious he was, lest he be exposed to confidential matters, and laughed loudly, "It doesn't have to be like this, this matter has already happened, and you are a person I trust, so it doesn't matter if you know."

He looked at Cheng Qianfan, "Did you know that the Empire had to risk provoking the British and bomb Xu Gesen's car in order to make peace?"

Cheng Qianfan shook his head.

"The empire has received accurate information that Chang Kaishen of the National Government will take Xu Gesen's car to Shanghai today." Hyōtaro Imamura said.

"So that's it, if Chang Kaishen can be killed." Cheng Qianfan showed a happy expression, but he understood instantly, "Chang Kaishen is not in the car?"

"Chang Kaishen changed his plan temporarily and did not take this bus." Hyōtaro Imamura shook his head regretfully, "What a pity."

"What a pity." Cheng Qianfan nodded and said.

His heart was like a turbulent sea. Chang Kaishen's itinerary was considered a top secret within the national government. It was simply unreasonable that the Japanese knew about it in advance!

He recalled what Dai Chunfeng had mentioned before, that the contents of the highest-level meeting of the Nationalist Government's Military Commission were soon known to the Japanese side, and he immediately concluded that this matter was most likely the work of the traitor hidden within the national government.

"What do you think about this?" Imamura Hyōtaro asked.

"It's such a pity to miss this opportunity." Cheng Qianfan said. Looking at Hyōtaro Imamura's expression, he immediately understood that this was not what Hyōtaro Imamura was asking about. "Sir, you are talking about the third section chief..."

Hyōtaro Imamura nodded, "Sanbon-kun is very well-informed."

Cheng Qianfan was surprised and didn't know what to say.

Imamura Hyoutarou looked at the confused Miyazaki Kentaro, and he smiled and shook his head. This matter involves the empire's top secrets, and Miyazaki-kun really has a hard time understanding the details.

"Eguchi Hideya came to see me today and is full of praise for you." Hyōtaro Imamura said, changing the subject.

"Jun Eguchi is ridiculous. They are all serving the empire, and my subordinates are just doing their duty." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile. What he was thinking was, why hasn't the national army taken action against Eguchi's Rangers?

"Well said, it's a matter of duty!" Hyōtaro Imamura said with approval, "The empire needs talents like Miyazaki-kun."

When Cheng Qianfan received the compliment, he grinned happily and quickly said that this was all due to Mr. Imamura's teachings.

Hyōtaro Imamura burst out laughing, he was becoming more and more satisfied with Kentaro Miyazaki.

Loyal, clever, well, and most importantly, very sensible.

Returning home to Yendli.

Finish your dinner.

Cheng Qianfan accompanied his wife to sleep.

With him by her side, Bai Ruolan slept particularly soundly.

Cheng Qianfan was full of thoughts.

He gently got out of bed, went to the study, lit a cigarette, and recalled and thought carefully.

Hyōtaro Imamura asked him about Sanbonjiro. Although he only said a few words, Cheng Qianfan was very interested.

What does Hyōtaro Imamura care about?

Imamura was surprised that Araki Harima obtained relevant confidential information so quickly.

Judging from Hyoutarou Imamura's words and expression, he was surprised and wary of this.

In this way, Cheng Qianfan broke these details into pieces and thought about them carefully.

First of all, judging from Sanbonjiro's previous reaction, this matter was not done by the Special Higher Education Department. Therefore, Sanbonjiro, as the director of Shanghai Special Higher Education Department, still did not know about it in advance.

However, Sanbonjiro soon received the exact information. Obviously, Sanbonjiro had another source of information. No, to be precise, Sanbonjiro learned the inside information from other channels.

So, what is the source of this channel?

Cheng Qianfan suddenly remembered the documents that Sanbonjiro took out when he gave him special training.

Among them was a telegram sent by Morishima, the counselor of the Japanese Consulate in Peiping, to Kage Sasaki, the military attaché of the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai. He also memorized the telegram and reported it to the Nanjing headquarters.

So, can it be inferred that the Super High School has always maintained close intelligence communication with some people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

As for Peking?

Cheng Qianfan shook his head.

Morishima had a close relationship with Kage Sasaki, and the relationship between Sanbonjiro and Kage Sa Eaki was tense. Even if Morishima informed Shanghai, he would not contact Sanbon, but directly inform Kage Sa Eaki.

In addition, judging from Hyōtaro Imamura's reaction, Imamura knew about this matter in advance. At least, Hyōtaro Imamura knew about it earlier than Mimotojiro.

Furthermore, Imamura Hyōtaro did not think that Mimotojiro should know the inside story so quickly.

Hyōtaro Imamura's worry is because Imamura suspects that Sanbon has a channel that is sensitive to information, and this channel belongs to Hyōtaro Imamura's relevant departments, so Hyōtaro Imamura is so sensitive.

This can also support his speculation that this incident is inextricably linked to the Japanese diplomatic department in China.

Foreign Service!

Cheng Qianfan thought he had found the key node.

Not from Beiping.

Then, the most likely ones are Shanghai and Nanjing.

Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai?

Embassy of Japan in Nanjing?

Cheng Qianfan continued to think.

He tended to rule out the possibility that Shanghai was the most direct planner.

Because he had just met with Hyōtaro Imamura yesterday, and Imamura was still asking him about the attack in the French Concession.

If there was such a major move, Imamura wouldn't have the time to meet him.

Of course, this is just his speculation. Maybe Hyōtaro Imamura, or Eiichi Iwai, the man behind him, received the information from the Nanjing traitor after this meeting?

However, overall, Cheng Qianfan is more likely to be the Japanese Embassy in Nanjing.

One thing he was extremely sure of was that the mastermind behind this incident should have a direct relationship with the Japanese diplomatic department in China.

Cheng Qianfan thought again, and the more he thought about it, the more inclined he was to agree with his guess.

There is such a traitor within the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government, and the harm is too great.

This matter was of great importance, and Cheng Qianfan did not dare to neglect it.

He decided to send a report to the Nanjing headquarters overnight.

Cheng Qianfan woke up the sleeping cat.

The cat glanced at him, followed Cheng Qianfan, and skillfully climbed out of the window.

Cheng Qianfan carefully closed the window.

Leave the cat 'on duty' outside the window.

He himself walked silently on the roof of the building. After a few flips, he jumped down and disappeared into the night.

This chapter has been completed!
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