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Chapter 046 The charterer and the eldest cousin (Happy New Year, please vote for me)

 Shanghai Yi.

The former name was Shanghai North Railway Station.

When the Battle of Songhu broke out, the Shanghai North Railway Station was violently bombed by the Japanese army. The station building and ancillary facilities were seriously damaged, and hundreds of passengers were killed and injured.

After the Japanese army occupied Shanghai, in order to show off their power and 'demonstrate their hegemony', they renamed Shanghai North Railway Station "Shanghai Station". It is said that they planned to use this railway station for military purposes.

The traces of damage caused by the Japanese bombing last autumn can still be seen. The walls were darkened by fire, and the walls were removed before they could be repainted. They looked mottled and ugly.

The bumpy ground.

The entire Shanghai North Railway Station and its surrounding areas look dilapidated and do not fit the status of the largest railway station in the largest city in the Far East.

Kang Erniu, wearing a patched cotton jacket, a yellowed and black towel on his shoulders, and a ragged felt hat, was busy beside a rickshaw.

He pretended that his car had broken down and was being repaired.

This can avoid the trouble of having guests riding in the car and also make it easier for him to observe secretly.

At this time, a man wearing a gray gown and a black top hat came out of the exit.

The man was carrying a camphor wood suitcase woven from bamboo.

This person looked around, put down his suitcase, took off his glasses, took out a piece of cloth from his belt, shook it vigorously three times, took a breath on the lenses skillfully, and wiped them gently.

Seeing this action, Kang Erniu quickly installed the last nut part, packed up the rickshaw, and continued to observe vigilantly.

On the platform, there were Japanese military policemen with white armbands on their arms. From time to time, they would grab suspicious persons, smash them down with the butts of their rifles, and search them arbitrarily. If there were so-called prohibited items, they would arrest them and take them away.

The man puts his glasses back on.

The cloth used to clean the glasses was not put back into the strap, but folded carefully, and then placed under the handle of the bamboo-woven camphor wood suitcase, wrapped around it, and used it as a pad before picking up the suitcase.


Kang Erniu had already pulled the rickshaw and ran over ahead of other colleagues.

"Sir, would you like to take a car?"

"No, I can walk on my own." The man stamped his feet, stretched his frozen feet, and said.

"Sir, where are you going?"

"Tang's Lane."

"It's a bit far." Kang Erniu glanced at the man, "Sir, it's a hard journey in the car and you have to carry things. It's so cold that the soles of your feet are strained."

"I can walk by myself." The man looked hesitant.

"Is it the East Tang Family Lane or the West Tang Family Lane?" It was rare to have long-distance business, so Kang Erniu continued to ask without giving up.

"Is there something different?" The man frowned, "I only remember that it was made by the Tang family, um, Ren Kangli."

"Is it Rong Kangli?" Kang Erniu asked.

"Yes, yes." the man said repeatedly.

Kang Erniu had already confirmed that the code had been matched through the man's specific actions and the conversation just now. He said, "Sir, it's cold weather, get in the car, you don't know the road, you will take the wrong path."

With that said, he took a step closer and whispered, "Comrade 'Charterer', please get in the car, 'Big Cousin' is already waiting for you."

Hearing this, the 'man' didn't hesitate anymore, sighed and said, "Well, you're right, I don't know the way, so I will take the wrong path."

With that said, he got into the car carrying a box made of woven bamboo and camphor wood.

Almost a quarter and eleven minutes later, Kang Erniu pulled the rickshaw into an alley.

The 'Charterer' got off the bus.

Immediately a man came over and took the rickshaw away.

Kang Erniu took the 'charterer' to a Shikumen house in the alley.

Kang Erniu stepped forward and knocked on the door. After receiving the agreed code, the door opened.

"Sir, please." Kang Erniu said.

The two entered the house.

Peng and Ou, who were pacing back and forth, looked up and saw a man carrying a box made of woven bamboo and camphor wood.

"Comrade 'Charterer'!"

"Comrade 'Big Cousin'!"

The two of them looked at each other, then showed excited smiles, took two steps forward, and shook hands vigorously.

"Comrade Peng and Ou, we have been apart for seven years, and you are fine again!"

"Hahaha, Comrade Fang Jinghua, how are you doing?"

The two looked at each other, laughed, and hugged each other warmly.

In the 20th year of the Republic of China, Liming was arrested and rebelled, causing a bloody storm in Shanghai.

Fang Jinghua, whose identity was exposed, evacuated immediately and arrived in the Soviet area after half a year.

Peng and Ou, who were still working in the Soviet area at the time, later took great risks and came to work in Shanghai.

Now, Peng and Ou are targeted by the Japanese and need to evacuate Shanghai urgently.

After careful organizational consideration, Fang Jinghua, a current senior official in Hangzhou who had worked in Shanghai, was assigned to take over Peng Yuou's job.

Seven years, a reincarnation.

In countless bloody days, countless Red Party members were fearless and lived to death for the sake of the country and the nation, for the victory of the people, and for the sake of New China!

"Has the journey been smooth?" Peng Yuou picked up the kettle, poured a cup of hot water, and handed the enamel jar to Fang Jinghua.

"The Japanese army conducted strict checks at the train station. There were also military police following the train to check for identification documents, and plainclothes agents who had defected to the Japanese were secretly monitoring the situation." Fang Jinghua blew, took a sip of water, scalded his mouth, and warmed his mouth with an enamel vat.

Hand, said.

"Fortunately, I was prepared and did not agree to be escorted by my comrades. Otherwise, I might have been targeted by plainclothes agents." Fang Jinghua said, "I am not very eye-catching by myself."

"It's still too risky." Peng Yuou shook his head. The world was in chaos, not only the Japanese, the spies, but also the bandits and road bullies. It was indeed dangerous to travel alone.

"I am not a weak scholar." Fang Jinghua said with a smile.

"Hahaha, do you still remember?" Peng and Ou laughed.

In the 20th year of the Republic of China, Fang Jinghua came to the Soviet area. Peng Yuou met him for the first time and joked that a highly myopic scholar had no power to tie a chicken.

Without saying a word, Fang Jinghua took out his dog tag gun and fired three times. All three shots hit the reverse characters of the slogan "Kuomintang Reactionaries" painted on the wall about twenty meters away.

Peng Yuou was shocked, retracted his joke, and apologized to Fang Jinghua.

Then...the two were punished together and imprisoned together:

Shooting without authorization almost caused the team to misjudge, thinking that the enemy was coming, and - a waste of bullets!

"How is the situation over there in Hangzhou?" Peng Yuou asked.

"Very bad." Fang Jinghua fell silent, his expression angry and sad.

After the Japanese army captured Nanjing, they divided their forces into three groups to attack Hangzhou. Hangzhou fell on December 24 at the end of last year.

After that, the Japanese army announced: "Three days of free movement." In an instant, Hangzhou turned into a hell on earth.

"One of our male comrades, in order to rescue a female student who was surrounded by the Japanese, opened fire, attracted the enemy, and saved the female student, but he himself was caught by Japanese soldiers..."

The comrade who was rescuing people was hung upside down by the Japanese, and his legs were nailed to both sides of the big bamboo with nails, and then he suddenly split the bamboo with a saber, and the bamboo bounced away instantly...

Fang Jinghua looked in pain and slapped his head hard.

"Is it still the same old problem?" Peng Yuou asked with concern.

There is a shrapnel in Fang Jinghua's skull that cannot be removed. Whenever he gets emotional or thinks too hard, he will have a severe headache.

It was under such circumstances that Fang Jinghua endured the pain and led the entire Hangzhou Red Party underground organization to persist in the struggle against the Kuomintang reactionaries, and also supported the Red guerrilla zone in southern Zhejiang.

Two old comrades who had not seen each other for seven years had a long talk.

Hongkou District, Hyoutaro Imamura's residence.

Cheng Qianfan reported in detail to Imamura Hyōtaro the contents of the regular morning meeting of the patrol room, especially regarding the appointment of Jin Kemu as acting chief inspector.

"Qin Detai is trying to escape, or has even fled Shanghai." Hyōtaro Imamura thought for a moment and came to a conclusion.

"Mr. Mingjian!" Cheng Qianfan showed an expression of shock and admiration.

Then he hurriedly reported that he had met Sanbonjiro and learned from him that the Super High School had arranged for Shangguan Wu to secretly attack Jin Kemu in order to obtain the position of chief inspector of the Central District and many other matters.

"Sir, you don't know anything about Shangguan Wu, Jin Kemu, etc., but you can tell that Qin Detai is going to escape, as if everything is happening in front of your eyes." Cheng Qianfan sighed again, giving a thumbs up, with a look of reverence on his face, "Sir, you are really awesome.

Humans too!”

PS: Last month, I ranked 72nd in monthly votes, creating the latest good result. I am so happy and excited. Thank you everyone for your strong support.

I wish you all a happy New Year, all the best, good health to your family, academic progress, smooth work, all your wishes come true, and great success.

Asking for a guaranteed double monthly pass, the 1st to the 7th is still the double monthly pass period.

This chapter has been completed!
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