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Chapter 030 Sanctions Action Monthly Ticket)

Qiao Chuntao did not answer Cheng Qianfan's question immediately. He picked up the teapot and poured tea for the team leader.

It's black tea.

"You, you, come to the coffee shop and drink coffee, and drink tea in the teahouse." Cheng Qianfan shook his head and said.

"I can't get used to drinking coffee." Qiao Chuntao put down the teapot and looked in the direction of the door. There was a knock on the door, "Come in," he said.

"What would you like, sir?" A blonde waitress opened the door and asked.

Seeing Cheng Qianfan, his eyes brightened obviously, as if he was surprised by the customer's handsome appearance.

"A cup of coffee." Cheng Qianfan looked at Qiao Chuntao, who shook his hands, meaning that he could just drink black tea.

"Not making progress." Cheng Qianfan snorted, and when he looked at the waitress, he showed a warm expression, "Two croissants."

"Now, do you want whipped cream? Our whipped cream is the best in Shanghai." said the waitress.

"Of course." Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly and said politely, "The whipped cream at Louis Cafe is so famous that you can't miss it."

He chose to meet Qiao Chuntao at Louis Cafe, not only because of its excellent location and the ability to observe the movements of the Japanese military horse farm, but also because this restaurant's whipped cream is extremely famous:

In addition to being greedy for money and lust, Inspector Xiao Cheng was also extremely greedy and had a fondness for food. He came here to taste the whipped cream of this restaurant just in case he had any excuses.

After the waitress leaves.

Qiao Chuntao stood behind the door and listened for a while to confirm that the other party had left.

The two came to the window and looked southwest from here to the Japanese Army Racecourse on Ward Road. The view was very broad and could be described as unobstructed.

Qiao Chuntao did not choose this private room randomly.

The biggest advantage of this private room as an observation point is that it can minimize the reflection of the telescope from being noticed by the Japanese.

This room is just behind the Japanese wooden watchtower at the military horse farm. The Japanese sentries will habitually look in the other three directions and subconsciously relax their vigilance on the back side. Unless Cheng Qianfan and Qiao Chuntao are unlucky, the Japanese army will not

You will find them spying in secret.

"What did you observe?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"The sudden blizzard caught the Japanese off guard. The brazier used for heating on the watchtower must have been extinguished," Qiao Chuntao said, pointing to the wooden watchtower of the Japanese army.

"Although he was in the Japanese-occupied area, the Japanese sentry was still alert and did not cheat. However, it was too cold. In half an hour, he drank twice to keep warm, one sip at a time."

Cheng Qianfan took the telescope from Qiao Chuntao.

Qiao Chuntao walked behind the door to be on guard.

The flying snowflakes have a big impact on the line of sight.

He saw a Japanese sentry climbing up the watchtower to change the guard.

"How long does it take to change the guard?" Cheng Qianfan asked immediately.

"Usually it's two hours." Qiao Chuntao took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, "Today's snowstorm meant we should have shortened the changing of the guard time, it's one and a half hours."

As he spoke, he winked at Cheng Qianfan.

Inspector Xiao Cheng put away the binoculars properly, sat back on the sofa, and crossed his legs.

"Sir, it's cold, so please try it while it's hot," the waitress said.

Cheng Qianfan nodded, and he slowly took out a cigarette holder, stuck the cigarette, and threw the lighter with a skillful and graceful flick of his right hand.

The waitress skillfully caught it, leaned over with her warm body, and helped Inspector Cheng light his cigarette.


Cheng Qianfan smiled and patted the waitress's buttocks, took out a one-dollar bill from his body, and stuffed it into the waitress's chest, "Go, I want to talk to this lady about something, and I don't want to be disturbed."

The waitress glanced at Qiao Chuntao with a surprised expression, and believed that this was a customer disguised as a man. She showed an ambiguous smile, winked at Inspector Xiao Cheng, twisted her waist and left.

Cheng Qianfan looked at Qiao Chuntao.

There was no shame, anger or unpleasant expression on Qiao Chuntao's face. He said in a calm voice: "Team leader, that is you, if anyone else had spoken like that, I would have broken his neck by now."

"I know." Cheng Qianfan looked at Qiao Chuntao, "Very good, your ability to control emotions has improved."

As he spoke, he picked up the coffee cup, sniffed it carefully, showed an appreciative look, took a sip, sighed comfortably, and said, "Just like this coffee, what I don't like the most is the addition of whipped cream, but...

I had to act like I liked it very much."

He looked at Qiao Chuntao, and gradually the smile on his face faded. He clasped his hands and raised his chin, "Taozi, I understand you."

"For you, killing Japanese is the greatest meaning of life."

"No, to be precise, it's the only meaning."

"I have thought about advising you before that people cannot live for revenge. That is a body without a soul."

"Then I thought about it, forget it, in this troubled world, it would be nice to be alive and take revenge."

As he said this, the young Major of the Secret Service smiled and said, "So, for this operation, I allow you to go on a killing spree."

He caught the flash of excitement in Qiao Chuntao's eyes, a cold excitement.

"The sole purpose of this operation is to kill the Japanese troops." Cheng Qianfan picked up the croissant and threw one to Qiao Chuntao, "You and Jiang Mulezi are responsible for this operation."

Hearing this, Qiao Chuntao, who caught the croissant, smiled and said: "Among the two of us, who is the leader and who is the auxiliary?"

"I will work out the action plan with you. I will not participate in the action. You will lead the team. Before the gunshot, you will be the leader. After the gunshot, Jiang Mulezi will be the leader." Cheng Qianfan said.

Qiao Chuntao is cautious but flexible, smart and ruthless. It was Qiao Chuntao who was responsible for the siege and annihilation of Mitsui Club Orange Group in Cherry Lane a year ago.

Among his subordinates, Cheng Qianfan valued Qiao Chuntao the most.

It stands to reason that it would be okay for Qiao Chuntao to be entirely responsible for this operation. However, Cheng Qianfan considered that Qiao Chuntao had no experience in fierce battles with the Japanese army, and Jiang Mulezi led the "Independent Detachment" of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Special Forces to fight with the Japanese many times.


In Cheng Qianfan's opinion, this arrangement and combination is the most appropriate for this operation.

"The Japanese are quite cautious."

Cheng Qianfan picked up the telescope and observed, while Qiao Chuntao softly reported the situation.

The Japanese troops at the military horse racing field were heavily defended. They pulled a barbed wire fence around the military horse racing field.

Not only was there barbed wire, the Japanese army also dug trenches and valleys that were more than one person deep.

In addition, there are two wooden watchtowers in the camp, each with two Japanese soldiers. The guard is usually changed every two hours, but it will be adjusted randomly according to weather conditions.

"Do you think the time interval between the changing of the guard at Japanese military watchtowers will continue to be shortened?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"No." Qiao Chuntao thought for a while and shook his head, "They don't have enough troops, so it will be difficult to continue to compress time."

"It's not just that." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile, "Today, when the brazier was extinguished, the changing of the guard time may have been temporarily adjusted. They were caught off guard by the blizzard and did so. In fact, I was surprised by this.


Looking at Qiao Chuntao's puzzled expression, Cheng Qianfan said, "You just need to remember that the Japanese army rarely changes the inherent rules. Today's situation can be called rare."

"If this is the case, the Japanese may return to the two-hour changing of the guard habit during the next changing of the guard." Qiao Chuntao reacted immediately and said.

"Yes, this is easy to verify. Just keep an eye on them."

Cheng Qianfan's expression was solemn, and he was thinking quickly in his mind, summarizing, analyzing, sorting out so much information he had so far, and finally completing the formulation of an action plan.

The Japanese soldiers at the military horse farm basically stayed in the camp during the day and did not go out.

Although the camp was also within the military horse farm, the Japanese camp and the military horse camp were separated, with a distance of about two hundred meters between the two camps.

In the evening, only about one squad of Japanese soldiers immediately set up camp and patrolled the military horse farm.

"It's a changing of the guard." Qiao Chuntao put down the telescope, with snowflakes on her eyebrows.

"Two hours." Cheng Qianfan looked at the time on his watch, "What did you observe?"

"The brazier." Qiao Chuntao said, "The Japanese army relit the brazier and strengthened measures to keep the soldiers warm."

"Let's go!" Cheng Qianfan glanced at the snowflakes outside the window and said.

He wanted to observe it closely on the spot. There were still some vague details in the intelligence. He had to find out clearly, otherwise he would not be at ease.

Albert Road.

The secret base of Shanghai Station of the Secret Service is located.

Lu Xinge was wearing a suit and leather shoes, with a pair of small round glasses on the bridge of his nose. He observed the surroundings vigilantly and knocked on the courtyard door.

The door opened.

He stuck his head out, saw the face of the person coming clearly, and opened the door.

Lu Xingge quickly stepped inside, and the courtyard door was immediately closed.

"Is it clear?" Zheng Weilong personally received Lu Xingge.

"Report to the stationmaster, my subordinates have found out that Yang Fuyuan will go to his home on Haige Road tomorrow."

"Haige Road?" Zheng Weilong immediately picked up the map on the table and looked at it.

"Tomorrow is the birthday of the youngest son born to Yang Fuyuan and his third concubine. Yang Fuyuan loves this little boy very much. His subordinates found out that the people over at Haige Road have ordered food and drinks at Yu Sanyuan and agreed to deliver it to Haige tomorrow evening.

At Lu’s house.”

"Great!" Zheng Weilong said happily.

Over in Wuhan, Dai Chunfeng issued an operational mission to the Shanghai Station, requiring sanctions to be imposed on Yang Fuyuan, a traitorous scholar who had defected to the Japanese.

The Shanghai Station has been monitoring Yang Fuyuan these days, trying to find an opportunity to take action.

However, this person also knew that being a traitor was dangerous, so he was extremely timid and never showed up.

This is the first sanction task that Dai Chunfeng has assigned to the Shanghai Station this year. Seeing time passing by without any progress, Zheng Weilong is also very impatient.

The intelligence obtained by Lu Xingge was able to pinpoint Yang Fuyuan's whereabouts, which naturally made Zheng Weilong very happy.

"Webmaster, leave these actions to me." Lu Xingge rubbed his hands and looked at Zheng Weilong excitedly and expectantly.

"The Japanese still attach great importance to Yang Fuyuan. Although we have grasped Yang Fuyuan's movements, it does not mean that the operation will be very smooth." Zheng Weilong said, "It is foreseeable that Yang Fuyuan will be surrounded by bodyguards, and even

There will be a guard force arranged by the Japanese."

"Then you should leave it to me." Lu Xingge smiled heartily, "Who else would be better than me for an action that can easily lead to death?"

"Hahaha," Zheng Weilong laughed and said, "I knew you would take the initiative to ask for help!"

He patted Lu Xinge's shoulder and said, "I'll leave it to you to check Yang Fuyuan's whereabouts, and I'm inclined to leave it to you to carry out the task."

"There are so many people at Shanghai Station, so I am most at ease with you doing this." Zheng Weilong smiled and handed Lu Xingge a cigarette, "I am very happy that you can take the initiative to ask for help. The party and the country are like this!

Well done!”

As he spoke, he lit a cigarette himself and asked, "Where do you think is the most appropriate place to launch an attack?"

"Here." Lu Xinge took out a piece of paper from his body, spread it out, pointed at it and said.

This is actually a map hand-drawn by Lu Xingge near Yang Fuyuan's private residence on Haige Road.

"What is this place?" Zheng Weilong asked.

"Qingmei Tea House." Lu Xingge said, "There is a room on the second floor of the tea house. You can observe the door of Yang Fuyuan's private house. Shoot from here. The tea house is more than a hundred steps away from Yang Fuyuan's private house. I am still confident."

"What I want is not to be sure." Zheng Weilong said sternly, "I want to hit with one hit! This is also Virgo's order!"

"Yes, I promise to blow the traitor Yang Fuyuan's head off with one shot!" Lu Xingge saluted and said with a serious expression.

"Very good!" Zheng Weilong showed a smile on his face and nodded slightly, "This is the momentum you want!"

Cheng Qianfan and Qiao Chuntao walked side by side on the road, and the snowflakes seemed smaller.

Cheng Qianfan turned to look at the private room of the coffee shop where they had just stayed.

He observed the surrounding situation again and whispered to Qiao Chuntao: "Taozi, tell me, if our target is at the window and we want to shoot this person, where should the gun be placed?"

Qiao Chuntao glanced around and looked to the right amid the flying snow.

He said softly, "Over there, there is a church there. I have observed that there is a utility room on the second floor of the church. No one usually goes there. There is a shooting angle there. The only problem is that it is a little far away and people need to perform tasks.

The gunman has excellent marksmanship."

Cheng Qianfan glanced casually and saw a Jewish church over there.

Qiao Chuntao's view was similar to his own. Cheng Qianfan had two shooting options in his mind, among which he was more inclined to choose the church.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "What about the evacuation plan? There are a lot of people near the church. How do you escape without attracting the attention of the people around you? It's not easy."

Qiao Chuntao was silent for a moment, then bent down and grabbed a handful of snow, holding it in her palm. The snow gradually melted under the heat of her palm, and water dripped down.

Then, he replied, "Team leader, others can't do it, but I can."

Cheng Qianfan was slightly startled, looked at Qiao Chuntao for a while, laughed, but did not comment on Qiao Chuntao's reply.

This chapter has been completed!
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