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Chapter 129 A little plan

 The torture room of the Central Patrol Room.

Hou Pingliang snorted coldly and grabbed the hair of the dancer he had injured.

"Luo Mingyang?" he asked fiercely.

The other person seemed to be frightened and nodded vigorously.

"Tell me, where is your boss Jiang Mulezi?" Hou Pingliang asked with a gloomy face.

Luo Mingyang's body was shaking because of fear or pain. He tried his best to put on an ugly and flattering smile, "Officer, I, I don't know any ginger mule."

After saying that, he trembled and shut up, daring not to speak anymore.

"Monkey." Hao Zai stood at the window and peered inside.

Hou Pingliang grabbed Luo Mingyang's hair and banged it against the wooden frame twice before he stopped.

He casually took a towel and wiped the blood on his hands before leaving the torture room.

"Are you ready?" Hao Zai glanced in the direction of the torture chamber and asked.

"Two of them have already recruited, and the others are still holding on." Hou Pingliang took the cigarette from Hao Zai, lit it with a match, and said dullly.

Hao Zai immediately understood what Hou Pingliang was talking about about the two people who confessed.

"The key point is to find out the whereabouts on the 11th and 12th of last month." Hao Zai said.

"Brother Hao, is the news reliable?" Hou Pingliang asked as he blew out a stream of smoke from his nose.

"Who knows." Hao Zai smiled bitterly, "This old bastard Jiang Mule is getting more and more courageous, and he's already pissed off."

As he said that, he pointed to the sky, "Now, any news about Jiang Mule, regardless of whether it is true or false, check it first before talking about it."

"This old guy." Hou Pingliang threw away the cigarette, kicked it up, and crushed it hard. Then he took out his cigarette holder and toasted the cigarette to Hao Zi. "He's getting more and more arrogant."

Just last week, Chief Superintendent Ferguson's personal chef was violently robbed. As soon as the chef came out of the toilet, he was attacked from behind and knocked unconscious. His belongings were looted and he was stripped naked.

Later, the unlucky chef returned home to find that his home had also been ransacked.

The case occurred in Liang Yuchun's jurisdiction. After careful investigation, Liang Yuchun determined that the murderer first attacked the chef, then took the keys from the chef's body, openly opened the door to the house, and carried out the robbery.

In the end, Liang Yuchun determined that the case was committed by the Jiang Mulezi gang.

It is said that the cook's beautiful wife cried to Chief Superintendent Ferguson.

This incident made the Chief Superintendent of the Patrol Room, Mr. Ferguson, furious and ordered the Patrol Room to arrest and bring the Jiang Mule gang to justice within a one-month deadline.

For the patrol room, arresting the Jiang Mule gang is one of the most important events at the moment.

To use the words of Deputy Chief Inspector Cheng Qianfan at the mobilization meeting, "With the capture of Jiang Mulezi, nine percent of the unsolved major cases in the Central Patrol Room will be successfully solved, and the Central District will realize a world in which 100 percent of criminal cases are solved."


While the two were smoking and talking, in the yard not far away, Deputy Chief Inspector Cheng Qianfan came out for a walk, or to be precise, he walked his dog.

Vice President Cheng is holding a German black-backed wolfhound in his hand. This dog is in excellent condition and walks majestically. Especially its eyes, which look eerie and creepy when looking at people.

It is said that this dog was a gift from Lieutenant Pitt's wife Linda to Cheng Qianfan, who was then Inspector Xiao Cheng, after he recovered from his injury and was discharged from the hospital. She thanked him for rescuing Lieutenant Pitt in time.

Deputy Inspector Cheng was very fond of this dog and asked Mr. Huang from the medical office who was said to have experience in raising dogs to take care of the dog's daily life.

The two of them saluted and said hello to Cheng Qianfan.

Deputy Inspector Cheng, who was wearing sunglasses, nodded slightly and led the big wolf dog past. Deputy Inspector Cheng's riding boots made a clicking sound on the ground. The ferocious wolf dog dragged a mop-like tail and walked slowly.

Swallowed, he glanced this way, his gaze was indeed scary.

"If it doesn't work, find a few people who are not afraid of death to take over." Hou Pingliang said.

The reason why there are still 9% of the cases that have not been solved is because the crimes committed by Jiang Mulezi are extremely heinous, and the possibility of being shot is extremely high, and no one dares to take the blame.

"It's useless." Hao Zai shook his head and sneered, "Almost half of the unsolved cases in Shanghai were committed by Jiang Mule. Once Jiang Mule is 'caught', it will definitely cause a sensation, and reporters will flock here.

It’s too difficult to fake.”

Hou Pingliang threw away the cigarette angrily, "I'm going to interrogate you. Brother Hao, are you coming over?"

"I'll go over and take a look later." Hao Zai nodded, "You go first."

Looking at Hou Pingliang's leaving figure, Hao Zai shook his head.

There is no shortage of people working for money in Shanghai. Why has no patrol arranged for these heroes who have lost their lives to take over Jiang Mule's case? Because everyone in the patrol room knows that we need such a person who has taken on the big cases in Shanghai.

Rough bandit!

The six suspects brought back from the dance hall were severely tortured in the torture room. In the end, all six of them failed to survive the torture and confessed that they were Jiang Mulezi's accomplices.

However, the six people only admitted that they were deceived and did not know that the other party was Jiang Mulezi.

This ‘other party’, as described by the six people, has a very confusing image:

Some say he is a man in his forties with a beard and a Wenzhou accent.

Some say he is a man in his forties with a Huzhou accent who wears a melon skin hat, has no beard, and is slightly hunched over.

Some people say that he is a man in his forties who is wearing a robe and a mandarin jacket and carrying a civilized stick in his hand. He looks quite wealthy, but his accent is Wuxi dialect.

This gave Deputy Chief Inspector Cheng Qianfan a headache.

"The beard can be a fake beard, a civilized stick, or a melon-skin hat, which can be changed at any time." Hao Zai reported, "The common denominator now is that he is about 40 years old and has a Jiangnan accent."

"This is very similar to the situation we have." Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly.

He looked at Hou Pingliang, "Well done for capturing six members who were coerced by the Jiang Mulezi gang."

"It's all because of Brother Fan's good leadership." Hou Pingliang said, although it was a compliment, but there was no smile on the little monkey's face. Ever since Ajuan's tragic death, the little monkey seemed to have lost his smile and became like this.

"Brother Fan, these people..." Hao Zai asked.

"Old rules." Cheng Qianfan said calmly, "God has good intentions, and these people have been deceived, coerced, and led astray. We can neither let a bad person go, nor beat him to death with a stick."

He sat on the office chair and took out a cigarette.

Hao Zai quickly stepped forward to light a cigarette.

Cheng Qianfan took a gentle breath and continued, "Jiang Mulezi turned them into villains, who are we? We are law enforcement agencies, and we are the ones who want to restore peace and prosperity to the citizens. We not only want to hunt down the bad guys, but also bring justice to those who mistakenly

A chance for a person who has gone astray to start a new life."

"I understand." Hao Zai and Hou Pingliang nodded.

"Little monkey, you have to do this. Suspects who have a strong willingness to reform and are sincere enough can be given priority opportunities as appropriate." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile.

"Yes!" Hou Pingliang saluted and said.

"Go." Cheng Qianfan waved his hand, "Haozi stays."

"Tell me, what's the specific situation?" Cheng Qianfan threw a cigarette to Hao Zai and asked.

It is inevitable that these 'suspects' will admit their relationship with the Jiang Mulezi gang.

Those who have no problem will inevitably confess if they cannot stand the torture in the patrol room.

If there is a problem, to avoid leaking one's true identity, one will naturally follow the police's guidance and confess.

Yes, during the interrogation process, Hou Pingliang will follow Hao Zai's instructions to induce him. Characters such as wearing a melon cap, a civilized stick, and a beard are all part of the confession script that has been predetermined.

The key point is that when questioning and confirming the confession, intersperse inquiries about the whereabouts on the 12th and 13th of last month.

To be more specific, it is the whereabouts on the 12th of last month.

"There is a problem with Chang Shenyi's confession. He lied." Hao Zai said, "According to his confession, he was at home for most of the 12th, went to Chunfeng Deyi Building to have tea and listen to a play in the afternoon, and went to the ballroom to dance in the evening."

Chang Shenyi was one of the two people Qiao Chun carefully selected from those who had consulted with the mysterious Dr. Mao.

"In fact, he went to the police hospital in the morning and secretly met with the doctor." Cheng Qianfan said.

"Yes." Hao Zai nodded.

A smile appeared on Cheng Qianfan's lips. This was the purpose of arranging this operation.

The target of this operation was Chang Shenyi, and more specifically, to interrogate his whereabouts on the 12th of last month.

This person obviously deliberately lied and concealed his whereabouts when he went to the police hospital that day.

Concealing his whereabouts is not too strange in itself.

There may be some indescribable reasons why people will subconsciously lie when faced with inquiries.

But this is an interrogation.

In the face of being whipped and tortured by the patrol room, he had the courage to admit that he was an accomplice of Jiang Mule, but he still covered up his whereabouts when he went to the police hospital to meet the mysterious doctor. This speaks volumes.

The purpose of this operation is not to dig out clues about the mysterious doctor in the police hospital from Chang Shenyi. That would only alert the enemy.

Its purpose is just to confirm and further prove that there is something wrong with Dr. Mao from the police hospital!

And this method of determination, hidden in the arrest of Jiang Mulezi's accomplices and countless interrogations and confessions, is not eye-catching.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, this operation is more like a patrol unit arresting people indiscriminately, trying to blackmail citizens and obtain redemption fees.

"Is there any problem with this Luo Mingyang?" Cheng Qianfan looked through the file and pointed to a name and asked.

"This person." Hao Zai said thoughtfully, "My subordinates observed the interrogation, and I felt that this person was a little unclear."

"Tell me more specifically." Cheng Qianfan became interested.

"This person feels like a red party member to me." Hao Zai thought for a while and said.

Cheng Qianfan looked slightly excited, "Oh?"

"However, it's not quite the same in some aspects." Hao Zai continued.

"Huh?" Cheng Qianfan's smile faded and he frowned.

The suspect who suffered severe torture was confirmed to be a 'coerced' person.

The kind-hearted Deputy Chief Inspector Cheng Qianfan showed mercy and allowed the family to visit and ask a doctor for treatment. However, the famous expert in the patrol room, Lao Huang, had superb medical skills and the consultation fee was quite high. For example, just a simple disinfection and bandaging of the wound would be enough.

The consultation fee is fifty-five yuan. If more painkillers are prescribed, an additional one hundred yuan will be required.

"What's going on?" A pretty young woman came to visit Chang Shenyi in prison.

The woman spent enough money to get the opportunity to meet and talk to the prisoner alone.

"It's an unreasonable disaster." Chang Shenyi said with a wry smile.

"What do you mean?" the woman asked.

"The patrol office went to the dance hall to arrest people. They said they wanted to arrest Jiang Mulezi's accomplices, so they brought me in." Chang Shenyi said, with anger and contempt in his eyes.


"They said they were arresting Jiang Mulezi's accomplices. I suspect they were arresting people indiscriminately and extorting money in this name." Chang Shenyi lowered his voice and said, "Even during the interrogation, the confessions were induced by patrol officers."

As he said this, he showed a proud look, "I saw through this little scheme at a glance. I pretended that I couldn't stand the torture and admitted that I was deceived and coerced by Jiang Mulezi."

"Why are you arrested?" the woman asked.

"Maybe it's because I'm well-dressed and look like a rich man," Chang Shenyi said helplessly.

"Didn't I tell you to keep a low profile recently? You shouldn't have gone to the dance club!" the woman said with a gloomy face.

Chang Shenyi fell silent.

"Are you sure there is no problem?" the woman asked again.

"Absolutely no problem." Chang Shenyi immediately said decisively, and he sneered, "The person who arrested me was the third patrol of the central police station. They all said that Cheng Qianfan was greedy for money, lustful, and blackmailed the citizens. I saw it this time."

"Don't mess around." The woman lowered her voice and warned, "This person has always been close to the empire."

"I know." Chang Shenyi nodded, "Find a way to get me out quickly."

"The money you paid to redeem you." The woman glanced at Chang Shenyi and said softly, "Half of it will be deducted from your allowance."

Chang Shenyi's expression changed, he lowered his voice and gritted his teeth, "This is not fair."

"You were arrested by the patrol for your own reasons. This is your punishment. This is the order of Team Leader Eguchi." The woman said, then she showed a worried and aggrieved look on her face, and tears fell down. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "I

I'll raise money when I get back and redeem you as soon as possible."

After the woman left in tears, Chang Shenyi became more and more angry in the prison and beat the wall hard.

"Bag Ya Luo! Damn Cheng Qianfan, damn Eguchi Hideya!" He cursed in his heart.

In the deputy chief inspector's office, Cheng Qianfan received the report.

"Brother Fan, a woman just went to visit Chang Shenyi in prison." Hao Zai said.

"What is the relationship between this woman and Chang Shenyi?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"The woman said she was Chang Shenyi's wife." Hao Zai said.

"Where's the signature sheet?" Cheng Qianfan thought for a moment and suddenly said.

"I'll get it right away." Hao Zai was stunned and said quickly.

Soon, Hao Zai got the signature form for the prison visit.

Cheng Qianfan found Chang Shenyi's name and looked carefully.

The woman's name is Qiu Xing, a very common name.

The woman wrote ‘wife’ in the column of her relationship with the suspect.

Cheng Qianfan's eyes rested on the three words "Chang Shenyi" written by the woman.

"This woman is not Chang Shenyi's wife." Cheng Qianfan shook his head and said.

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