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Chapter 087 The Three Wisdoms

Cheng Qianfan held the telegram in his hand and fell into deep thought.

Dai Chunfeng used the word "camera" in the message, which gave the Shanghai special situation team great autonomy and meant it could act according to the situation and be flexible.

At the same time, there is an order to 'get rid of Ruan Zhiyuan at all costs'.

‘Camera’ and ‘at all costs’ are not contradictory. The former is delegation, while the latter is a command.

Cheng Qianfan could feel Dai Virgo's anger.

Obviously, Ruan Zhiyuan, who had just "made a great contribution", betrayed the country and surrendered to the enemy, and sold the Shanghai Station completely, which directly led to the arrest of Shanghai Station Director Zheng Weilong and others. This incident greatly angered Dai Chunfeng.

Cheng Qianfan could roughly guess the clues: Shanghai Station successfully sanctioned Yang Fuyuan, everyone was overjoyed, and he might even personally ask for credit for Ruan Zhiyuan and Shanghai Station in front of the committee.

After the great joy, everything turned upside down in the blink of an eye.

Maybe Dai Chunfeng would lose points in front of the 'principal' and be reprimanded for this. Under such circumstances, it is not surprising to say that Dai Chunfeng hated Ruan Zhiyuan deeply.

Ruan Zhiyuan is a poisonous snake.

Whether in public or private matters, Cheng Qianfan will not let go of this traitorous scoundrel seeking glory.

To get rid of Ruan Zhiyuan, we must first inquire about this person's whereabouts and confirm where he is now.

It's not easy.

Ruan Zhiyuan is well aware of the strict discipline of the Secret Service in punishing traitors. This person is greedy for life and afraid of death, so he will definitely not dare to show his face easily.

Cheng Qianfan tapped the table with his left index finger. To locate Ruan Zhiyuan's whereabouts, he had to focus on the inside of the Extra High School Course.

Or, to be more precise, we need to find a solution from Araki Harima.

‘Adopt the plan’.

With this word in his mind, Cheng Qianfan thought to himself, 'I hope Mr. Araki can be smarter and take the initiative'.

He informed Araki Harima about Lu Xinge. In addition to taking precautions and protecting himself, he also had another consideration, which was to use this matter to make a fuss.

Araki Harima looks reckless, but is actually shrewd.

Maybe he didn't think so deeply at the first time, but after Araki asked Ruan Zhiyuan and confirmed Lu Xingge's identity, he calmed down and probably thought about it:

Why did Lu Xingge come to find Cheng Qianfan?

The answer is not difficult to guess - Lu Xingge took a fancy to Cheng Qianfan's identity and wanted to find out information about Zheng Weilong from him.

In this way, with Araki Harima's ability, it is possible to arrange for him to meet Zheng Weilong, win Zheng Weilong's trust, obtain information, and even take the opportunity to lure out other senior officials of the Shanghai Station and successfully fish.

When meeting Araki Harima, Cheng Qianfan did not mention this idea or suggestion at all.


Safety first!

Based on Kentaro Miyazaki's character, making money is his greatest interest. He would not take the initiative to do anything, let alone such risky plans and actions.

Miyazaki has a very clear code of conduct. In short, he doesn't do anything early without benefit.

He is willing to help Araki Harima to find out information about Shanghai Station personnel. On the one hand, it is less dangerous to find out information secretly. On the other hand, his purpose is to help Araki Harima, a friend, and win Araki's friendship, rather than to make meritorious deeds.

As for contacting Zheng Weilong or even the fishing station in Shanghai, Kentaro Miyazaki would avoid such dangerous professional agent behavior.

However, now that Dai Chunfeng has ordered Ruan Zhiyuan to be eliminated at all costs, Cheng Qianfan has to make new considerations.

If Araki Harima didn't take this into consideration, he would have to find a way to remind Araki Harima without leaving any trace.

When tasks and goals change, plans need to be adjusted:

Getting close to Zheng Weilong and deceiving Zheng Weilong's trust was naturally not an easy task. He could logically ask Ruan Zhiyuan to participate and cooperate.

Ruan Zhiyuan is Zheng Weilong's assistant and knows him very well. It is reasonable that he needs Ruan Zhiyuan's cooperation.

Cheng Qianfan blew out a puff of smoke. Of course, it would be best for Araki Harima to be smart enough to think of a clever trick to 'take advantage of the situation'.

"Call back to Wuhan." Cheng Qianfan put out his cigarette butt and said slowly.

"Wuhan, Junjian."

"I have learned from this call that we must root out the treasonous scum and deal with matters within the department. We must overcome all difficulties to eradicate this scum and wash away the shame of our Secret Service!"

"In addition, I learned about the latest situation of Station Commander Zheng and Wei Long. Station Commander Zheng has been tortured, but he is still unyielding and sternly denounced the Japanese invaders. This example of perseverance and perseverance is inspiring to sing and cry, and the staff is filled with admiration."

Zhou Ru put down her pencil and showed the draft of the telegram to Cheng Qianfan.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at it and nodded, "Send the report."


"Is that Miyazaki-kun's car?" Mimotojiro asked as he stood at the window on the second floor, watching a car drive into the large yard of the central patrol house.

"Exactly." Araki Harima nodded and said.

Sanbonjiro watched Cheng Qianfan get out of the car and stretched.

The patrol officers around him saluted and greeted him.

Inspector Xiao Cheng nodded slightly, responded with a smile, and then strode into the arresting hall through the snow.

"Araki, your suggestion is good, and its operability is not low." Sanbonjiro said in a deep voice, "But it is still a bit superficial."

"Please correct me, section chief." Araki Harima bowed slightly and said.

Sanbonjiro looked at the somewhat unconvinced Araki Harima and shook his head slightly.

If this was Miyazaki, he would definitely look ashamed, say some flattering words, such as, 'The subordinate is stupid, the section chief is far-sighted, the subordinate is frightened, and the section chief is disappointed', and then look forward to it.

Waiting to hear the teachings.

"Zheng Weilong's will to resist is firm. Although we don't know why the other senior executives of Shanghai Station have evacuated, this person was arrested in a ridiculous way." Sanbonjiro looked at Araki Harima and said in a deep voice.

"However, don't forget that this person is the head of the Shanghai Station, and he is by no means an ordinary person." Sanbonjiro continued, "For such a veteran agent, when he is arrested, he is made to trust a stranger, and

It is unlikely that he is a stranger who has always been close to the empire."

Hearing this, Araki Harima thought for a moment and admitted that the section chief's words made sense.

However, he still insisted on his idea and defended, "What the section chief said is absolutely true. However, arranging for Mr. Miyazaki to test and contact Zheng Weilong is an attempt. It is best if it succeeds. If he sees through it, it will not hurt."


"Stupid!" Sanbonjiro scolded with a sullen face.

"Hai!" Sanbonjiro put his legs together, bowed, and lowered his head.

"Araki-kun, you are too impatient and think too superficially." Sanbonjiro said coldly, "Even if you are trying to do something, you must strive to do the best."

"Araki doesn't understand."

"It would be best if Miyazaki-kun can gain Zheng Weilong's trust. Even if he fails, Zheng Weilong cannot be made to suspect that Miyazaki has other motives. It is best if he can gain a certain favor from Zheng Weilong."

Araki Harima lowered his head and pondered over Sanbonjiro's words.

Trust and goodwill have two different meanings.

Trust means that Zheng Weilong believes that Cheng Qianfan, whom Miyazaki pretends to be, is indeed entrusted by Lu Xingge to contact him, and Zheng Weilong will naturally cooperate secretly.

Good impressions are not the case. Out of the caution of an agent, Zheng Weilong temporarily does not agree with what 'Cheng Qianfan' said and will not cooperate with him, let alone tell 'Cheng Qianfan' about the secrets of the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service. However, he has no doubts.

He has an ulterior motive and will still respond positively to 'Cheng Qianfan's' kindness.

"What does the section chief mean?" Araki Harima seemed to understand.

"Don't you think this is a good opportunity for Miyazaki-kun to infiltrate the Lixingshe Secret Service as Cheng Qianfan?" Sanbonjiro said slowly with a proud smile on his lips.

"You're dead!" Araki Harima suddenly realized, showing a look of surprise, "I understand what the section chief means."

"'Cheng Qianfan' secretly contacted Zheng Weilong and showed him goodwill, or he could secretly help him with food and living conditions, which made Zheng Weilong very grateful. This was also a sign of goodwill. When the Shanghai Station learned about this, they must have thought that'

Cheng Qianfan' can still be fought for."

"Even if we can't wipe out all the Shanghai Station this time, if we can take the opportunity to arrange for Miyazaki-kun to break into the Shanghai Station and bury this nail, we will still have a chance to launch a thunderous attack on the Shanghai Station in the future."

Sanbonjiro showed a proud smile, obviously very proud of his idea.

Of course, it would be more comfortable if Araki, an ignorant guy like him, said something like, "The section chief has great opinions, but the subordinates are ashamed of themselves."

Thinking of this, Sanbonjiro cursed in his heart.

I am not a person who likes to listen to flattery, so why would I have such a "weird" idea now?

It’s all this guy Miyazaki!

"Contact Miyazaki about this matter and let you handle it." Sanbonjiro said in a deep voice.


"It's best not to reveal at the beginning that the contact was at Lu Xingge's request, and that it was just a simple show of goodwill." Sanbenjilang said thoughtfully, "If the Shanghai Station learns of this situation and thinks that Cheng Qianfan can be fought for, it is best to

It is only natural that they can contact Cheng Qianfan again and will not arouse suspicion."


Araki Harima excitedly went out to call Cheng Qianfan.

After a while, Araki Harima came back with an angry look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Miyazaki-kun is not in the patrol room."

"Where did he go?"

"The man from the patrol room said he went to the warehouse with Pete from the investigation team of the Political Division."

"Bag duck down!" Sanbonjiro cursed, this guy Miyazaki only thinks about his business.

Only then did he remember that he had just seen a car driving out of the patrol house yard. It must have been Peter's car.

"The quantity of sulfa powder is getting less and less." Cheng Qianfan frowned and looked at the warehouse.

"No way, Europe has also realized the value of this drug, and domestic demand has surged." Peter shrugged.

"France is at war?" Cheng Qianfan snorted and said, "In my opinion, this is hoarding, deliberately reducing shipments and raising the price of sulfa."

"No, no, no." Pete explained, "As far as I know, it was Italy that placed a large number of orders with domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers, which caused a sharp reduction in shipments from Asia."

"Italy?" Cheng Qianfan was slightly surprised.

"Ethiopia," said Pete.

Cheng Qianfan understood. He shook his head and said sarcastically, "It's really unexpected that Italy, a powerful European country, would be so embarrassed by a group of African natives."

"Europe's powerful country, Italy? Are they worthy?" Pete deliberately showed an exaggerated expression.

"The real most powerful country in Europe is the powerful French Republic. If it has a strong French army, a division of armed forces can easily quell the Ethiopian guerrilla forces."

With that said, Peter raised his wrist and looked at the time, "Okay, my friend, I will urge the country to increase the quota of drugs."

He flashed his watch and said, "I still have something to do, so let's go first."

"Be careful I tell Linda that you secretly went on a date with Ruth." Cheng Qianfan looked at Peter's back and shouted.

"My friend, you are slandering." Peter waved his hand without looking back, "I have something to discuss at Mr. Esdala's house today."

"Peter, sooner or later you will die on a woman's belly." Cheng Qianfan scolded with a smile.

A French businessman in Esdala fell seriously ill and died last month, leaving behind a widowed wife.

"There is a saying in China that it is honorable to die a widow."

"That means being a ghost under the peony flowers is romantic." Cheng Qianfan corrected.

"See, you ancient Chinese were also very romantic." Peter laughed loudly, walked out of the warehouse, started the car, and stepped on the accelerator.

"Asshole, leave me the car." Cheng Qianfan cursed angrily.

After Pete leaves.

Cheng Qianfan pretended to check the warehouse's purchase list and then made another inspection.

He told his men to keep an eye on the warehouse. Remembering that he was left here by Peter, he scolded Peter a few more times before going out and calling a rickshaw to leave.

Cheng Qianfan went on a shopping spree.

Near Mailan Pier.

A relatively secluded small hotel.

Cheng Qianfan put on his sunglasses, put up his windbreaker, lowered his hat, looked around vigilantly, glanced at the dozing store owner, then went straight to the second floor carrying a heavy large net bag.

After entering the door.

Cheng Qianfan stood behind the door and listened to the movement in the corridor.

"Professor Peng!" After confirming that there was nothing abnormal, he put down his net bag and shook hands with Peng Yuou.

"Inspector Xiao Cheng."

The two held their hands tightly together and smiled at each other.

"When will you leave?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Tickets for the ferry in two hours."

Cheng Qianfan's expression was a little sad. Counting the time before Lao Liao's death, he and Peng Yu'ou had worked together for more than two years.

Peng Yuou is a very capable and charismatic leader.

This parting made him feel reluctant to leave.

Peng and Ou were moved and a little excited emotionally.

He felt the loss of the young comrade Huo Miao, who was about to leave Shanghai, the land where he had fought for many years, and his comrades, and he was reluctant to leave.

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