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Chapter 048 How top agents obtain intelligence

"For Sanbon-kun, if you can be promoted to deputy chief inspector, it will be of great benefit to the work of the Super High School in the Central District and even the entire French Concession." Hyōtaro Imamura pondered for a moment and said.

"Compared with these benefits, the slight downplay in specific matters is insignificant." Hyōtaro Imamura paused and continued.

After saying that, Imamura Hyōtaro glanced at "Miyazaki Kentaro" and took a sip of tea.

Cheng Qianfan frowned and thought, he was already familiar with this method of communication:

Hyōtaro Imamura is a 'teacher' who always does not break things down into details, but speaks concisely and concisely. He even just opens the hijab for him, and then begins the class of 'Kentaro Miyazaki', who pays attention to time.

It is a short test, and after the test, it is a teaching time to explain the ‘test paper’.

Under such inspiring teachings, the progress of 'Miyazaki Kentaro' is visible to the naked eye, and based on Cheng Qianfan's observation, Imamura Hyoutarou clearly enjoys the sense of reward and accomplishment of being a teacher.

Therefore, Cheng Qianfan is very measured and makes a little progress every time. Occasionally, the progress is a little bigger. Hyōtaro Imamura is very satisfied with his teaching progress. Moreover, at this pace, the teacher has a deeper sense of accomplishment, especially for him.

Occasionally the progress is a little bigger.

Hyōtaro Imamura didn't say anything to urge him.

However, he glanced at the time on his watch.

"Teacher, I understand." Cheng Qianfan's eyes shone with joy, "The downplaying of specific matters you mentioned refers to the students' three patrols, or specifically the students' control over the three patrols."

"As the third patrol commander, the student thinks that he has done a good job in controlling his subordinates, and he can basically use his hands like an arm." Cheng Qianfan said while thinking, he picked up the thermos bottle and refilled Hyoutarou Imamura's tea cup.


"If I am promoted to deputy chief inspector, the power in my hands will be expanded. However, the police department will probably not agree with me continuing to hold the post of chief of the third patrol for a long time. Even if I can designate a replacement for the third patrol chief,

However, the Chinese are Chinese after all, and we cannot completely believe that they do not know my Japanese identity. In terms of specific control, it is a weakening, especially for the attitude of the empire, as there are many uncontrollable factors."

"One more thing, you should think about it carefully." Hyoutarou Imamura nodded slightly and said.

Cheng Qianfan thought carefully, shook his head with a wry smile, "Teacher, students are stupid."

"Kin Katsuki!" Hyōtaro Imamura said.

"Jin Kemu——" Cheng Qianfan frowned and thought, then his eyes lit up and he looked at Imamura Hyoutarou with admiration, "Teacher Mingjian!"

He showed an expression of admiration and shame and said, "Yes, Jin Kemu is the senior officer of the Third Patrol, and now he is the chief inspector of the patrol room. Therefore, I am afraid that my influence on the Third Patrol will not be the same after I leave the Third Patrol."

As powerful as I imagined."

As he said that, he bowed to Imamura Hyōtaro, "Teachers can always spy on things, but students can't even do that."

Hyōtaro Imamura smiled reservedly and nodded for Cheng Qianfan to continue.

"Although the third class leader is far less astute than the teacher, I guess it is impossible not to see this. However, he still plans to arrange for students to seek the position of deputy chief inspector." Cheng Qianfan frowned and thought.

"The students didn't realize the profound meaning of this before. After the teacher gave some suggestions, they got the idea." Cheng Qianfan paced and said.

"I think it's because in the eyes of the three section chiefs, whether the subordinates have direct control over the third patrol, although it also plays an important role in the special higher class, compared with the promotion of the subordinates to deputy chief inspector

Regarding the higher-level intelligence that can be accessed in the future, which one is more important and which one is more important, the head of the third class will have his own opinions and choices."

"What's more, keep thinking about it," Hyoutarou Imamura encouraged.

"The other thing is -" Cheng Qianfan frowned and thought, his brows did not relax, but frowned even more, and sighed, "I came to be the deputy chief inspector because Shangguan Wu was unable to be the chief inspector. I am loyal to the empire.

To me, this is the best and most reliable remedy.”

Imamura Hyoutarou gently stroked his palms and showed a satisfied smile, "Kentaro, I am very pleased. My careful teaching to you is not in vain. It is very good that you can analyze the profound meaning in such a short period of time."

Saying that, Imamura Hyōtaro happily patted "Miyazaki Kentaro" on the shoulder, "You have made great progress in the past year or so. I am very pleased."

"It's all the teachers who taught me well." Cheng Qianfan said modestly with sincere and grateful eyes.

"You are already smart, but you have not received systematic and formal teaching and training." Hyoutarou Imamura said with a smile, "I just opened a window for you, and it is your own eyes that see the world."

"Miyazaki was ignorant before. He was not afraid of hard work before, and went deep into the mainland of China to explore the way for the empire, regardless of life and death. However, his vision was short-sighted and he could only see what was in front of him. There was no teacher. Wherever the students looked, they were still shallow.

"." Cheng Qianfan said emotionally, "Teachers not only open the windows of students' eyes, but also open the windows of their hearts and minds."

"Diplomacy, geography, intelligence analysis, politics of various countries, etc." Cheng Qianfan said with tears in his eyes, "The teacher is a great talent and a top diplomat in the empire. These two hundred and thirty-three days of teaching are beyond the dreams of students."

Dare to imagine.”

Hearing that 'Miyazaki Kentaro' remembered the date so clearly, Imamura Hyoutarou couldn't help but be moved, but he had never counted how many days he had been teaching him.

Hyōtaro Imamura "loves to be a teacher" and has been cultivating young talents for a long time.

He sighed in his heart that he was the teacher of many people, but for Kentaro Miyazaki, he was the teacher he cared about and respected the most.

"Teacher, please forgive the student's vulgar words." Cheng Qianfan bowed respectfully, "The future of Kentaro Miyazaki now is beyond the imagination of Kentaro Miyazaki in the past. This is all due to the teacher's teachings."

"Kentaro." Hyōtaro Imamura was filled with emotion and patted "Kentaro Miyazaki" on the shoulder, "Please continue to work hard. Teacher hopes to see the day when you surprise me."

"Kentaro, even if you are the new deputy chief inspector, you must remember that you must do your best to control the third patrol." Imamura Hyoutarou said solemnly, "You must have a capable force in your hands."

The Iwai Mansion is about to be officially opened. As the head of the newly established secret service and one of the most senior diplomats stationed in China by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Eiichi Iwai has a naturally high starting point in the fields of diplomacy, politics, economy, and culture. However, in

There are natural shortcomings in military strength.

Under such circumstances, it would be very important for the Iwai Mansion, especially for Imamura Hyoutarou, if "Kentaro Miyazaki" could have a "reliable" operational force in the patrol house in the French Concession.

"Yes." Cheng Qianfan nodded.

Jin Kemu’s prestige in the Central Patrol Room is not as strong as you think.”

"Two years ago, Chang Yuchun and Yuan Kaizhou both competed with Jin Kemu for the position of deputy chief inspector. Now that Jin Kemu has been promoted to chief inspector, it is impossible for these two people to have no grudges in their hearts."

"One more thing, although Jin Katsuki is the former inspector of the third patrol and has great influence on the third patrol, but -" Hyoutaro Imamura looked at 'Miyazaki Kentaro', "Kentaro, the current third patrol is following you, the real reason

What is it, have you thought about it?"

"Money, profit!" Cheng Qianfan immediately replied.

"That's right." Hyōtaro Imamura said with approval, "You can think of using black market business and commercial operations to build a money network from the beginning, and include the subordinates of the Third Patrol. It is indeed a clever move."

"Outsiders only think that I am greedy for money." Cheng Qianfan said gratefully, "Only the teacher understands me!"

He was sincerely convinced, bowed and said, "Before, there were so many things that made the students really worried. However, after the teacher's detailed analysis, the students suddenly became enlightened."

Hyōtaro Imamura felt proud and nodded reservedly.

Cheng Qianfan changed the topic without leaving any trace, and respectfully reported to Imamura Hyoutaro that he had suggested to Sanbonjiro the strategy of arranging an intermediary to operate.

As expected, Hyotarō Imamura was very interested in this topic.

The two discussed who would be the most suitable person to serve as the intermediary.

Cheng Qianfan successively 'nominated' several famous pro-Japanese figures, but they were all rejected by Hyoutaro Imamura.

Seeing the puzzled expression of 'Miyazaki Kentaro', Imamura Hyoutarou did not explain.

The open-book quizzes in Imamura’s small classroom are open again.

Cheng Qianfan thought for a moment and put forward his own guess: Teacher, the student understands what you mean——

It is best to arrange an intermediary who is not pro-Japanese in the eyes of outsiders, and may even show signs of being anti-Japanese to a certain extent.

In this way, France's vigilance and suspicion can be avoided to the greatest extent.

It also makes the French more trustworthy.

Hearing this, Hyōtaro Imamura nodded with satisfaction.

"The teacher is a great talent." Cheng Qianfan sincerely admired him, "The French definitely can't see through the connection."

However, he then frowned and smiled bitterly, "In this case, the students have no clue. The students don't understand this very well."

Hyōtaro Imamura smiled and said nothing.

"It seems that the teacher has already had a problem in his heart." Cheng Qianfan said in amazement when he saw this.

"Just wait." Imamura Hyoutarou said with a smile, "I have a list here, which is a list of celebrities from all walks of life in Shanghai that the empire is trying to recruit."

Cheng Qianfan looked surprised, and his heart felt as if a stone had fallen to the ground, and he was as calm as a stone.

Starting from the super high school section chief Mimotojiro, to Iwai Eiichi's first assistant Imamura Hyoutarou.

He faced two completely different styles of Japanese spy agency leaders and senior officials, and responded in different ways.

This operation seems to be easy and without any danger, but in fact it is extremely difficult and can be described as dancing on a tightrope.

Without careful step-by-step construction in the early stage, any time he reveals it or mentions this list will immediately arouse suspicion.

It’s easier said than done to make things happen naturally.

This is the perfect state that agents desire most.

The only surprise was that he actually became a disciple of Hyōtaro Imamura.

This can be described as an unexpected gain.

PS: Please give me some monthly tickets, thank you.

This chapter has been completed!
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