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Chapter 058 Cheng Qianfan must be eradicated

"No, I keep this bottle of wine for myself to drink slowly."

"This bottle of daughter's red will do fine." Cheng Qianfan said impatiently, and then there was the sound of bottles and cans clashing.

"However, please remind my cousin that all the people on the list need to be screened again by the organization."

"Ouch, my Inspector Cheng, please be gentle and don't break it."

"Those whose names are circled by squares, including my eldest cousin, are the ones the Japanese are planning to deal cruelly. They must be evacuated as soon as possible." After speaking, Cheng Qianfan winked.

"Okay, okay, just this bottle of wine." Lao Huang said helplessly, then stamped his feet and sighed, "What a big loss."

Seeing the inspector returning with a bottle of good wine, and Lao Huang standing by with a distressed look on his face, all the patrol officers laughed, and the air in the cold night was filled with a happy atmosphere.

However, it is said that Huang drank two bottles of wine during the day and was not completely sober at this time.

As a result, within half an hour, Old Huang was already drunk.

Inspector Xiao Cheng had no choice but to arrange for Li Hao to help Lao Huang back to his medical room to rest.

After a while, Li Hao came back.

"How is Lao Huang?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"I'm drunk. Not long after I put him on the bed, Lao Huang started snoring." Li Hao said with a smile.

Pingliang Road, Japanese Military Depot Hospital.

In a heavily guarded office.

"Your Excellency, General." Sanbonjiro saluted Nishida Masao respectfully.

"Have you ever visited Wang Kangnian?" Masao Nishida was looking at the map. He put down the magnifying glass in his hand and asked casually.

"Yes, I asked Wang Kangnian's subordinates to find out more about it and verified what happened."

"Tell me what you think." Masao Nishida leaned back and got as close to the back of the chair as possible.

"Wang Kangnian insisted that the assassination of Zou Fengqi was carried out by the Red Party agent 'Chen Zhou'. He studied the shooting case on Terracotta Road the year before last, expanded the scope of suspicion, and chose to follow Lu Dazhang..."

"That's not what I want to hear." Masao Nishida shook his head, "I don't need to know how to investigate the case, I only care about the results."

As he spoke, he stretched his neck and stared at Sanbonjiro, "If the matter is serious enough to require me, a general, to instruct you on how to investigate the case and arrest anti-Japanese elements, this will be a serious dereliction of duty on the part of the Special High School!"

"Hai!" Sanbonjiro stood at attention and lowered his head.

"Tell me about Kentaro Miyazaki." Nishida Masao crossed his hands and exerted a little force, and the joints made a snapping sound, "I remember this young man, very handsome and energetic."

"Yes, Sir Nishida, last time in the Special High School class, you saw Miyazaki upstairs in the courtyard on the first floor, and you asked me who that handsome young man was." Mimoto Jiro said with a smile.

"Haha." Masao Nishida smiled, "That's what happened."

"I have heard the name Kentaro Miyazaki several times. Please tell me more about this young man."


Sanbonjiro cheered up and reported respectfully.

Masao Nishida seemed to be quite interested in Kentaro Miyazaki, interrupting and asking questions from time to time.

From beginning to end, neither of them even mentioned the word 'punishment' or even mentioned the name Wang Kangnian.

"So, it was Kentaro Miyazaki who suggested to you to arrange an intermediary?" Masao Nishida asked.

"Yes, Mr. Nishida." Mimotojiro said, "Although this guy Miyazaki does not behave very professionally and is often engaged in business activities as the inspector of the patrol room. However, in fact, his work performance is quite good.


"This is a very smart young man, and in certain matters, he has as good a performance as his business acumen."

"I see." Masao Nishida nodded, pondered for a moment and said, "Because I am not a professional agent, I am not standardized and professional. However, I am very comfortable in the work and life of hiding my identity."

"That's right." Sanbonjiro said seriously, "Kentaro Miyazaki is a business partner and good friend with Peter, the deputy squad leader of the investigation team of the French Concession Political Office. It is said that Xi Neng, the squad leader of the investigation team, also admires him. In addition, Miyazaki

Through business activities, I have won over many people.”

"Kentaro Miyazaki has repeatedly provided confidential information about the French Concession and even the French Embassy in China, all of which came from these personal connections."

"Very good." Masao Nishida nodded approvingly.

Sanbonjiro continued to tell.

"Interesting young man." Nishida Masao chuckled, "What's his attitude towards the Chinese people?"

"Kentaro Miyazaki has a bad attitude towards the Chinese people. He strongly agrees with the general's view that all despicable Chinese people should be killed."

"It seems that Miyazaki has suffered a lot by pretending to be Chinese." Masao Nishida nodded, then fell into deep thought. After a while, a smile appeared on his face, "A smart young man can use the topic to his advantage.


Sanbonjiro also smiled and said, "Your Majesty the General saw through Miyazaki's tricks at a glance."

"Although it's a small trick, it may be very effective." Masao Nishida nodded and said, "The French will like it."

As he said that, he shook his head and said with a smile, "Sanbenjun, as you said, this young man is a fan of officials."

Sanbonjiro nodded and smiled, agreeing, but in fact, what he was thinking in his heart was: only by promotion can one make a fortune. The real goal of that guy Miyazaki is to make a fortune!

"Who will be the intermediary for negotiations with the French? Has it been decided?"

"It has been decided, it's Yang Fuyuan." Sanbonjiro said, "I have informed Yang Fuyuan that I will meet with him secretly tomorrow to discuss the matter in detail."

"The Shangguanwu incident has already failed once, and it must succeed this time." Nishida Masao said with a serious expression.


It's already late at night.

A Shikumen residence on Terrastro Road.

In the quiet alley, the guard comrades behind the door were vigilantly observing the movements outside in the darkness.

In the basement, Peng and Ou and other senior leaders of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Shanghai Municipal Party Committee were holding a meeting.

"'Big Cousin', this basement is nice. The patrols and police are too strict during the day. Many comrades cannot come out during the day, so they can only sneak around the bayonet at night. Now they are having meetings in the basement without anyone noticing."

One comrade said happily.

The corners of Peng Yuou's mouth were slightly raised, and they thought to themselves that this is the credit of our Comrade Huo Miao.

He said with a smile, "Okay, comrades, once again warmly welcome Comrade 'Charterer' to work in Shanghai. There is no need to applaud, just applaud in your heart."

Everyone smiled knowingly.

Some comrades have a fair face, but their eyes seem to be shining and their whole person is full of high fighting spirit.

"Now I will convey the meeting resolution of the Northwest Headquarters."

Everyone immediately looked serious, with excitement and enthusiasm in their seriousness, ready to listen to the instructions from the headquarters.

"Under the current situation of the Anti-Japanese War, we must actively lead the enthusiastic mass movement."

"We cannot engage in closed-doorism."

"We must actively implement the line and policies of our party's anti-Japanese national united front, do a good job in united front work on all fronts and at all levels, unite the broadest masses, and make the party's power hidden in the broad mass base and social base.


"We must pay attention to the fact that we must combine the political struggle against the Japanese aggressors with fighting for the vital interests of the masses, seek benefits for the people in the occupied areas, and let the people oppressed by the invaders eat as much as possible

Eat one more steamed bun, and always remember that our mission is to seek happiness for the people!"

"For the traitors and scum who resolutely surrender to the Japanese, we must resolutely expose their true colors and give them powerful..."

At this moment, a comrade raised his hand and said, "Lao Peng, I have a question."

"Old Liu, tell me." Peng Yuou nodded.

"Can we suppress the counterrevolutionaries who are extremely indignant and prey on the common people? This will not only help the masses solve their problems, but also prevent our comrades from being captured by them, and it will also form a certain deterrent force against hostile elements." Lao

Liu said.

"I agree." A middle-aged man with a beard on his chin raised his hand and said, "Let me give you an example: Cheng Qianfan, the patrol chief of the central patrol house in the French Concession."

"This man is greedy for money and lust, extorts money, preys on the citizens, and is extremely reactionary." The middle-aged man said angrily, "This Cheng Qianfan is a stubborn counterrevolutionary, hates reds, and has arrested our comrades several times."

"As far as I know, some time ago, he ordered his men to arrest one of our comrades just because our comrade had anti-Japanese leaflets on him. It was simply shameless. If the organization had not been able to rescue him, our arrested comrade would have been killed long ago.

He was handed over to the Japanese by Cheng Qianfan."

"Lao Luo." Peng and Ou glanced at the angry middle-aged man, "We will discuss this matter later."

Lao Luo nodded, "If Comrade Zhulin and the Red Team were still there, I would have asked the Red Team to take action and arrange for Chenzhou to get rid of Cheng Qianfan."

Peng and Ou glanced at Lao Luo, with mixed feelings in their hearts:

Comrade Luo Yannian, if Cheng Qianfan hadn't learned of the arrest in time during the big manhunt the year before last and arranged for Lao Liao to warn him in advance...

Fang Jinghua did not speak for the time being. He secretly observed that he needed to understand and be familiar with the temperament of his future comrades in order to be able to work together better.

At this moment, when he heard that the inspector named Cheng Qianfan seemed to be very angry among the people, and his comrades also had great opinions, he secretly remembered it in his heart.

Peng and Ou glanced at Fang Jinghua.

He was anxious, he was still waiting for a call back from the northwest headquarters:

After he left Shanghai, was the "Huo Miao" three-person party group in the patrol room independent of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, and directly led by the headquarters?

Or can we hand over the three-person "Huo Miao" party group to Comrade Fang Jinghua?

This requires the headquarters, Comrade ‘Farmer’, and even Comrade ‘Xiang Wu’ himself to make the decision.

Peng and Ou are now worried that if Comrade Fang Jinghua doesn't know Cheng Qianfan's identity, given Fang Jinghua's jealous character, he might actually arrange an anti-rape operation.

The next day.

The morning sun spreads across the earth.

The second floor of a hotel facing the street.

Ruan Zhiyuan is summoning his men to lecture.

"Brothers, the time has come to be loyal to the party and the country."

"Punish the traitor Yang Fuyuan, and I am willing to accompany you to die for justice."

As he said that, he pointed to a tea stall on the side of the road, "I will be there soon and watch with my own eyes all the brothers eradicate evil spirits."

"You have sacrificed your life to be a benevolent person. Mr. Ruan should also kill himself with a bullet and be a companion on the road to Huangquan!"

Ruan Zhiyuan was impassioned and his eyes revealed his will to die.

The five men were both sad and scared, but they also had the courage to die.

"Assistant Ruan, you are the assistant to the stationmaster and our top leader. You are willing to die with us. What else can we say, brothers?" One of his men gritted his teeth and said, "Kill the traitor Yang Fuyuan and be loyal to the party and state."

"Good brother!" Ruan Zhiyuan's eyes turned red and he patted the man on the shoulder.

"Assistant Ruan, I am not a thing. I have often called you a fool who is greedy for life and afraid of death. I apologize to you." Another subordinate said, bowing to Ruan Zhiyuan and kneeling down, "I am blind, wrong."

Treat heroes like bears."

"He who doesn't know is not guilty!" Ruan Zhiyuan helped the man up and said emotionally, "You and I, brothers, went to hell together today and died for our country, so our lives will not be in vain!"

Ruan Zhiyuan ordered the five people to pick up the wine bowls and said, "We are going to do a big thing today. We will get rid of the traitors. We are all determined to die!"

He took out a short gun from his arms and said, "Ruan left a bullet for himself. He will never let little Japan catch him alive!"

"The same goes for me!"

"Me too!"

"Never live an ignoble life!"

"And I!"

"Me too!"

Ruan Zhiyuan was so moved that he raised his glass and said, "Brothers, you will die for your country and we will meet you in hell! Let's do it!"

"Kill yourself and your country, do it!"

Everyone roared and raised their necks!

Half an hour later.

Ruan Zhiyuan sat on the bench of the tea stall and stared around nervously.

He was sitting in the back seat, next to the entrance of an alley.

"Hey, why are you shaking?" A tea guest pointed at Ruan Zhiyuan and cursed.

"Paralysis, please bear with me and bear with me." Ruan Zhiyuan forced himself to calm down and apologized with clasped fists.

At this moment, a black car drove out of the apartment.

Ruan Zhiyuan saw the license plate clearly, his eyes widened, he stood up holding the tea table with one hand, and then poured the tea in the tea cup onto the road with extremely stiff movements.

After doing this action, Ruan Zhiyuan put his hands on the table and breathed heavily.

Almost at the same time he splashed the water.

Five agents dressed as fruit vendors and needle and thread porters took out Mauser pistols from their bodies and started shooting wildly.

Bullets rained down on Yang Fuyuan's car.

And according to the predetermined plan, almost all the bullets were concentrated on the person in the back seat.

The agents were overjoyed to see that the man in the back seat was shot seven or eight times in the chest and his flesh and blood were bloody.

At this time, I heard the sound of police sentries, and a group of Japanese military policemen carrying Type 38 rifles divided into two teams to surround them.

The Japanese army's marksmanship was extremely accurate. There was a burst of gunfire, and three agents were killed and martyred.

Another person was shot in the leg and without hesitation put the barrel of the gun into his mouth and pulled the trigger.

"Assistant Ruan, let's stop you. You retreat first." The only remaining agent shouted. He was the one who had 'misunderstood' that Ruan Zhiyuan was greedy for life and afraid of death. At this moment, what he was thinking about was to die.

Fight for Ruan Zhiyuan's chance of survival.

However, he turned around and took a look. The tea stall was empty, and Ruan Zhiyuan was no longer visible.

This chapter has been completed!
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