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Chapter 077 Old Huang

 "Who led the team there?" Cheng Qianfan picked up a peanut, chewed it carefully, and asked as he looked at the snowflakes flying outside.

"Fa Bao brought a team of policemen and some plainclothes over." The rice wine on the stove boiled, and Lao Huang stood up and poured wine into Cheng Qianfan's cup.

Fei Bao's real name is Bao Fei, and he is the deputy inspector of Yuan Kaizhou's department. He looks obese, so he is nicknamed Fei Bao.

"The two sides later faced off, and it was Cardinal Zhao who brought a large number of plainclothes officers over to provide reinforcements."

Cheng Qianfan frowned slightly.

He has been paying close attention to Shu Li Zhao, but he is somewhat unclear.

Cardinal Zhao is a close confidant of Tan Detai. It stands to reason that with Tan Detai gone, Cardinal Zhao will fall out of favor and collapse.

However, it seems that Qin Detai's departure did not affect this person's status in the patrol room.

For the time being, Jin Kemu still has "trust" in Governor Zhao, which may of course be a delaying tactic.

The most important thing is that Cardinal Zhao didn't know when he got involved with Lieutenant Malai of the Political Department.

After Qin Detai left, when everyone thought that Cardinal Zhao would be greatly affected, Marais suddenly praised in public that "Inspector Zhao is very capable and is a model for the patrol house in the French Concession."

"Where is the person being held now?" Cheng Qianfan took a sip of rice wine and felt a warm current in his mouth. He added ginger to the wine and drank it into his stomach. His whole stomach felt warm.

"The Political Department has taken the person away, and Malai may arrange the interrogation himself."

"Is anyone injured?" Cheng Qianfan suddenly asked.

Lao Huang took a sip of wine, smiled, and whispered, "Zheng Weilong accidentally slipped and fell when he was being escorted down the stairs. It is said that his leg was broken."

"Quite smart." Cheng Qianfan said with admiration. Although he didn't know why Zheng Weilong was still caught even after warning Wuhan authorities, stationmaster Zheng was still somewhat quick-witted.

Zheng Weilong deliberately injured himself, which created an opportunity for doctors to see his injuries, hoping to take the opportunity to contact the outside world. Of course, this required the patrol room to agree to arrange for doctors to treat his injuries.

"Would you like..." Lao Huang pondered for a moment and then said.

"No." Cheng Qianfan shook his head decisively.

He understood what Lao Huang meant. Lao Huang was the medical officer of the Central Patrol Room, and after some operations, he had the opportunity to come into contact with Zheng Weilong.

In the special party group of the French Concession, Cheng Qianfan is the leader of the party group. His answer just now was not a "flame", but a decision made on behalf of the organization in the name of the group leader.

He and other comrades, including Lao Huang, will try to do their part for the Shanghai Station within the scope of conditions permitting. For example, Lao Huang has quietly gone to inquire about the news before, but they must be cautious.

It's not that he is cold-blooded.

In fact, it is too dangerous.

Cheng Qianfan even wondered if the people from the Secret Service would use Japanese swords to kill people if they learned of Huang's identity.

In addition, Ruan Zhiyuan's treason and surrender to the enemy, as well as the impact of Wang Kangnian, Wu Shanyue and others' easy treason before, were so bad that the Kuomintang people cannot be trusted. This has almost become the consensus of the Shanghai Red Party.

The two chatted for a while, then Cheng Qianfan patted his butt and went back to his office.

Lao Huang took a sip of wine and narrowed his eyes happily.

He just said it 'casually', if Huo Miao really agreed to his risk of contacting Zheng Weilong, although Lao Huang could understand it, after all, the Secret Service was also an important anti-Japanese force and was now a 'friendly force'.

However, Lao Huang will inevitably have knots in his heart, and even doubt whether the red stance of "Huo Miao" is firm.

Fortunately, ‘Flame’ did not disappoint him.

Looking at the flying snowflakes, Lao Huang raised his neck and took two big gulps.

Ten years ago, in the same snowy early spring, her fiancée, brother-in-law, brother, and sister died heroically in Yuhuatai, Nanjing.

"Long live red!"

"Long live the people!"

The last cry.

Chaotic gunshots rang out, evil bullets penetrated the body, and the revolutionary fell tragically. He lost all his relatives.

Lao Huang stood up, came to the door, stretched out his hand, and the snowflakes fell, slowly melting in the palm of his hand.

He misses his relatives.

Missing his lover.

Today is the anniversary of their death ten years since they sacrificed their lives.

"Axia, are you okay over there?"

"miss you."

Petain District.

Carnival Hotel.

Gui Qian and her children hid in the room, not daring to go anywhere.

She raised her wrist to look at the time. It was still a quarter of an hour away from noon.

The flame of hope in Gui Qian's heart became increasingly dim.

"Mom, I want to go out to play." The son said noisily.

"Little brother, I'll play with you." The elder sister quickly came up and picked up her little brother. She was so young that she didn't know what happened, let alone why her mother brought them here.

However, the smart and sensitive child noticed that his mother was depressed and his father did not come back from going out, but he seemed to understand something.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Gui Qian put her right hand into the bag and held a No. 38 revolver.

"Qianyun, it's me." Cheng Xuyuan's voice came from outside.

Gui Qian felt her tense body suddenly relax, she breathed a long sigh of relief, unlatched the door, opened the door, and hugged her husband tightly.

"Quickly, pack your things and come with me." Cheng Xuyuan glanced at his wife and saw that the children were fine. A stone fell in his heart, "Where is the radio station?"

he asked in a low voice.

Gui Qian pulled out a wooden box from under the bed.

Cheng Xuyuan lifted the wooden box with his right hand, touched his daughter's head, smiled, and picked up his son with his left hand.

"Let's go."

More than an hour later, a group of people with their families finally arrived at a temporary safe house.

This is a residential house on the outskirts of Petain District, with a courtyard in the front and four tile-roofed houses in the back.

"Don't worry, I have prepared this house a long time ago." Zheng Lijun said, looking at Cheng Xuyuan's still nervous look.

Cheng Xuyuan smiled bitterly and took a sip of water to hide his nervousness.

"The webmaster doesn't know about this house." Zheng Lijun added.

Hearing this, Cheng Xuyuan seemed to let out a long sigh of relief.

"Didn't you call the police to warn the police? Why did the stationmaster go to Mile West Air Road?" Zheng Lijun asked in confusion.

He did not suspect that Cheng Xuyuan was lying. It was not whether he believed Cheng Xuyuan. He made a judgment based on the details:

Cheng Xuyuan had time to go to his residence to find him, so he naturally had enough time to call the stationmaster's home to warn him.

Of course, there was no need for Cheng Xuyuan to lie and conceal such a major matter.

"I'm also very surprised. I specifically told Mrs. Zheng to wake up the stationmaster immediately." Cheng Xuyuan shook his head. He was more unable to understand than anyone else why Zheng Weilong not only did not evacuate immediately after receiving the warning, but actually

Head to the West Airway office in Miles.

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