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Chapter 027: Monthly Pass for the Future)

 Cheng Qianfan also took a peanut and put it on it, "This is Jinkemu."

"If Jin Kemu is secretly assassinated by the Japanese, the road inspector will have the opportunity to be promoted to the post of deputy chief inspector of the Central Patrol Room." Cheng Qianfan said.

"It's not easy." Lu Dazhang shook his head.

"The French Concession authorities have to take care of the emotions within the Central Patrol House and are unlikely to agree to the two people from Xiafei District directly taking over the first and second positions in the Central Patrol House." Peng and Ou also shook their heads.

"In this case, the most likely thing is-" Cheng Qianfan nodded, "A patrol chief from the Central District was assigned to Xiafei Road as the patrol chief, and the road patrol chief was exchanged with him."

He placed three more peanuts, representing the three inspectors of the Central Patrol Room:

Liang Yuchun.

Yuan Kaizhou.

There is also Inspector Xiao Cheng.

The three of them looked at each other and felt that this was the most likely possibility.

Central patrol room.

Lao Huang glanced at the falling goose feathers of snow.

There was a small plate of pork head meat, bad edamame beans, a pig's trotter, and a piece of stinky tofu on the table.

A wine pot was warming on the stove, making a sizzling sound and the aroma of wine wafting out.

Lao Huang got a glass of rice wine and took a sip.

On this snowy day, drinking wine and eating side dishes is called comfort.

The only shortcoming is that there are no peanuts. When he went to buy it today, his favorite Yanjin peanuts were sold out.

After eating and drinking for a while, Lao Huang put down his wine glass and suddenly felt that it was tasteless.

Cheng Qianfan was not in the patrol room. Otherwise, Comrade Huo Miao would be drinking with him. It would be rare for the two of them to have a drink and talk together. Although they couldn't talk about some things, they could have a drink with their comrades on such a snowy day.

It's a rare comfort.

The door was open, and Lao Huang pretended to be drinking and enjoying the snow, but in fact he was staring at the movements in the patrol room.

When Cheng Qianfan was not in the patrol room, he would be the one to secretly monitor the situation.

"Xia Fei Road cannot be lost." Peng Yuou pointed to Lu Dazhang's peanuts and said decisively. There is Cheng Qianfan in the Central District. If Lu Dazhang is transferred, both of them will be in the Central District. Although they can strengthen the organization

The control of the central area of ​​the French Concession, but the loss of this important section of Xiafei Road, is actually more gain than loss.

"Unless Comrade Huo Miao and I switch positions." Lu Dazhang said, picking up the peanuts representing himself and swapping them with the peanuts representing Cheng Qianfan.

"It's not appropriate either." Cheng Qianfan shook his head and replaced the two peanuts, "Both of our powers will be weakened."

Lu Dazhang heard this and nodded to express his agreement. Gu

The Central District was Cheng Qianfan's stronghold for many years, and Xiafei Road was also Lu Dazhang's 'stronghold'. Such an exchange would require both of them time to regain control of their subordinates, which was not cost-effective.

"So, now we have a unified understanding. Comrade Feiyu must continue to stay on Xiafei Road and cannot easily lose control of Xiafei Road." Peng Yuou said.

Lu Dazhang nodded, "I thought so too, so I deliberately mentioned the importance of Xiafei Road to Shangguan Wu at that time. From his point of view, if I continued to stay on Xiafei Road, it would be a big loss for him.

It is also helpful to strengthen his influence in the French Concession. In this way, he can not only control the Central District, but also continue to maintain influence in Xiafei District, so Shangguanwu itself is hesitant."

"This issue no longer needs to be considered. The road inspector must continue to stay on Xiafei Road." Cheng Qianfan thought, "Besides, the most important thing is that Shangguan Wu's insidious side of defecting to the Japanese was exposed in this incident.


"That's true." Lu Dazhang said, "Shangguan Wu is very hidden. I pride myself on knowing him very well, but if it hadn't been for this, I would never have noticed that this person has secretly defected to the Japanese."

"So, we must prevent Shangguanwu from taking the position of chief inspector of the Central District." Peng Yuou said in a deep voice.

"I agree with Secretary Peng's view." Cheng Qianfan said, "I have an immature idea about this matter. Please ask two old comrades to help me with the details."

"It seems that Comrade Huo Miao has thought deeply about this matter." Peng Yuou said with a smile, "Let's talk about it."

"The Japanese want to seek the position of Chief Inspector of the Central Patrol Room. Their biggest success is to catch everyone off guard." Cheng Qianfan said, "I am considering whether we can secretly inform Jin Kemu and use Jin Kemu's ability

and skill. If he had been prepared, his position as deputy chief inspector would not have been easily moved. Besides..."

Cheng Qianfan looked at both of them with smiles on their faces, "It seems that Secretary Peng and Comrade Feiyu have guessed what I am thinking."

Both of them laughed.

"Jin Kemu has a tough attitude towards Japan. If he can further become the chief inspector of the Central District Patrol Room, it will be quite beneficial to our work." Cheng Qianfan continued, "Many times, it is difficult for me to come forward to operate things.

, can all be realized through Jin Kemu."

"That's true. The quick rescue of A Hai last time is a good example." Lu Dazhang nodded in approval.

Sometimes, the existence of patriotic people like Jin Kemu who are not members of our party can have a better effect than the personal involvement of comrades of our party, and at the same time, it is also a kind of protection for our party's latent personnel.

"This idea is very constructive." Peng Yuou nodded.

"Inspector Xiao Cheng and Inspector Lu, you two are both elites in the patrol room." He looked at the two of them with a smile and joked, "In your opinion, if Jin Kemu had been prepared, he would have captured the central district.

Is the position of chief inspector of the patrol house likely?"

"The hope is not small." Cheng Qianfan was most familiar with the situation in the Central District. He thought for a while and said, "Jin Kemu and Qin Detai have a good relationship. From the perspective of the French Concession, although Qin Detai will be criticized because of his status as a senior member of the Party Affairs Investigation Department

Taking it, however, does not mean that the French Concession will be willing to let the Japanese extend their hands into the Central District."

"Jin Kemu has great prestige in the Central District. He is indeed the best candidate to succeed Qin Detai. This is why the Japanese secretly used methods against Jin Kemu."

"In addition, there is another point. Jin Kemu and my teacher Xiu Gongshen are allies. Xiu Gongshen has a close relationship with Xi Neng from the investigation team of the Political Department. Xi Neng has certain suggestions for the position of chief inspector of the Central District.

"Cheng Qianfan took a sip of tea and said.

"I agree with Comrade Huo Miao. Excluding other factors, it is in the interests of the French Concession authorities for Jin Kemu to serve as the general inspector of the Central District." Lu Dazhang said, "As long as we inform Jin Kemu in advance, he will know in advance that Qin Detai may

If you make early arrangements for resigning, you will have a chance to win the position of chief inspector."

"Very good." Peng and Ou thought for a while and made a decision, "In that case, we will unite our thoughts and secretly inform Jin Kemu to help him win the position of deputy chief inspector of the patrol room in the central area of ​​the French Concession."

"If Jin Kemu is promoted to Chief Inspector, the Japanese will steal the chicken but lose the rice. It will be wonderful." Lu Dazhang said happily. Suddenly, he looked at Cheng Qianfan and fell into thinking.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Qianfan asked Lu Dazhang.

"If the Japanese plan fails and Jin Kemu is not taken down by them, but becomes the chief inspector of the Central District Patrol Room, how will they remedy the situation?" Lu Dazhang said.

Peng and Ou's eyes also lit up and they looked at Cheng Qianfan.

This chapter has been completed!
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