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Chapter 040 Hearing about Chenzhou again

 Sanbonjiro stood in front of the window and lifted a corner of the curtain.

He looked at the yard with sinister eyes.

A black Nissan car drove in with the curtains closed.

Cheng Qianfan got out of the car, chatted and laughed with the driver Xiaochi, and handed something like a card into Xiaochi's hand, who happily took it into his pocket.

Sanbonjiro knew what it was. It was a voucher from Cheng Qianfan's Jiujiu Trading. With the voucher, he could receive sweets, cigars, wine and even perfume, cosmetics and other luxury goods. These are all goods that are difficult to buy even if you have money.


According to Araki Harima's report, Cheng Qianfan's business is getting bigger and bigger. Especially after the Japanese Empire occupied Shanghai's Chinese border, the business of "Inspector Xiao Cheng" can be said to be increasingly prosperous.

Because the empire set up checkpoints on land and water, many people's businesses were affected, but this did not include Cheng Qianfan's long-term business.

With the care of the Super High School, and even the route opened by Hyōtaro Imamura of the Imperial Consulate General in Shanghai, Cheng Qianfan's long-term business was allowed to go all the way.

Miyazaki is becoming more and more like a greedy businessman.

If this guy hadn't delayed his duties, Sanbonjiro would have punished him long ago.

"Section Chief, Miyazaki-kun is here." Araki Harima knocked on the door and came in to report.

"Let him in."

Cheng Qianfan came in carrying a gift box and smiled before saying anything, "Search, this is the French red wine collected by my subordinates. Please taste it."

Araki Harima took it casually, moved slightly, and handed the gift box to Sanbonjiro.

"I don't have any preference for red wine." Sanbonjiro said with a solemn face. He took the gift box and his green bean-sized eyes shrank, "That's it. If you are interested, I will give it a try."

"Section Chief, this morning, the patrol room held a meeting to report yesterday's assassination of Zou Fengqi at the Yiyuan Dog Running Ground and the attack on the Imperial Army Racecourse on Huade Road." Cheng Qianfan reported.

"What did the police department say about these two cases?" Sanbonjiro asked in a deep voice.

"The Political Division believes that the assassination of Zou Fengqi was most likely the work of the National Secret Service. However, there is currently no direct evidence to support this judgment."

"As for the attack on the Huade Road Army Racecourse, because it occurred in the public concession, the information received from the French Concession is unknown. The Political Department's current preliminary judgment is that it was carried out by anti-Japanese forces." Cheng Qianfan said.

Sanbonjiro frowned, as if Cheng Qianfan didn't say what he said.

Glancing at the gift box on the table, Sanbonjiro's anger subsided slightly. Well, this can't be blamed on Miyazaki-kun, after all, these two incidents did not happen in his jurisdiction.

"Section Chief, I don't know much about the attack on the Imperial Army Racecourse on Huade Road. There are rumors that the Imperial warriors suffered heavy casualties..." Cheng Qianfan's eyes showed concern and worry.

"It's true." Kentaro Miyazaki was one of his own, and Jiro Sanbon couldn't hide anything, so he simply told about the attack on the Huade Road Army Racecourse.

"Six imperial soldiers were attacked by the Chinese, and eight were injured, four of them seriously." Sanbonjiro said with a gloomy face, "Of course, the other side also left fifteen corpses."

For the imperial army, which is 'invincible in every attack and invincible in every battle', fourteen people were killed and injured in one attack, which is already considered a huge battle loss.

Cheng Qianfan was surprised. According to the information he had, seven people on his side had died for the country. How come it turned out to be fifteen corpses when Sanbonjiro told him?


"In addition, while the Imperial Warriors were chasing the attackers, they had a misunderstanding with the garrison at Tilanqiao Prison. There was a brief exchange of fire between the two sides. Two more soldiers were killed and three others were injured."

"How could this be?" Cheng Qianfan exclaimed.

"The Chinese were dressed in imperial military uniforms and suddenly fired at Tilanqiao Prison while escaping, causing the other party to fire back and a brief exchange of fire broke out with the imperial army."

When talking about this matter, Sanbonjiro's face became even more gloomy. The Chinese rebels were really cunning.

"Damn Chinese people." Cheng Qianfan was itching with hatred, "They had a premeditated plan."

At this moment, what Cheng Qianfan was thinking was that based on this calculation, Japan's losses were eight dead and eleven wounded: miscalculation, and he should have been bolder when reporting the results to Wuhan.

"What can my subordinates do to investigate the assassination of Zou Fengqi?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

The attack on the Huade Road Military Racecourse occurred in the public concession. Although Cheng Qianfan also wanted to know the progress of the Japanese investigation, he did not continue to ask rashly.

However, the assassination of Zou Fengqi at Yiyuan Racecourse took place in the French Concession, and he expressed concern that this was the proper meaning of the title.

"Wu Shanyue judged that this matter was most likely the work of the National Secret Service." Sanbonjiro said, "But..."

Cheng Qianfan was about to speak, but when he heard the words "but", he wisely shut up.

"Wu Shanyue's subordinate Wang Kangnian thinks this incident was done by the Red Party?" Sanbonjiro said, shaking his head.

Intellectually, he is inclined to support Wu Shanyue's judgment, which is also the same as his analysis and guessing.

However, for the people in the former Party Affairs Investigation Department, Sanbonjiro secretly observed that he still admired Wang Kangnian. He was quite capable and a person who could really do things.

Therefore, although he did not quite agree with Wang Kangnian's inference, he did not take it completely to heart.

"Red Party?" Cheng Qianfan was surprised, "Why did Wang Kang's Annual Conference judge that it was a Red Party? As far as I know, the Shanghai Red Party has been continuously suppressed by the National Party Affairs Investigation Office. It is in disarray and has no military capability at all."

After a pause, he thought for a moment and said, "Does the section chief still remember the document I submitted last year?"

Sanbonjiro thought for a moment and nodded.

At the beginning of last year, Cheng Qianfan submitted an "Investigation Report on the Red Forces within the Concession" within the French Concession. The French Concession authorities believed that after years of arrests and suppression, the Red Party forces within the French Concession had almost collapsed and were no longer able to control the Concession.

poses a threat to 'security'.

This is a research report produced by the French Concession authorities after careful investigation, and it is quite valuable.

"Of course, it is not ruled out that after more than a year of cooperation between the National Red Party and the Red Party, there are signs of a resurgence of the Red Party. However, according to the judgment of my subordinates, the Red Party mainly focuses on intelligence work and so-called anti-Japanese propaganda.

They rarely take the initiative to engage in assassination operations." Cheng Qianfan said and thought, "Of course, these are just some superficial opinions of his subordinates. Wang Kangnian specializes in dealing with the Red Party, so maybe he has his own opinions."

Sanbonjiro is thinking.

Cheng Qianfan did not dare to disturb the 'section chief''s thoughts, and waited aside without squinting.

"'Chenzhou' of the Red Party Special Branch." Sanbonjiro pondered for a moment, looked at "Kentaro Miyazaki," and suddenly asked, "How much do you know about this person?"

PS: Double monthly tickets have started, please give me monthly tickets, thank you.

This chapter has been completed!
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