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Chapter 010 Worrying about national affairs monthly ticket)

 "Yesterday morning, Wang Kangnian's men suddenly came to the clinic to gather." Li Hao said, "The patient went to beg for food nearby. He saw a man running away from the clinic with blood on his shoulder. Several people chased him but failed to catch up."

Wang Kangnian's Daoge Clinic is quite famous in Shanghai. Rich ladies and ladies often bring their cats and dogs to the clinic for medical treatment.

The little beggars such as Yu Litou quickly moved their begging position here.

However, the effect is not ideal. Most of these rich ladies and ladies who are willing to spend a lot of money to treat cats and dogs have medical treatment and follicle removal have no sympathy for the poor little beggar. Some ladies even dislike the little beggar because he is too dirty.

He ordered his men to drive away, beat and scold the little beggar.

"Who ran out?" Cheng Qianfan said, spinning the cigarette case in his hand.

"It's the fat man who works for Wang Kangnian." Li Hao said.

"Pang Bai?" Cheng Qianfan asked. This person's surname was Bai. Because he was relatively fat, he was nicknamed Bai Pang in the Jianghu.

"That's him." Li Hao nodded.

problem occurs!

Cheng Qianfan immediately concluded that something had happened to the Daoge Clinic, or to be precise, Wang Kangnian's department of the National Party Affairs Investigation Department.

In the patrol house of the French Concession, the uniformed patrol officers did not take action against the Party Investigation Office, and there was no news from the plainclothes detectives.

Then, there is only one possibility for those who take action:

It was the Japanese who did it.

"You just said that it was Wang Kangnian's men who suddenly came to the Doug Clinic?" Cheng Qianfan stopped turning the cigarette box and flicked the bottom of the cigarette box. A cigarette popped out and he lowered his head to bite it.

He stopped smoking, raised his head and asked.

"Yes, these people seemed to have received the notice and suddenly gathered together at the Daoge Clinic." Li Hao said, "The typhus has been begging around there for a while, and this is the first time this has happened."

"Wang Kangnian committed treason and defected to Japan." Cheng Qianfan said, he flicked the lighter, lit the cigarette, flicked it, and extinguished the flame.

Without Wang Kangnian's personal order to assemble, these people would not have appeared in such a unified group at Daoge Clinic.

Underground latent organizations must try their best to avoid such situations where all members must gather together. Only the leader of the latent organization has the command to order such a general gathering and needs to personally give the order.

As for the Shanghai Special Situation Team above, only if Cheng Qianfan personally gives the order will the Special Situation Team follow the agreed signal and gather at the agreed upon location.

Even Dai Chunfeng could not pass through Cheng Qianfan's level to issue a gathering order to the special situation team.

Therefore, Cheng Qianfan can be sure that there must be something wrong with Wang Kangnian himself.

Cao Yu!

This name flashed in Cheng Qianfan's mind.

Cao Yu has long since defected to Japan and has always been in the hands of Sanbonjiro's Shanghai Special High School.

Wang Kangnian is Cao Yu’s direct superior.

Therefore, Wang Kangnian should have been under long-term surveillance by the Special High School Division. It can be said that they have a handle at their fingertips and can take arrest action at any time.

This is when the Super High School decided to "close the net" and took sudden action against Wang Kangnian's department.

Then, Wang Kangnian, who was arrested by the Shanghai Special Higher Education Commission, defected to Japan and committed treason.

Although he had not seen it in person, Cheng Qianfan's mind was spinning rapidly, and he made an almost accurate guess about the matter.

The situation is very bad.

Cheng Qianfan's expression was serious. He took a deep breath from the cigarette. The car window was halfway down, and a wisp of smoke dispersed out.

Wang Kangnian rebelled against the country and defected to Japan. This person was a veteran agent of the Shanghai District of the Party Affairs Investigation Office. Therefore, this danger would inevitably involve other departments of the Shanghai District of the Party Affairs Investigation Office.

"Is there any movement over there, Mr. Qin?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

After the fall of Shanghai, Cheng Qianfan secretly sent people to monitor Qin Detai's residence.

Qin Detai is the deputy director of the Shanghai District of the Party Affairs Investigation Office, and Cheng Qianfan is from the Secret Service. The Secret Service monitors the Party Affairs Investigation Office, which is very reasonable.

"No." Li Hao shook his head.

The Japanese didn't touch Tan Detai?

Cheng Qianfan lit a cigarette and thought. It seemed that Qin Detai's status as the chief inspector of the Central Police Station of the French Concession made it temporarily inconvenient for Sanbonjiro to take action.

However, if Qin Detai does not move, other high-level officials of the Shanghai District of the Party Affairs Investigation Office will hardly be spared:

Wang Kangnian’s rank in the Party Affairs Investigation Office was not high, but he was the one who was caught by the Special Higher Education Section. The Extraordinary Higher Education Section used this to follow the clues and seize the senior leaders of the Party Affairs Investigation Office in Shanghai who Wang Kangnian knew, such as Wang Kangnian’s

Directly reporting to the superior...and if we can pry open this person's mouth, the entire Shanghai District of the Party Affairs Investigation Office will suffer disaster.

"I will drive to the patrol room myself." Cheng Qianfan said immediately, "Go to Father Jin Road to find Zhou Ru and ask her to report to Wuhan immediately, saying that Wang Kangnian of the Shanghai District Party Affairs Investigation Department is suspected of being raided by the Special High School Section. Wang is suspected to have been arrested.

On the day of voting, the Shanghai District of the Party Affairs Investigation Office is in crisis, please give instructions from the headquarters."

Cheng Qianfan now only hopes that the senior member of the Shanghai District of the Party Affairs Investigation Department whom Wang Kangnian revealed is a tough guy who can withstand the torture of the extra-high class and buy time for others to evacuate.

"Yes!" Li Hao nodded and said.


An independent building bears the sign of Section 4 of the Hubei Provincial Security Department. There is a National Army soldier standing guard on both sides of the door.

This is the office of the Hubei Station of the Wuhan Xingying Secret Service, with a sign indicating the Security Department as a cover.

Qi Wu held the folder in his right hand and walked to the door of the office, where he heard Dai Chunfeng's roar coming from inside.

"You bastard, the meat will fly away when it reaches your mouth." Dai Chunfeng was so angry that his mouth was filled with smoke.

The secret service captured a Japanese agent a week ago and used torture to finally pry open the man's mouth. From his mouth, he learned information about a Japanese agent lurking team in Wuhan.

Subsequently, the Secret Service set up a trap step by step to trick the Japanese stock into taking the bait.

Seeing that the other party had entered the trap and was about to close the net, the Japanese seemed to have noticed something and ran away overnight.

The person being scolded was Zhu Ruyi, the head of the Hubei Station of the Secret Service. At this moment, Zhu Ruyi lowered his head, respectfully, and did not dare to speak.

"Virgo, it's me." Qi Wu knocked on the door.

"Come in." Dai Chunfeng said in a deep voice.

Qi Wu gently opened the door and came in, taking a look at Zhu Ruyi.

Dai Chunfeng waved his hand towards Zhu Ruyi, who left with relief.

"What's the matter?" Dai Chunfeng asked.

"There is a call from 'Mr. Xiao' of the Shanghai Special Intelligence Team." Qi Wu handed the message to Dai Chunfeng, "'Mr. Xiao's' people discovered that a stronghold of the Party Affairs Investigation Department had been seized by the Japanese."

"Wang Kangnian?" Dai Chunfeng looked like he was thinking. He seemed to have some impression of this name.

"'Blue Bird' reported last year that Liu Bo, a red party member he was eyeing, was arrested by the Party Affairs Investigation Department." Qi Wu immediately said, "The person who arrested Liu Bo was Wang Kangnian's men."

"I have an impression." Dai Chunfeng nodded, "Later, 'Blue Bird' said that someone was spying on him, and it was Wang Kangnian who did it."

Said, Dai Chunfeng snorted coldly, "Monitoring the hard work of one's own people, in the hands of the Japanese, they immediately become soft-footed shrimps. Xue Yingzhen's people are only capable of this."

"Director, 'Mr. Xiao' warned that the Shanghai District of the Party Affairs Investigation Office is in danger. Take a look at this..." Qi Wu said.

Dai Chunfeng did not answer immediately, but walked and thought with a teacup in his hand.

"In three hours, I will go to see the principal." Dai Chunfeng said.

"I understand." Qi Wu nodded.

The scratch marks on Inspector Xiao Cheng's neck became a hotly discussed topic in the Central Patrol Room today.

The news that he went to watch the horse race at the racecourse yesterday with Ying Huaizhen, a well-known socialite from Shanghai, has now spread and even made it into the pages of several tabloids.

The racecourse, where celebrities gather, has always been a focus of tabloid reporters.

There are countless stories surrounding the racecourse.

The most famous one is Qian Dajun's dismissal from office because of the racecourse incident.

When Qian Dajun was the commander of the Songhu garrison, he invested in the racecourse to make profits, and had disputes with other bureaucrats, compradors and foreigners because of the uneven distribution of the spoils.

Once, on the last day of the autumn horse race, Commander-in-Chief Qian suddenly ordered martial law, and the soldiers trapped the entire racecourse in the racecourse and were not allowed to leave.

Later, the person in charge of the racecourse quickly offered bribes to smooth things over, and Qian Dajun ordered the lifting of martial law.

However, Commander Qian was unlucky. At that time, the racecourse was crowded with celebrities, including a certain central official and Miss Kong. Miss Kong, who was besieged at the racecourse, could not give up. She returned to Nanjing and sued Qian Dajun.

As a result, the commander resigned from the post of Songhu Garrison Commander, was transferred to the position of commander of the Third Division, and hid in Suzhou.

Back to business.

As a young generation with considerable power and influence in the French Concession, the most important thing is that Inspector Xiao Cheng is handsome and quite lecherous. He is the favorite target of reporters' attention. Therefore, Inspector Xiao Cheng

The long-awaited trip to the racecourse with the beauty immediately attracted a lot of attention.

One of the tabloids even vividly described that Inspector Xiao Cheng and Ms. Ying Huaizhen disappeared for half an hour while watching the horse racing. Half an hour later, the two returned to the stand, and Ms. Ying's face was filled with spring breeze, as if she had been watered.

The flowers are generally gorgeous.

Therefore, everyone in the patrol room has now guessed that Inspector Xiao Cheng must have gone out to have sex yesterday and ate without wiping his mouth clean. When he got home and was discovered by his wife, there was a commotion at home.

"Nonsense!" Cheng Qianfan put down the newspaper in his hand and slammed the table angrily.

Leaving the scene for half an hour is just nonsense.

That was when Ying Huaizhen went to the toilet on the way. Because there were too many people at the scene, he accompanied the escort to the public toilet. The most intimate gesture between the two yesterday was just holding hands and kissing hands when they finally parted.

The lion's roar in the east of the river at Inspector Xiao Cheng's house seems to be quite popular among the public.

Even the chief inspector, Qin Detai, called Cheng Qianfan to the office and asked about the work of the third patrol with concern, showing that he was diligent in his work.

If Qin Detai hadn't looked at his neck frequently and suppressed his laughter, Cheng Qianfan would have really believed him.

After Cheng Qianfan left, Tan Detai finally didn't need to endure it anymore and started laughing.

Cheng Qianfan, who was walking in the corridor, listened to the laughter, with an embarrassed expression on his face, but he was extremely solemn in his heart.

Based on his observation, Qin Detai did not know that something had happened to Wang Kangnian's troops. What does this mean?

This shows that the Shanghai District of the Party Affairs Investigation Office has most likely been completely occupied, because whenever a member of the Party Affairs Investigation Office with enough weight to be able to contact Qin Detai escapes, they will immediately alert Qin Detai, the deputy district chief of Shanghai District.

Obviously, Qin Detai did not receive the warning signal.

"Uncle, why don't you eat?" Bai Pang looked at Zhao Yannian in surprise.

There is also a grilled steak, a borscht, and cream cake on the table, especially Zhao Yannian’s favorite braised pork.

"I won't eat." Zhao Yannian glanced at the sumptuous meal reluctantly and shook his head.

He pointed to the dining table, "You followed me all the way. Thank you for your hard work. Come and eat."

"Cousin, you're welcome." Bai Pang and the driver were so happy that they immediately ate their food.

Zhao Yannian forced himself not to look, but the sound of the two guys eating happily made him too irritated. He simply helped his wife, who was seasick and had a bad appetite, to leave the table and return to the cabin.

"Why don't you eat more?" Mrs. Zhao asked her husband.

"I am worried about the party and the country, and I have no intention of sleeping or eating." Zhao Yannian sighed.

Mrs. Zhao said nothing and stared at him.

"Shanghai is finished. I might not be able to escape alone." Zhao Yannian lowered his voice and said, "Of course I can't show up with a shiny face."

"Then why did you let them two eat so richly?" Mrs. Zhao asked.

"Only when they are well fed can they have the strength to protect us." Zhao Yannian said, "Besides, with comparison, it can better reflect my loyalty to the party and the country and my concern for national affairs."

Wuhan camp trip.

When Dai Chunfeng met with the leader, Qi Wu sent an urgent message at the right time.

Dai Chunfeng was shocked after reading it and immediately reported it to the principal.

Soon, word spread about the Wuhan camp. I don’t know what kind of trick Dai Chunfeng had made in front of the leader. Xue Yingzhen was called over by the chairman of the committee and scolded him bloody.

After leaving the Wuhan camp, Dai Chunfeng was sitting in the car, feeling quite happy.

"Send a report to Shanghai Station Zheng Weilong and order Shanghai Station to sanction Yang Fuyuan within a time limit."

However, he soon calmed down this emotion and said with a serious expression.

The Japanese were preparing for the puppet regime in Shanghai. Yang Fuyuan was a well-known scholar in Shanghai. He jumped out to cheer for the Japanese and volunteered to be a member of the Citizens' Association of the puppet regime in Shanghai. We must be strict with these traitors who jump up and down.

A blow is also a deterrent to other potential traitors.

Qi Wu nodded, "Understood."

"In addition, send a report to the Shanghai Special Intelligence Team and order 'Mr. Xiao' to collect relevant information about Zou Fengqi, locate his whereabouts, and if there is an opportunity, wait for an opportunity to eradicate this beast." Dai Chunfeng thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

Seeing that Qi Wu didn't say anything, Dai Chunfeng looked at him in surprise.

Qi Wu knew why Dai Chunfeng looked at him, because he had always shown great care for Cheng Qianfan. Zou Fengqi was a veteran warlord and was not easy to punish. This task can be said to be quite difficult. Logically speaking, he should

Cheng Qianfan put in a few nice words, and at least wanted to get more support for Cheng Qianfan's Shanghai special situation team.

Qi Wu smiled and nodded, "Cheng Qianfan arranged for the troops to use the Rangers' war to train. Virgo turned a blind eye and didn't argue with him. Now is the time for him to contribute."

Dai Chunfeng laughed loudly when he heard this.

The lanterns are on.

Father King Road.

"Sanction Zou Fengqi?" Cheng Qianfan took the message from Zhou Ru's hand and frowned slightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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