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Chapter 099 French Concession Political Office

 "Where are they?" Cheng Qianfan asked casually.

The snow stopped and melted.

The weather is getting colder.

He was holding a copper soup pot in his hand. It was smooth, round, small and delicate. After pouring hot water and holding it in his hand, his whole body felt warm.

Yubazi are all handmade, and the sealing and firmness are very particular. From the pouring of the blank to the welding and polishing, there are dozens of processes in total. The Yubazi made of copper water is made of hard material, very durable, and has exquisite skills.

The Tangbaozi in the hands of Inspector Cheng was extremely exquisite. It was one of the gifts given to him by a friend who flew here and there. It was actually a pair of Tangbaozi, one for him and Bai Ruolan.

It is said to be an ancestral heirloom from a wealthy family of a certain poet and painter.

At the current market price, even with Inspector Xiao Cheng’s salary of 150 yuan per month, it would take half a year without food or water to afford this pair of soup ladies. (PS2)

"According to the predetermined plan, it was arranged at stronghold No. 3." Li Hao said.

Cheng Qianfan nodded, turned over his right hand, placed the back of his right hand on Mrs. Tang to warm it, and squinted his eyes comfortably.

Stronghold No. 3 is an ordinary building located north of Traist Road and south of Yongjia Road in the French Concession.

This is a haunted house.

In the 23rd year of the Republic of China, a shooting case occurred in this house.

The media reported it extensively at the time.

"Jingbao" even gave a vivid description:

The tenant is a man surnamed Liu, who is about forty years old and quite gentle and kind.

On this day, he was sitting on a wicker chair translating and writing Russian books.

There was a man who looked like a bodyguard, sitting on a lounge chair near the door, basking in the sun comfortably.

At that time, a young man dressed as a waiter in a Western restaurant came to the door and pretended to deliver food. While talking, he suddenly approached and silently cut the bodyguard's throat with a razor blade.

He then broke into the room and shot the man surnamed Liu with a Browning rifle. All three shots hit his head. The man died on the spot.

Later, this person calmly deceived another bodyguard who had returned from an outing, killed him with a dagger, and walked away.

The forensic investigation team studied the letters found in the deceased's room and found out that the deceased was a member of the Red Party's "anyway", and determined that the person who carried out the attack was a member of the Red Party's Special Section and Red Team.

Three men died in one house, and all of them died tragically.

This house has become a well-known haunted house in Shanghai.

House prices continue to fall.

Later, the owner quietly sold the house. After that, it seemed that it changed hands several times, and now it is rented by the owner to a family with a tight budget, but cannot afford to live in a pavilion, and cannot bear the pain.

These people are very courageous and are not afraid of dangerous houses. They are afraid of poor housing and losing face.

Although four years have passed, the surrounding residents are still very wary and will try their best to avoid this place when walking at night.

For a spy organization, such a house is indeed more suitable as an activity base or safe house.

"Didn't it attract the attention of the surrounding neighbors?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"No, after the Liu Gang Oyster case, everyone said that this house is haunted and full of sinister energy. Even in broad daylight, if there is nothing urgent, try to go around it as much as possible." Li Hao said.

The three-murder case in one house was named "Liu Gang Oyster Case" by "Jing Bao", which started out as a rosy news company, because the tenant's surname was Liu, and it was said that this man ate three oysters a day and played music every night, so it was named

Its name is Liu Gang Oyster.

Cheng Qianfan nodded and rubbed Mrs. Tang with both hands.

The case of Liu Gang was recorded in the internal files of the Central Special Branch as "Eradication of traitor Liu Mouzhen 1219 Jiachen".

Liu Mouzhen is the name of a traitor.

1219 is the action date.

A, Class A archive.

Chen means Chenzhou.

Cheng Qianfan asked a few more questions and then said nothing more. The little Taoist priest was cautious and sober, so he felt more at ease.

"Is there anything new happening over there at Lou Lianxiang?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"No." Li Hao shook his head, "Lou Lianxiang has been staying in the apartment on Father Jin Road and has not gone out, but..."

"But what?"

"The little monkey went to see Lou Lianxiang's maid Ajuan." Li Hao said with a smile, "He invited Ajuan to eat live beads, but Ajuan didn't like eating them."

When Cheng Qianfan heard this, he smiled and shook his head.

Hou Pingliang is from Nanjing. He has been fond of eating live beads since he was a child. He is sharing his favorite thing with A-Juan. Unfortunately, A-Juan does not seem to appreciate it.

"Is there any trace of Ruan Zhiyuan?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"No, except for the little monkey who called Ajuan out, no one else went to Lou Lianxiang's apartment," Li Hao said.

"Does Lou Lianxiang behave in any special way?" Cheng Qianfan thought for a while and asked.

"There is no strange behavior." Li Hao said, but when he said this, he seemed a little hesitant.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"There is one place where I am not sure whether it is a strange behavior." Li Hao said, "Just this morning, Lou Lianxiang asked Ajuan to go out and buy some newspapers."

As he spoke, he scratched his head and said, "Brother Fan, because we don't know much about Lou Lianxiang's living habits, it's not clear yet whether Lou Lianxiang's buying of newspapers is a normal living habit or an unusual and strange behavior."

Cheng Qianfan frowned slightly, then nodded.

Haozi is right.

It is indeed difficult to say whether there is any problem just based on Lou Lianxiang's arrangement for Ajuan to sell newspapers.

There are very few women who read newspapers. However, Lou Lianxiang can read and write, and is a singer in a cabaret restaurant. Influenced by Western culture, it is possible that she likes to read newspapers during breakfast.

However, Cheng Qianfan vaguely remembered that Hou Pingliang once mentioned that Lou Lianxiang liked to sleep in.

It was a bit strange to ask Ajuan to come out to buy newspapers so early this time.

"Pay attention to the garbage thrown out of Lou Lianxiang's home." Cheng Qianfan said in a deep voice, "Especially these newspapers. Whenever Lou Lianxiang's home is discarded, you must find them and compare them carefully to see if there are any abnormalities."

"Understood." Li Hao nodded, "Brother Fan, don't worry, there won't be a single piece of paper missing from Lou Lianxiang's house."

No. 22, Xue Huali Road, Central Patrol Room.

As soon as Cheng Qianfan's car arrived at the patrol room, he saw the yard and the entrance to the police hall being busy.

Plainclothes Detective Zhao Shuli and Inspector Yuan Kaizhou cursed and rushed out with their men, swearing and preparing to lead the team.

"Inspector Zhao, Brother Yuan, what happened?" Cheng Qianfan stuck his head out of the back seat of the car and asked.

"Something happened in Xianshui, Xi'an." Yuan Kaizhou said in a low voice with a sullen face, "There was a murder in Marshal Hao's house, so shots were fired."

"Who did it?" Cheng Qianfan's face changed slightly, "Isn't it Jiang Mulezi again?"

Yuan Kaizhou frowned slightly, then rolled his eyes and said, "I can't tell, let's go to the scene and see first."

He had not originally thought about Jiang Mulezi, but Cheng Qianfan's words reminded him that if the case was in danger or could not be found out, it was Jiang Mulezi who did it.

As a man who has contracted many vicious cases in Shanghai, Jiang Mulezi is qualified to take on this major and important case.

Cardinal Zhao also smiled and nodded to Inspector Xiao Cheng, then led the team away.

Cheng Qianfan was lost in thought.

Marshal Hao is everyone's secret nickname.

This man was an old-school Beiyang warlord and one of the powerful men under Sun Chuanfang, the direct warlord. Although he had already left the country and became an apartment house, he still had some influence in Shanghai.

In addition, there is an extremely critical point. The case occurred in the Hao Mansion on Xian Road in West Aixin. This street is full of celebrities. The murder case has a bad impact.

In the French Concession, there are several streets that are key protection areas for patrol houses.

The concession authorities classify these key protected areas as Class A residential areas and Class B residential areas.

Especially within the jurisdiction of Fuxi, there are many Grade A and Grade B residential areas, and most of the residences of the Kuomintang dignitaries are concentrated here.

Among them is the Chang Kaishen Mansion at No. 9, Jiaer Aihai Road.

No. 110 Qiqi Road is Mrs. Chang’s private residence.

No. 145 Qiqi Road is the residence of Song Guojiu.

Nos. 381-383 West Aixam Road is the residence of President Kong.

There is Wang Reclamation Mansion on Lado Road and Fulili Road.

No. 10 Baojian Road is the Chen Qun Mansion and so on.

Every time a shooting or homicide occurs in these Class A and Class B residential areas, it will cause shock to the patrol house and even the concession authorities.

One day in the early summer of the 23rd year of the Republic of China, around the time of breakfast in the morning, the Political Office of the French Concession Patrol Office received a report from the agent on duty at the Kong Mansion on Aisi Road, Xixian: gunshots were heard from the Kong Mansion, followed by a gunshot.

A car transported an injured person away.

Later, the Political Department called Kong Mansion back to inquire further, but Kong Mansion ignored him.

So the General Bureau of Patrol and Housing sent Xi Neng, the squad leader of the Political Division, and Xiu Gongshen, the translator, to lead a team to the Kong Mansion to investigate.

However, President Kong's son Kong Lingkan led people to guard the door and prevented people from the Political Department from entering.

Later, Xiu Gongshen asked the five uniformed police officers on duty outside the door and learned that the driver of the car transported out of the Kong Mansion had been shot to death.

Because it was a matter of human life, Xiu Gongshen immediately called the Patrol Bureau to ask for instructions and report.

The General Bureau of Patrol Housing immediately sent two armored vehicles and more than 30 patrol reinforcements to surround the Kong Mansion.

Xiu Gongshen sounded stern and asked Kong Lingkan to open the door within ten minutes. He also issued a formal notice warning Kong Lingkan: "It involves a legal murder case. If you do not comply, you will use force to enter. You will be responsible for all consequences."

In this way, Kong Lingkan had no choice but to open the door.

After the investigation, it was found that the deceased was the driver of Kong Mansion's car, and the murderer was the young bodyguard of Kong Mansion. The two of them were suspected of having an affair with Miss Kong Er.

The two started fighting out of jealousy, and the bodyguard killed the driver with a pistol. At this time, the body had been secretly transported to the Kong family villa.

Xiu Gongshen led the team and seized warheads, pistols and other physical evidence at the scene, and forced the bodyguards of the Kong Mansion to sign and sign as evidence.

Later, he personally led a team to the Kong family's suburban villa on Hongqiao Road, took photos of the body and the blood-stained car, and then transported the body to the Terracotta Road Police Hospital's cold storage for storage, pending forensic examination.

A few days later, President Kong sent a trusted secretary of the Central Bank to negotiate with the French Concession authorities to settle the case. At this time, Xiu Gongshen decisively came forward to help both parties find a way to resolve the matter:

To save the face of the Kong family, the patrol office did not announce the situation.

The Kong family provided financial support to the family members of the deceased, amounting to approximately 25,000 silver dollars.

The murderer was dealt with by the Shanghai Second Special Administrative Region Court. He was found guilty of negligent death and sentenced to five years in prison.

It was this incident that made Xi Neng, the leader of the investigation team of the Political Department, as well as senior officials of the Political Department of the French Concession, and even the senior officials of the French Concession realize and recognize Xiu Gongshen’s ability:

In the early days, this person was neither humble nor arrogant when facing important officials of the National Government. He always put the laws and interests of the concession first, which made the rebellious young master of the Kong family have to bow his head.

He also handles things cautiously, methodically, has laws to follow, and must abide by the laws, making it difficult for people to find fault.

In the later stage, Xiu Gongshen was flexible and worked on both sides so that both parties could solve the problem satisfactorily.

To be precise, all three parties were very satisfied, and the family of the deceased secretly thanked him, saying that Xiu Translator helped the deceased seek justice.

Xiu Gongshen later specifically told Cheng Qianfan about this matter, not only because the elders wanted to show off to the younger generation, but also because the matter was actually extremely difficult to handle. However, Xiu Gongshen himself handled it extremely well, even to the point of being

Call it perfect.

He almost offended the Confucian master, but it is said that the rebellious Confucian master later gave a thumbs up and praised the work of the Translation Association.

Even Dean Kong is said to have personally called Xiu Gongshen to express his condolences.

The French Concession authorities were very satisfied with the handling of this matter. They believed that Xiu Gongshen had good abilities and had many connections in the government, and they highly recognized him.

Xiu Gongshen used his most famous work to teach Cheng Qianfan that if you want to gain a foothold in the French Concession and Shanghai Bund, you must be able to use your brain and deal with things flexibly, but at the same time, you must firm up one principle. No matter which side you prefer, you will always be

You must abide by the principles and never make people think that you are riding a wall. This is a principle that is flexible but does not lose the bottom line.

Cheng Qianfan stood next to the car. He lit a cigarette, took a puff, and then held the cigarette in his mouth. He held Mrs. Tang in his hand and pretended to be interested in watching the people cleaning the snow in the yard.

About a few minutes later, Zhou Ru passed by the door of the patrol room carrying a small Kun bag.

Cheng Qianfan noticed that Zhou Ru's satchel was on her right shoulder today.

This was a signal that the Chongqing government had secretly contacted the French Concession authorities and the Political Office to begin the rescue of Zheng Weilong.

He spit out the cigarette in his mouth on the ground, held Tang Pozi in his hands, greeted the police officers with compliments and chats, and entered the arresting hall after greeting everyone.

"Little monkey, go and change the boiled water for me." Cheng Qianfan handed Mrs. Tang to Hou Pingliang.

"Be careful, little monkey, you can't afford to pay for it if it's damaged." Lu Jiufan said jokingly.

The little monkey chuckled, but he did not dare to be careless and took it carefully. It is said that this Tangbaozi is an ancient object. If it is broken, the little monkey cannot afford to pay for it.

Cheng Qianfan did not enter the office directly. He was chatting with his subordinates in the arresting hall.

This is a way for him to obtain information. These subordinates of his have many contacts with each other, and sometimes a casual remark contains information or business opportunities.

Afterwards, he entered his office, locked his briefcase in the safe, and carried a bottle of red wine to the office of the Political Division on the second floor.

"My friend, you took the red wine you stole from me as a gift to me?" Peter showed an expression of surprise and then contempt, spread his hands, and said angrily.

"No, no, no." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, "Peter, how can we use the word 'steal' in our friendship?"

"Do you think you are Kong Yiji?" Peter glanced at Cheng Qianfan and said sarcastically, "Kong Yiji is 'stealing books is not considered stealing'. What is your reason? Stealing wine by drinking friends is not considered stealing?"

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