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Chapter 069 Bold Assumption


"Virgo is full of spring breeze, it seems there is good news." Yu Ping'an came in carrying a brown paper bag and said with a smile.

"What does it smell like?" Dai Chunfeng sniffed his nose.

"Braised duck neck, spicy and juicy, quite good. I specially brought some back for Virgo to try."

"I can't eat this." Dai Chunfeng smiled and shook his head, "I don't have a Hunan stomach."

Yu Pingan laughed loudly and said regretfully, "Then I will eat it slowly by myself."

Dai Chunfeng handed a telegram to Yu Pingan, "Let's take a look. Zheng Weilong called during the day."

Yu Ping'an took it with both hands, read it carefully, and praised, "What a Zheng Weilong, what a Ruan Zhiyuan! Well done!"

After putting down the message, his eyes were full of joy and he continued, "Virgin, Station Commander Zheng commanded well, Ruan Zhiyuan personally led the death squad, went deep into the tiger's den, and successfully raped Yang Fuyuan."

"Especially Ruan Zhiyuan, a highly skilled man who is so bold and able to escape with his whole body impressed me with admiration. This can be said to be both civil and military."

"The bloody bravery of his comrades who sacrificed their lives is even more commendable. This fully demonstrates the determination of all members of our Secret Service to not be afraid of sacrifice and to serve the party and the country."

"My subordinates think it should be greatly commended!"

"I reported this matter to the committee members. The committee members were also very pleased and personally ordered the Shanghai Station to be commended." Dai Chunfeng said with joy on his face.

"Bingyan, please take a look at this commendation order," Dai Chunfeng said.


Yu Ping'an looked at it, but he was secretly analyzing and calculating in his heart.

In the commendation order, the first thing to praise and reward is Zheng Weilong, the webmaster of Shanghai Station. Zheng Weilong is the webmaster of Shanghai Station, and this is what it should be.

Subsequently, the focus was on the commendations given to Ruan Zhiyuan. The words of praise and the level of rewards were even beyond the standards. The most important one was to award Ruan Zhiyuan with the Sixth Class Tripod Medal.

According to the provisions of the National Government's "Regulations on Honors and Awards for the Army, Navy and Air Force", all servicemen of the Army, Navy and Air Force who have made meritorious service to the country or "have made meritorious service in defending against foreign aggression and suppressing civil strife" may be awarded the Medal of Baoding.

Ruan Zhiyuan holds the rank of major, and as a rule, school officers can award third to sixth-class Baoding medals.

This time, Ruan Zhiyuan was awarded the sixth-class Baoding Medal. It seemed like a very light reward, but in fact it was not.

The government is currently very strict about awarding the Yunhui Medal and the Baoding Medal, and those who have not made great achievements will not be awarded.

Ruan Zhiyuan was awarded the sixth-class Baoding Medal for just leading the team to complete one sanctions mission, which is definitely a high-level award.

If this awarding standard is followed, Cheng Qianfan would have at least a few more medals.

But why is Ruan Zhiyuan awarded with high standards?

Yu Ping'an secretly speculated that it was most likely that Dai Chunfeng was slightly offended when reporting to the committee, or even simply praised Zheng Weilong for his Chunqiu writing style.

It focuses on reporting Ruan Zhiyuan's "wit and courageous" and heroic and resourceful actions.

Ruan Zhiyuan is not an agent. He is a civilian. He is a civilian official and is not afraid of death. He has the party and the country in mind and goes into battle risk-taking. He can be regarded as an example for the party and the country.

In this way, the commissioner naturally had a good impression of Ruan Zhiyuan, and in a good mood, he received a sixth-class Baoding Medal.

The commendation order also mentioned several agents who died for the country and ordered them to provide more compensation.

"It's very fair. The brave are rewarded and the martyrs are sympathized with. Virgo is so considerate." Yu Ping'an said in admiration.

Dai Chunfeng laughed heartily when he heard this.

Cheng Qianfan killed Zou Fengqi and even organized the Shanghai Special Intelligence Team to attack the Japanese horse farm and achieved the "Great Victory on Huade Road".

Zheng Weilong's Shanghai station finally completed its task successfully and successfully punished the traitor Yang Fuyuan who was jumping up and down.

This can be said to be a continuous stream of good news. Dai Chunfeng has recently gained a lot of face in front of the principal and has received some praise.

In addition, as Yu Ping'an expected, although this commendation order came from the old man's approval, the root of it lies in Dai Chunfeng's choice when reporting the victory:

He did not follow the routine unspoken rules and give most of the credit to Zheng Weilong, the chief officer of the Shanghai Station, but focused on praising Ruan Zhiyuan.

Of course, Ruan Zhiyuan's performance in this operation was "amazing", and Dai Chunfeng was "telling the truth".

The reason for doing this is directly related to Dai Chunfeng's attitude towards Zheng Weilong.

Zheng Weilong is one of the ten members of the Lixingshe Secret Service and is a senior prince.

Dai Chunfeng attached great importance to Zheng Weilong, who was very capable. Everyone in the Secret Service knew that Zheng Weilong was a popular figure in front of Virgo.

However, the celebrity is not an absolute confidant.

When it comes to Zheng Weilong, Dai Chunfeng, while appreciating and reusing him, remains highly vigilant. He must not only use him, but also prevent Zheng Weilong from rising too quickly.

Although Ruan Zhiyuan was Zheng Weilong's assistant and seemed to be Zheng Weilong's confidant, Dai Chunfeng knew that Ruan Zhiyuan himself was not absolutely loyal to Zheng Weilong.

A year and a half ago, Zheng Weilong gave Ruan Zhiyuan a hard blow and helped Ruan Zhiyuan conceal the fact that he was seduced by the Japanese female agent Keiko and that the two had committed adultery.

The two felt that they had done this perfectly, but Dai Chunfeng had already known everything about it. Even Ruan Zhiyuan's private words of hatred towards Zheng Weilong for plundering his wealth, Dai Chunfeng also knew about it.

So, on the surface, Ruan Zhiyuan is Zheng Weilong's absolute confidant. Dai Chunfeng personally spoke kindly for Ruan Zhiyuan in front of the committee and tried his best to win over-standard awards for him. Zheng Weilong also wants to thank Dai Chunfeng.

Even when everyone in the Secret Service learned about this, they all wanted to praise the Virgo for being so different from Shanghai Station Commander Zheng.

In addition, this is also a role model, and everyone in the Secret Service will be amazed and inspired. As long as you make achievements, you will naturally be generous with rewards.

In fact, Dai Chunfeng could secretly draw Ruan Zhiyuan over and secretly weaken Zheng Weilong's power in the Secret Service.

This can be said to be a plan that kills many birds with one stone.

Dai Chunfeng pressed the bell.

"Virgo!" After Mao Shun came in, he glanced at Yu Ping'an and said respectfully to Dai Chunfeng.

"Send this commendation order to Shanghai Cheng Xuyuan." Dai Chunfeng said in a deep voice, "Encrypt!"

As for Shanghai Station, the person who controls the radio station is not Shanghai Station Director Zheng Weilong, but Shanghai Station Secretary Cheng Xuyuan.

"Yes!" Mao Shun took the commendation order, put it in a wooden file folder, turned around and left.

Xiu Gongshen's home.

After dinner, He Xuelin took Bai Ruolan to play mahjong at the home of a foreign trader who lived with her on Masinan Road.

Xiaobao also joined in the fun.

Xiu Gongshen and Cheng Qianfan were chatting in the study.

While chatting, Cheng Qianfan brought the topic to the water bandits of Taihu Lake.

The Japanese will gradually increase their control over Taihu water bandits, either recruiting them or exterminating them.

Cheng Qianfan also realized that the Taihu water bandits, an uncontrollable force, actually had a lot to do.

However, although he had some understanding of it, it was not deep and comprehensive enough.

And Xiu Gongshen has been in the patrol room for many years, has deep connections, and as the translator of the Political Department, he is also involved in many secret matters, so he is an excellent person to inquire about.

Furthermore, Kentaro Miyazaki worked hard to obtain relevant information in order to complete the tasks assigned by Section Chief Sanbon. This was serious work and very reasonable.

At this moment, Cheng Qianfan was inquiring as Kentaro Miyazaki.

"The water bandits in Taihu Lake have been around for a long time, and the government has cracked them down many times. However, a series of bandit suppression operations have not curbed the ferocious arrogance of the water bandits."

"In the 18th year of the Republic of China, a horrific incident occurred in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, where water bandits robbed the police of the army and then robbed more than 96,000 yuan in cash from the Jiaxing branch of the Bank of China," Xiu Gongshen said.

"It is precisely because of this appalling incident that the government decided to use the army to crack down on Taihu water bandits?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

Xiu Gongshen nodded.

It is precisely because of the ineffectiveness of the water police in eradicating the Taihu water bandits that the national government decided to hand over the task of eradicating the Taihu water bandits to the army in order to carry out more effective suppression of the Taihu water bandits.

In the early spring of the 19th year of the Republic of China, the 13th Brigade and other troops of Xiong Tianyi, the Fifth Division of the National Army, were ordered to go to Taihu Lake to suppress bandits.

"In this large-scale bandit suppression operation, a total of Haizhou gang leader Zhang Zhaohua, Henan gang leader Tian Qianzi, and more than 130 petty bandit leaders and scattered bandits were captured; one self-appointed group leader and one battalion commander were killed,

There were more than 400 loose bandits; 25 bandits were intercepted, and more than 50 men and women were killed."

"The commander of this operation is Hu Jingan, commander of the 13th Brigade."

"But General Hu Jing'an?" Cheng Qianfan exclaimed.

"It's this person." Xiu Gongshen said.

"What a pity! General Hu is a man of great merit in suppressing bandits!" Cheng Qianfan sighed.

After Hu Jingan suppressed the bandits in Taihu Lake, he continued to be promoted and became the commander of the Fifth Division of the National Army. Unfortunately, he died for his country while encircling and suppressing the bandits in Jiangxi in the 20th year of the Republic of China.

Later, Chang Kaishen ordered Hu Jingan to be posthumously awarded the title of Army General for his meritorious service in "suppressing the Communists" and was buried in Qingyunpu, Nanchang.

Xiu Gongshen secretly observed the changes in Cheng Qianfan's expression, and was extremely relieved to see Cheng Qianfan's expression of regret.

Although he didn't know why Cheng Qianfan was suddenly interested in Taihu water bandits, when the topic came up, Xiu Gongshen had a plan in mind, and deliberately mentioned the military operation to suppress bandits in Taihu Lake casually.

Its purpose is to draw out Hu Jingan.

Take this opportunity to secretly observe Cheng Qianfan's attitude towards the Red Party.

Previously, the Party Affairs Investigation Office secretly investigated Cheng Qianfan, and Xiu Gongshen was very angry about this matter.

He did not think Cheng Qianfan had anything to do with the Red Party.

However, in private, Xiu Gongshen was cautious enough. The Red Party had too many ways of bewitching young people, and he was worried that Cheng Qianfan would be bewitched by the Red Party.

Xiu Gongshen was secretly satisfied with Cheng Qianfan's verbal performance.

And at this time, he himself chuckled deep in his heart:

I am really suspicious.

Qianfan is a kid who likes money and is quite unruly when it comes to women. How could such a person have anything to do with the Red Party?

"This military operation is the government's largest campaign to eradicate water bandits in Taihu Lake so far, and it is also an operation with the most glorious results." Xiu Gongshen said with a smile.

"Among them, Sanshan Island in Suzhou, the lair of the Meizhou gangster Zhang Zhaohua, was breached. There were nearly a hundred corpses from both sides. It can be said that the corpses were everywhere. So much so that Sanshan Island is now sparsely populated, and many people dare not live there."

Sanshan Island!

Cheng Qianfan's heart moved and he secretly remembered this island.

At this moment, the phone rang in the living room downstairs.

"Sir, your phone number."

Mother Wu's shout came from downstairs.

"I'm going to take a call." Xiu Gongshen stood up and said.

"I'll go down too." Cheng Qianfan said. Although he was quite interested in the confidential documents in the safe in Xiu Gongshen's study, he would never touch them.

Xiu Gongshen is his teacher and elder, and he is very familiar with him.

Similarly, he is quite familiar with Xiu Gongshen, and is even afraid of him.

Even Comrade Zhulin was quite afraid of Xiu Gongshen during his lifetime, and repeatedly reminded him that he needed to be extra cautious when facing Xiu Gongshen.

Cheng Qianfan was convinced of this. Unless absolutely necessary, he would not have any thoughts or actions towards Xiu Gongshen.

Let me just say one thing: Cheng Qianfan still has not figured out which force Xiu Gongshen belongs to.

Xiu Gongshen hung up the phone and sighed slightly.

"Teacher, what happened?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Have you heard about Yang Fuyuan's murder?" Xiu Gongshen asked.

"I heard about it in the afternoon." Cheng Qianfan nodded. He heard the news about Yang Fuyuan's murder in the patrol room in the afternoon. He was shocked and secretly happy.

Cheng Qianfan concluded that this matter should be carried out by the Shanghai Station of the Lixingshe Secret Service.

Yang Fuyuan was a hardcore traitor and deserved his death.

This matter was mentioned in casual conversation by the patrol officer in the patrol room. Although Cheng Qianfan was eager to know more precise information, the shooting occurred in Hongkou, not the French Concession, and his patrol officers did not know more precise information.

In addition, in order to avoid arousing unnecessary suspicion, he did not want to show too much concern about this matter.

At this time, Cheng Qianfan was quite surprised to hear Xiu Gongshen mention Yang Fuyuan's name.

"This is a call from Yang Fuyuan's eldest son, Yang Qifa. This person has some contacts with me, so he asked me for help." Xiu Gongshen said.

"Help?" Cheng Qianfan frowned, "Yang Fuyuan was probably killed by people sent by Wuhan. Could it be that he asked the teacher to help him find the murderer?"

"Of course not, Yang Qifai doesn't dare to seek revenge on the murderer." Xiu Gongshen shook his head, "He knew that I had some friendship with people from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau of the British and American Concessions, and asked me to help contact people from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau to ask the Japanese for Yang Fuyuan's


"Yang Fuyuan's body?" Cheng Qianfan chuckled, "He ran and shouted for the Japanese. Are the Japanese going to use his body to make a fuss and make a big fuss?"

"It is said that the Special Higher Education Department seized the body and asked for an autopsy." Xiu Gongshen shook his head and said, "Yang Qifai naturally did not want to see the knife on his late father's body, and he did not dare to go to the Japanese to ask for it himself."

"What about you, teacher?" Cheng Qianfan asked Xiu Gongshen.

"I declined." Xiu Gongshen shook his head, "The Japanese must be very angry now that Yang Fuyuan was killed. They are looking for the murderer of Yang Fuyuan. Anyone who gets involved in this matter for no reason will inevitably attract the attention of the Japanese."

As he said that, he looked at Cheng Qianfan and said, "Remember, nothing happens without a reason. Some seemingly small reasons may cause big trouble."

"Yes, Qianfan has learned a lesson." Cheng Qianfan nodded seriously.

At the same time, a light seemed to flash in his mind, and he vaguely felt that he had grasped some key information. The answer to the doubt that had been troubling him seemed to be in this section.

Cheng Qianfan looked calm and continued talking with Xiu Gongshen.

About half an hour later, He Xuelin came back with Bai Ruolan and Xiaobao.

Cheng Qianfan saw that it was getting late, so he took Ruolan and Xiaobao to say goodbye and left.

On the way home, Cheng Qianfan was thinking quickly in his mind while driving.

Yang Fuyuan was sanctioned by the Secret Service.

The faint smell of blood on Sanbonjiro's body.

Sanbonjiro said that there was a "small problem" in the matter of seeking the deputy chief inspector of the Central District, but it was "not a big problem" and has now been "solved."

Araki Harima led the special agents of the Special High School to dispatch urgently to carry out secret missions.

Koike categorically said that Araki Harima must have made a great contribution this time. Araki would not only be able to rely on this military merit to solve his dream of being promoted to military rank in one fell swoop, he might even be personally received and rewarded by Nishida Masao.

This vast amount of information, like messy threads, kept rolling in Cheng Qianfan's mind.

He vaguely felt that he was about to find the thread and tie up the messy threads.

Finally, he caught the thread and had a bold guess in his mind...

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This chapter has been completed!
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