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Chapter 020 Winter Monthly Ticket)

 Bai Ruolan gave Xiaobao a piece of meat, and she would pretend to watch her husband eat without leaving any trace.

She cooked three dishes today:

Shredded beef with celery.

Fried bean sprouts with fried dough sticks.

Pickled vegetables and tofu.

Knowing that Haozi was coming, Bai Ruolan said to cook another dish, but Cheng Qianfan said no, Haozi would bring wine and food when he came to dinner.

Sure enough, Li Hao brought canned sardines and two bottles of canned fruit.

There were two more dishes on the dinner table.

And a big bowl of seaweed soup.

Cheng Qianfan's complexion was normal and his appetite seemed to be okay.

Bai Ruolan felt a little relieved.

However, she frowned slightly, as if she had discovered something.

Cheng Qianfan only ate the dish in front of him and left the other dishes untouched.

At this time, Cheng Qianfan placed the pickled vegetables and tofu in front of Xiaobao and took the canned fish over.

"Xiandel, eat less."

With that said, he got up to serve the meal.

"Let me do it."

Bai Ruolan said happily, "How much?"

"Small half a bowl." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile, then turned to Li Hao and asked, "Haozi, have another bowl."

"Brother Fan, no need, I'm full." Li Hao said, "Before I came here, I was having a drink with some friends."

Cheng Qianfan stopped persuading, and Haozi never told lies or cheated in front of him.

Cheng Qianfan made rice with seaweed soup, finished it quickly, and wiped his mouth, "Ruolan, Haozi and I will go out later to have something to do. You and Xiaobao should rest early."

"I understand." Bai Ruolan glanced at him, suppressed her worries, and nodded, "Come back soon."

"My stomach doesn't feel right. Make some porridge and I'll drink it when I'm back." Cheng Qianfan said again.

"Okay." Bai Ruolan said in a cheerful voice, "There just happens to be some pork left in the kitchen. I'll make preserved egg and lean meat porridge, which you like to drink."

"Put more preserved eggs." Cheng Qianfan said with a wide smile.

"I know." Bai Ruolan knocked on the chopsticks of Xiaobao who was still trying to eat the canned fish, pursed her lips and said with a smile.

"Listen to Sister Ruolan and do your homework after eating." Cheng Qianfan touched Xiaobao's little head, said hello to Bai Ruolan, and opened the door to leave.

Bai Ruolan stopped him, came over with a scarf, and carefully helped him put it on.

"Come back early for porridge."

"Yes, I understand." Cheng Qianfan's lips curved warmly.

This winter in January of the 27th year of the Republic of China seemed to be particularly cold.

Cheng Qianfan turned around and left the house, his expression immediately became extremely cold.

"Brother Fan." Li Hao sat in the driver's seat and did not start the engine immediately.

"Driving, let's talk on the road."


The black car passed through the somewhat dark streets and disappeared into the colorful road.

"Tell me about the situation over there." Cheng Qianfan lit a cigarette and handed it to Li Hao. He lit another cigarette, took a deep breath, held it in his hand, and looked out the window.

"Inquiry about an important situation." Li Hao said, "I pretended to be a novice who wanted to play dog ​​racing and found a guy who was familiar with Yiyuan Dog Running Park."

Li Hao spoke very carefully, and Cheng Qianfan would occasionally plan his words and ask for more detailed details.

"Very good. It's good that you can think of using the method of buying running dogs to find out the information." Cheng Qianfan nodded, this is a safer way.

Li Hao behaved more cheerfully. People like A Can would naturally not speak out for fear of being poached by other colleagues.

"Commander Zou, I should be referring to Zou Fengqi." Cheng Qianfan put his cigarette out the window and flicked the ashes, "Wang Dana, Wang Kangnian..."

He mused, "These two people actually got together."

"Brother Fan, I asked around. Wang Kangnian is not only good at treating cats and dogs. It is said that he is also good at training and caring for dogs."

Cheng Qianfan nodded. He was naturally very concerned about Wang Kangnian, the executioner who killed Lao Liao. The business of this guy's Doug Clinic was quite prosperous. Many wealthy ladies and ladies in Shanghai would bring their cats and dogs with them.


Wang Kangnian has a good way of training dogs, and he is familiar with the people at the dog running track. This is not surprising.

However, it is interesting that Zou Fengqi actually got involved with this person.

"The information you got is very valuable," Cheng Qianfan said.

"Brother Fan, Zou Fengqi plays dog racing. This should be the reason why he chose to live in an apartment near Yiyuan Dog Running Track." Li Hao said.

"It's not just dog racing, this man's dog addiction is quite big." Cheng Qianfan said, which can be further speculated that Zou Fengqi's dog racing addiction is quite serious.

Otherwise, I would not choose to live in an apartment with average conditions near Yiyuan just to play dog ​​racing.

"In addition, there is another point that can also explain why Zou Fengqi lives near Yiyuan in principle." Cheng Qianfan gave a lecture to Li Hao, "Wang Kangnian, this person has defected to the Japanese. Wang Kangnian is a senior agent of the Party Affairs Investigation Department, and the Japanese

Arranging for him to come in secret contact with Zou Fengqi, while using the running dog as a cover, it can be said that he was unaware of it."

"That's it." Li Hao nodded and said with admiration, "I have been thinking about the relationship between Wang Kangnian and Zou Fengqi, but I haven't thought of this yet."

"You are already thinking about this matter. If I give you some time, you can think of it." Cheng Qianfan said. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly asked, "That Achan said that the dog named Luck can win alone?"

, and said that Wang Kangnian fell in love with that dog."

"Yes, he said he was hiding in the playground and listening to Wang Kangnian recommending that dog to Zou Fengqi." Li Hao said, "However, I guess he couldn't be listening in on the matter. It should be Zou Xuyuan or Wang Kangnian's subordinate."

News revealed."

Cheng Qianfan nodded. He was very happy for Li Hao's progress. This boy now has quite analytical skills.

Zou Xuyuan and Wang Kangnian had secret contacts, and it was very likely that they would talk about the preparations for the Japanese and puppet regime in Shanghai, so they would be heavily guarded. A Can said that he was hiding in the grass and overheard while defecating. The possibility of this happening is extremely low.

Taking a step back, even if he really overheard it, then he would definitely have heard not only about the running dog, but also other top-secret things, so he would never dare to leak the information. A person like A-chan is a threshold person. He knows what confidential things he has overheard. He knows what can be said and what must not be revealed to the outside world.

Even the news about Luck, the dog, was most likely made up by A-chan based on his own dog racing experience. He just borrowed the fame of Marshal Zou and Dana Wang to brag.

In any case, it is extremely important information to know that Zou Fengqi and Wang Kangnian contacted each other at the dog running track.

"What day is the dog race?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Every Wednesday and Saturday night." Li Hao said.

Today is January 13th, Monday.

The last dog race was yesterday, Saturday.

The next dog race is the day after tomorrow, Wednesday.

"I give you a task. As soon as possible, preferably before tomorrow afternoon, find out whether Zou Fengqi bought a dog ticket the day before yesterday and how much he bet. Did he go to the dog racing track to watch the dogs?"

"Understood." Li Hao threw the cigarette out the window, rolled up the window, and said.

"Brother Fan, do you want to park the car on the side of the road? There is no one there and it is relatively quiet." Li Hao asked.

"No, keep driving." Cheng Qianfan said, "Even if there is no one around, it is easier to observe, but we cannot completely guarantee that someone approaching will be noticed by us in advance."

"Yes, Brother Fan, you are more thoughtful." Li Hao nodded sincerely. As Brother Fan said, it is safest to drive and talk on the move.

"Tell me about the situation at the Japanese cavalry camp on Huade Road." Cheng Qianfan asked.

Although he was wondering why Brother Fan suddenly asked about the situation of the Japanese cavalry camp on Huade Road, Li Hao would not ask too much because of his close relationship with Cheng Qianfan.

"Huade Road is being watched by Taozi's team. Although I have some information here, Taozi still knows the specific situation best," Li Hao said.

"Tell me what you know." Cheng Qianfan said.

Li Hao was a little surprised when he heard this. He could hear the determination in Cheng Qianfan's tone and felt Cheng Qianfan's murderous intention towards the Japanese cavalry camp on Huade Road.

In addition, everything seems to be normal with Brother Fan today, but Li Hao is very familiar with him and can feel that Brother Fan's calmness is suppressing something.

What happened that made Brother Fan so angry that he wanted to attack the Japanese army directly?

"Currently, there is a Japanese cavalry squadron stationed at the cavalry camp on Huade Road..." Li Hao organized his thoughts and said slowly.

This chapter has been completed!
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