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Chapter 450 Wang Kangnian’s Test Monthly Ticket)

"These two people are actually like twins, they look exactly the same?" Nishida Masao was extremely surprised when he heard Sanmotojiro introduce the matter of imperial agent Miyazaki Kentaro pretending to be a Chinese Cheng Qianfan.

"That's true." Sanbonjiro nodded.

"There are all kinds of wonders in the world," Masao Nishida exclaimed.

"Such wonderful things can happen, which shows that destiny is in the empire." Sanbonjiro said.

Masao Nishida laughed loudly, he liked hearing this.

"Very good." Nishida Masao said happily.

Although the empire can also win over the Chinese in the French Concession to serve the empire, loyalty cannot be absolutely guaranteed.

A true imperial agent became prosperous in the French Concession as a Chinese, which was of great help to his plan to control the French Concession and detect anti-Japanese forces.

Moreover, Cheng Qianfan, played by Kentaro Miyazaki, is completely Chinese in everyone’s eyes.

The empire can show unconditional trust in 'Cheng Qianfan' and even set an example in front of the Chinese people, attracting more Chinese to serve the empire.

The more Masao Nishida thought about it, the more satisfied he became.

""I have heard the name of Eiichi Kagezu mentioned before. This plan is a brilliant one."

After a pause, Masao Nishida shook his head, "What a pity."

Sanbonjiro also showed a hint of regret, "Although I have never met Kage Saeiichi, I have heard of his name. He is an imperial talent who is extremely intelligent, devoted to public service, and self-denial."

The two of them expressed their regrets for the deceased Eiichi Kage for about half a minute.

"May I ask your Excellency, do you need to arrange for Miyazaki Kentaro to meet with you?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"No need for the time being." Nishida Masao shook his head.

His current focus is on the public concession, and the next step is the French Concession.

It's not that the French Concession is unimportant, on the contrary, Masao Nishida attaches more importance to the French Concession. He likes to do things from easy to difficult.

Japan has been gradually penetrating the public settlement for a long time. Although Britain and the United States are the apparent controllers of the public settlement, in private, Japan's tentacles have extended to the public settlement in all aspects.

With this foundation, we should first make a good layout of the public concession, and then make every effort to lay out the French concession.

"However, you can notify Kentaro Miyazaki and ask him to submit a list of relevant personnel and an analysis report in the French Concession." Masao Nishida said, "To control the French Concession, we need to recruit more friends who are willing to cooperate with the empire."

"Okay, Your Excellency, I will arrange this matter." Sanbonjiro said immediately.

This sudden rainstorm lasted for most of the day.

Afterwards, the rainy days continued for two or three days.

On October 1st, when the sun cleared, Cheng Qianfan drove Bai Ruolan and Xiaobao out for a ride.

The car stopped in front of Qishlin Bakery.

Bai Ruolan took Xiaobao out of the car and went to the store to eat small cakes.

Cheng Qianfan rolled down the window, sat in the driver's seat and smoked, looking around boredly.

A young man looked around, threw the cigarette in his hand on the ground, stepped on it hard, and walked towards Cheng Qianfan's car.

Cheng Qianfan noticed this person and stared at him with a wary expression.

"Inspector Cheng Qianfan?" the man asked, his voice low and hoarse.

"I am." Cheng Qianfan nodded in surprise, but suddenly drew his gun and pointed it at the person, "Who are you?"

"Inspector Cheng, don't get me wrong." The young man was frightened and raised his hands to show that he meant no harm.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Cheng Qianfan asked without putting down his gun and remaining on alert.

"Borrow, borrow a fire." The young man pointed to the cigarette held behind his ear and said shivering.

"You're a little red guy." Cheng Qianfan yelled angrily, "If you want to lend me a favor, I'll just ask you to lend me a favor. I'll be shocked."

The young man was frightened and saw Inspector Cheng's hand holding Browning's gun shaking in panic, fearing that he would fire the gun.

After cursing, Inspector Xiao Cheng looked at the young man who was so frightened that he almost knelt down. He took out a match box from the glove box and threw it out, "Get out!"

The young man picked up the matchbox on the ground and ran away in a hurry.

In the car, Cheng Qianfan lit a cigarette and took a puff, his face gloomy.

"It's not over yet!" He cursed in his mind.

Wang Kangnian took the match box from his subordinate's hand and inspected it carefully, inside and out.

He sniffed and even broke the match one by one.

As he expected, there was nothing wrong with the match box and match.

Of course he also knew that his behavior was a bit neurotic. After all, the young man who borrowed fire from Cheng Qianfan was an agent arranged by him. Not to mention whether Cheng Qianfan had a problem, even if there was a problem, it was impossible to throw out a problematic person.

Match box.

But, he just wanted to do this, he couldn't control himself, and had to check before he felt comfortable.

His subordinates reported the entire process to Wang Kangnian.

"It's a ball." Wang Kangnan cursed. He had just held up a telescope in a hidden place and saw all this in his eyes.

He was watching Cheng Qianfan's every move.

"Trash!" Wang Kangnian glared at his men and cursed.


Nothing went according to his preset scenario.

According to Wang Kangnian's arrangement.

When his men approached Cheng Qianfan's car, their first words were, 'Inspector Cheng Qianfan?'

My subordinate was right in saying this.

According to reasoning, Cheng Qianfan would nod and say, "It's me."

This is also true.

Then, according to Wang Kangnian’s plan, his subordinates would suddenly lower their voices and nervously say to Cheng Qianfan, ‘Comrade Qianfan’!

Wang Kangnian was waiting for this moment. He wanted to carefully observe the subtle changes in Cheng Qianfan's expression.

He firmly believes that when people encounter sudden changes, subtle changes in expression can explain many problems:

If Cheng Qianfan is a member of the Red Party, maybe his name within the Red Party is Cheng Qianfan, maybe not, or it may be a code name, or another name.

He didn't expect Cheng Qianfan to be fooled by his subordinates' words.

His purpose was to observe Cheng Qianfan's subtle reactions——

The title of comrade is of great significance to the Red Party.

Regardless of whether Cheng Qianfan will be fooled or not, when he hears the word "comrade", his instant reaction will definitely capture some information.

However, what Wang Kangnian didn't expect was that his subordinates didn't even have time to say the words "Comrade Qianfan".

That guy Cheng Qianfan actually pulled out his gun.

The men immediately panicked when they were pointed at guns, and their subsequent responses were completely confused.

Is this guy so cowardly that he draws his gun whenever he disagrees?

"Has Cheng Qianfan had a grudge against anyone recently?" Wang Kangnian asked.

"Cheng Qianfan is greedy for money, lustful and ruthless. Previously, the Third Patrol of the Central Patrol Office extorted many opium dens and gambling stalls, which must have offended many people. In addition, his relationship with Xia Wenqiao of the Qinggang Gang is also very bad." One of his subordinates replied.


"One more thing, the relationship between Cheng Qianfan and Chang Yuchun has been very bad recently." Bai Pang came over and said, "There is news that Liang Yuchun may take action against Cheng Qianfan."

"Is the news accurate?" Wang Kangnian asked immediately.

"Never leave." Bai Pang nodded, "Liang Yuchun seems to be arranging someone to follow Cheng Qianfan secretly."

Is this a stepping stone to grasp the trajectory of Cheng Qianfan's movements and are you ready to take action?

Wang Kangnian thought to himself that Cheng Qianfan was a smart man, so it was impossible for him to be unaware of it. No wonder this man had such a big reaction just now.

Picking up the telescope, Wang Kangnian saw Cheng Qianfan get out of the car, open the door for his wife Bai Ruolan and the little girl named Xiaobao, and then drive away.

Wang Kangnian was thoughtful. He vaguely felt that he had captured some important information, but he couldn't grasp it for a while and couldn't figure it out clearly.

"What are you thinking about?" Bai Ruolan came in with fruits and saw Cheng Qianfan sitting at the desk, deep in thought.

"It's work matters." Cheng Qianfan smiled and took the fruit plate, "Is Xiaobao sleeping?"

"Sleep." Bai Ruolan walked up behind Cheng Qianfan and massaged his head skillfully, "I read in a book that overexertion of the brain will lead to baldness."

As he said this, Xu imagined his husband's bald appearance and burst into laughter.

Even the bald Cheng Qianfan was her true love.

Cheng Qianfan also laughed and shook his head.

"Don't move." Bai Ruolan tapped her husband's head gently, "I'll press it for you, and you can continue to think about work."

Cheng Qianfan closed his eyes.

Thinking quickly in his mind.

Things are many and complex.

The day before yesterday, Araki Harima conveyed to him the instructions of Sanbonjiro, requiring him to submit a list of important personnel in the French Concession in the near future. For those who are familiar and understood, he can add his own judgment:

Firm anti-Japanese faction? Swinging faction? Pro-Japanese faction?

This incident aroused his alarm. In his opinion, this was the beginning of preparations for the Japanese rule after occupying Shanghai.

Cheng Qianfan arranged for people to secretly keep an eye on Tianya Photo Studio. There had been no movement in the photo studio. However, there were changes in the morning three days ago. The owner Chang Shen had always been running this small photo studio alone, but this day it was a new employee.

asked a clerk:

She is a girl of thirteen or fourteen years old.

Li Hao reported that the little girl has a Fujian accent.

This attracted Cheng Qianfan's attention.

Then today, the person who suddenly came over to borrow fire.

Although there is no evidence, Cheng Qianfan is 70% certain that this person is from the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

He didn't give the other party a chance to follow the plan, and directly drew his gun, taking the initiative into his own hands.

This is not an unexpected move.

A few days ago, Cheng Qianfan arranged for someone to secretly spread the word: Liang Yuchun intended to do harm to him.

In the context of this rumor, it is understandable that he is very vigilant and would draw a gun at every turn.

Cheng Qianfan frowned slightly, this was not the way to go.

There are too many secrets about him. If the Party Affairs Investigation Department keeps watching him, it will be very detrimental to his work. Besides, if the party keeps watching him like this, something will happen sooner or later.

Cheng Qianfan wondered whether he should call Nanjing and cry to Virgo.

Last time Virgo personally said that he would solve the problem of being followed, but now the other party is getting worse and worse. This must require an explanation.

Seeing Cheng Qianfan frowning, Bai Ruolan asked softly, "Does it hurt?"

"No, I'm just thinking about something. My wife's skills are getting better and better." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile.

"Poor mouth." Bai Ruolan put a little force on her hand, Cheng Qianfan pretended to be in pain, and screamed, the two of them were joking and laughing, Cheng Qianfan breathed a sigh of relief, Ruolan was the warmth in his heart

, if Ruolan hadn't been with him, he would have been really worried about his mental state.

The next day.

Cheng Qianfan took advantage of noon to arrive at the residence of Father Jin Lu Zhouru and sent a report to the Nanjing headquarters.

The Wenyou Club where Zhou Ru worked was hit by a bomb dropped by a Japanese military plane. Fortunately, it was nighttime and no one was inside and no one was injured.

When Cheng Qianfan heard about this, he felt it was a pity. The three bosses of the Wenyou Club were all Japanese literati, so why didn't they blow up those three guys?

The Wenyoushe house collapsed, so Zhou Ru stayed at home for the holidays.

Cheng Qianfan sent a report to Nanjing. He used the "Spring and Autumn Writing Method" and simply said that he felt that someone was still following and monitoring him. He specifically asked the director how to deal with it and whether he should fight back hard against the person who was following him.

After sending the report, Cheng Qianfan looked at Zhou Ru's round face and couldn't help but want to make a joke.

"Team leader." Zhou Ru took out a telegram and handed it to him.

Cheng Qianfan took the message and took a look at it.

The message was not translated, which meant that the call was of a higher level and Zhou Ru did not have the code book.

This is not a message from previous contact with the special situation team.

Cheng Qianfan was surprised in his heart, but remained calm on his face.

It was actually a message from Sheng Shuyu.

"The telegram was received at 5:30 this morning." Zhou Ru said.

The team leader ordered her to turn on the phone at 5:30 every morning.

She turned on the telegraph machine on time every day, but she never received a telegram. Several days passed.

Early this morning, Zhou Ru turned on the telegraph machine as usual, but a telegram came.

Cheng Qianfan nodded.

He had met with Dai Chunfeng before, and Dai Chunfeng said that Sheng Shuyu would stay in Shanghai for a while. Sheng Shuyu brought the radio station with him. For the sake of confidentiality, Sheng Shuyu would not contact him. If there is an urgent need, he would contact him by telegram.

The two parties agreed to turn on the transceiver at 5:30 every morning, and if it was really necessary to contact them, they would send the message at a fixed point at this time.

Cheng Qianfan told Zhou Ru to be on guard outside, so he entered Zhou Ru's bedroom inside and translated the message.

Soon, the message was translated.

Cheng Qianfan picked up the translation manuscript and read it. Sheng Shuyu mentioned two pieces of information, or two tasks, in the message.

One: Masao Nishida, an important Japanese spy leader in North China, is suspected of sneaking into Shanghai. Sheng Shuyu asked the "Blue Bird" to pay more attention to this matter. In the message, Sheng Shuyu also stated that the matter had been reported to the Nanjing headquarters, and the headquarters agreed.

Second: According to reliable information, Japanese Prime Minister Konoe, Land Minister Sugiyama, Maritime Minister Yonei and Foreign Minister Hirota held a four-phase meeting to decide on the "Outline for Handling Incidents in China" and ordered Cheng Qianfan to try to investigate the matter and strive to obtain the outline.


Cheng Qianfan looked at the telegram in his hand, touched his chin, and thought.

Although the call was sent in the name of Sheng Shuyu, both the content and the tone of the message gave him a strange feeling:

This is more like a message sent in the tone of Virgo Dai.

Dai Chuzuo didn't return to Nanjing, he still stayed in Shanghai?

Cheng Qianfan was surprised. (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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