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Chapter 096 Rhododendron

"First of all, Ruan Zhiyuan should be extremely greedy for life and afraid of death. This person must attach great importance to his own safety." He played with a cigarette in his hand and said thoughtfully.

"If I were Ruan Zhiyuan, I would be very careful and stay in the special high school except for necessary outings." He picked up the cigarette, put it to the tip of his nose and sniffed.

"There are only a limited number of people who know his whereabouts during this necessary outing. If Ruan Zhiyuan is attacked during this period." After a pause, Cheng Qianfan shook his head and said, "Sanben is suspicious by nature. He will definitely investigate carefully, and the limited insiders may be exposed.

He doubted it."

"This is also the biggest hidden danger of this plan." Cheng Qianfan said in a deep voice.

"There is also a possibility that Sanben will not take Ruan Zhiyuan's life seriously. Sanben is well aware of the Secret Service's determination to kill Ruan Zhiyuan. I suspect that he may use Ruan Zhiyuan to fish."

Li Hao touched his nose. He felt that the plan he just thought of was already perfect. Unexpectedly, after Brother Fan said this, it seemed to be full of loopholes.

"I thought it was too simple." Li Hao said.

"It's not that you think too simplistically." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, "Haozi, remember, those in our profession must think of the enemy as very cunning and take all circumstances into consideration."

"Yes, I understand."

"So, the best case scenario is that we can find an opportunity for Ruan Zhiyuan to go out alone, and even if Sanben doesn't know Ruan Zhiyuan's whereabouts, we will suddenly attack." Cheng Qianfan used force between his fingers, pinched off the cigarette, "Get rid of it.


"In this way, even if Sanbonjiro wants to trace it, it will be extremely difficult for him to suspect me."

The beautiful face of the woman Lou Lianxiang resurfaced in his mind again. Cheng Qianfan squinted his eyes slightly. He already had a more reliable preliminary plan in his mind.

"Haozi, arrange for someone to keep an eye on Lou Lianxiang."

"Yes, Brother Fan wants to attack Lou Lianxiang?" Li Hao asked immediately.

"I suspect that Lou Lianxiang does not agree with Ruan Zhiyuan being a traitor. This is something we can take advantage of." Cheng Qianfan said in a deep voice, "In addition, you inform Hao Zai and inquire about Lou Lianxiang's life experience."

"life experience?"

"Lou Lianxiang is from Xiaguan, Nanjing." Cheng Qianfan sighed softly and said.

"I understand." Li Hao's face changed slightly and he nodded.

"Inform the little Taoist priest and have his second operations team on call at any time."


"Put me down at the intersection ahead." Cheng Qianfan looked out the window, snowflakes were still falling.

In the early spring of the 27th year of the Republic of China in Shanghai, the snow was unprecedentedly heavy.


"I left my briefcase in the car. You can meet me in the evening and help me take it there."

"I understand, Brother Fan."

Cheng Qianfan got off the rickshaw one block away from the location of the Super High School.

He put up his windbreaker, held a cigarette in his mouth, and stepped on the snow.

Passing a fruit stall, his pace slowed down.

A group of Japanese soldiers with the word "gendarme" on their arms were smashing the door with the butts of their rifles.

Many bullet holes can be seen on the door.

A Japanese military sergeant holds an Oriental wolfdog in his hand.

The ferocious wolfdog grinned and barked at the door.

The door was smashed open.

The sergeant let go and rushed in like a wolf dog.

The Japanese military police raised their guns, bayonets gleaming at the muzzles, and rushed in.

Bang bang bang.

There was a burst of gunfire from behind the door.

Soon, a bloody man was dragged out.

A Japanese military policeman viciously grabbed the man's head.

Cheng Qianfan's eyes narrowed.

He knew this man, he was Comrade Kang Erniu's subordinate Da Zhuang.

Da Zhuang's face was covered with blood, and he tried his best to get up from the ground.

The Japanese military police behind him tried to stop him, but when they saw the sergeant waving his hand, they let go.

Cheng Qianfan was about 20 meters away from the fruit candy. He stopped, crossed his arms, and watched with interest.

The action of getting up was too simple for a strong man. However, Da Zhuang fell several times in a row before finally getting up staggeringly.

The corners of his eyes were swollen, and he raised his head and looked around.

He looked at the Japanese soldiers around him.

It seemed that he saw ‘Inspector Xiao Cheng’ not far away.

Then he spat blood on the ground, and there should be a spitted tooth in the blood.

Cheng Qianfan was not sure whether Da Zhuang was spitting at the Japanese or at Inspector Cheng who was notorious for taking care of him.


Da Zhuang jumped forward, shouting "Long live the people" in his mouth, and directly thrust his chest towards the bayonet of the Japanese military police behind him.


A pool of hot blood suddenly flowed on the ground!

The Japanese military policeman drew his bayonet, and his strong body fell on the white snow. The bright red blood flowed along his body, like a blooming azalea.

"Oh, Chinese!" Cheng Qianfan shook his head, snorted coldly, and raised the corners of his mouth.

His gaze no longer lingered, and he moved forward, leaving a trail of footprints in the snow.

After taking two steps, the cigarette butt was thrown on the ground.

Da Zhuang died.

Cheng Qianfan took out the cigarette case from his body and took out a cigarette. His hands were trembling slightly.

The cigarette was held in his mouth and he gently turned the lighter wheel, reflecting his stern face.

He was so sad inside.

At the same time, there was a lot of confusion.

Why did Da Zhuang appear in Hongkou District?

Is that fruit shop the party's secret contact point?

How could Da Zhuang be exposed?

Does Da Zhuang’s exposure and sacrifice mean that the Shanghai Red Party is in great danger?

He had no answers to these questions.

This was completely unexpected.

He wished he could turn around and go back now, meet Comrade Dandelion immediately and report the situation.

However, he couldn't. Thirty meters in front of him was the secret location of the Super High School.

He was very sure that his appearance here now had attracted the attention of the special agents of Tekko, and Sanbonjiro would soon know of his arrival.

He could only suppress the sadness and worry in his heart and go to see Sanbonjiro according to the established arrangement.

No, to be more precise, he had to force a smile.

Sanbonjiro's office.

"Have you seen what happened at Xinsheng Fruit Store?" Sanbonjiro asked Cheng Qianfan.

"Yes, Section Chief, my subordinate happened to be passing by and saw it." Cheng Qianfan showed a smile, "Is this Chinese from the Red Party?"

"Hmm." Sanbonjiro nodded, "A little guy from the Red Party."

"The Red Party is so audacious that they are operating near the High-Tech Zone." Cheng Qianfan frowned and said unhappily, "Is that fruit shop his secret stronghold?"

"No." Sanbonjiro shook his head, "I have interrogated the shop owner. This red gangster is his new boy."

"Isn't the shop owner a red party member?" Cheng Qianfan asked in surprise.

"Probably not." Sanbonjiro seemed a little tired and yawned, "Just an ordinary Chinese."

Cheng Qianfan nodded. He did not ask about the whereabouts of the shop owner. Even if the shop owner was not a red party member, he would not be able to escape the crime of harboring a red party member. He would not be able to survive.

"Congratulations, section chief, for pulling out a nail at the door of my house." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile on his face.

"I know you don't like Wang Kangnian." Sanbonjiro suddenly said, "However, this person still has some abilities. You must not humiliate him again in the future."

"My subordinates know." Cheng Qianfan curled his lips slightly and said with an unnatural expression.

"Bag ducks down!" Sanbonjiro saw his little expression and reprimanded, "I know you look down on the Chinese people, but you still have to be more restrained when it comes to useful Chinese people."

"Yes, I understand." Cheng Qianfan quickly stood up respectfully and said respectfully.

"Tell me, why did you come to see me?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"My subordinate got a few bottles of rum and knew that the section chief has great appreciation for Western wine, so I gave them to the section chief to taste." As he said that, Cheng Qianfan put the gift box he was carrying on the table.

Sanbonjiro glanced at the gift box and his expression softened, "This is just my hobby, Miyazaki-kun is interested."

"My subordinate has been thinking about how to get close to Zheng Weilong." Cheng Qianfan continued, "After much thought, I feel that I lack the necessary understanding of Zheng Weilong."

"To get close to a person and win their favor, it is best to first understand the person's preferences and temperament." Cheng Qianfan said with a serious expression, "So, my subordinate came to see the section chief and wanted to obtain some personal information about Zheng Weilong.


"That's right." Sanbonjiro was overjoyed when he heard this, "Miyazaki-kun, I have told you a long time ago, don't always think about your business, and focus more on your work."

"Yes, that's what the section chief taught." Cheng Qianfan said quickly.

Sanbonjiro took a deep look at Cheng Qianfan, and he knew in his heart that his reprimands and persecution had an effect.

Kentaro Miyazaki is extremely proud at heart. Although he is somewhat reluctant to take on this task, since he has accepted the task, his proud heart will drive him to do his best.

"For Zheng Weilong, the person who knows him best is his assistant Ruan Zhiyuan." Sanbonjiro pondered for a moment and said, "Well, let me make arrangements. You and Ruan Zhiyuan will meet tomorrow, and I will ask him to cooperate with you."

"Ruan Zhiyuan?" Cheng Qianfan frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"Indeed, as the section chief said, Ruan Zhiyuan should be the person who knows Zheng Weilong best." Cheng Qianfan said, "However, if my subordinates meet him, Ruan Zhiyuan will know my identity."

As he spoke, he showed a hint of disdain, "Section Chief, is this Chinese man reliable?"

"Miyazaki-kun, let me remind you again." Sanbonjiro said seriously, "You are right to always be suspicious of the Chinese people, but you have to know that some Chinese people can be trusted."

"Miyazaki is stupid." Cheng Qianfan bowed slightly, showing an expression of shame.

"Ruan Zhiyuan is different from other Chinese people who were forced to seek refuge after being captured by us. This man took the initiative to seek refuge with the empire," Sanbonjiro said.

"What?" Cheng Qianfan was surprised, "Wasn't Ruan Zhiyuan captured by Mr. Araki himself? It is said that this man also assassinated Yang Fuyuan."

Sanbonjiro sneered and briefly explained Ruan Zhiyuan's various behaviors after he was captured.

Cheng Qianfan looked shocked.

He originally thought that after Ruan Zhiyuan was arrested, he could not bear the torture and committed treason, but he did not expect that the truth turned out to be like this.

"What a clown." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile, "Obviously he is greedy for life and afraid of death, but he still takes the opportunity to act in front of his own woman."

As he said that, he chuckled, "Well, if all Chinese people are such clowns, the empire will conquer China even faster."

"That's right if you think so." Sanbonjiro nodded slightly, "People like Ruan Zhiyuan are exactly what the empire needs."

"I still don't trust this person very much." Cheng Qianfan thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "He secretly informed Gu Xingyi before, but then he assassinated Yang Fuyuan. To put it bluntly, this kind of person has both ends.


Sanbonjiro had a headache. After saying so much, Miyazaki still had this attitude.

Deep down, this guy is suspicious of and looks down upon the Chinese people.

Sanbonjiro was a little irritated, "I said, Ruan Zhiyuan can be trusted for the time being. Now he has no other choice but to serve the Empire of Japan wholeheartedly."

"I understand," Cheng Qianfan said.

You know what the hell, Sanbonjiro glared at Kentaro Miyazaki. This guy's expression clearly showed that he still looked down on Ruan Zhiyuan.

However, he was too lazy to persuade again.

Fundamentally speaking, Miyazaki Kentaro's attitude towards the Chinese people was correct, and it made him feel relieved.

"Is there anything else?" Sanbonjiro said impatiently.

"Section Chief, my subordinates haven't received their salary from last month and last month yet..."

Sanbonjiro's expression changed, he glared at Kentaro Miyazaki fiercely, he opened the drawer angrily, counted out one hundred and sixty yen, and threw it on the table, "Take it."

Cheng Qianfan stepped forward, quickly took away the yen, and counted them.

"Get out!" Sanbenjiro cursed angrily and pointed in the direction of the door.

"My subordinates resign." Cheng Qianfan put the yen in his pocket and left dejectedly.

Sitting on a rickshaw.

The rickshaw shed was erected, covering the sadness on Cheng Qianfan's face.

Watching his comrades being killed by the enemy, and having to act in front of the executioner, he felt that his emotions were on the verge of collapse.

He closed his eyes.

The scene of the strong man shouting "Long live the people" appeared before his eyes, and he suddenly rushed towards the gleaming bayonet.

He was so sad inside.

At this moment, he didn't even have time to think about the information about Ruan Zhiyuan that he had learned from Sanbonjiro.

He turned the lighter wheel and the flame lit up.

Release your hand and put it out again.

Turn it again and it lights up again.

Let go and turn off again...

"Stop here." Cheng Qianfan suddenly spoke and ordered the driver.

"No need to look for it." After paying the fare, Cheng Qianfan walked straight to a grocery store on the roadside.

A moment.

Cheng Qianfan carried two bottles of rice wine and two packages of braised vegetables and walked silently on the snowy road.

He turned into an alley.

We turned into a street halfway.

After walking for about twenty minutes, I came out and turned into an alley again.

Came to the door of a bookstore.

The signboard of the bookstore reads: Guanghua Bookstore.

He looked up and didn't stop.

He carefully observed his surroundings with the corner of his eye. After confirming that he was not being followed, he moved to the back door of the bookstore.

He transferred the two bottles of wine in his right hand to his left hand, stepped forward and knocked on the door.

This is Comrade Dandelion’s secret residence.

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This chapter has been completed!
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